The Lazy Swordmaster Chapter 151:

The Lazy Swordmaster Chapter 151


Having heard Riley saying Princess Reutrina was not his type, Nainiae could not help herself but to laugh . Meanwhile, Riley was pouting big time as if he was not liking this . Nainiae looked at Riley .


Having heard it being mentioned, Nainiae suddenly fell in to deep thoughts about the subject . However, her thoughts couldn’t continue for long .

“What happened? Explain . ”

It was because Riley asked a question .

“That is…”

Sera was not sure where to start . The situation was bleak . Around the time Sera tilted her head to the side, Reutrina, who appeared to have completely lost it finally, flopped to the floor with her mouth wide open .

“We are not sure either…”

Watching the Princess falling over, Sera thought about how the Princess attacked her at the infirmary . Trying to say she was not sure, she shook her head and blurred the end of the sentence .

“Where is this place?”

“It’s a Duke’s Manor . It’s Phillisnion’s . ”


Riley’s eyebrows got bent out of the shape .

“Are you saying we instantly teleported here from inside of the cave? Nainiae, did you do this?”

Nainiae flinched from Riley’s gaze . However, having heard ‘inside of the cave,’ she thought that Riley must not know about the sleep magic . Nainiae carefully said,

“… No . ”

Nainiae shook her head and responded . To add more explanation, she started to tell Riley why they were at the Duke’s manor .

“That is… You were taking a nap at the cave, but you were not showing any signs of waking up . At the same time, the condition of your body was getting worse too, so unfortunately, we ended up being in debt to the Duke Phillisneon’s Manor which was nearby . ”

Nainiae lightly swapped the truth about the fact that she used sleep magic on him . She glanced at Sera and waited for the response .


“… Yes . ”

“You brought me all the way here because I was taking a nap? Two of you did? You guys carried me?”

In disbelief, Riley furrowed his brows and asked . Sera glanced at Nainiae and nodded .

“Yes . You suddenly fell asleep in the cave . Since then, you just never work up, you see? It seemed you also caught cold . You were boiling in fever . You have no idea how worried Nainiae and I were…”

Sera bit her lips as she explained . Riley, who had confused look on his face, scratched his head and asked,

“How long has it been since I fell asleep in the cave?”

“Probably a little over a month . ”

“A month?”

“Yes . Really… We were so worried . ”

Sera was about to smile with tears in her eyes to say she was glad he finally woke up . At that moment,

“… Princess! Princess! Are you all right?”

From outside, clanking sounds of armors were getting closer .


Based on the voices asking if the Princess was all right, Nainiae thought that they must be the mansion’s guards . She quickly waved her right hand in the air and cast magic .

“First, I’ll move us to a different place . ”

The Princess had tears on her eyes and nose, and she was kneeling . If the guards saw this, Riley and others would have definitely been branded as suspicious bunch . This was why .

“Ms . Sera, please take a deep breath . ”

“Pardon? Nainiae, wait…”

Riley figured out what Nainiae was about to do . He lowered the hand he had to hold his chin and went to stand next to Sera . Sera panicked and didn’t know what to do .

“… Uuuuaaaa!”


With that quiet sound, Riley and Sera’s bodies disappeared from the spot without a trace . Immediately, Nainiae, who was still there, looked at Reutrina and slowly put forth her hand .

<Nainiae . >

It sounded like the guards were gradually coming closer . Heliona, who was with Nainiae, called her .

<What are you going to do?>

“I need to fix it . ”

<Fix it?>

Nainiae brought her hand toward Reutrina’s forehead . Nainiae spun two of the mana rings rotating in her heart and cast two magic spells at once .


The door behind Nainiae closed with a loud noise and locked itself although nobody touched it .

<Nainiae, you are not trying to kill her, right?>

It seemed one of the magic spell was cast . Having seen the door closing on its own and locking itself, Heliona asked Nainiae, concerned .

“Although I did hear harsh things from her… I am not like the teacher who acts rashly . ”

Nainiae smiled and shook her head . Of the two magic spells she prepared, she activated the remaining one .

“As I said earlier, I’m just going to fix it . ”

Nainiae’s hand, which was placed on Reutrina’s forehead, started to shine in grey light .

<Memory magic?>

Having realized what magic Nainiae was going to use, Heliona mumbled . Nainiae nodded and said,

“Earlier, when the Princess withstood the swing of the sword from Young Master, although it was for a split second, I definitely saw the purple energy clumped up in that spot . ”

Nainiae was thinking about what the woman in black said in Riley’s dream .

‘When you wake up, please find Mr . Riley’s Holy Sword . In your world, one of the purple people probably has it . Please find the purple human who will help you and Mr . Riley . ’

So, because Reutrina was speculated to be a purple human, Nainiae used a spell related to memory on her . It was to gather information from Reutrina and also fix the situation .

‘Her memory is… blurry . ’

With her hand on Reutrina’s forehead, Nainiae went through her memories . The guards were banging on the door behind her . Having heard the noise, Nainiae cringed .

“It’s fine . Let’s go back . ”

Other than the ability that Reutrina had as a purple human and the fact that her memories were all jumbled up, Nainiae was not able to find out anything else . She judged that there was nothing else to gain from reading further, so she used the teleportation magic .

<Um? Already?>

“Yes . There is nothing else to gain . It seems that… she suffered dearly for it when she tried to pry on Young Master’s memories . ”

<Young Master’s memories?>

Nainiae was about to move to where she sent Riley and Sera . Having heard Heliona’s question, Nainiae flinched inside .

