Unlimited Adventures in Films and TV series Chapter 307: In the car with Li Jianxuan
**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b** s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**一**Wu**Qi**zhe**zhuan**(body shēn)**look* ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************** **To **me** this **fake **boyfriend**friend **moved**hearted**.
**”******&**n**b* *s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n **b**s**p**;**enter**see**xuan**like**is **being **said** in **heart**,** Cheeks are rosy and moist (Jiaojiāo) **shy** said: ** "**You** don't **said**.
**"** she ** just ** just ** but ** no** ** thinks ** to ** in a ** dream ** happened ** ** A **scene**scene**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**don't**know**know**who** said **had**, **shy** with **timid **female** The most ** is ** moving ** people **.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**Wu**Qi**zhe**lowered**head**gazing**looking**at**eyes**front**double**cheek**slightly** The **beautiful****woman** of the red **, **only **seeing** entering **seeing **xuan** this **time **already **is* *A** a pair of **attractive **reverie**** **like**, **beautiful**** **eyes** glowing ** **Crystal **ying** **water**light**, **because** is **face**red**heartbeat** **tensed**tense** (love qíng )**thread**, **also **n** a** a** a ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **, ** in ** pink ** tender* *The **mouth** corners **moist**** **a********.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**watching**looking**in**seeing** Xuan**soft**beautiful**like **silk**satin** **long** Send **, ** Wu ** Qi ** Zhe ** endure ** ** no ** no more ** This ** unlimited ** wind ** (love qíng)**, ** (love qíng) **no** from **(ban jìn)** **walking** to **she**(body shēn)**side**, **light **pick**** **Grab **hold** her **tender**white**like **jade**'s **small **hand**, **another **hand** Then **like **her** **cheek**probing**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**enter**jian**xuan** was **scared** by **Wu**Qi**zhe**bold****movement** **a**jump**, **shake**hand**break**off**Wu**qi**zhe**'s **hand**palm**, **yu**head* *to the back of **a **a**, ** and ** is ** angry** ** and ** is ** nervous ** nervous ** said **: ** "** you **What **for**?**”***** *&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p **;**&**n**b**s**p**;**Wu**Qi**zhe**le**can't**can**support****hey** hey **smile** said **: **"** did not do ** what ** ah**, ** I ** not ** is ** your ** ** male* Are *friends**friends**? **Is it **very **normal** with **you** close **a little **not**? **Also** it's **you** then **quickly** you will **cross the ** river** and demolish the ** bridge**.
**" ** said ** finished** and ** looked ** with a ** depressed** ** ** looking at ** enter ** see ** Xuan **.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**enter**see**xuan**listen**wu**qi**zhe**this **what **said**, **shy** angry** Dao **: ** "** what ** what ** and ** what ** what ** **, ** I ** just ** just ** was ** ** occupied** by ** you ** * *Then** so **big** cheap**cheap**I **haven't found **you** to calculate **account**, **you** will pay ** **Come** to say that **my** is **not****.
**" **she ** means ** ** is ** being ** ** the other side ** suddenly ** kisses ** ** (love qíng )**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**Wu**Qi**zhe**no**in **funny**enter**see **xuan**, **zheng**jing**eight** Hundred **'s ** said ** said **: ** "** just ** just ** not ** is ** for ** to let ** that ** male ** * *Don't ** come again ** entangle ** you**, ** so ** use ** acting ** play ** acting ** full ** (set tào) **, ** do **'s ** more** ((force bī) bī) ** Really ** some ** some **? ** You ** now ** in ** to ** still ** buried** Complaining ** since ** I ** came **.
**”******&**n**b* *s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n **b**s**p**;**enter**see **xuan** angry **qi** said: **"**how **what**, **was ** You **accounted for** the **cheap****, **I** also ** said **no**got **ah**.
**”******&**n**b* *s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n **b**s**p**;**"**no**has**, **just** just **playing** a**joke**Look at **you** seriously**.
**"** Wu ** Qi ** Zhe ** laughed** said: ** "** want ** not ** this**, ** I ** please** You **eat** dinner**, ** just ** as a ** thing ** for ** I ** just ** just ** just ** (love qíng)* *, **Apologize to **you**, **how **how**? **”******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**enter**see **xuan**face** with a **difficult** color** ** said ** said **: ** "** this** Not so good**.
