The Book Eating Magician Chapter 116:

Chapter 116 – Mysterious (2)

After completing the agreement with Myrdal, Gluttony maintained its silence . It seemed like it wasn’t quite satisfied about the result of its quarrel with Myrdal . Theodore tried to speak to Gluttony a few times in his mind, but Gluttony didn’t answer and fell asleep .

Instead, Myrdal chuckled and said to Theo, [Huhu, I suppose it is upset . I’m sorry for being rude in my own way . ]

‘Truly a formidable figure . ’ Theo gazed at the old man before him calmly .

It was hard to guess Myrdal’s real intentions from his eyes, despite just being a memory left in the fountain . Myrdal Herseim, a person with the behaviour and depth of a great magician, as well as being a great sage… He wasn’t the type of person that Theo, who was only 20 years old, could face as an equal .

“So, why did Myrdal want to see a young man like me?” Theo spoke in a brusque tone as he couldn’t help feeling uncomfortable .

It felt like he was a plaything for the two unidentified beings, Gluttony and Myrdal . Both of them were beyond Theodore’s understanding, but he didn’t want to bow to them .

Myrdal let out a jolly laugh, like a grandfather looking at his grandson . [Who can call the contractor of one of the Seven Sins a young man? So, don’t be alarmed Theodore . This old man is just trying to help you . ]



“I don’t know the specifics . If you want to help me, then please tell me why . ”

It was a situation in which a story Theo didn’t know about had happened, and a decision had been made regardless of his wishes . He felt like something being swept adrift by a wave, like a puppet dancing comically on someone’s palm .

Theodore stood up to a great magician whom most magicians didn’t even dare look at .

Myrdal hadn’t expected this reaction and was speechless for a moment .  Then after that moment, he spoke in a voice where all the laughter had disappeared . […That’s right . Your position must be uncomfortable . It might just be words, but I apologize . ]

Myrdal bowed his head as he finished talking . It was the apology of a great man who had rewritten dozens of magic records .

It was Theo’s turn to be taken aback by Myrdal’s behaviour .

Then the old man lifted his head and spoke again, [But I want you to know that it means there is a secret I can’t tell you right now, and it’s a secret that you ‘shouldn’t know . ’ At the very least, you need to unlock the 5th seal of Gluttony to be qualified . ]

“Myrdal, you are truly…!”

[Yes, I know . The purpose for the appearance of the ‘Seven Sins’ in this world and the acts they left behind… and…]

Myrdal’s hand reached out suddenly, giving Theo no chance to react . Was it because he couldn’t feel any malice? Maybe it was because the very existence of Myrdal was unclear .  Before the warning could flow through his system, the hand made of fountain water grabbed Theo’s left hand .

[If the Ego allows it, I can do this . ]

At the same time, there was a blue flash in Theo’s head .


Something was pouring in . There were unknown lessons, scenery he had never seen before, letters he couldn’t understand, and so on . It felt like he had eaten dozens of magic books at the same time . Theo’s brilliant head couldn’t cope with the amount of information .

The forced knowledge expanded his brain’s tolerance and awakened an area which hadn’t been seen before . It was a phenomenon that could be expressed as a type of awakening .

Additionally, that wasn’t the only change Myrdal caused .


[Error! Error…! Accepted . This is a legitimate request . Gluttony’s 4th seal has been released . ]

[Gluttony’s function has been opened normally . The user should check the information window of the corresponding function immediately . ]


[Grimoire “Gluttony” / C Rank]

[Gluttony’s 4th seal has been released through a normal path . From now on, the user can borrow the power of an author that Gluttony has extracted . However, once the author has been overwritten, the author can’t be reloaded . Previous owners have called the feature ‘Overwrite’, but you can change the name if you want .

* Once the Overwrite function is demonstrated to its limit, ‘Transmission’ will be triggered to completely take over the power of the author . ]


Previously while fighting Superbia, Gluttony had been forced to open the fourth seal . This time, the method wasn’t recognized as an unusual means . Theo could only feel in awe at the phenomenon he couldn’t understand, as he realized that a new wisdom was filled into his mind .

‘No, that expression is a bit strange . ’

The dizziness disappeared, and Myrdal’s knowledge remained in him . It was like acquiring a vessel which already contained that knowledge . The knowledge that Myrdal left behind in the Fountain of Wisdom was well-suited to the title of ‘Sage’ . So, Theo would only be able to fully understand it after crossing two walls .

Theodore intuitively realized this and raised his head . He felt it was a blessing, but it was hard for him to reveal any of his feelings to Myrdal .

Myrdal was well aware of this . So, he spoke to Theo instead of trying to buy his trust . There wasn’t a lot of time remaining for him to use the Fountain of Wisdom, and there were still things he wanted to say to Theodore .