‘Oh no . ’

Riley’s memories… His past life to be precise… . It was because she thought it would be good to not mention that to others .

“Let’s talk about that later . Let’s go back too . ”

Nainiae brushed it aside and used the teleportation magic . Along with Heliona, Nainiae disappeared without a trace .

“… Princess!”

Right after Nainiae disappeared, the guards smashed the lock and got in the room . They only saw Reutrina on her knees .

* * *

Nainiae joined Riley and Sera . Sera was glaring at Nainiae’s face, which was now completely fine . Leaving Sera be, Nainiae brought just Riley to the side and started to talk to him .

“What? What is it?”

“Young Master, by any chance…”

Concerned there might be someone listening, Nainiae used magic and checked the area once again . She carefully said,

“Do you remember purple humans?”

“Are you talking about **** like the dark mage that we met at the Rainfield?”

Riley furrowed his brows and asked . Nainiae nodded and said,

“Yes . The people who use strange powers without mana . ”

“I remember . What about it?”

“I checked, and Princess Reutrina… also have that power . I think she is one of the purple people . ”

“She is?”

As if he was surprised, Riley furrowed his brows and asked . Nainiae nodded and added,

“I fixed things without overdoing it, but I was wondering if it is right to leave things be at this point, so I wanted to ask . ”

Nainiae explained that she only checked Reutrina’s ability and handled her memories before coming back . She was asking if Riley was okay with letting Reutrina live .


Having heard Nainiae’s question, Riley held his chin and started to think hard about the matter .

It was because, regardless of all these, Reutrina was a Princess of Solia .

“From what I saw earlier, she seemed to be all hazy . What happened exactly?”

“To explain in detail…”

To choose the answer, Nainiae thought about it for a moment and said in a quiet voice,

“She now has mental retardation . ”

“Mental retardation?”

“In other words, she became a fool . I think it would be hard for her to do anything without servants from now on . ”

Riley looked at Nainiae’s eyes and asked the next question .

“Did you do it?”

“No . I stayed within a reasonable bound and handled things . She was already like that before I had a hand in…”

Nainiae lowered her head . She couldn’t finish her sentence .

It was as she just said .

Considering the ability that Reutrina had, it was certain that Reutrina had gone insane while trying to pry on Riley’s memories .

‘It is that kind of memories . ’

If it was not for the woman in black’s help, Nainiae might have also wondered around in Riley’s memories for eternity or become a fool like Princess Reutrina . It was highly likely .

<No… I didn’t kill them… I didn’t . >

<Shut up! You killed them! Because you sat back and watched, people died… I knew it from the start when people celebrated a murderer as a hero!>


Nainiae had her head lowered . For some reason, another drop of tear rolled along her cheek .

“… Ah?”


Riley wondered why Nainiae was shedding tears out of the blue . He tilted his head to the side .

“I am sorry . I think something… must have gotten in my eyes . ”

Nainiae tumbled and wiped off the tear rolling down her cheek with her hand . However, her hand stopped in the middle .

“Hey . ”

Riley put his hand at Nainiae’s face . He then pouted big time like a duck and complained,

“I didn’t make you cry, got it?”

“… Pardon?”

“I said I am not the one who made you cry . ”

Riley said in gruff voice . He then wiped off the tear from Nainiae’s cheek with his finger before turning away .

“So, don’t say anything odd to my mother . ”

Riley wiped off the tear from Nainiae because of what Iris taught him . After Riley retrieved the hand, Nainiae, who was vacantly looking at his hand, laughed .

“Kuk . ”

“It might cause troubles if you suddenly laugh while crying . ”

Having heard what Riley just tossed out, Nainiae was now certain that the lie about something getting in her eye was found out . Nainiae promptly apologized .

“Young Master, I’m sorry for lying . ”

“What were you thinking that made you cry like that?”

Riley wiped his hand on his waist and asked . Nainiae strained her lips and slowly shook her head as she said,

“I am sorry, Young master . ”

Although Riley asked quietly, all he got in return was another apology . Riley put his face right in front of Nainiae’s and glared at her face with his piercing gaze .


Nainiae panicked from having Riley’s face so close . She started to hold her breath .

“Hm . ”

Could it be because she was holding her breath? Her face could not be redder . It was about when her face was going to explode . Riley pulled his face back and said,

“Well… Everyone have things that are difficult to talk about . ”

Through her eyes, it seemed he read the thoughts Nainiae had . Riley didn’t ask anymore . Looking at Nainiae gasping for air after holding breath . Riley peeked a smile and continued .

“So, Reutrina became a fool?”

“… Yes . ”

To calm her chest, which was in state of panic, Nainiae tried to calm her breathing . She nodded and responded .

“What about the chance of her ability coming back or recovering because of other bastards?”

“I cannot be certain, but it is probably impossible . Just in case, I even had a seed of fire attached to Reutrina through Ms . Heliona, so… if anything changes, we will be able to know right away . ”

“We need to think about the possibility of the hand we ran into at the Lower Solia last time coming to **** up the Princess . ”

Riley was carefully rolling his brain . It seemed he came to a conclusion . He said,

“I think it would be better to keep the Princess alive than have her killed . I think there will be some storm of aftermath from this situation, but keeping her alive will be easier than killing her . Also, if we are lucky, we can use her as bait to catch other purple humans . ”

“Yes . ”

It seemed Nainiae also left the Princess be because of the same reasons . She didn’t ask questions or objected . Instead, she just waited for the rest of his words .

“Ah, right… Now that I think about it . ”

It seemed he just remembered something . Riley lightly smiled and looked at Nainiae .

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