Breakers Chapter 187:

Chapter 187 – Chapter 39: Ghosts #2

The door was broken . Simultaneously, In-gong shot down the hallway while expanding the mini-map . It wasn’t hard to find her location because Felicia belonged to the King’s Knights .  

‘Too far away!’ 

If he used Wind Style, he could get there in a few minutes . However, he felt like a few minutes was still too long . What would he do if something happened in the meantime? In-gong had already lost his temper when he heard Felicia scream . The image of Felicia protecting Silvan from the Famine Knight popped into his head, and he felt a surge of fear .  


Carack shouted from behind him, in attempt to restrain him, but In-gong didn’t care .  


It wasn’t a simple call . This was the powerful Call of the King’s Knights .  

He would normally have refrained from using it because he didn’t know what Felicia was doing . However, now wasn’t the time to consider such things . The moment he shouted the command, the space in front of him opened, and Felicia was revealed .  

“Shock Wave!” 

Felicia cast a spell as she appeared in front of In-gong . It was because she had activated the magic the moment that Call was used .  


Felicia tried to stop the magic when she saw In-gong, but it was already too late . A powerful shock wave hit In-gong .  However, In-gong’s body was able to withstand this level of magic . He didn’t resist the moment the shock wave struck, but instead of being blown into the air, he used strength to flip and land on the ground .  

Normally, a shock wave would cause blood and vomiting, but In-gong was fine . Felicia’s attempt to stop the shock wave at the last minute had weakened the magic, but In-gong’s durability itself was very high .  

“I’m okay! Is Noona okay?” 

In-gong asked loudly, and Felicia flinched with surprise before nodding . She looked around in a voice mixed with embarrassment .  

“Uh, yes . I see you used Call . ” 

Felicia was reminded of the fight at the 12th base of Curtis . Her breathing was probably rough due to her surprise .  

“Princess, what is going on? The fog is strange!” 

Carack asked Felicia . No matter how familiar she was with Carack, she could not help but feel fear as the rough looking Carack approached . Felicia flinched again before shouting, 

“I don’t know . This is the first time this has happened!” 

Felicia stayed at the Demon King’s Palace more often than at the Dark Elves’ Palace, but she had still spent a third of her 20 years at the Sky Forest . This was a phenomenon which had never been present in the records .  


Right then, In-gong used Dragon Words again . Due to the exposed side wall, the fog entered directly and banshees were forming . At that moment, Carack remembered something and took a step closer to Felicia .  

“Delia! What is Delia’s situation right now?” 

She was always with Felicia . Felicia had screamed, so maybe Delia was in a dangerous situation .  However, it was groundless . If there really was a dangerous situation, then Felicia would be the first one to return to Delia .  

Felicia replied calmly,

“She will be fine . I wasn’t in danger . I just screamed because I was confused . A banshee suddenly appeared in front of me . So, Delia will be fine . Yes, I bet on it . ” 

It seemed like Felicia was reassuring herself, rather than Carack .  Felicia explained the situation in a bit more detail . According to her, she had been walking along the corridor with Delia and two servants when she encountered a banshee .  After hearing about the growing number of banshees, In-gong spoke to Felicia and Carack, 

“Then let’s move on . First we need to secure the safety of Caitlin noona . ” 

After securing Felicia, the next one was Caitlin . Felicia was familiar with ghosts and spirits because she was a magician, but there was no telling how Caitlin would react to the banshees .  Caitlin was also a magician, but she could only use some spells for combat support .  

Felicia had a subtle expression on her face, but she quickly nodded . She was also concerned about Caitlin .  Caitlin’s and Chris’s rooms were somewhat distant from In-gong’s room . If this were an ordinary mansion, the guest rooms would be close to each other, but this was the palace of the dark elves . Moreover, a distinction had been made between males and females, so the gap between rooms was quite substantial .  

They saw banshees in the hallway as the magic power of the fog became stronger . The sound of dark elves screaming, not banshees, could be heard in many places .  

In-gong gritted his teeth and used Wind Style . Carack and Felicia were together, so it wouldn’t be a big problem to go first .  Like Felicia, Caitlin was a member of the King’s Knights, so he had no trouble finding her room .  As soon as he arrived at the guest room, In-gong used the divine flame to break through the door .  


The moment that In-gong shouted, several banshees exploded before him .  

“Shutra . ” 

Caitlin blinked with surprise and greeted In-gong . There was a considerable number of dead banshees in the room .  

“This, pant, before, pant, guess, pant…” 

Felicia breathed roughly as she arrived behind him . Caitlin didn’t have blood covering her body like at the time of the Red Lightning tribe mission, but In-gong was reminded of that time . Even Seira standing beside her was unharmed .  

‘Indeed . ’ 

In-gong thought Caitlin was scared of ghosts, but that was a mistake . Rather, Caitlin’s eyes were shining like lanterns .  It was at this moment that there was a deafening roar from behind them .  


It was Chris . Felicia covered her ears reflexively with a frown while, In-gong grabbed Caitlin’s hand .  


Chris sighed with relief as he scanned Caitlin up and down after arriving . However, shortly after that, he turned toward Felicia who was still breathing roughly and grabbed her .  

“Felicia noonim, what the **** is happening?” 

