The Tutorial Is Too Hard Chapter 224:

Translator: JiuJiuBa

Proofreader: GodlyCash

“Cough! Cough!”

Coughs mixed with whines fills the room .

Kim Min Hyuk sighs at the sight .

“Is that OK?”

All eyes turn towards Park Jung Ah in bed .

Park Jung Ah is hiding under the blanket with a face reddened from a cold .

“Don’t worry . You don’t have to mind it since you can’t even do that . ”

According to the symptoms of my poison, this is what happens near the end of the recovery period .

If it was truly serious, it would be hemoptysis instead of just coughing .

Past that would be death .

“Well, she’s not a newbie, it’s the first time I’ve seen a 70th floor challenger catch a cold . ”

Park Jong-sik says .

That’s right .

Even easy difficulty challengers become immune to mild colds once they’ve passed the 20th floor .

In addition, Park Jung Ah has put a significant effort training her resistance skills such as Poison Resistance because of assassination threats .

“Why don’t you send her to a better room first?”

Park Jong-sik made a conjecture .

Would that be better?

“It’s okay . ”

Park Jung Ah’s hoarse voice is heard from within the blanket .

What’s there to do if she says it’s fine? 

“Then we’ll leave . Thanks to a certain someone, we’ve become busier . Please take care of her for a few days . ”

“Alright, I have nothing to do anyway . ”

They reminded Park Jung Ah to take care of herself and then bid farewell .

As they leave, Kim MinHyuk sends a message to me .

[Kim Min Hyuk,30th floor: Jung Ah may feel sorry for us and insist on getting up . You make sure she rests as long as possible . Just take a week off . ]

[Lee Ho Jae, 50th floor: Aren’t you flooded with work now?]

[Kim Min Hyuk, 30th floor: Yes, but not that much . Take this opportunity to give her a break . ]

Kim Min Hyuk tells me that Park Jung Ah always pushes herself on a daily basis .

Her perfectionism had exhausted the people around her, although things have recently improved, she’s still harsh on herself .

Kim Min Hyuk also says it’s worrying because even though she doesn’t exhaust the people around her, she is still too cruel to herself .

[Lee Ho Jae, 50th Floor: Okay . There’s a good medicine for that . ]

[Kim MinHyuk, 30th Floor: … I don’t know what it is, but I’m anxious . ]

I spot Kim Min Hyuk and Park Jong-sik walking outside the dormitory building through the window .

I wave to them when they look towards the window, then sat down beside the bed .

Park Jung Ah’s face peaks out from hiding within the blankets .

“I told you to wait a few days . ”

She hides in the blanket again .

“…Sorry . ”

Don’t say that .

I open the blanket and put my hand on Park Jung Ah’s forehead .

If a normal person had such a high fever , they’d  be sent to the emergency room immediately, but it’s not so serious for Park Jung Ah .

She’ll be fine after some medicine and a nap .

“Ahbooboo, release another blessing . The previous one is no longer effective . ”

[Okay…… . ]

Ahbooboo replies .

He’s been like this since last night .

The talkative Ahbooboo had become gloomy at some point .

[Hey, what’s wrong?]

[It’s nothing… Just a little uncomfortable . ]

This **** is a sword isn’t he?

[Hey, look at Seregia . She hasn’t said anything . No agitation, as silent as always . ]

[Actually, I was also a little shocked yesterday . ]

The quiet Seregia suddenly spoke .

Ah, you were shocked too?

[Yes . Warrior, is this the way the world is? ]

Seregia asks

That’s unusual .



Somehow Seregia seems gloomy too .

Ahbooboo says she wants to be the plant in the fishbowl while floating around in the air . I scold him and tell him to release the blessing .

The scent of poison that has been vaguely lingering around the nose disappears .

“Haven’t you harmed yourself or something lately?”

The still Park Jung Ah asks .

I nod .

“It’s been a while . What’s up?”

“Nothing… I am just asking . I’m afraid I’m getting in your way . ”

She’s asking me if she’s taking up my training time .

Of course not .

I came to the tournament with thoughts of taking a rest for a while .

If the schedule was really tight, I would’ve already returned to the stages by now .

“It’s amazing . I’m always busy accelerating my growth . ”

“I’m doing it now . ”


Training is always a must .

I’m adjusting aura in midair while chatting with her .

“Then… Even last night? ”

“…Of course not last night . That’s dangerous . ”

[It is . ]

[It’s awesome . ]

I ignore Seregia and Ahbooboo are particularly in sync today .

Dealing with aura is different from playing with clay .

A mistake during its operation could lead to a disaster .

I don’t know what Park Jung Ah is happy about, she is laughing

It is good to see her laugh .

I take the herbal powder from the inventory, put it in a bowl, and mix it with water .

Fortunately, it was grounded in advance .

When the powder is completely dissolved, I hand the bowl to Park Jung Ah .

“Drink it . ”

“My sense of smell tells me not to drink it . ”

“It’s good for you . Drink it quickly . ”

Park Jung Ah drinks it in one breath .

It should taste like **** because it’s far too bitter .

As expected, Park Jung Ah’s face crumples up and coughs .

I quickly take out another drink from my inventory for her .

I’ve drunk it before, so I know how nauseous it is .

