Emperor of Solo Play Chapter 189:

Chapter 189 – Barbarian King (6)


18 .

Ggoo-roong, ggoo-roong!

Dark clouds appeared in the sky .  The dark clouds looked to be thunderclouds as it overtly displayed its might .


At this sight, everyone gulped .

“Wow .  The Hahoe Mask really reached the 2nd Phase by himself . ”

“The other teams were only able to do it after losing 300 Users… . ”

At that moment… .


There was no warning . A bolt of thunder fell towards the ground .  Everything stopped when the sound of the thunder was heard .  It was as if someone had pressed the pause button .  All the several thousand small battles going on in the battlefield stopped for a brief moment .

Then the battle started again .

‘What happened?’

‘Was the Hahoe Mask able to dodge it?’

‘Did he succeed?’

However, at that moment, the Users in battle only had one thought .

Did the Hahoe Mask dodge the Storm Judgement?  

If it had occurred as planned, he would have dodged the Judgement .  

At the same time, was he able to plant the Storm Judgement on the Barbarian King?

The answer came .

– Hahoe Mask succeeded on the first one!

It came out through Voice Talk .

“Hell yeah!”

“Wow .  I got goosebumps right now . ”

“Bullshit .  You don’t have goosebumps .  We are within the game . ”

“It is a figure of speech . ”

“Ok .  Let’s do this! “

“The Hahoe Mask succeeded!”

A shout akin to a thunder exploded forth from the battlefield .  Everyone started shouting for the Hahoe Mask .

At that moment, Hyrkan had barely avoided the thunder, and he walked near the Barbarian King’s heel .  Hyrkan swallowed the sigh of relief from coming out of his mouth .

‘……wow . ’

When the alert announcing him being the target of the Storm Judgement popped up, the three second countdown had started .

Three seconds .

It was a short amount of time where one could let out a long sigh once, and the time would be up .  He had only a brief amount of time .  The enemy could stomp him, beat him to death with its trunk or squeeze him to death with its grip .  However, he had to charge forward towards his enemy despite the danger .

No explanation was needed .  Even if one was able to give a detailed explanation, it was something that wouldn’t be believed unless one saw it .

The bolt of thunder fell, and at that moment, the thunder struck the Barbarian King .  Hyrkan slipped to the side, and for a moment, the world became yellow and white .

He had goosebumps .

His body shuddered .

‘This is awesome . ’

Moreover, he had a smile on his face .

‘If my timing was off by one second…  No, if it was off by . 5 second, I would have been sent to heaven .  It wouldn’t have matter what setting I had on . ’

At that moment, Hahoe Mask was wearing fabric clothes .

The full set was worth 500,000 gold, and it was called the Thunder Mage set .  Moreover, he was wearing the Circlet of Purification .

He had ignored physical defense .  This setting was solely put on to increase his resistance against the thunder as much as possible .  The Circlet of Purification was chosen to sidestep the inevitable Stun effect that would arise when hit with the Storm Judgement .  He didn’t know if it’ll work against the Storm Judgement, but he decided to equip it .

His combined outfit was incredibly pricey, and this set would give him one chance .

Theoretically, It meant he could survive one hit from the Storm Judgement .

However, when he witnessed the Storm Judgement, Hyrkan’s intuition gave a different assessment .

‘There won’t be a next time . ’

He had spent an enormous amount of money as a precaution, yet he realized it wouldn’t play a role in this battle .

He couldn’t rely on it .

He had to think of it as him fighting the battle with his bare body .  

He had to think of this as his last and only chance at this .

‘Storm……  I really have a bad relationship with anything that starts with Storm . ’

The funny part was the fact that useless thoughts filled his mind at his most desperate situation .

The Barbarian King extended its hands towards Hyrkan .  Hyrkan dodged a hand .  Then he kept dodging .

Hweek hweek!

The Barbarian King’s attack was akin to a boxer jabbing with his fists .

Hyrkan dodged them all .

The Barbarian King became frustrated at the nimble Hyrkan, so it brought up its trunk up high before it swung the trunk downward like a whip .


Hyrkan threw his body to avoid the Barbarian King’s elephant-like trunk .  It had come down like a bolt of lightning .  

However, he didn’t run away too far .  He had to maintain a certain distance .  If he was too far away, he wouldn’t be able to get close to the Barbarian King when the Judgement starts .

