Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy Chapter 107: Love story (this)

"wewerebothyoungwhenifirstsawyou.{When we first met, we were all very young}

iclosemyeyesandthestarts.{I close my eyes, and that scene of the past reappears in my mind}

i"mstandingthereonainsummerair.{I am standing on the balcony and enjoying the summer breeze}"

Hannie closed her eyes slowly, a soothing smile on her face. Most of the anger on Chang Wei's face disappeared, and Chang Chu squinted his eyes happily.

"seethelights, seetheparty, theballgowns.{Looking at the diminished dance party and gorgeous dress}

seeyoumakeyourwaythroughthecrowd.{see you through the crowd}

andsayhello.{say hello to me}

Littledidiknow.{I only remember so much}”

Chang Chu began to sway gently with her mother, and Chang Wei finally showed a smile on his face. No matter when, music always has that kind of charm that makes people relax.

"thatyouwereRomeo, youwerethrowingpebbles.{You are Romeo throwing stones at my window}

andmydaddysaidstayawayfromJuliet.{My father angrily told you to stay away from Juliet}

andiwascryingonthestaircase.{I was sitting curled up in the stairwell and sobbing}

beggingyoupleasedon "tgo. {I beg you not to leave}"

Romeo and Juliet? Hanni opened her eyes and exchanged a somewhat amazing look with Chang Wei who was looking over here at the same time.

"andisaid.{I said}

Romeo, takemesomewherewecanbealone.{Romeo, take me to a place where there are only two of us}

i"llbewaiting, allthere"slefttodoisrun.{I have been waiting for this moment, the only thing I can do is to escape}

You"llbetheprinceandi"llbetheprincess.{You are the prince, I am the princess}

it "salovestory, baby, justsayyes. {beautiful love story, my dear promise me}"

Hearing this, Changchu could no longer help but continue to share this song with her parents. She just wanted to escape from the kitchen with the radio, and then hid in her room, enjoying Wright's birthday gift quietly.

Hanni also let go of her hand on her daughter's shoulder at this time, watching her back from the kitchen at the beginning of the day, and singing faintly came from outside the kitchen. It was not until Changchu returned to the room and locked the door that the music was finally isolated.

"soisneakouttothegardentoseeyou.{I slip into the garden to have a tryst with you}

wekeepquiet"causewe"redeadiftheyknew.{We act carefully to avoid being discovered}

socloseyoureyes.{close your eyes}

escapethistownforalittlewhile.{We escaped from this town, even if only for a while}

causeyouwereRomeo, iwasascarletter.{Your appearance makes my life full of color}

andmydaddysaidstayawayfromJuliet.{My father told you to stay away from me}

butyouwereeverythingtome.{But you are everything to me}

iwasbeggingyoupleasedon"tgo.{I beg you not to leave}


Hanni and Chang Wei below the song downstairs can't hear it anymore, because Chang Chu has already hid in her small room at this time. Put the radio on the bed, kneel on the edge of the bed, quietly listening to the songs on the radio.


Romeosaveme, {Romeo save me}

theytrytotellmehowtofeel.{They try to tell me how to experience}

thisloveisdifficult, butit "sreal.{Although this love is so difficult, it is very real}

Don"tbeafraid, we"llmakeitoutofthismess.{Don't be afraid, we will tide over the difficulties}

it"salovestory, baby, justsayyes. {beautiful love story, my dear, promise me}


Changchu turned his body a bit, changing from the original kneeling motion to leaning on the bed with his hands around his knees, his small head moved little by little with the rhythm of the music.

"igottiredofwaiting.{I am tired of waiting}

wonderingifyouwereeveringaround.{Want to know if you will arrive as scheduled}

myfaithinyouwasfading.{My faith is gradually declining}

whenimetyouontheoutskirtsoftown.{When I meet you again in the outskirts of the town}

andisaid.{I said}

Romeosaveme, i"vebeenfeelingsoalone.{Romeo, save me, I've been alone for too long}

ikeepwaitingforyoubutyounevere.{I have been waiting for you, but you never showed up}

isthisinmyhead, idon "tknowwhattothink. {It's a mess in my mind, I don't know what to do}

heknelttothegroundandhepulledoutaring.{He kneels on the ground, holding out a ring}

andsaid.{then speak}

marryme, Juliet, you"llneverhavetobealone. {Marry me, Juliet, you are no longer alone}

iloveyouandthat"sallireallyknow.{I only know that I love you deeply}

italkedtoyourdad, gopickoutawhitedress.{I have a talk with your father, go and choose your white wedding dress~IndoMTL.com~Beautiful love story, please promise me my dear}


"wewerebothyoungwhenifirstsawyou.{When we first met in life, we were all young}"

"Happy birthday, little..." Wright's dry words came out of the tape recorder, "Little, Xiaochu."


There was a deafening sound from the impact of the door and the wall at the beginning of the day, and then there was another rushing sound of stepping on the stairs.

As Hanni and Chang Wei, who were at the table downstairs, looked at each other in surprise, Chang Chu suddenly reappeared at the door of the kitchen out of breath. Her face was flushed at this time, her forehead was slightly sweaty, and her neat hair was now a lot more messy than before.

"Mom and Dad!" Changchu paused, as if panting for the fast running just now, "Let’s go to France this year!"

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