Life Mission Chapter 11:

Life Mission
Volume 1 Chapter 11

He put his gun down and hit each of the gremlins one by one . He had made a series of mistakes as a beginner the first time in the virtual game .

Unlike then, he was being resourceful with his bullets because he would die if he did not have bullets when he needed them . For real . He had to maintain his reason at every moment .


Such as this very one .

Too bad for the gremlins, Cha Jun Sung was a predator they could not approach easily .




It had been 1 month since Cha Jun Sung delved into Life Mission in reality .

From the dwarf mission, his level had gone up little by little . Even with the same E-class missions, the difficulty depended on the reward points .

When the reward was under 1000 points, the only differences were in the number of Level 1 mutants and in the area they were in . It all went smoothly up to here .

Even if they came charging at him in numbers, they were just deadwood in front of the red fire .

The problem began when it reached over 1000 points . This was when the Level 2 mutants appeared . Though they came one by one, they were not to be underestimated .

The Level 2 mutants sent their underlings first and the bullet consumption increased . They had recognized a dangerous object . The intent was obvious, but they could not prevent it .

It was impossible to kill dozens of them at one time . He had purchased a generous amount of bullets because of this, but he used all of them before he could fight with Level 2 .

At times, they hid amongst their underlings and waited it out . They did not come at him openly . If they had charged at him without any thought, he would have been faced with a difficult situation .

What was fortunate was that most of the Level 2 battles were one-on-one . When the minions were left over, there were not more than 10 of them .

He stood his ground with his steel katana and sturdy armor .

In contrast to Level 1, each hit was powerful and his plastic armor was damaged, but his impact tights absorbed most of the shock .

Cha Jun Sung had proved that his equipment worked on Level 2 mutants .

As he accumulated experience, his intuition was revived . Grenades were a definite, but he began to use equipment like the Claymore with ease .

Though it was exhausting, he could not describe the pleasure he felt when he overcame all of the hardships and completed each mission . He felt alive every time .

He had gathered 80,000 points like this . The total was close to 110,000, but he had used it on repairing his equipment or on buying expendables .

When he had completed a 1300 point mission thinking that he would annihilate mutants, he had gained 5000 points . 30% of that would evaporate into thin air .

At the worst, there were times when 70% disappeared . These were when his armor and tights had become so ragged he had to replace them .

Since he reached over 1500 points, his equipment had come back after missions as rags . It was already the second time and it seemed this would become the third .





Cha Jun Sung brandished the red fire . He just wanted one to hit .

He tried his best to hit his target, but it was not easy because it moved in a zigzag . Nothing worked, so he was just hoping for luck .



Cha Jun Sung went flying a few meters at the hit he took to his chest . His already ragged shoulder patch shattered into debris .


Even while he was falling, he did not let go of the red fire . Roads were tough . He needed to stay alert like this so that the opponent would not undermine him .


Cha Jun Sung used his sword as a cane to stand up . His legs trembled . He took a deep breath and created a greater distance between himself and his approaching enemy .

Level 2 Mad Dog .

It was a crazy dog .

It was as large as a bear . Its tight muscles grotesquely shook between its veins as if it had been skinned .

It was as strong as it is large . But more than anything, it was fast .

“One is hard enough, but 2!”

At first, he thought that there had just been one . But while they fought, another one suddenly came in . He was unprotected, but he had turned his body and avoided being harmed .

Its biting strength was incredible, so his protective plastic patch was smashed .

After that, it was a ruckus . He fought as though he were rabid because he was in a situation where he was fighting one against two . He set off a grenade, brandished his gun, and swung his sword .

He somehow killed 1, but could it be because its companion saw its death? The remaining Mad Dog’s actions became careful . He did not approach it without thought .


The Mad Dog followed the movement of his red fire .

The bullets’ speed surpassed the speed of sound . With the Level 2 mutants’ sight, they may not be able to see the bullets coming, but they could anticipate their direction .


The Mad Dog hid behind a wall he had knocked over while jumping to avoid the bullets . The bullets could not penetrate the wall, and bounced off .



He swore automatically . He was out of bullets . He had brought 1000, but he had used half on 2 Mad Dogs . And he had not even been able to kill both .


Cha Jun Sung took his sword . It was a dangerous situation, but he did not feel threatened .

It was his 30th Level E mission . Though he had not suffered any fatal wounds, he had suffered comparable injuries . Even if his arms and legs were cut off, all he had to do was complete the mission .


The Mad Dog crept out when Cha Jun Sung held his sword . It knew . It was fully aware of what was and was not a threat to it .

“Come on! I’ll slice you up!”


Cha Jun Sung provoked the Mad Dog and made the first attack . Instead of swinging the sword, he jabbed with it as in fencing because it was easier to recover .

Shwish shwish!


The Mad Dog had gone off to the side to find a time when he could attack, and took the sword with his teeth . He shook it vigorously to get rid of Cha Jun Sung .

“I knew you would bite it . ”

He had anticipated that it would try to incapacitate his sword, the only weapon he had after the red fire . He had not let it bite his sword on purpose, but he had waited for this moment .

Swish .

The last grenade fell near the Mad Dog’s rear .

“Blow up . ”


The Mad Dog could not avoid it and received the grenade’s blast in his rear .

Right before it exploded, Cha Jun Sung threw the sword and jumped . It was a short window and the distance was too short to avoid the blast, so he was hit .


Fragments of the grenade penetrated his plastic armor and ripped his impact tights . His protective helmet and glasses shattered as well .

“Ugh… . . I won’t be able to save even a fourth of this . ”

Cha Jun Sung laid down and complained . If he combined this mission’s reward with the mutants he had caught, he had gained around 6000 points .

If he thought about the equipment he would dispose of and the expendables, he had not earned as much as he had suffered .

“I can’t lower my expectations… . . I’ll have to start party play soon . ”

500 points was enough for manual labor . But under Level 2 was not fun because it was just an average massacre .

Even while he was playing the tutorial, he had directed himself to the safe play . Once he made up his mind however, he could not hold back .

He needed to hurry up and gather points to pay for body modification procedures and Level D equipment . If he did it as a party, he may gain less points than acting alone but there was also less waste .

In addition, his exhaustion would be distributed to different members of the party .

“I’ll go back, receive treatment, and prepare for a 3000 point mission . ”

There was really no reason for him to go back to the briefing room unless it was to use the healing capsule . Body modification . Once synthesis becomes possible, he would visit it often .

He returned home once the mission was complete . This was when he needed to start being on guard the most . Mutants were mutants, but the party needed to be composed of people he could fully trust .

Life Mission was a place where one can gain anything but it was also a space free from others and free from conventional rules . He would need to watch his back at every moment .

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