God of Cooking Chapter 12:

7 points . That was the best Jo Minjoon could get right now . It was a rather low score compared to 10 points, however Jo Minjoon felt by instinct . That whenever the score went up by 1, the difference would not be a mere point .

For the past 15 days, Jo Minjoon tried many restaurants of New York . Among them were two places that had received Michelin stars . One was a two star, and the other a one star . Both places were so famous that if you were a resident, you couldn’t not know about it .

However there were no cookings that had 10 points . They were mostly 8 points, and sometimes even a 7 points appeared . Also there was a 9 points dish which probabilities of appearing were lower than the 7 points .

Precisely speaking, Jo Minjoon could eat only one 9 points dish . And that was on the two star restaurant ‘East rabbit garden’ . It was a restaurant that was soon expecting to get the three star .

And the 9 points dish he ate on that place was the best experience he couldn’t compare to anything on his life . It was a perfectly roasted sheep ribs with curry sauce .

Jo Minjoon never thought that he would be shocked by a dish on his entire life . He did think that he would be shocked by a disgusting dish . However he never thought that a dish so delicious would even make your marrow shocked . But he was wrong . Firstly, it was the unique harmonious aroma of the curry . When it flowed through the tongue and was going to get to the nose, the sheep ribs followed back . When it was seared, I mean, when the exterior of the sheep ribs was well roasted, it possessed an aroma unique to the sheep ribs and invaded your mouth . For the aroma to invade the mouth and not the nose was a really miraculous and trance like feeling .

When he got a hold of himself, he couldn’t enjoy the flavor properly and had already eaten all the sheep ribs . At that moment, the shock Jo Minjoon got wasn’t a normal one . How high the dimension of cooking could get, it was at that moment that he felt it clearly through his tongue .

That’s why Jo Minjoon didn’t frustrate himself  over getting 7 points on his dish . In the first place, he thought that was the ability he had right now . Perhaps it was the results of hard work . So it wasn’t a score to be frustrated over, but a score to be thankful to .
Jo Minjoon loaded the cart with the plate that contained the bream and went to the room where the judges were . Because of many participants going in and out, the broadcasting place was filled with food scents .

Jo Minjoon looked at each of the judges . The first one he looked at was Emily Potter . Precisely speaking, it was at the window that appeared next to her .

[Emily Potter]
Cooking level: 3
Bakery level: 6
Delicacies level: 9
Decoration level: 6

It was a generally high level . He couldn’t help but sigh in amazement at the delicacies level . If it was at that level, eating the same food could be felt entirely differently .

Alan’s delicacies level was also 9 . Differently, Joseph’s was only 8 . Jo Minjoon thought that it was because of his age . If someone got through their forties, they would start to lose their sense of taste .

However, in the case of cooking, it was the contrary . Joseph’s cooking level was 9, and Alan’s was 8 . Thinking at Joseph’s age it was understandable . He didn’t know well, but he would be near his sixties . Because he had 10 years more experience than Alan, it couldn’t be helped that his level was higher than his .

However at the same time, Jo Minjoon couldn’t help but wonder . If someone of world class like Joseph didn’t have a level 10 on cooking, then who did have a level 10? No, in the first place, would they even exist? It was at that moment Alan Craig said with a blunt voice .

“Minjoon . How long are you going to make us look at your face?”
“Ah, I’m sorry . ”

Jo Minjoon, after tilting his head a little, picked the plate that contained the bream and went towards the table . Just as he left the bream on the table, the first to walk to the front was Alan . He had a slim and well built body . So just by looking at his looks you could tell that he was a perfectionist .

“Is it bream?”
“Yes . I cooked the bream with the arroser technique and put the pepper sauce on it . The unique spiciness of the pepper will combine well with the bream’s  flavorlessness . ”
“You will know that when you eat it . ”

Alan replied with a picky attitude . That didn’t particularly hurt Jo Minjoon . He could clearly know through the broadcasts that he was originally that kind of chef . Although he didn’t know if it was his real character or just a concept .

Alan ate the Bream after slicing it with a knife . Jo Minjoon silently looked at him . It was a 7 points dish . He already knew that he hadn’t failed . There was no need for him to get nervous . If you knew how to properly judge a dish, this bream was a dish that didn’t deserve any criticism .

