Life Mission Chapter 33:

Life Mission
Volume 2 Chapter 33

[TN: This one’s a bit longer . Find out what happens with the murderer!]

“The life I saved, I’ll take it again . ”

“That’s true, but I can’t let you do that . It seems too early to die . ”

Campbell raised his fist . He was holding a grenade with its pin pulled .

“I pulled it when I heard you call me . That young friend of yours over there is aiming at me, right? If this goes off, you won’t be safe either . ”

Cha Jun Sung clenched his teeth . He is cunning to have prepared such a thing .

“Ke ke! That expression is great even though it isn’t as good as the one people show when they’re dying . ”

Campbell covered his face and laughed . His eyes showed through his fingers .

‘He seems familiar . ’

Something had been bothering him . Campbell’s strange tone that is half formal and half informal, seems to overlap with someone but he cannot remember who that is .

Cha Jun Sung watched Campbell and tried to give Park Jin Hyuk the signal .

“No no! Don’t move . ”


“The moment you give a signal, I’ll let this go off . I’ll only be caught off guard once . ”

Cha Jun Sung stopped moving at Campbell’s warning . They are not even 5m apart . Even if he does not die when the grenade goes off, he would come out with serious wounds .

‘Jin Hyuk, shoot him . Shoot . ’

He sent the signal in his mind . Jin Hyuk is fast to catch on . Cha Jun Sung willed him to shoot Campbell in the head .



Park Jin Hyuk squinted as he looked at Campbell laughing from afar . It looked like he is the culprit, but Cha Jun Sung is not giving the signal .

“What’s going on?”

When Campbell covered his face with his hand, his other hand came up and Park Jin Hyuk could see that it held a round object through the scope . It is a grenade without its pin .

He had not seen what was in Campbell’s hand because he had been focusing on getting a signal . Campbell had turned his back with the grenade in his hand .

“This is driving me crazy . ”

It is an ambiguous moment . The decision is all up to Park Jin Hyuk . Anyone in this situation would be conflicted . He cannot reverse a decision made on bad judgement .

“If that goes off, Jun Sung will be hit too . Will his body and equipment be able to handle it?”


Park Jin Hyuk’s finger pressed on the trigger . Slowly, so Campbell would not be able to sense it .

If he reacts when he hears the sound, it will be too late . Once his head is hit, he will lose strength and the grenade will go off within a few seconds . There is just sand, with nothing to find cover in .

In that time, how far would Cha Jun Sung be able to get away in order to minimize damages?

“Die . ”


The bullet is shot . Campbell dies . Park Jin Hyuk did not doubt this would happen . Cha Jun Sung would use his speed from the 1st stage of body modifications to get away .


He is hit by the bullet and he falls without strength . With that, Cha Jun Sung runs . But something is weird . Through the scope, Campbell is looking at Park Jin Hyuk and laughing .



While Campbell watched Cha Jun Sung, he was aware of Park Jin Hyuk’s movements .

He could be prepared for Cha Jun Sung in any way . Park Jin Hyuk on the other hand is far away and there is nothing he can do to him . If Campbell misses a change in his behavior, he is dead . S

A feeling .

It is a distance that he cannot see from even with twice the sight, but Campbell got a feeling that Park Jin Hyuk’s finger was moving on the trigger .

He could not be sure . He just felt like it could be . The behavior of a person whose life is threatened?

It is just his last attempt to live . Campbell had the feeling that Park Jin Hyuk was going to shoot him and tilted his body slightly . At the same moment, a shot from the rifle rang the ocean .

As Campbell fell, he threw the grenade past Cha Jun Sung’s head .

Instead of going farther from the grenade, Cha Jun Sung had become even closer to it . He thought that Campbell would drop it nearby, but had not expected him to throw it .


As the grenade explodes, countless pieces of shrapnel flew out . Cha Jun Sung protected his entire body with his heavily shielded arms and legs .


The bomb exploded again .

The fortunate thing was that it was not a bomb for attack, but a smoke shell .

“Jun Sung!”

Park Jin Hyuk held his SMG and ran . He did not care if Campbell was alive . If Cha Jun Sung was hurt, they needed to return right away and receive treatment .

“He, he didn’t die . ”

“Let’s hurry up and go back!”

Dozens of shrapnel fragments were embedded in his arms and legs . Blood gushed from his wounds . His bones must have broken while his skin was ripped because he could not put strength in them .

“What about Campbell?”

