I am the Monarch Chapter 1:




The clogged breath exploded .

“Pant . Pant . Pant . ”

His chest beat like he had run the whole day .

‘Did I die?’

He felt strange .
His senses felt dull just like when he had just woken up from a dream, and his head hurt as if it would split .
At that time, he felt a strong impact in the back of his head .


“This **** of a newcomer slipping out! You dare to get asleep while we are on standby for battle?”

Roan looked back with his cloudy eyes while touching the back of his head .

“Oh? Are you glaring at me right now?”

A robust man with a square chin .
He couldn’t see well because his field of vision bothered him, but Roan could know who he was .

“Mister Pete?”

It was certainly Pete .
The senior of the 7th corps rose unit he was first in 20 years ago .

‘But he died in the monsters subjugation 20 years ago…… . . ’

Roan frowned .

‘In the end, you meet dead people again . ’

At that moment, he stood up and extended his hand, feeling glad to see him again .

“It’s been a long time . Nice to see you . ”

A greeting while he smiled .
However, Pete’s expression wasn’t that good .

“This bastard!”

A punch flew along with a curse .



Roan rolled after being hit .
A severe pain could be felt .

‘Damn it . Can you feel pain even after you die?’

He moved his chin .
At that time, he saw his right hand and his body .
A really feeble body .
On top of that, the back of his hand was soft and clean .

‘What is this? Do you get younger when you die?’

Everything made him question .
At that time, someone hurriedly came to him and stopped him .

“Roan . Are you crazy? Why are you so suddenly like this?”

A noise so small it seemed it was whispering to him .
Roan slowly turned his head and looked at the owner of the voice .


A surprised expression .
Roan’s face was much more surprised than when he saw Pete .

“Why are you here…… . ? No, you got younger on top of that?”

Pierce didn’t die .
On top of that, he couldn’t die .
Because after he became duke of Rinse kingdom, he didn’t show himself in dangerous places like battlefields .
However, he couldn’t understand more than anything how he got young . It made him remember the first time they met 20 years ago .

“Are you crazy?”

Pierce slapped him with a hurried expression .

Slap .

At that moment, Roan felt that his consciousness got clearer .
Just like the fog in his head was lifted .
And the dull senses became sharp just like before .
When that happened, he could clearly see the scene before him .

‘Is this the rose troop’s barracks?’

He was certain .
He was certain that it was the barracks the rose troop used 20 years ago .
It wasn’t a thing such as heaven or **** .
On top of that, the people that were seated in a line on the floor .
They were all familiar faces .

‘My comrades from the rose troop from 20 years ago? What happened? Did I not die?”

A confusing situation .
However, his thoughts didn’t last for long .

“This bastard!

Because Pete approached him and kicked him .

Bang .

“Kugh . ”

Roan rolled in the floor and quickly curled himself .
He hid his vitals by instinct .
But fortunately, Pete couldn’t continue kicking him .
It was because the entrance of the barracks opened and a middle aged man with scary eyes appeared .

“What are you doing!”

A sharp voice .
Roan recognized the owner of that voice even without looking at him .

‘Squad commander Tane . ’

His head started to roll .

‘I didn’t die . ’

He slowly pinched the inner sides of his tigh .
An intense pain .

‘It’s not even a dream . ’

Then only one thing remains .

‘Did I return to the past?’

It was difficult to believe, but it had the highest probabilities .
If that also wasn’t it, maybe the past 20 years of his life was just a dream .

‘Whatever it is, i’m still alive . ’

It was enough for him with just that .
Roan slowly stood up from that place and returned to his seat .
Tane frowned but he didn’t keep talking .
He didn’t have the leisure to do so right now .

“Everybody prepare . We will pass through Ale village and reach Pedian’s plain . ”

At that moment, everybody’s faces became distorted .

“Oh **** . For it to be Ale village . ”
“If we went to Varen’s castle I was planning to densely ease myself . ”
“That bar last time was fine, right?”
“Yes . The female owner killed it . ”

They talked among themselves and soothed their regretful feelings . Tane clapped .


“Everybody shut your mouths and move quickly! Oliver take care of the newcomers . ”

Oliver that was tall and had a slim body replied in a loud voice and approached Roan .

“Everybody take your helmets and your armor . ”

At his words, the newcomer soldiers including Pierce started to slowly equip their armor .
Oliver looked at Roan and said as if he was growling .

“You stupid **** . You too wear it quickly . I’m looki…… . ”

He couldn’t finish his words .
Roan had skillfully equipped the armour and even finished organizing his luggage in an instant .

‘What is this bastard? Why is he so skilled?’

Oliver was at a loss of words for a moment .
Only looking at how he was packing the luggage was even a step higher than himself .

‘I did these kind of things for 20 years . ’

Roan put a bitter smile .
Oliver wanted to say something else, but as he had nothing to point out he turned back with a disappointed face .
At that time, Pierce’s voice rang through his ear .

“Roan . ”

A voice so small it seemed he was whispering him .
As Roan looked back Pierce pointed the luggage bag and put a pitiable face .

‘You really are the same as 20 years ago . ’

He was also like this back then .
Pierce at that time was timid and didn’t have any talent . But on top of that he had a small body so he always asked him for help .
Roan walked towards him and shook his head after packing his luggage in the bag .

‘For this guy to become the duke of Rinse kingdom surpassing the commander in chief…… . . ’

Just looking at him right now, was something unbelievable .

‘He was lucky . His life became better when he became apprenticed to the genius spearman Reil Baker…… . . ’

At that moment, Roan’s eyes became round wide .
His fingers trembled .

“Roan . What happened?”

Pierce put on a worried expression but it wasn’t a situation where he could mind that .

‘If it’s true that I returned to the past, then I know what’s going to happen from now on . ’

Although he didn’t remember all of the small details and accidents, he did remember the news that made the world shake .
Especially, the battles and wars he faced the past 20 years . He remembered it all clearly to the point that if he was asked to make a report of it, he could write it all down .

Thump thump .

His heart beat faster .

‘I can become one . ’

His two eyes became filled with hot passion .

‘This time, I can become one . ’

Roan’s face became bright red .

‘This time, I can really become a great commander . A great commander that can really command the entire nation . ’

His smile became dim .

‘No, no . ’

The memories, experiences and information he had weren’t in the level to satisfy him only with being a great general .

Grip .

He strongly clenched his fist .

‘At least, I should become a monarch . ’

From old times, they said to dream bigger .
The objective of his past life was becoming a great commander .
But he became a spearman .
So the objective in this life was becoming a monarch .

‘If that’s so, won’t I at least become a commander?’

On top of that, the starting line in this life was already different .
Because he knew what was going to happen from now on .


He remembered the memories from 20 years ago .
The first battle .
That fierce memory .
At that moment, Roan’s face froze .

“Damn . ”

He remembered .

The heartbreaking and miserable first battle .

< Return (1) > End

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