Overgeared Chapter 36:

Chapter 36

As soon as I opened my eyes the next morning, I connected to Satisfy and headed into the smithy .  Khan was waiting for me and I immediately complained to him .

“Why did you leave such a task to a stranger like Huroi? Am I worse than him? Huh? You shouldve left it to me!

Khan looked like he didnt know what I was talking about, before making a belated expression of understanding .  “Are you talking about the mission to tell Earl Steim about Winston?


Huhu, Khan gave a hearty laugh and explained .

“You are definitely a great young man . Despite your young age, you have great abilities and a sense of justice and sacrifice…


What was he saying?

“Arent you willing to take a big risk for the residents of Winston that you have no ties with? 

Eh? That wasnt what I intended…

“You dont have to say anything . You are too modest .


Khan misjudged me and turned me into an incredibly good guy! I had nothing to say, then Khan placed a hand on my shoulder .

“I know that you are worried for Winstons residents, but how can I put you at risk? You are already precious to me, just like a son . I cant ask you to do something so dangerous .

Khans eyes were warm .

“The Mero Company knows that you are close to me, so there will be a thorough surveillance . The Mero Company wont stay still if they see you make any movements to leave Winston . I wont be able to stand the grief if you get hurt by them .

Khan sincerely cherished me . My heart thumped . I felt bad for misunderstanding Khan .

“Khan… I didnt know your heart and thought you didnt trust me .

“How can that be? I trust you more than anyone else . Isnt that why Im leaving the fate of the smithy to you?

I listened to him . I had no reason to doubt Khan in the first place .  I felt ashamed while Khan spoke in a spirited tone, “You have to focus on the game! Show the Mero Company!

The date is decided?

“That’s right . It is in two days . We have to hone your skills! Lets surprise everyone by polishing the legendary blacksmith skills that you have inherited!

Okay! My motivation shot upwards .

“I understand . I will win the game!

“Good spirit! I might not have the techniques but the experience Ive accumulated in my life will be a great help to you! I will do my best to help!

From that day on, Khan and I raised my training .  I repeated the production techniques, causing my skills to become more proficient and polished . I thoroughly learned about efficient movements and reduced any unnecessary movements .

My probability of making rare and epic items increased slightly .

[A rare rated item was produced, so all stats have permanently risen by +2 and reputation throughout the continent has risen by +30 .

[An epic rated item was produced, so all stats have permanently risen by +4 and reputation throughout the continent has risen by +80 .

[Your persistence has risen . ]

[Your dexterity has risen . ]

It was also fun to raise my persistence and dexterity stats .  But there was one drawback . It was the limitation in the materials .  

Khan was totally broke and I was saving money, so I couldnt obtain premium production materials . I only used the materials piled up in Khans warehouse, but most of the materials were inferior . Khan couldnt get good ingredients because he was impeded by the Mero Company . Therefore, I couldnt produce high-performance items .

The higher the level and performance of the items produced, the faster the experience of my production skill would rise . Items with a low-level limit and low performance, even if they had a rare rating, meant my experience gain rate was slow and the value was cheap .

‘Rare items should be sold to the stores, but I can sell the epic rated items to the users .

[Usable Iron Sword]

Rating: Epic

Durability: 19/19   Attack Power: 35~40   Attack Speed: +2%

A sword made by a craftsman with great skill and potential but lacking in experience and reputation .

It is easy to use because it has a perfect balance of length and weight . The user can attack a little faster .  

The fact that this type of sword was made with meager materials is amazing .

User Restriction: Level 12 or higher . More than 30 strength . Beginner Sword Mastery .

[Unexpectedly Comfortable Rat Leather Armor]

Rating: Epic

Durability: 24/24   Defense: 22  Movement Speed: +3%

An armor made of rat leather by a craftsman with great skills and potential, but lacks experience and reputation .

It is designed and created so that the wearer wont be inconvenienced when moving . The wearer can move a little faster .  

The fact that this type of armor was made with meager materials is amazing .  

User Restriction: Level 13 or higher . Beginner Leather Armor Mastery .

The names are crude but…

Level 12 or 13 users would find hunting much easier if they wore this armor and weapon . They were items that low-level users could possess if they had enough gold .