[There is a trace of the reason why the seal was already unlocked once . Thanks to that, I have a bit more to talk about . ]


[Cough, don’t look at me like that . I don’t even have five minutes left . Please listen to this old man’s advice . ]

As Theo stared at Myrdal with an expressionless face, the old man coughed a few times before opening his mouth again .

[Honestly speaking, you are in a dangerous state right now . ]

Theodore’s eyebrows twitched at the words . It was a serious topic . This wasn’t the diagnosis of an old man but the great magician Myrdal .  Just as Veronica had once noticed Theo’s unstable circles, the eyes of the great magician noticed the cracks Theo couldn’t feel .

Myrdal groaned lightly as he touched his beard . [It is due to eating Laevateinn during this incident . Power was extracted from the grimoire, as well as the unknown dimension . Additionally, the power of the artifacts and treasures… It is too hard for a man who is only 20 years old to bear . ]

“…What specifically is the problem?”

[I will ask you a simple question . If you pour more contents than a bowl can handle, what will happen to the bowl?]

‘It would break . ’ Theo shook off the eerie feeling .

Then Myrdal nodded like Theo’s speculation was correct and continued the story . [Fortunately, drinking from this fountain has increased the grace period . It probably won’t be a problem for two years . But after three years, your body will start to collapse, and you will die in five years . ]


[Sorry, but I have no time . ]

There was a time limit . Myrdal’s form was collapsing little by little . The fingers pointing at Theo became watery and the overall shape more blurred . However, Myrdal’s voice remained clear, like he was directly speaking into Theodore’s head .

The old man felt he had a responsibility to finish the story until the end . [Increase the capacity of the vessel . Get rid of the day-to-day fighting and eating of a magician, and live like a beast . Explore the wide world and increase the size of your vessel as you bump into many people . ]

“That is too abstract!”

[No, you already know the method . ]

Despite the crumbling face, Myrdal’s blue eyes were bright as they penetrated inside Theo .

[Just like how you once struggled through the years, do it again this time . Don’t hesitate to walk the tough and difficult path . Become a magician who walks his own way through the wilderness . ]

Theodore hadn’t known Myrdal’s purpose, and despite the conversation they just had, he still didn’t know . However, he could tell one thing from the story . Myrdal had been a magician before he became a sage, and so, he taught his junior . Theo understood that he should engrave this advice into his mind .

Myrdal quickly disappeared, and the fountain became calm again . The whole thing felt like a summer night’s dream .

Theodore Miller’s gaze lingered at the space before him, then he began to move quietly . ‘…Let’s go . ’

The opportunity had been to use the Fountain of Wisdom once, so staying here any longer would just be a waste of time .  With many questions and realizations, the young magician left the elves’ holy place behind .


*     *     *

For Ellenoa, it was exactly 30 minutes later when Theodore emerged . As he appeared at the door of the cabin, he had on a weary face .

Ellenoa had been waiting quietly, and she quickly walked toward him . Up close, Theo’s face looked a bit different than usual, and she felt her cheeks becoming hot . Fortunately, Theo didn’t notice it .

“Theodore, welcome back . ”

“Ah, Ellenoa . ”

“How was it? The holy land of the elves . ” She smiled with anticipation .

Then Theo told her honestly how he felt, “I have more to think about than I expected . ”

He had met an unexpected person in an unexpected place, Gluttony’s seal was now released again, and he received a deadline . Theo didn’t know what to feel as too many things had happened at the same time .

Regardless of whether she knew his complex heart or not, Ellenoa’s expression turned serious .

Then she said the words she had prepared while waiting, “My role ends here . It was to guide Theodore to the Fountain of Wisdom and back to the banquet hall . From here on out, it will be my personal favour, so can you listen?”

Theo cocked his head and agreed .

Then Ellenoa gained confidence and held out her hand . As moonlight flowed softly over the world tree, her fingers seemed to shine with a silver glow . The beauty and atmosphere of a fairy tale temporarily caught his eyes .

“…Can you walk with me a bit more?” Ellenoa closed her eyes, pretending not to know about her fingers trembling in fear of the rejection . Then her eyes widened as a warm and rough hand touched hers .

Theodore accepted the small favour by taking her hand . “I want to walk around a bit more too . ”

A bright smile emerged on Ellenoa’s face at his acceptance, while Theo looked down at such a beautiful smile but ended up gazing at their hands .  Perhaps it was the mood . Or perhaps it was because his hand had grown larger in the meantime . Ellenoa’s hand felt more tapered than half a year ago .

‘…Well, I must be mistaken . ’

Unfortunately, he just hadn’t realized it yet .

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