“What’s this?”

“An herb called Sanguncho . ”

This is the herb used by Myong Myong when I was poisoned .

In addition to detoxification, it has a sleep effect . It is the perfect herbal medicine .

I saw it in the store so I bought some .

“You’ll fall asleep for a while . You’ll feel better when you wake up . ”


“Yes . ”

She won’t sleep for days like me .

I adjusted the dosage .

She’ll only sleep a day or two so she can get up and eat . .

Maybe .

I move the chair to the bedside and wait for Park Jung Ah to fall asleep .

It’s been a long time since I looked after someone like this .

It’s the first time since I’ve looked after Myong Myong .

“I don’t feel sleepy . ”

Park Jung Ah says .

I can see her trying to keep her eyes open in order not to fall asleep .

It’s clear she’s drowsy .

Park Jung Ah asks me to talk to her .

I ask her wanted to hear . She says she wants to hear about what happened since the end of the last tournament .

I decided to talk about what happened to me as I cleared the 40th-49th stages .

I had many stories to tell because those stages were different since I met many people instead of constantly slaying monsters .

These stories might be interesting for Park Jung Ah and can help her in various ways .

As I talk, Park Jung Ah falls asleep .

She tried everything to avoid sleep like biting her mouth or pinching her legs, but lethargy eventually consumes her .

I properly cover her in the blanket .

I get up from the chair and head to the window .

There was a lot of disturbance outside just now . .

Because of the frog monster in front of the front door of the dormitory .

A frog is sitting in front of the building where people pass frequently would definitely will cause a stir .

That guy is frozen like a haetae statue .

People probably knew the frog would truly not attack or hurt them so they watched and touched it .

Fortunately, no one attacks it .

It’s like watching animals at a zoo .

I can see that people have changed a lot nowadays .

Compared to before .

They no longer have a kind of ruthlessness . .

Although they haven’t reached my level, I felt that everyone was tumbling over dangers in the past .

Everyone stayed sharp and built mental walls against each other .

I knew that breaking those walls was the goal of the Order of Vigilance and Kim Min Hyuk, but it is strange to see people so docile .

It looks like another world .

“Frog . ”


I call the frog over the window and it answers immediately .

This guy is more dog than frog .

It’s usually a person’s mind that determines their identity rather than their physical bodies, but this guy doesn’t seem like that . .

“Roll around . ”

The frog begins to roll around at my command .

It doesn’t roll casually, but follows the movement of the man I had tortured before . .

People seem to have fun watching the frog .

Those are the same reactions  to seeing a little dog performing tricks on his master’s instructions .

[Why are you abusing the poor frog again?]

[It’s not abuse . It’s an effective exercise . ]

Of course, it will cause some muscle pain afterwards .

That’s because it doesn’t exercise normally, so it can’t be helped .

I stop the frog threw it some meat chunks from my inventory .

The frog begins to eat .

I’m worried about whether I should’ve given it worms instead of meat .

People seem to enjoy watching the frog eat the meat .

This makes me feel like a dolphin keeper .

They ask if they can feed the frog .

I reply that it is okay so long as the food is not harmful to the frog .

In fact, I don’t know what is harmful to it, but the frog should be able to distinguish edible food .

People take all kinds of food from their inventory and give it to the frog .

The frog refuses food with strong fragrances, but eats lots of raw meat and vegetables .

[How surprising . ]


[You get along with people better than I thought . Is it because you’re all fellow countrymen?]

“Hard to say . ”

I don’t think so .

I recall when I met people in the past .

It was during second tournament .

I was nervous at that time .

I was afraid I would never get along with others .

I was afraid that I would be a loner even after returning to earth from tutorial .

My psychology at the time was to get along with others, I didn’t want to be different from them . .

I didn’t want to leave the tutorial anymore .

Naturally, I lost my passion to grow and to clear the floors . I became more comfortable with the status quo .

Maybe in my heart, I intended to fail the stages .

[How about now?]

Ahbooboo reads my thoughts again .

Next time you meet kirikiri, ask her what happened .

“It’s different . The distance between me and them is much further now than then . ”

Although I think the distance between me and the public is getting further, it’s interesting to see that Ahbooboo thinks it the opposite .


How are we becoming further apart?

It’s difficult to explain .

After pondering for a while, I decide to use my attitude towards the people in the stages as an example .

“I used to treat people in the stages different from those I met here . That’s because they’re actually different types of people . ”

They are not the same .

Even if I can get along with the people in the stages, They will eventually leave me .

In Idy’s words, they are imprisoned .

However, there was an exception on the 18th floor after the end of the tournament .

I was very discouraged at that time .

[How about now?]

“The same . I treat them the same way . Because they are not different . ”

So I gradually became alienated from people .

I treat the people I meet in the stages and the other challengers the same way .

I can laugh and converse with people I meet in the stages .

I can eat with them, understand them, and resonate with them .

Under the condition that it doesn’t negatively impact me .

Even now .

The sound of someone turning over came from the bed behind me .

[But you don’t seem to treat people that way . ]

[Of course . I’m human too . Even if I only meet people once or twice a year, there will be people who are more welcoming]

[Is that so? Those people should really be thanked . ]

[Yes . ]

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