Overgeared Chapter 909:

The first legendary class, Pagma’s Descendant, was the most well-known hidden class to the public . People believed that Pagma’s Descendant was the best class . They were jealous of Grid because they evaluated it as an all-powerful class, providing him with a combat power that rivaled a Sword Saint while allowing him to make legendary items randomly .

This was a misunderstanding though . Pagma’s Descendant wasn’t perfect . It had disadvantages and advantages, just like every class . It had the strong penalty of only being able to make items ‘manually’, and the utility of the combat skills was low compared to combat classes .

Yes, the reason for the bias about Pagma’s Descendant being the strongest class was purely due to Grid . It was a bias created by Grid’s tenacity as he had spent many hours doing ‘manual work’ to create one item, and he had repeated this more than a thousand times .

Honestly, the S . A Group had a high appreciation of Grid . The S . A Group employees believed that if an ordinary person had obtained Pagmas Descendant, it was unlikely that Pagma’s Descendant would be recognized as the strongest class . It was natural . How many people could repeat the same hard blacksmithing work for hours, days, and years? It was something that had to be done hundreds or thousands of times . Who could do it?

“At the very least, I wouldn’t be able to . I would be under great stress every time I made an item if I had to work like this . My mental state wouldn’t last . Of course, that doesn’t mean it is impossible . I could devote my heart and concentrate if it was for the sake of making money or making my equipment . However, I would only be able to do this occasionally,” the 1st ranked blacksmith Panmir asserted this in front of thousands of players in the capital of the Overgeared Kingdom, Reinhardt .

“Grid is worthy of respect . ”

“Come to think of it . . . ”

“It is never easy .

“Is this true? All production classes enjoy the advantage of the automatic production system yet the person who is called the legendary blacksmith doesn’t have it?”

“Panmir wouldn’t lie . He is the one who suffered the biggest damage because of Grid . Would he lie to defend Grid?”

“That’s right . Grid’s abilities are real . The skills he showed in the National Competition prove that he has done manual work more than once or twice . ”

These players were all blacksmiths . They were the thousands of blacksmiths who had moved to the Overgeared Kingdom since Grid received the blessing of the blacksmith god, Hexetia .

“You might not be convinced right now, but you will know once you watch from the sidelines . You will surely learn a lot from Grid . However, you also need to be helpful to Grid . ” Panmir gave this speech and praised Grid as a ‘greeting’ every time new blacksmiths came . There was only one thing he demanded from new blacksmiths . “Work hard! Grow as much as possible, and you will be rewarded at the end! Under Grid’s teachings, you will someday become a craftsman!”


Rewards would surely follow . The faith that Panmir instilled in them stimulated the enthusiasm of the new blacksmiths . Their motivation was . . .

“Blacksmiths, please don’t register the items you make on the exchange . Sell them to the Overgeared Kingdom . Not only will we buy your work at a more expensive price but I will also pay you a separate national contribution . ” Lauel thoroughly took advantage of this .

He noted that most of the blacksmith players had moved to the Overgeared Kingdom .

‘This incident has led to a blacksmith famine in all kingdoms except for our Overgeared Kingdom . If the Overgeared Kingdom owns the bulk of items that are produced . . . ’

The result was obvious . They would be able to take control of the market . There was a foundation for excessive profits .

“Kuk . . . Kukukuk! Very soon, all players will be wearing Overgeared Kingdom products . ”

Good . In the future, their accumulation of wealth would be far beyond that of other powers . Lauel had only one regret .

“ . . . The absence of the eyes . ”

It was a terrible shame that his eyes didn’t shine when bathed in the moonlight even while his demon brain worked on squeezing the world . Lauel was frustrated . He couldn’t forget the blue eyes Grid had obtained just a few hours ago .


Grid’s eyes weren’t that special when he looked in the mirror . His dark eyes had a ring of pale blue .

“Pagma’s Eyes . ”

The moment the skill was used, the ring of blue thickened and gave off a subtle glow . The mysterious harmony with the silver crown on the black hair gave him an unusual appearance . He was overflowing with a charm that made men and women admire him . However, Grid himself wasn’t excited . It was because Grid didn’t love his own appearance . He didn’t care about how his eyes changed and only considered the realistic parts .

‘Can I use the effect of the Slaughterer’s Eye Patch in this state?’

[The Slaughterer’s Eye Patch is being worn . ]

‘It is possible . ’

Grid turned off the eyes and was deep in thought again .

‘Using the goddess’ blessing on blacksmithing will activate the production button . ’

It was stated that the item production speed would increase significantly when automatically making an item . Grid’s existing efficiency could evolve in scale from a family business to a factory .

‘I am worried about depending on the production button because the probability of making high rated items will fall . ’

Now, he could relax .

‘If I have the Blacksmith Hammer to Go Against the Gods, I will be able to make items with a higher rating than epic, and I can copy a higher rated item using Pagma’s Eyes . ’

Theoretically, Grid could have a small elite unit armed with legendary items .

‘I can temporarily create the greatest power that can raid a great demon . . . ’

Duguen! Duguen! Duguen! Grid’s heart beating like crazy since he knew the power of legendary rated items . The goddess’ blessing, Pagma’s Eyes, and Blacksmith Hammer to Go Against the Gods were like fantastic magic that excited Grid . A splendor similar to the legendary great magician Braham and Undefeated King Madra surrounded his body .

