Cosmic Professional Gladiator Chapter 18: 100 years of rent
Xu Jingming was in charge of guarding the entire human territory of the universe. Xu Jingming, who was sitting high in the Eternal Realm and painting by the lake, frowned slightly, but the other clone took a step forward to meet the Lord Wuke.
This time and space.
After Lord Wu Ke came, he waited leisurely, and after only a few breaths, he saw a young man in black robe coming. Be alert.
Honorable Lord Wuke secretly said: Lord Wuke secretly shook his head.
One is Tu Tiemu, the other is human Wu Ming, the resources and conditions are too different.
Tu Tiemu has clear guidelines for inheriting "Xuyuan", and there is a supply of resources, and the pollution of Xu Jingming is also the real image of one of the resources "Xuyuan Lord", which Tu Tiemu exchanged for himself.
But Xu Jingming didn't inherit it at all, but was polluted by high dimensions.
The result? Xu Jingming has entered the Eternal Realm of the Inner Realm! Tutimu is still stuck in the low-dimensional life stage and is still going crazy.
Xu Jingming's voice came.
Her Majesty Wu Ke stopped thinking about it, and looked at Xu Jingming with a smile: Xu Jingming became even more vigilant. As neighbors, the two groups have been fighting for a long time! Where is it unclear about the urine nature of the Void Protoss? Bing or @许景明这- couldn't help being excited, nervous, and vigilant for a moment. Lord Wuke smiled, and Xu Jingming asked.
" Lord Wu Ke said, Xu Jingming felt that he was being suppressed by a mountain, in other words, it was a million drops of true blood from the abyss! He once obtained a treasure from Sanan, one of the three thousand holy envoys, including two eternal weapons.
According to the ordinary value of eternal weapons, the value is about 10,000 drops of true blood of the abyss.
Bing or @祦鍏変竾鏄熷矝苯炲嚭风屽哜镵氭尭雀玉氶櫌闀跨殑捏阿竾枎音/末滆团罗'遗鏄撶濈梿Distinguish between 櫙 鏄 麢 evil Ning ◉ 溴 溴 炛 lang 囧 埌 鍗 all over the oars adzes chuzhang crucible 瞽 adze ┿傗濊报髙鹜鹜阴晚鹿色门濕郁风叀揀扊壊旕竴洛★纴杩欐″Zhang Zhe蔀甀盞噾怹忈墿风繛绂佸鍏Indigo髒閮borrowing卑This is not the case.湭鏉ョ殑瀹濈梿旭溴麉麉目复汽佸矝汽汽佽佽佽钂钂欁欁欁流流灰终/末滆滆滆旐旐忊濊髙麡纡旄旄灛闂问繘鍏ュachieve 吣屻/Holmium 滆 Umbrella Hao Discrimination搴︰悳绱绱変阿鿚定痘炎╂姠鍏堥槄槄汇/璁该髙鏄庡纡纡纡痄闄闄闄闄鹼粎浠呬竴爷米璺钺犳瘮langヨ改镄拮窛绂五纴溴栴松凡濕湅鍒混混混拪竴chain indigo method Chan殑Hazel戣棊磊秳槳槳壊Luan tea 姳 adze Luan plugs / holmium cang xuan xuan xuan umbrella chain 粦 鑹 tea 鑺 溴 鏄 浠 chop juicy 夊 冨 叺 鍣 adze ye greed 璁 tell 櫙 髙 纛 knee langョ 湅 engraved in / 鍙This is the most important thing to do. This is the most important thing to do in the future. The crotch is quenched and the concave hole is sold to the village.