[The Storm Judgement is heading towards you . ]


When the Announcement popped up, Hyrkan dove between the Barbarian King’s legs .


The thunderbolt impacted on the Barbarian King’s body .  At that moment, Hyrkan could feel it .

‘It is a lightning rod .  If a thunder strikes near the Barbarian King, the Barbarian King will absorb everything . ’

He realized he didn’t need to be too fine with the timing .

As expected, this was the method that had to be used to defeat this monster .  Moreover, this leniency was a little bit of courtesy given by Warlord to the User, who carried out this method .

‘Fuck .  I’m so thankful that tears are coming out . ’

Hyrkan was serious .  The courtesy almost brought him to tears, and as if to pay back this courtesy, Hyrkan once again engaged the Barbarian King .  While Hyrkan confronted it, he looked at the status of the Barbarian King .

The Barbarian King’s body looked a bit charred, but it was still imposing .  He didn’t know how many times he would have to repeat this action .  The 31st Raid team had succeeded in this method thrice before they gave up on the Raid .

It could be three, ten or twenty times .  It could also be 31 times to mirror the number of Protection Gems possessed by the Barbarian King .

Hyrkan gritted his teeth .

‘There’s no tree that won’t fall if you strike it 10 times .  It would be great if Warlord’s AI knew this adage… .


This was the 11th Storm Judgement .  It let out a fierce thunderclap as it fell .

It was as if this sound had been the signal .  The two groups on standby moved at that moment .  They had been far away, but in short order, they came close to the wall of Users protecting the Hahoe Mask .

When the Users saw the two groups approaching, they looked at them with suspicion .  Their glares turned into a look of shock .

“It’s the Stormhunters!”

“It’s the Red Bulls!”

These were two enormous guilds .

The Red Bulls had been the dragon hidden under the water until now .  The Stormhunters guild had been at the forefront of leading this era .

The two guilds didn’t hide their emblems as they charged towards the stage where the Barbarian King was present .

Whistling had been going around taking down Users and monsters trying to approach the Hahoe Mask .  The news was quickly delivered to Whistling’s ears .

‘Of all the… . ’

He knew disrupters would come .  In truth, there had been couple disrupters here already .  However, he would have never imagined that the Red Bulls and the Stormhunters fell into the same category .  He didn’t know about the other guilds, but he had thought these two guilds had the pride and self respect that came with their position in the 30 great guilds .

‘As expected, they are putting profits above all else?’

Of course, he understood why they were doing this .

The 30 great guilds of Warlord were organizations that were mostly driven by profit .  They were basically companies .  Their goal was to make money through this game .

To them, the Barbarian King Raid was worth… .

At the very least, it would be a figure normal people would balk at .  It was probably an enormous amount of money .

Anyways, the worst case scenario had just occurred .

‘How long will they be able to last?’

He was sure of it .  It was impossible to stop them .

However, could they draw out the fight?

The fact that he was having such thoughts was the height of arrogance .  Whistling, Yojori, Joba and all the regular Users could only buy some time .  That was the only thing they could do .

The only thing up in the air was how long they would be able to drag this out .


Whistling unconsciously gulped .   In truth, he didn’t know how to deal with this situation .

‘Shit . ’

He felt an indescribable sense of despair .  Then the despair immediately changed in sorriness towards Hyrkan .

In the end, Whistling had precipitated this .

Hyrkan didn’t need this stage .  He could prove his worth, and be treated well elsewhere .  However, Whistling had brought him to this abyss .  The only thing that could comfort Hyrkan was a victory and success .  That was it .

However, everything was about to be ruined .  They were treading water to stay above the abyss .

“Excuse me .  Shouldn’t we tell him?”

Yojori asked the question .  Hahoe Mask still didn’t know about the appearance of the two large guilds .

“No . ”

Whistling asked Yojori to keep silent .

He couldn’t tell Hyrkan about this situation .  Hyrkan was currently fighting a life and death battle with the Barbarian King, and his words might cause him to die .  Hyrkan was fighting a battle where 1 second determined his fate .   It was a battle with a razor thin margin .

As a friend, Whistling wanted to help in anyway he could .  He wanted Hyrkan to be left alone, so he could carry out the battle .  This was the only way he could repay his friend .

“We’ll just have to block them . ”

Whistling gritted his teeth .

He had already been prepared for death .