**" **she** is **thinking** to the point where **she** **can't** eat **human **food** at all. Things **, **necessary** to **go ** for **difficult ** own **? *just**is**then**so **spear**shield**, **just**just**Wu**Qi**zhe**to **she**a **pair**mo **does not care about **heart**'s **like**, **makes **her **heart **not **comfortable**, **now** In **invite** to invite **her** to **to have **dinner** together, **she** and **feeling **very **difficult* *.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**Wu**Qi**zhe**wei**wei**a**smile**, **asked** said**: **"**no** Is it **convenient****? **If **if **has **what **what **s********, **also **not** use* *reluctantly**, **a**sentence**, **go** or **no**go**?”******&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n* *b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**" **I** is ** afraid** that you ** go home ** late**, ** ** girlfriend ** friend ** lock ** you ** in ** **Outside the door!**" **In** see **Xuan** hesitant** ** a ** **, ** it seems like ** ** ** *Very **big** **determined****like ****, ** said ** said: ** "**Okay**, **reluctantly** **Promise**yes** You are **good**.
**”******&**n**b* *s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n **b**s**p**;**one**mentioned** to **girl**friend**friend**, **Wu**qi**zhe**first**first** If you want to get to the ** ** ** **, ** into ** see ** Xuan ** should ** should ** have seen ** ** ** ** ** ** **, ** her* *said **would** be **profit**world**? **, **heard **meet **the **woman ** before ** agreed ** to ** own ** ** invitation **, ** Heart **thinking** living **pan**, **smiling** squinting** squinting** said ** to ** her **: ** "** that ** good**! **We ** we ** go to ** find ** a ** restaurant ** restaurant **, ** eat ** and ** chat **.
**”******&**n**b* *s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n **b**s**p**;**he ** said ** and then ** walked towards the ** car ** on the side of ** own ** road ** ** Go to **, ** enter ** see ** Xuan ** see ** status ** Tight ** Follow ** after ** Wu ** Qi ** Zhe ** (body shēn) ** *, **not **sometimes **observing****next **the **party**, **she** just **just** mentioned **the **the **party** woman **The **things**(love qíng)** of **friends**friends**, **not **not** are **real** **know **know **God **generation** The **relationship** between Li **shi** and **he** is **only** is **speaking **a **ask**, ** or ** *A** a **simple**** **test****, **she** has no **so** big** **brain** hole **Can **associate **think** to **喰** kind** to be a **human** type** **girl**friend**friend**, **especially** This **person** is still **a** a **search **officer**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**; **not** to **10**m** **distance**, **a few **steps** road** to ** **.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;** "**Beautiful **beautiful **maiden**, **please **get in the **car**.
**"** Wu ** Qi ** Zhe ** opened ** open the ** car ** door **, ** made ** a** an ** invitation ** **posture**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;** "**Look** not** come out ** ** ** **, ** you ** also** (very tǐng) ** have ** money** **.
**"** looked at** the ** Mercedes Benz** car ** car ** logo **, ** entered ** saw ** Xuan ** so ** made ** ** surprised** Surprised **said**, **waist** limbs **light **swing**, **bend** (body shēn) **sitting** entering** **co-**pilot** *.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**Wu**Qi**zhe**closed**on the **car**door**feeling**smile**said**: **"** How **how**like**, **my** conditions** are not **bad**, **also **can** can **give* *You **want** the **life**.
**”******&**n**b* *s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n **b**s**p**;**enter**see**xuan**white**la**one**eye**Wu**qi**zhe**, **no** Then **speak**, **che**zi** what **what****, **she** is **not **interested****,* **The amount of ** is ** a** a ** ** step ** tool **, ** to ** in the ** car ** child ** **Master**person**!**I want to go to**this****, **she **slightly **wei** has some **cheeks** **hot**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**Wu **Qi**Zhe** sit** in the **driving**driving** position**, **start **move **car **car** , **driving**car**planning**going**to**he**and**An**pu**Qing**zi**** often**going* **One **Western **restaurant**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**; **in the **car** there is a **light **light** **sweet** incense**, **like **is** A **hybrid**body** of **lily** and **rose****, **long-lasting** and **intense**, **sweet* *Human**heart**spleen**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**"**See **xuan**, **you** (body shēn)** do you have a **spray **perfume**water** on your body** ?**" ** Wu ** Qi ** Zhe ** forbearance ** can't stop ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** sucking** a few ** mouth**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**"**You are **concentrating on **driving**.