[Legendary Blacksmiths Craftsmanship Skill] Lv 1 (12 . 7%)

[Legendary Blacksmiths Breath] Lv 1 (8 . 9%) 

When I made the Jaffa Arrow before, my experience increased by 3 . 7% and 2% . Instantly .

Certainly, I was disappointed that the experience of my production skills was slowly rising .  But I didnt care much .  Regardless, my skills experience and production experience were rising, so I was satisfied .

I wasnt mistaken .

The Legendary Blacksmiths Craftsmanship Skill is still only level 1, but I am now able to craft more items than I could before .

My production speed and degree of completeness have improved .  If the skill level of the Legendary Blacksmiths Craftsmanship Skill and my dexterity stat rose, my production ability would become even better .

‘But realistically, it is impossible to raise the skill level of the Legendary Blacksmiths Craftsmanship Skill anytime soon . Right now, the best thing I can do is to raise my dexterity stat .

The higher my dexterity, the higher the completeness of the item .  I decided to invest my stat points into dexterity for a more solid victory .

Status window .

Name: Grid

Level: 21 (5,350/16,700)

Class: Pagmas Descendant

* The probability of adding additional options when making items will increase .

* The probably of item enhancement will increase .  

* All equipment items can be worn unconditionally . However, there is a penalty depending on the rating of the item .  

Title: One who Became a Legend

* Abnormal conditions dont work well on you .

* You wont die when health is at the minimum .

* Easily acknowledged .

Health: 936/936    Mana: 177/177

Strength: 104   Stamina: 52   Agility: 96  Intelligence: 59 

Dexterity: 99  Persistence: 60

Composure: 44  Indomitable: 50   Dignity: 44   Insight: 44

Stat Points: 130

Weight: 842/3,080 

Thanks to the steady production of rare and epic items, my stats have risen dramatically . I had a huge 130 stat points .  I contemplated on how to invest the stat points .

‘If I invest all my stat points in dexterity, will my production skill rise significantly? Obviously, there would be a huge effect . But if I concentrate too much on only one stat, I will regret it later .

I had to think carefully .

‘I put a lot of points into strength and agility the other day, so I dont have to raise them anymore . I am currently lacking stamina, so wouldnt it be nice to raise it? When dealing with strong enemies like the gangsters, it is better to have high vitality and defense .

I decided to start distributing my stat points .

[You have invested 60 points in stamina . Is this correct?]

Yes .

[Once the points are invested, it cant be reversed . Do you want to proceed?]

Yes .

[You have invested 70 points in dexterity . Is this correct?]

Okay .  

[Once the points are invested, it cant be reversed . Do you want to proceed?]

Stop asking me and just do it . Status window!

Name: Grid

Level: 21 (5,350/16,700)

Class: Pagmas Descendant

* The probability of adding additional options when making items will increase .

* The probably of item enhancement will increase .  

* All equipment items can be worn unconditionally . However, there is a penalty depending on the rating of the item .  

Title: One who Became a Legend

* Abnormal conditions dont work well on you .

* You wont die when health is at the minimum .

* Easily acknowledged .

Health: 1,536/1,536    Mana: 177/177

Strength: 104   Stamina: 112   Agility: 96  Intelligence: 59 

Dexterity: 169  Persistence: 60

Composure: 44  Indomitable: 50   Dignity: 44   Insight: 44

Stat Points: 0

Weight: 842/3,080 


I shook with joy .  Anybody would be shocked if they could see my status window . How could a level 21 character have such stats? If I simply calculated the sum of all my stats, I was already beyond level 75 .

Strength, stamina, agility, and intelligence .  If I only calculated these basic stats, it was close to level 40!

Now that I see it, isnt a production class great for stats?

The benefit of raising all stats every time a higher grade item was made was common to all production-related classes, not just blacksmiths .  Those who took advantage of this could overcome the disadvantage of production based jobs . Their insufficient combat skills could be supplemented with high stats .  Of course, a large amount of labor was needed!

I accept that labor is my life . My body is meant for labor! I will show you the power of labor .

I swallowed bread and immersed myself in item production again . I didnt lose any concentration until the day of the competition .  As my character grew, I felt the same mental growth .

[A rare rated item was produced, so all stats have permanently risen by +2 and reputation throughout the continent has risen by +30 . ]


I felt a pleasure that had never been felt when hunting and doing quests as a warrior .

W-What…? Am  I dreaming right now? You, how have you improved your skills in such a short time?

