Life Mission Chapter 56:

Life Mission
Volume 2 Chapter 56

When Cha Jun Sung returned home, he went through the messages on his blog . Before meeting Lim Si Hyun, he had dragged them into the trash all together .

He had read a few at first, but hundreds of spam mail come in everyday . As they piled and piled, they reached over 10,000 like it is a joke .

Spam dealers became better by the day, so they got through all of the filters . At some point, he just had a resigned state of mind where he did not pay attention to them .


“Ah… . . So this is how he sent it . ”

There are 12 messages that Han Chang Jin sent . It took a few days to find all of them .

E-mail has a search function . It looks for particular words that are searched . Regretfully, there is no message . He needs to look through each of them individually .

Searching through a sea of spam is hard work . He took his time with it since Lim Si Hyun said that he would handle arranging a meeting for what they discussed a few days ago .

He does not have to find the messages, but there is the effort that Han Chang Jin had put in to sending them . He should read them at least .

-[Overload, I have something I must tell you on behalf of the government . Please contact me when you see this message . We need you . ]

They were similar to this message . His writing is stiff, fitting for a soldier . He still did not feel rejection toward it . His image is good .


As he was about to close the window after finishing his work, a title caught Cha Jun Sung’s eye . It is in Japanese .

It does not look like spam . Even if he cannot read it because it is in a different language, he could tell if it is spam or not just by looking it over . He put the PDA to his computer and turned on the translator .


-[The scan has begun . Decoding complete . Please check the content . ]

The translation is written on the PDA . Cha Jun Sung read it without any thought .

-[Pails, are you doing well? This is Koharu . The world is changing so much that I did not have time to get in touch . ]

Cha Jun Sung sat up straight in his chair and focused on the translated text on his PDA . How could this be! That woman contacted him!

Overload is a title that people had given him, but Pails is Cha Jun Sung’s character name . This woman is the only person who calls him that so amicably .

-[Pails, you entered level D as well, haven’t you? There is less need for parties in level E, but I really felt that solo missions are impossible from now on . ]

-[It is full of people I can’t trust . Ambition has shaken people’s humanity . I am going through a lot because I am a woman . ]

Because she is a woman? There are an increasing number of cases where women are included in parties as long as they are powerful . Their purpose is to serve as a soother

There is nothing that can be done about this because it is done by agreement . Rape and murder are also frequent . The government cannot take responsibility for what happens inside the missions .

Evidence is needed to prove a crime . Collecting data in a mission? It does not make sense . A crime cannot be established on testimony alone .

-[Thankfully, nothing very bad has happened to me . Honestly Pails, I can’t even trust you 100% . I do trust you enough to put my expectations on you . ]


He sighed in relief because his friend is safe . It is upsetting that she does not think of him as completely trustworthy, but he could understand . The world is going insane .

-[I am looking for a fixed party . The members are my little sister and myself . A tyrant proposed a party, but we rejected . We can’t trust him . ]

The tyrant is Murayama Tanaka . He and Koharu are the only 2 Japanese rankers . He is a hot-blooded maverick who does whatever he wants .

He has a bad relationship with Cha Jun Sung and had a bad reputation in the virtual version . If Campbell garnered an evil reputation as PK, Tanaka is a wrongdoer .

-[I’m sure it hasn’t changed?]

Mizuki Koharu . It would become a great strength to the party if Cha Jun Sung as an assassination tracker and Koharu as an expert in 쌍단도술 come together .

“Of course not . ”

He gives trust to the person who trusts him . That is Cha Jun Sung . That was it for the content in the message . Looking at the incoming date, it is 6 days ago .

Cha Jun Sung input a response in his PDA and translated it into Japanese .

It is a courtesy to make it easy to read . He copied it into an e-mail and sent it . The PDA works freely with all computer networks .

He asked Odin once . What would happen if scientists took the items helpers give Lifers and take them apart to reinvent them? To this, Odin said,

-[If a primitive man were given a cellphone, would he be able to understand the principle of it?]

Cha Jun Sung was irked but he took it that he was saying it is of such a higher science that he it could not be understood with current knowledge .


He would stay quiet until the weapon came out . Once Park Jin Hyuk gets his Head Hunter and his Wolf Blade comes out a few days later, they would go in right away .



3 days went by so slowly and Cha Jun Sung had his watch on him everyday . He was full of anticipation and waiting .


It is beautiful . He can feel the black metal hidden in the blade .

Excluding the make-up, it is similar to a common sword but beyond being satisfied, Cha Jun Sung fell in love at first sight .

It is heavy . He had to use his muscles to lift 30kg with one hand . If he brandishes this with power, the weight will be increased .

-[The vibration function can be adjusted with the switch on/off . In the on state, access is prohibited in all aspects other than the hilt . ]

Weapons are inanimate . They do not discriminate between foes . If it goes at someone in a vibrating state, it either breaks or cuts .

-[The production method followed the Wolf Blade, but a new weapon was born with the black iron alloy as its basic foundation . ]

-[The D class energy core and vibration engine are flaws, but it is a great incorporation . ]

The foundation is B class but the components are D class . It is because the materials are mixed . The inside of vibrating weapons are full of complex machinery .

If the core and engine were C class, he would use it until level B missions .

-[I will engrave your name on it as a courtesy . Is there something you had in mind?]

Name? He had never thought of it before . Excluding the use of the black iron alloy, the manufacturing process followed exactly that of the Wolf Blade . He was going to call it that as well .

“Contemplating the name for a long time will only make my head hurt . What do you think of Wolf Kill?”

-[Killing wolves?]

“According to your explanation, it’s somewhere between level D or C? What if it’s mocking but better than a wolf? It’s killing the wolf if it’s overwhelmed . ”

-[Wolf Kill, confirmed . I will embed it right away . It will only take 1 minute . ]


A high-density laser embeds the name Wolf Kill in English . It did not bother him because it was subtle .

“You’re like a double personality artificial intelligence . ”

-[What does that mean?]

“You’re serious when you’re serious, but when you joke, you get to the point where I want to beat you up . ”

-[With a great A . I . like me, you must differentiate between personal and professional feelings . ]

Cha Jun Sung put the Wolf Kill on his hip . It did not drag on the floor because he is tall . A short Lifer would need to put it on his back .

“Well your **** is thick (Korean saying to say someone is arrogant) . ”

-[I do not go to the bathroom as an A . I . Where are you going?]

Odin was serious and had a conservative tone at first, but he got more annoying as they spent more time together . But Odin is still completely on his side, his helper .

“Just as I did after the body modification, I’m going into a mission to test the new weapon . ”

-[Wolf Kill’s power is similar to existing products, but it does not compare to the strength and elasticity of others and could blow a rock to pieces . ]

“Thanks . ”

-[It’s nothing . ]

Woong .

Cha Jun Sung entered a mission . It is a 3000 point solo mission . It was a matter of life or death before, but it is now a suitable test site .

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