**" **enter **see **xuan** anger** to **, ** and ** not ** have ** angry**, ** just ** is** The **small**movement**of the other party** made **her **heart** feel **feeling **weird** not **good **meaning** *of**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**(love qíng)**not**self**(forbidden jìn)****, **enter** see**xuan**ear**root** Just **climbed** up**** a **layer **red**halo**, **slow**slow** spread** to **neck**neck**,* *Because **skin**skin is too **excessive** to be **white**tender**, **so** this **layer** is like **( Spring (chūn) **day**peach**flower**like**pink**color**extraordinarily **eye-catching**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**This **sweet**scent** is not **not** what **what** the **smell** taste of fragrance** water** , ** and ** is ** her ** (body shēn) ** the ** body ** scent**, ** was sniffed by ** a ** man ** ** *sucks**, **really** is **shame** dead** people**! ******&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**;**Of course** this **premise** is **definitely** is **cannot** can't say **said** **, **forget****, **just** let **he** think of it as **perfume **water **good**, **no* **come **from ****, **heart**** and ** is ** a ** burst of ** ** joy**, ** in ** reality ** ** **self**, **to**he**also**not**is**a**a little**attractive**attract**all**no**y** Woolen cloth**! ******&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**;**Wu **Qi**zhe** laughed** did not say ** words**, ** but ** eyes ** light ** but ** no** Shi **you**walk** is on the **(body shēn)**section** of **enter**jian**xuan**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**enter**see**xuan**stares****Wu**qi**zhe**a**eye**, **hatred** said** :** "**Hey**, **what are you looking at**?**"**** **&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p** ;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**Wu**qi**zhe**laugh* **Dao**: **"**Look at **you**.
**" ** said ** while**, ** continued ** with ** more ** wanton** ** eyes** ** watching** **see**xuan**, **goose**egg** shaped**face**pang**,**eyebrows**ruo**willow**ye**, **yao* *nose**slight**(very tǐng)**, **fascinating**********red****lips**, **a**pair of**black**color****** **child**clear**clear** and **hazy**hazy**, **let **people** see** **heart**shen **can't help** **shaking**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**in**seeing**xuan**white**and**the other party**a**eye**casting**eye**light** Go to the **window**out**, **not**************************************************************************************************************************************************************** *no **scary****, **black**color**show hair**flying with the wind**, **neck**neck**white** fair **slim **soft**, **(tǐng) **pulled** **upper****, **flat**flat** **abdomen**small** Liu **waist** is very **slender**, and the most **attractive**** is **she** that **a pair of**wear* **(meat ròu)**s**silk****beautiful**leg**, **very****** **long****, **snow** white **, ** on ** that ** pair of ** legs** ** look ** not ** to ** any ** superfluous ** ** ** (meat ròu )**, **proportion** and **matching** are **very **perfect****, **the **bending **curved** is **long* The ** of the **leg** and **pelvis**bone** formed** a** a** a ** beautiful** ** arc** line **.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**other **other**place**Fang**Wu**Qi**zhe**good**not**dare**to say**,** But **if**if**single**on **(body shēn)**material**, **and **that **face**, **enter** see ** Xuan* **Can be called **perfect**** a **woman****! **(body shēn)** material** devil** ghost**, ** appearance ** appearance ** absolutely ** beautiful**, ** temperament ** quality ** outstanding**, ** It's just **straight** it's the **absolute **beautiful** in the eyes of **male** people**, **thinking about it* In the *animation**animation**, the **fang**yi** (body shēn) **black**color****skin****, **then** will be ** **What **what **people** it is! **? **Wu**Qi**Zhe**zheng**looks ** into **god**, **suddenly** listens** enters ** sees ** Xuan ** said **: ** “**Am I**pretty****?**”******&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b** s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**Wu**Qi**Zhe**didn't**expect**to**she**will* *suddenly** this **what **ask**, **but **but **immediately** just **react **react** come over**, **face **on** with ** with ** with ** with ** a ** ** ** infatuation **, ** praise ** said **: ** "** very ** beautiful** On**.
**”******&**n**b* *s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n **b**s**p**;**enter**see**xuan**turn**turn**over**head**look at**Wu**qi**zhe**,** Naughty **pi** asked ** and said: ** "** in the ** woman ** person ** you ** knew ** in **, ** me* **Is it **the most **pretty****? **”******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**"**This ** is still **really **not** good** said **hey**! **"** Wu ** Qi ** Zhe ** watched ** enter ** see ** Xuan ** slightly ** changed ** complexion **, ** follow** That is, **a**face**ambiguous**: **"**but **but **want to say **this **time **every **moment**, **most* *The **woman** who *attracts** me** is **absolutely** you.
**”******&**n**b* *s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n **b**s**p**;**enter**see**xuan**eyebrow**tip**belt**pretty~IndoMTL.com~red**lip**hook**up** Fascinated **people**smiling**meaning**, **dream** **male **person** let **her** a **heart**, **(love qíng)**no**since **(ban jìn)**'s **pan** has **rippling**ripples**.
******&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**Please **big**family**more**more**support**support**, **please **subscribe**, **please** **recommend**vote**, **seek **reward**, **please **collect **collect**, **please **book **review**, **thank you* *Thanks **big **family**, **latest**book**friend**group**: **6**2**2**0**8**8**9 **8**, **finally** said **sentence **feeling** **, **subscribe** **really **good **poor ** , **Come and subscribe** to subscribe to the ** genuine ** version ** really ** is ** so ** difficult **? **