While Jo Minjoon was still looking at Alan, Alan cleaned his mouth with a napkin and went back . There wasn’t any comments, but Jo Minjoon’s face was as calm . After that was Emily Potter . She brought the bream to her mouth with an expression of expectation . And after closing her eyes, started to savour it . Although she had a poker face, Jo Minjoon couldn’t help but think that there was a smile formed on her face .

The last was Joseph Vincent . He couldn’t help but feel that from Joseph’s wrinkly face, Jo Minjoon could sense the aura of a master . At that moment, he couldn’t help but feel nervous . It wasn’t because he was afraid that Joseph would evaluate his dish frivolously . Now he was going to try his dish . One of the top chefs was going to try his dish . Even before reincarnating he was peeling garlics on a restaurant that didn’t even have a Michelin star . But now he was going to try his dish . Before Joseph tried it, he asked a question to Jo Minjoon .

“Do you think you cooked well?”
“……That dish is the utmost I can do right now . ”
“Then if it is not delicious, means that you will have no future . ”

Joseph said as if he was trying to scare him . However Jo Minjoon didn’t back off . Jo Minjoon replied with a calm voice . To say that his voice had strength, it’s tone was too low .

“It will be delicious . ”
“Good . I hope that what you are saying is true . ”

After Joseph said that, he ate the last bream whole . He savoured for a while, and after that, he smiled and went back to his place .

The three of the judges held a conversation . It was low to the point that Jo Minjoon couldn’t hear it . The conversation didn’t last long . After the judges nodded, they soon repositioned themselves . The first one to open his mouth was Alan .

“Minjoon . How do you think our evaluation will be?”
“I believe it’s going to be good . ”
“On what basis?”
“If it was a failed dish, I wouldn’t have placed it on the plate in the first place . ”

Alan smiled at what Jo Minjoon said and looked towards Emily . Emily continued the evaluation instead of Alan .

“Cooking the bream with the arroser technique was a really good selection . While I was chewing I could feel the aroma of the butter and the fish oil roam on my mouth”
“Thank you . ”
“The pepper sauce was also good . Normally you would put  paprika sauce on the bream, but the spiciness of the pepper pulls a more unique flavor . It isn’t hard to eat, but it tenses the mouth necessarily so the flavor of the bream can be felt more clearly . I ate it well . So you passed . ”

Emily smiled brightly and finished her evaluation . Alan that was next to her nodded and looked at Jo Minjoon . .

“My opinion is the same as Emily’s . Personally I think it was the most delicious from fish variety’s . The pepper sauce that is on your signature menu, shows a color that only you can make . If I had to point that I was disappointed in,it would be the plating . It was very minor key and a typical plating . A cooking that has creativity, over decoration with no creativity . I’m sad that it’s a bit disappointing . ”
“Yes . Next time I’ll study more about plating . ”
“Good . Then I’ll relieve myself and pass you . Your decoration wasn’t so good, but Ii’ll say it again . Your cooking is delicious . Minjoon . You know how to give flavor to the food . It’s good if you have confidence . ”

At that moment, Jo Minjoon smoldered and felt that something in his chest was rising . He felt that the frustrations and upsets he felt until now were eased by some words . Those were only words . But he was grateful and happy over those words .

Personally, he thought that those who shed tears on auditions were set up for the emotional parts . However, after coming to this place and listening to their compliments could Jo Minjoon, only then realise the meaning of the tears . It was as if his past life and passions were recognized . If those passions were real, he couldn’t help but shedding tears .

However Jo Minjoon didn’t cry . Even if those tears were real or not, to shed tears on a place like this was really seedy . He wanted to shed those tears when he was holding the winner’s trophy and holding the glory of Grand Chef .

Thankfully after Joseph opened his mouth, Jo Minjoon could relieve his feelings more easily . Joseph said with a soft tone .

“Minjoon . The first time you came here said that . That Grand Chef is going to be a nice stage . Now I can seem to agree with that . Grand Chef is a stage that exists for the sake of people like you . It’s your stage . I just hope that you can keep showing your skills in the incoming stages . I ate well . It was a good cooking . Minjon . ”

After Joseph took some air, he said with a smile on his face .

“You passed . ”

< Grand Chef preliminaries, and… (3) > End

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