It was a sharp voice, almost like he was interrogating her . Chris was terribly agitated . However, this wasn’t simply due to the attack of the banshees . It was because the phenomenon that created the banshees was getting stronger .  

“I don’t know! This is the first time!” 

Felicia hit Chris’ hands several times before correcting her posture .  In-gong sandwiched himself between Chris and Felicia and said, 

“We need to send people to Amita and Daphne . ” 

In-gong, Chris, and Caitlin were on the same floor, but Amita and Daphne were on a different floor .  However, Felicia shook her head .  

“They will be fine . The two of them are sharing a room, and Daphne is good with spirits . Karma as well . ” 

There were two druids there, so it shouldn’t be a problem . Additionally, Amita wasn’t simply a raccoon who liked eating . They were a powerful magician and priest of the last flame, so they could deal with dozens of banshees at once .  

In-gong was convinced of this and nodded . Then Caitlin, who was still holding In-gong’s hand, asked, 

“Silvan oppa?” 

“He won’t have a problem . The important thing is to break this situation itself . ” 

Instead of Felicia, Chris replied . The power of life was a natural enemy to ghosts like the banshee . It was unlikely that Silvan, who was strong with aura, would be at risk .  3rd Queen Sylvia was the ruler of the dark elves and would likely have guards around here . Moreover, Sylvia was a powerful magician, so Felicia didn’t need to worry .  

As a certain degree of comfort was restored, the agitation of the group subsided and reason was restored . However, they couldn’t relax .  

“Master, the height of the fog keeps on increasing . ” 

Green Wind spoke in an uneasy voice as she looked far away . He hadn’t noticed due to the excitement, but once he closed his eyes and concentrated, he could feel the density of magic power was becoming thicker and higher .  

What would happen if this situation continued? 

Right now, only banshees were appearing . However, as the density of magic power increased, more powerful monsters might appear .  The banshees weren’t a threat to the party . Even if stronger ghosts appeared, the situation wasn’t likely to change . However, it wasn’t the same for the ordinary dark elves in the palace . This situation could result in an enormous loss of life .  

Everybody looked at each other, but none of them could open their mouths .  

At that moment, In-gong opened his inventory and pulled out White Eagle . Just like before, an ominous light shone from Abseltus’ heart which was embedded in White Eagle .  


Chris asked hurriedly when he saw the modified White Eagle . In-gong replied as he stared at Abseltur’s heart which was emitting a red light instead of the usual green light .  

“This is Abseltur’s heart . ” 

The moment that In-gong said this, Felicia made a startled expression as she looked between In-gong and the heart .  

“Heok! Surely, this isn’t because of Shutra?! Shutra is too much!” 

Chris and Caitlin also seemed resentful . In-gong sighed at Felicia’s words and explained, 

“I’m not the cause . Abseltur’s heart is just reacting to the phenomenon . ” 

“It’s reacting? Are you referring to Creature Abseltur?” 

Chris asked quickly . In-gong was surprised .  

“You know about him?” 

“I only know that he dealt the dark elves a massive blow in the past . Beyond that, I don’t know any more . ” 

Chris’ hobby was collecting stories of heroes and battles from various places . So, it was natural for him to hear the name .  In-gong gazed at Felicia, and she explained while fanning her face furiously with her hands, like she was trying to cool down .  

“Abseltur is a creature made by the first fairy king . He was a guardian when the fairy king was still alive but revealed his evil nature after the fairy king died . Anyway, if Abseltur’s heart is responding, then that means…

“It is clear that this incident has a connection to the first fairy king . ” 

Felicia nodded at In-gong’s words . The name, Abseltur, was notorious, so she thought the cause of this incident was Abseltur’s heart . However, that was irrational . It was more likely that Abseltur’s heart was reacting to something, just like In-gong said .  

“Master, it is better to keep moving . The fog is starting to have a constant flow now . It will soon become a whirlwind . ” 

Green Wind spoke in a strained voice . He couldn’t directly see the situation outside, but it seemed like the wind was becoming stronger .  

In-gong closed his eyes and focused on the flow of magic power . It was just as Green Wind said; a flow of gigantic fog was covering the whole Sky Forest, but it was still slow . As gandharvas were sensitive to all flow, it wasn’t difficult to feel the movements . However, it was becoming faster . He didn’t know how long it would continue to accelerate, but it seemed like a big disaster was soon about to happen .  

“Go underground . ” 

Felicia declared . She couldn’t read the flow of magic, so she trusted In-gong and Green Wind . Instead of spending time on verification, the top priority was resolving the immediately situation .  

“The tomb of the kings is in the basement of the palace . The first fairy king’s tomb is there, so we might be able to find a clue . ” 

The magic fog had been here before the first fairy king set up his kingdom . So, there was no guarantee that this phenomenon was linked to the fairy king .  However, Abseltur’s heart was responding to something . Moreover, the tombs of the ancestors in the basement of the palace weren’t simple tombs; powerful magic circles were engraved there .  

The tomb of the first fairy king was the starting point of all those magic circles . So, it was worth taking a look .  

“Let’s go . ” 

Chris growled, and Caitlin nodded . The party, with Felicia in the lead, headed underground .  

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