Khan was shocked .  I couldnt reply that my rapid growth is from raising my dexterity stat so I just said,

“Im not your average genius .

Khan was thrilled .

Yes, yes! I forgot that you are Pagmas Descendant . Huhu, I have a relationship with a legend who was born again . I will have no regrets after dying . Good! Shall I try harder?

In reality, it was raining continuously . So I always connected to Satisfy except when it was time to sleep . Thus, my growth was steady until the day of the competition .


Currently, there were three epic classes in Satisfy .  But except for the most recently appeared Blood Warrior, there were no details about the others .  The identity of the first epic class user was unknown, while the second one was said to be obtained by Agnus, 7th in the unified rankings .

The Satisfy users wondered about the identity of the two classes there were being kept strictly confidential . The related forums and broadcasters were engaged in a constant debate about the epic classes .  But unless the relevant parties disclosed the information, it was only speculation .

What type of class were the other two epic classes? Were they as impressive as the Blood Warrior that Katz got his hands on? Perhaps even more than that?

The Eternal Kingdom .  Akero Dungeon that was near Frontier, Earl Steims capital .

There are too many monsters here . I barely managed to come all the way here .

A beautiful blonde girl cried out .  She looked like a fairytale princess, causing male users to approach her .

“Akero Dungeon is a place where even high-level users cant hunt alone . Would you like to join our party? Our skills are very good .

“No, you should join our party . We are very familiar with this dungeon and have acquired various know-hows . Our hunting speed is unmatched . You will definitely be satisfied if you join .

No! Come to our party! We will give you a lot of items!

Satisfys character wasnt perfect fiction .  When a character was created, it actually reflected the users real appearance . Only the skin tone and additional features such as hairstyle, tattoos, scars, and height could be changed a little bit .

In other words, a beautiful person in Satisfy was generally beautiful in reality . Thats why the men favored beautiful girls over anything else .

A rare beauty!

‘My ideal type!’

Hearts burst from their eyes as they looked at the girl .  They seemed accustomed to competing over girls .

“Do you really want me to join the party? If so, try to hunt the monsters in front of me . I want to join a strong party . I will judge if your skills are strong and then join the party that I want .

What is this? She isnt that special .

“I agree . I would be thankful not to have a useless person join the party .

The female users talked badly about the girl . However, the male users became more attracted to the girl as their motivation shot up .

“Ohhhhhh! Be sure to keep that promise! Heat Wave! Fire Sword!

Beautiful girl . I will prove my strength . Swirling Frenzy!

“Bah, idiots . Can you do this? Steel Skin! One Point Break!

Your skills dont back up your bragging . Thunderbolt!

The male users ran towards the monsters and fired off their skills .

Kwarurung! Kung kwang! Kwajik!

Strong skills such as a swirling storm, thunderbolts and flames emerged, causing the walls of the dungeon to shake .  Fearsome monsters saw the strange scene and ran away .

The blonde girl, who was the cause of the confusion, watched the skills being cast .

That wind magic isnt lacking compared to other magicians in the kingdom . It was indeed worthwhile to come here .

She used her unusually high insight stat and Skill Observation to detect the Swirling Frenzy skill and whispered .

“Skill Duplication . ”

[You have successfully duplicated Swirling Frenzy Lv . 3 . ]

[The skill Swirling Frenzy Lv . 3 is available to use once . You can keep it permanently until it is used . ]

[Swirling Frenzy] 

Lv . 3

Creates a vortex that deals 1,530~2,380 damage per second for five seconds . The agility of the target caught in the vortex will decrease by 80% .

Skill Mana Cost: 700

Skill Cooldown Time: 300 seconds 

The blonde girls name was Euphemina .  Her class was Duplicator .

As a Duplicator, she used Skill Observation and Skill Duplication to instantly analyze and copy a skill used by the target . Whatever skill she copied, she could use it only once whenever she wanted .

There were disadvantages such as the usage frequency of Skill Duplication is limited to three times a day . However, it was still a fraudulent skill despite the disadvantages,

‘I can get Piaro with this .

Euphemina left the men showing off their skills at the dungeon behind . Then she moved quickly and arrived at Kesan Canyon .

I found it .

After finding a small cave at the end of the canyon, Euphemina read the contents of the quest once again in order to prepare her mind before entering .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

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