Life Mission Chapter 46:

Hatcheries and nests are intelligent . This is unnecessary to say for the headquarters .

If the nest is the head, the womb that produces mutants is the body or arms and legs . There is no reason that something that needs to control hundreds of mutants would not be smart .

Cha Jun Sung hid his inner thoughts . Even if it is not deceived easily, it is still better to fight it in the warehouse than it is to fight in the rest area .

‘So this is how the situation becomes twisted . ’

Chun Myung Ik wanted to avoid the nest in order to reduce the damage .

Level 1 and 2 could not harm the force . Level 3 is different . There are a lot of points to be earned if they catch it, but it is wise to go past it if they can .

-[We will decide the order of going back to the warehouse to face the nest . ]

They need to create a rotation however they can, whether it is by drawing lots . If they do not, it could end with everyone trying to push it off to the other . If they are chosen, they will just have to think of it as fate .

Chun Myung Ik started with looking at the last group that came in . Maybe because they already passed through once or because they need to fight, their tension was released .


A Lifer who had been moving in the middle, sneezed .

The smell in his saliva filled the nest as it sprayed out .


It is a sweet smell contrasting that of a mutant’s . A smell that was once sensed a long time ago, wet the nest’s resting appetite .

-[Bastard! Why would you sneeze! You bastard!]

Ranting was poured on the Lifer who sneezed . As the radio became noisy, the rest area rang . It did not matter if they lowered their voices because they had already been discovered .

26 wombs open and eggs the size of humans come out . It is impossible to distinguish their levels visually . The force rushed to the warehouse .

With so many people, the eggs fell before even half of them could go in . When the eggs hit the ground, they broke and unidentifiable mutants sprang out .


A nest operates the genes of the mutants that it gives birth to as it pleases .

It could even maintain the characteristics of the types that it swallowed . As long as it has nutrients and freedom, it can bring out new types as easy as production .

“Get away!”


Pew pew!

A Lifer was caught and brandished his SMG . It was washed out because it is a level 1 . They cannot drag the time . These guys are bait .

There are 26 eggs but 20 hatched . It is obvious that 6 of them will be level 2 and 3 .

Level 1 only takes a few seconds, so they fell down as they were killed .

“Hurry up and get in, asshole!”


The entrance is narrow, but nearly 50 Lifers had gathered there . Since it is a lawless situation, their speed was faster than usual .



When there were about 20 Lifers left, 4 out of 6 eggs cracked . A roar let them know that a muscle monster over 2m in size had been born .

“It’s a Crawlion!”


It is a simple and ignorant mutant . Its intellectual level brinks on retardation as it only eats, sleeps, and kills, but its tremendous muscular strength covers this shortcoming .

Its muscular strength alone is 5 to 6 times that of a human . The toughness and thickness of the muscles are reminiscent of elephant skin . Even as it is hit by an SMG, it pushes forward .



The Crawlion pushed through the shooting and headbutted a Lifer, hitting his chest and making him fly at a wall of the rest area .

With the shock of the pressure on his chest, the protective gear and his sternum shattered, and his ribs pierced through his heart, lungs, and skin .

The more shocking thing was that he must have still been alive because he moved his head .


While 4 Crawlions were hanging in, the number of level 1 mutants increased to 50 . Wrapping up was up to the Crawlions .

-[Shit! Chun Myung Ik, you asshole!]

-[If you still have the strength to curse, how about blocking the mutants from the rear?]

When Chun Myung Ik heard the radio come in, he laughed in mockery . The Lifer cursing at him is the one who had asked him for an equal chance to hunt .

He had not known that there was a nest when he had sent the Lifer to the front . How could he have known?

All he had done was allow the 15 Lifers who did not know their place to have the first meeting with a level 3 . If they live, they live and if they die, it is their own fault .

When they discovered the rest area, the nest realized their presence . This is when they started thinking . They needed to know the cognizance of the nest .

It was the perfect location to force them out . They could push the look out onto other Lifers .

The thought ‘as long as it isn’t me’ made the 50 members of Hocheon and the other 35 Lifers into accomplices . It was a cause that could make them into sacrifices .

After Chun Myung Ik confirmed safety through the 15 Lifers, he sent the 85 people into the rest area . There was no issue until he heard his helper’s announcement .

From now on? The faster they go into the warehouse, the lower their chances are of being attacked . The slower they are to go in, the higher their chances of attack . He was fair and sent the people who came out last, in first .

15 is the end . 1 idiot had sneezed but the results were not bad . Someone needed to block the mutants at the passage anyway .

Though it was a forced matter without consideration for their wills, but he did not care .



The radio is full of screaming . 20 Lifers were battling the Crawlions and level 1 mutants that surrounded them . Escape was not feasible either .

Pew pew pew pew!

Sparks fly in the passage . 6 Lifers paired off and took positions to shoot to the side, sitting, and standing, supporting the Lifers outside .



The nest cries . 1 Crawlion understood it and went toward the passage . Its flesh ripped as the shooting was focused on it, but it kept pushing on .


And the door closed .


Since it is an iron door, the bullets did not go through and bounced in all directions . One flew by a Lifer’s head, but he avoided penetration thanks to his helmet .

“How could it close the door!”

“Go and open it! We’ll all die like this!”

“You go!”

None of the 6 people approached the door . If they open the door and are captured by the Crawlion or are dragged outside, they are dead .


-[There are only 12 people left!]

Ping ping ping ping!

Even while hesitating, Lifers died . Everyone ignored it because another’s death was not as important as their own safety .


6 Lifers closed their eyes and went into the warehouse . There, 74 Lifers were preparing for battle . The first casualties were 20 people .

[If a level 3 is born while we’re fighting out there, we don’t know how many people will die . The best we can do is to block the passage and only kill the ones that approach us . ]

Everyone looked at the only door that was closed at a distance, and sighed deeply . The second that door opens, they would be stuck at the border .

-[Ha ha ha ha! They’re all dead!]

-[Hurry up and move this! Chun Myung Ik, you asshole! I’m going to kill you!]

A few Lifers must have survived because the radio rang . It seems they killed the Crawlions . Since there are 20 people, they had to have a lot of fire power .

-[Behind you!]

-[Huh! That’s s… . . !]

Not even 10 seconds had passed since they let them know that they are alive . They had talked as though they would come in through the door at any time, but the radio ended with an eerie sound .

“It’s a level 3 . ”

Cha Jun Sung touched the sword on his belt . It is not enough with level E equipment .

Is the store level separated for no reason? If he had the level D wolf blade, he would have been able to take it on alone but it was a pity .



“There are 2 of them . ”

There is no particular characteristic to the sound . They need to see it for themselves to know . It could probably rip an iron door as if it is paper, but it does not come in . They seem to be under the nest’s command .

-[Snipers, please get into position where you have a good view of the passage . ]

-[Install your Craymores and support with fire power against whatever comes from the head . The people with grenade launchers, please wait on the side . ]

Their roles are distributed . If a mutant comes in through the passage, there was enough fire power aimed at it to take care of it whether it is a level 3 or 4 .

There is confidence in the Lifers’ expressions . It can never get through this .

Try coming at them .

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