柌汗悗/璁歙髙鏄纡纡玲素ごごごごごごけごごごきごごごきごこごんごんごんごんごんごんごんごんごんごんかすかて/ >Holmium 滈粦Luan inserting 醿 领 鍏 荏 荏 鐗 鹉 鍙 荙 麴 麴 鏄 騒 騒 騒 冦 傗 濋 髌 闀 crotch quenching down concave 杩 欑 墖 鐤 嗗 smoke iron 勶 Huan Kunshu 㧧 Jujuan夊冿麴閮 borrowing 湪 tweezers, holding back fanning, 浡鄡, cutting down the village, 寤朖浼, hammer, hammer, flutter, 肗/ holmium 滀粬浠寤恒蜖鍟吹钟汉营冿麴鍙浠ユ敹油熼噾Adz屽彲浠ユ敹纤维板锤风槠铹花笉鏁1环环珍芹目目备絾鑳滃湪鏄静鄭簮涆柇镄勬敹鍏ャ忋櫌闀肩В读娿/Hang han 旄嶈 惤 獦 ㄩ ぅ 鐗 鬑 鹉 捙 欂/ Smoke adze簲风籼砼研礋暟江车装装装装装装装装装装装装装装头装装装头装仙块啓仛仛车块嗗沩欍/Holmium Umbrella Reading e e smoke effect Ying Jie 箣 鑺 hold back 纴 閮 槸 鍦 荦 汗 我 悗 悗 悗 悗 悗 殑 悗 / 杩 櫙 鏄 庣 溣 Da 纴 Lian borrowed 囩湅 engraved 杨 涢 collapse 鍏 鏂 Guang/ 杩欓 噷 樼樼樼In this case, there is a large number of cases in the world, and there are many cases in the world.庯纴都d簺鍒濈敓澧冮装装装装装Inch forging ring slippery お鑹 with accompaniment 毦浼 holmium 滈 搴 ф 渶鏄 drama 溂镄 勫 slow crimson play 纴 Hao distinguish 槸 獙 ゆ 紶 寤 constant effect 杩 欓 噷 杩 屼 helium 鏄 麴 纴 involved槸热敨畨鍏镄勶麴鍙ゆゆ紶醶綇ネくい熷㎜praseodymium praseodymium 1 key decoction slow down crimson 爝 甴閮ㄣ/ holmium 滆滆笔笔纴麴钖槑逄拔欔笔纴Xuanfeng will not be able to reach the village. forging This is the most important thing that can happen to a person. Chains and chains donate 2 chains and chains鐗╋麴鍑嗗囧四蜞箞风ye/Holmium’s Umbrella, Chopped, Indigo, and Indigo冷彲浠ュ呟沠升婚叾浠栦笁狮狮钱揄打脚脱冦傗濋櫌闀喜欢几鬶麴鎺屽展卑雨鹇旛楅粦鑹呹撱咱/….鍢夌醸 Lou Fu鐪骨潧潧潧流火繉鍏Indigo櫒Adzes钖屾椂浠頭仴langヨ仈第栵精钢鬬栵栵栴鸡鹿节忕忕俕併镄勮向浠切佸繉鍏Indigo adzes and 浠栜堜玲 adze /Halmium extinguished and slid down 55mm Feng Jian お鏄傝吹镄勯兘鏄鐢宝樻槸鎺ュ打镄勩鎸夌接接控控首厛闗囷纴麴雨阴佽秴50向囨盨曨谨笂鐪熻浼环约署潲浠饽带闭纴浠栦捙鍙卙铙晾旗叾浠栧疂鐗╋纴鍑戣冷饀句竾吾它宫宫已缘穄湡浠浠峰笔/捑滆蛇戴槸黆楀皬鍨全畤瀹欙溴纱犱捕鍙浠ュ莛历湅湅钁邗濆槈鐟滃皧见打秉憧继继结夐楀皬鍨夫失敤怹櫿颥荨仙/闄少浼报重掺ヨ护风汽荨晨嬫煡鐪嬶纴纴纴直玫玫玫玫玫玫玫玫玫球目目论坛5 This will cause the fire to break out/Holmium will destroy the fire and will cause damage to the fire. If you don't want to use it, you will be able to do it./嬩捐鍐 呭纴麴闅忓忓嵆重重重量而者而涢噺钀而湪戠戠接騿鐟滃皧萧肠瑧野重纴麴麴黆馆疗疗疗疗销敤敤镤憼檺鏄重量打打锋风椂闂竹竴鍒纘浠刘呴』昽佽佽佽火逷逹囧炗直/Halmium Cangzhe Jian Huan 冦 傗濋櫌闀拰璁报櫙鏄庨兘巴风韩滂湓湓汉汉印/油戣幉澧憿纴奶娘ㄥ湴宁︺/鍙ゆ洶閴村敾旛偅浠斗湉鹉鍏竒钖麯溯朴格笉鍐嶅叧斧田锋鹼粬镄勭洰鍏夎郤鍦ㄤJian Lu悕柴戣壊飊涃菕荕汉Han/Holmium滀綘疘见槸波鹿被璖槑科科熲忆犻犻仴langョ繅湅湅集型鏄浠栫捕物¤繎璺濈 Taboo Huang Ni 咖湅璁 櫙鏄庛/Holmium Canglong Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juicy Huan 殑 chain 揉 ワ 麴 鍒 plate 簳 瑳 borrow 埌鍝 Juan Shu ワ 躴 浠 悗 鈜 戜 slip 憷 湪 湪 涅 悓 鐤 闗 smoke adze香新笅铏氱┖绁炴棌鍜屼Han Linghua棌滨ょ殑鍏崇陈钖傗/锽品1畤瀹纴亴氥簥氥尥姥姐姐林泰ぇ耹rudder敹钘忥精耹囧畽镵屼It's hard to get rid of it/. I eat tomatoes