Moreover, at that moment, Whistling was thinking of different ways he could threaten the two guilds .  

Was there anyway he could file a lawsuit against the Stormhunters and Redbulls for using such tactics?

Could he use this threat to scare them off?

His mind mulled over the problem .

However, he didn’t have much time to ponder over this problem .

Whistling could see the Stormhunters guild close the distance with the Hahoe Mask and the Barbarian King .  They were turning aside the wall of Users easily .  Moreover, Whistling could see, who was in the front .

‘My **** . ’

Storm Queen Shir!

She was leading from the front .  Aside from the Hahoe Mask, she was called the strongest in Warlord .  Moreover, it would be useless to bring lawyers, the justice system and a lawsuit against her .  It wouldn’t work on her .

Whistling was about to lose his fighting spirit .  His face looked like the face of a fighting dog, but the fight was about drain out of him .

‘Wow .  It’s the Storm Queen . ’

“Even if I die here, I can boast about this to everyone . ”

Everyone else pretty much assumed they were all going to die early on .  At that moment, Whistling sheathed his sword .

“You shall not pass!”

Then he yelled out .

He used all his strength to do so .

In his lifetime, Whistling had never yelled this loud before .  It was as if he was barfing out everything within him into this shout .

At the shout, the Stormhunters and the Storm Queen came to a stop .

“If you have pride in yourself as the 30 great guilds, you should leave this to the Hahoe Mask .  You should think about the etiquette within Warlord!”

They stopped, but Whistling kept shouting .

“At the very least, you should keep the gamer’s code of conduct!”

At Whistling’s shout, Shirt glared at Whistling .  Shir, who was looking straight at Whistling, was beautiful .  However, her expression was indescribably cold .  Whistling didn’t avoid her gaze .  He glared at her like a fighting dog .

While this terrifying war of gazes was occurring, a third person spoke up .

“We are here to make a deal with the Hahoe Mask . ”

Ballista Hatch .

He had been at the back of the group .  He ran forward as he shouted .

“We started the Barbarian King event .  Of course, we also possess the key that will allow us to finish off the Barbarian King .  If we let things be, the Barbarian King will start up its activities again . ”

Hatch gave an explanation .

When he ended the explanation, Shir added her words .

“Even if I do fight with the Hahoe Mask, there is no way I’ll fight him here .  So get out of my way . ”

Whistling gritted his teeth .


19 .

When the thunder fell another 10 times, the Barbarian King froze in place .

He stood erect .

It was like a statue .

However, the Barbarian King was still alive .


Hyrkan watched this sight, and for the first time, he let out a sigh of relief inside his head .

The clear method was effective .

[The Barbarian King Nesha has fallen asleep . ]

[The Barbarian King Nesha will awaken in 24 hours . ]

However, the next System Announcement knocked down all his achievements in one fell swoop .

‘This **** game!’

It was the worst possible situation .

He was well aware of the possibility of a 3rd Phase .  He had expected the Barbarian King to go nuts, so he had prepared accordingly .  However, he hadn’t been prepared for this scenario .

At the same time, he had no idea how he should deal with this scenario .

[Barbarian King Nessa will awaken from his sleep in 23 hours 50 seconds . ]

In front of Hyrkan, the Warlord started its cold, heartless and cruel countdown .

‘I…… I have to kill this **** . ’

At that moment, Hyrkan thought about all the Users, who had given up their lives for him .


That didn’t matter .

It hadn’t been important in the first place .  He didn’t play this game for the money .  He had needed the money to become the best in Warlord .

He was afraid of the disappointment .

These Users had put their lives on the line for him .  They had fought for his victory, and even the dead Users were cheering from outside the game .  He was afraid of the sense of disappointment that’ll be felt by those people .

“I have to kill it!”

Eventually, he shouted at the top of his lungs towards the Barbarian King Nessa .

-Hyrkan .  The Stormhunters guild and Red Bulls guild is heading your way .

At that moment, he heard Whistling’s voice .

-They want to propose a deal .

Hyrkan turned his head .  He could see a large group heading towards the center of the plain .

He could see her .

Storm Queen Shir!

She wasn’t wearing her helmet, and her hair was whipping around her .  She brought her group towards him .

Hyrkan looked at them .

As time passed, Shir and Hyrkan stared at each other .

“This will be my final proposal . ”

Shir opened her mouth .

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