Life Mission Chapter 19:

Life Mission
Volume 1 Chapter 19


He explained his situation to Park Jin Hyuk and went into solo missions alone until he became more stable .

Once he recognized the side effects of the body modification, there was little backlash . The madness came as it had, but it was not uncontrollable .

While he was busily spending his days, more and more Lifer group leaders broke through 1000 points . They had not broken through it alone, though .

It was the result of a full party of 10 people or of at least 5 or 6 . There were even people who had stepped into 1500 among them .

The playing field was becoming more leveled . If he did not cross into Level D, Lifers were advancing so fast that, they might even catch up to Cha Jun Sung .

He looked for a party that slowly gathered points to try higher level missions .

As Lifers advance, their interest in higher missions increased . There were some comments on it on Lifer World .

Though not sure how difficult it would be, they were sure that they could beat it if Lifers with the skill gathered together . Cha Jun Sung agreed with this point .

If there were 10 people who had the best equipment in Level E, body modification, they would be able to go against 20 Level 2 mutants . But there were not very many Lifers like him .

The world was big and there are a lot of people, so it could not be that they did not exist . It was just not easy to find them . It was very lucky that he had found even Park Jin Hyuk .

‘It doesn’t need to be Korean Lifers . Let’s widen the area . ’

This is what Park Jin Hyuk had said about 2 weeks after forming the party .

Park Jin Hyuk was certain . There was no Lifer higher than Cha Jun Sung in Korea . Korea was a country with a small population . It would be solved if they broadened their horizons .

They had only acted in Korea until now . Mission locations, however, were all over the world and they had only met Korean people up to this point . It was time to get out of it .

They loosened their restrictions . As they did so, an unimaginable number of parties appeared . There were various languages as well .

Cha Jun Sung and Park Jin Hyuk purchased a translator . It cost them 500 points, but it was worth the cost . It translated various languages .

They found comrades from countless countries like America, Britain, Russia, China, Japan, et cetera . A new world had opened .



A coffee shop in Seoul .

Cha Jun Sung called Park Jin Hyuk and had a meeting . There were too few members to call it a meeting, but he was leaving significance in meeting in person .

“Finally . ”

“I found it . ”

They each said a word . The result of broadening their horizon appeared . There were a lot of parties attempting the advance mission, but they were all below standard .

The thought of attempting with equipment that would be appropriate for a 1000 point mission! The more people there were, the more crazy people there were . If you wanted to die, you could die alone .

“If your equipment is in this state, you must be even greater in actuality . ”

“That we don’t know . ”

“The departure is in 5 days . ”

“Until then, we’ll have to gather points and fill the space compression bag all the way . ”

The two of them had purchased the space compression bag for 50,000 points . They could put in a cartful of items and the bag had the bonus of making all the items lighter .

They had passed the ordinary accoutrements they had carried along to a regular Lifer for free . He had been so thrilled to receive it to the point that they were embarrassed to hand it over .

They were out of points after getting the space compression bag . They could not know how long they would stay in the mission area . It could be a long time .

If they wanted to gather everything they needed to live, they would need to move busily for 5 days . They could not just fill it however, so they had decided on taking enough for 10 days .

“Let’s volunteer . ”

“Okay . ”

Of the 5 advance missions, they chose ‘Field of Meat’ . That was the one that they were more attracted to and a party was being made for it .


They each applied for it . They revealed their qualifications as one level above the party members . There was no meaning to fooling the equipment they have .

The party name was Kingdom . It seemed appropriate since the party leader was from Britain . He must not have been a very suspicious guy because he did not ask much about the qualifications .

Their team of 6 people became 8 with the 2 new people . It was up to the leader whether they would go with this group or fill the remaining 2 spots .

The departure time was different by country, but it was 8pm on the dot in 5 days for Korea . They would be notified if there were any changes .

“Stay next to me . ”

“Of course . ”

They did not know what kind of Lifers they would be completing the mission with . They needed to be wary of any team . The only people they could trust were each other for now .

The two discussed a number of cases in the coffee shop before separating .

5 days later, the morning came bright .





-[Level E Advance Mission: Field of Meat]

-[Goal: Attainment]

-[Scenario: An island located in the southern Philippines . A military base that housed 1500 soldiers has been abandoned for several years . Lifers must infiltrate the base to confirm the situation of the Field of Meat and quickly escape . ]

-[Reward: 3000 points, Level D mission open]

Wiing .

Cha Jun Sung reread the mission information that he had already read through multiple times . There was scrappy information hidden inside each mission scenario .

1500 personnel .

It would not be wrong to think there could be 1500 mutants . Also, there was one goal but two conditions – confirming the situation and escaping .

‘Confirm the situation . And escape, there would naturally be an escape once they complete the mission . Does it mean that they need to get to the outside instead of returning?’

That could be wrong . It was just a guess . However, if they had expectations in advance, they would not be so surprised when the situation actually arose .

‘What about Jin Hyuk?’

Cha Jun Sung was the first to be summoned . Summons were done sequentially .

Since all he could do was wait, he watched the vast sea in solitude . 1 to 2 minutes? After around that much time, there was a signal for a summons .

Woongwoong .

With a resonance, Lifers from all different nations were summoned one by one .

Park Ji Hyuk was among them .

“Jun Sung . ”

“I was scared when you didn’t come . ”

Seuk .

Cha Jun Sung joked around as he and Park Jin Hyuk checked their equipment .

The other Lifers did the same . As they did this, they recognized each other and gathered in one place since they were a party .

4 people from Britain, 3 from America, 1 from Japan, and 2 from Korea . Looking at his outstanding equipment, he looked like he had the skill to break 1000 points alone .

“It’s nice to meet you . I’m Lloyd from Britain . These are my comrades Henry and Martin, and this is Carlyle . ”

The translator worked well . The fluent English was translated into Korean .

Seuk .

The Lifers’ eyes flitted around . It was a search to determine each person’s intention .

Could it be said to be an evaluation of whether or not the person would be of assistance to themselves and to the party?

Cha Jun Sung did the same . Lloyd and the sturdy men he introduced did not seem to be ordinary people .

How could he give an example?

Right .

They were like soldiers . It was like looking at well-trained soldiers . They had only nodded courteously at Lloyd’s introduction, and had not spoken a word .

‘That man . He seems like he’ll be a troublemaker . ’

Park Jin Hyuk wrote on his PDA and showed it to Cha Jun Sung . He was referring to Carlyle, not Lloyd .

An arrogant look .

This young man had an air that he knew he was the best in the world . Parties were about teamwork . It was a headache if they did not communicate well .

‘It’s too late to be averse to him . ’

‘Okay . ’

Cha Jun Sung spoke like this, but he also had negative thoughts . If he said it badly, he seemed self-righteous . There was a need to watch over him a little more .

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