“I can’t tell what happened to him because he set a smoke shell off . ”

“He’ll be alive . He tilted his body before the shot and got out of range . ”

“Ugh! You’re right . I’m at a disadvantage like this, so there’s nothing I can do . ”

Park Jin Hyuk pointed the SMG around them . It is Campbell’s voice . He could not see him because of all of the smoke .

“You… I’ll kill you the next time I see you . ”

That’s what I should be saying . If it had been a warning from trash, I would have laughed it off, but I anticipate it because you seem to be skilled . ”

Campbell must be activating his return because his voice was becoming distant .

“I’ll be leaving first . ”

The sound of blowing air from the mouth . When Cha Jun Sung heard that sound that the guy had made when they met in Life Mission, his pupils grew larger .

That tone and madness, the sound from his mouth upon leaving . He remembered .

“Blood King?”

“Who are you?”


Campbell was shocked . He had returned before they could discuss . That is how Cha Jun Sung and Campbell separated after leaving strong impressions .

“Blood King?”

“I’ll tell you when we get back . ”

He could explain the situation to Park Jin Hyuk when they got back . Cha Jun Sung realized that other Lifers were catching up to his rapid growth .



Campbell returns and looks weak as he goes over the situation just now .

He earned a lot from this mission . He had gone through all of his points for body modification, but he earned 20,000 points upon completing Field of Meat .

The mutant hunting points and reward points were generous, but the 5,000 points he got from killing Lloyd could not be ignored .

Lifer hunting .

The secret to Campbell’s points . If you kill a Lifer, you are given 10% of their holdings . It is an easy way to gain points? That is a common misconception that people have .

It’s a double-edged sword with high risk . You could kill someone, but you could be killed if something goes wrong . There are things that Lifer hunters need to keep in mind .

Avoid full parties .

To kill a full party of 10, 9 people excluding myself? There is no chance of winning if fighting face to face . Defeating them individually is also difficult because of the numbers .

If there is no way to avoid going into a full party, it is better to gather murderers together but it is not a recommended method .

They are a team but murderers are also enemies . You do not know when they might stab you in the back . Campbell had gone into Field of Meat with a team, but all of the members had died at his hand .

Know your opponent well .

Make a distinction in strength and only catch the weak guys . If he had followed Cha Jun Sung instead of Lloyd’s people, he would not have come back alive .

If the party you go into only has strong people? You need to hide your intentions .


Do not leave any survivors .

If you become known as a murderer and your face is posted, there will be restrictions to your movements . If you do not have the confidence to see it through until the end, do not start at all .

Of the three precautions, Campbell broke the 3rd . The bigger problem is that Cha Jun Sung knows who he is .

Blood King .

That is his nickname in the virtual version of Life Mission .

There are a lot of ways to change his identity in the virtual version . No one can recognize him by his looks . Then how did Cha Jun Sung identify him? It had been through his actions .

“I know it too . That kind of person can’t just be a minnow . ”

Blood King is included in the top of the 36 people ranked in breaking through the 36 nightmares . Someone who could recognize him through his actions had to have been someone at a similar ranking whom he had met often . It could be that he is wrong, but his intuition said that this is right .

“There’s no special characteristic . A special characteristic . ”

His body modification is weak and he does not have a unique weapon . Campbell’s pride was hurt . His opponent had recognized him, but he could not recognize his opponent .

It is difficult to figure him out from his appearance, but there will be a special characteristic if he looks for one .

He needs to find his tail . There are rankers who reveal themselves . Whoever he is, Campbell had a basic knowledge of who is he .

“It’s because he doesn’t have full potential now, but I’ll be able to tell who he is when I see his battle style . I have no doubt that he enjoys the melee . Was the weapon on his belt a katana?”

Katana .

Sword .

In Campbell’s memory, there are 2 Lifers among the rankers who use swords .

Korea’s Overload .

China’s Chammadogaek .

Chammadogaek is also strong, but he cannot stand his ground against Overload who is in 1st place .

He is strong and grand . Even Campbell who was 1st place in PK lost against him .

“That’s right . Overload was Korean, right? Then he would recognize me . ”

It is not something to be surprised by . It was right to have met someone among the 36 rankers in Life Mission by now .

“It feels like I’m at a disadvantage… but I’ll be satisfied with having memorized your face . ”

If they meet again to fight, he would win then . For now, he needs to focus on growing and finding Blood King’s force again .

“We’ll meet again . ”

Campbell fell asleep . He is not an exception to being tired .

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