‘ . . . It is a different form of power, but am I not laying the foundation to be on the same level as them?’

A strength comparable to that of the powerful legends of the past . . . His heart thumped . ‘I’m really scared . ’

Grid had been working for many years without giving up . He was thankful to the heavens that gave him good luck . In particular, he was thankful to the colleagues who trusted him and joined him .

“Everybody . . . Thank you . ”

That’s right . Grid, who evolved further and saw new heights, was reminded of his colleagues . He believed that he had been able to grow because of his colleagues .

‘It’s true . I would’ve never been able to reach this far alone . ’

Grid had found stability in his heart and gained honor with Yura’s heart, and he had founded the Overgeared Guild with Jishuka’s help . Additionally, he had raised his power and intelligence with Lauel’s help and realized that he should refrain from cursing thanks to Huroi . There were also the many colleagues that made Grid who he was now . Grid felt responsible to them .

‘I will surely return the favor to all of you . ’

Other people would think it was an absurd vow . The help Grid had given his colleagues was much greater than the help he had received from them . Yet he wanted to repay them? This was due to the difference in status . Grid believed that he had received much more than what he had given to his colleagues .

‘If the Tzedakah hadn’t contacted me . . . ’

Wouldn’t he still be a village blacksmith, squatting in the corner of a smithy? Then notification windows flashed in front of Grid .

[The daily access time is over . ]

[Excessive gaming can adversely affect health . You will be logged out of the game for your protection . ]

Grid was Shin Youngwoo . Until a few years ago, Shin Youngwoo had been small and insignificant when compared to Grid .

“Let’s wash up . ”

Now, Shin Youngwoo was Grid . He had a body that was hardened by exercise, a spirit that wasn’t easily shaken, and a palace-like house that greeted him .

“You worked hard today . ”

He also had his precious family .

Beep .

“I cooked, so you should eat,” his sister, Sehee, said while pressing the disinfection and deodorization button that came with the Comet Group’s diamond capsule . She knew her brother’s schedule and was ready with towels and a change of clothes .

“Thank you . . ?” Youngwoo’s face stiffened as he received the clothes from his sister . It was due to Sehee’s angry eyes . Her eyes were as fierce as a heated furnace . “W-What is it?”

“Do you need to ask? I hate people like you . ”

“What?” Youngwoo made a really confused expression .

Then Sehee explained to him, “I saw on TV . The enemy was so strong that all the 10 meritorious retainers fought . Why didn’t you call me?”

Sehee’s ID in Satisfy was Ruby . She was the Saintess—a powerful presence that supported her allies by exerting divine power different from ordinary priests . Sehee was very sad . “You should’ve taken me as well . I would’ve been helpful . ”

“The opponent was too strong . You would’ve been in danger . . . Hmm, what . . . you? Why are you so confident? Your level is low . ”

“Hah? Don’t you know that I am level 270? I can clear a vampire city with just me and Yerim . ”

“The two of you can clear a vampire city? Pffft! Puhahat!! You should bluff less exaggeratedly!”

“I-It is real . Of course, it isn’t a city with a true blood vampire . It is one that you have already cleared . . . ”

“Yes, yes . I’m going to wash up now . ” Grid laughed hard enough to tear up . He clearly didn’t believe Sehee’s words . It was nonsense that two players who weren’t even level 300 could clear a vampire city, even if the true blood vampires were gone . Apart from Chris and Yura, most of the 10 meritorious retainers had to clear the vampire cities in a party .

‘Nobody has unlimited resources, even a Saintess . It might be enough of a damage dealer and tanker supports her, but it is impossible with Yerim alone . ’

“I’m telling the truth! You idiot!”

“An idiot is calling someone else an idiot~?” Grid stuck out his tongue to tease his sister and headed to the bathroom .


Then on the TV hanging on the living room wall, the notification of a new email was displayed . The sender was the S . A Group . The title of the message was the ‘Demon King Project . ’

“That idiot . . . Huh? What is this?”

The TV’s Internet was linked to Youngwoo’s email address . Since all types of broadcasting requests arrived and it was hard for him to manage alone, he often asked Sehee to handle them . Thus, Sehee didn’t feel any hesitation in reading the Demon King’s Project email and was shocked .

“ . . . Being the demon king without people knowing? Hmm, it is fun . This is great . The rewards are enormous . . . ”

It was an exciting project with the concept of making Piaro, Asmophel, Mercedes, and Noll as the demon king’s four heavenly kings . Sehee reviewed the email positively and checked the date . “It is only three months away . ”

The 4th National Competition was arriving sooner than she expected . Of course, Youngwoo thought the same . “This suggestion, I will accept it . ”

Shin Youngwoo stood under the stream of water in the shower . There was a dark smile on his face as he checked his email using the TV in his bathroom .

‘It is on the condition that the demon king’s four heavenly kings equip the items that I make . ’

He could use the ‘creation’ skill freely since the National Competition’s server was now separate from the main server . In return for the harsh condition of facing hundreds of players alone, Youngwoo planned to demand for the strongest minerals such as pavranium and divine stone . He thought this would be a great opportunity for him .

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