Life Mission Chapter 72:

Life Mission
Volume 3 Chapter 72

“Since his main weapon is the sword, don’t you think he’ll definitely have a vibrating weapon?”

He did have one . Until he dismantled it to put it in the cyborg’s stomach .



The summons gate opened . Cha Jun Sung is entering . If a party is formed and the members enter a mission, they cannot break up the group or quit .

Is that why? The Lifers did not worry about this aspect .

“Hello . I am Overload . I’m embarrassed to meet you all in real life . ”


When Cha Jun Sung gave his introduction first, the others greeted him .

Awkwardness is the first emotion that Cha Jun Sung feels . For him to be the operator of the bus feels like he is wearing clothes that are not his .

The Lifers look all over Cha Jun Sung’s body . What could it be? They are examining his body to take a look at the famous Cha Jun Sung’s gear .

They look confused . His gear is mediocre . It is okay, but it is the type that can easily be found among large guild executives .

It does not fit in with what they had imagined and wished for the famous Overload .

‘His gear is… . . ’

‘Is it because virtual and reality are different?’

‘Maybe his gear isn’t much but he wins with control? It’ll be possible with Overload . ’

They did not express it, but they had negative thoughts . Cha Jun Sung noticed this . He does not care . They will soon be shocked .

The cyborg comes through the summons gate . The Lifers’ eyes widened . The members entering the mission are a total of 10 including Cha Jun Sung .

“Huh? 11 people?”

“Overload, no Odin, who is that? Our party is full . ”

The summons gate closed . The Lifers were more confused because it came out of the same gate that Cha Jun Sung did . How did 3 of them come from the same place?

“You were disappointed when you saw my gear? Let me give you an introduction . This is my cyborg, Hercules . It’s because I put all of my points into fixing this guy up . ”

He had given the cyborg a name . Hercules, half **** and half human son of Zeus and Alcmene . It is perfect for something that fights with strength .



The Lifers made a fuss, thinking ‘Of course! It’s Overload!’ Then they went to Hercules and started touching it .

It feels like steel or a rock . Not even a needle would penetrate it .

“It’ll be a lower cyborg since you opened level D, but will it be helpful?”

One Lifer threw a sharp question . The cyborg sold in level D is of a lower level . Even if it is well armed, it cannot take on more than a few level 2 mutants .

“It is of middle class . I was completing a mission when I was given the opportunity to get it . ”

It is too early to say that he went into level C . There are chances of experiencing windfall in a mission, and he made sure to emphasize that point .

It is true that he did pick it up . He had taken something that was going to be disposed of .

“Wow! Middle class?”

“Then the abilities of a middle class?”

“After testing it, it seems to be able to take on a strong level 3 one-on-one . ”

The Lifers did not have the energy to be surprised anymore, and their jaws were dropped . They have never seen a level 3 mutant because they are in level E missions . How strong does that mean it is?

A low class cyborg costs 150,000 points . Its efficiency is low compared to the price so even in the virtual version, it is only used as a shield or to carry the owner’s gear .

Starting with the middle class however, it has a lot of uses . Its price is incredible as well .

“I guess it’s only sold in the level C store?”

“I guess so since it’s not in level D . ”

“400,000 points went into just fixing it . I’m sure it will . ”

Cha Jun Sung responded to the Lifers . It is better to release some information rather than trying to hide it all . Word of it will spread anyway while he goes through missions .

“We will go in now . ”


The Lifers cheered . The storm surrounding Hercules was tremendous .

“Hercules, go out and kill all mutants within a 1km radius . ”

“Mission confirmed!”

Hercules went outside the building . The Lifers did not need to follow . If they hang around safe spots, the mission will be over .

Attainment or escape is difficult for Hercules with its limited artificial intelligence . The order to kill resolves everything .

“I’ve never ridden a bus like this!”

“How could this be! If the cyborg takes care of all of the mutants, there’s nothing for us to do?”

Cha Jun Sung is used to level E missions . If they get past the regular radius, there is the chance for a special mission . They need to decide on a distance and play within it .

“Is there anyone here who is willing to ride the bus long term?”

“How are you going to operate long term?”

“I intend to go periodically once a day at a decided time . ”

4 Lifers held up their hands . It is a bother even trying to look for another bus . The other 5 did not speak . They were just going to ride the bus a few times and rest for a while .

There is one reason why he wants fixed passengers . He can buy the cheaper parts with a couple hundred points, but they can go up to a few tens of thousands later .

If Cha Jun Sung takes this on all alone, there is no reason to let other people on his bus .

He could figure out a few tens of thousands, but he will need external power beyond that . If he is to do that, he needs to find as many long term passengers as he can .

He is thinking of receiving a large part and letting them ride the bus a few times, or letting them ride a few times and then getting the large part . He is estimating that it will take 2 to 3 months to make 3 million .

It is a level E mission now, but if he gets back about half of Hercules’ abilities, he will go into level D . The power he is aiming for is that of a weak level 4 .

If it is at that level, it can be left out to go kill on its own . The limit of an advanced cyborg is level 4 . Even if it is armed well, level 5 is asking for too much .

It could catch it if it self-destructs, but one goes for 5 million points . They need to act according to their own abilities . If they go beyond it, they are at a disadvantage .

“Do you all just ride the bus and not participate in the mission?”

“Because it’s dangerous . ”

“The points we have after kickbacks come out to the cost of an entire house . ”

Hearing their reasoning, most do not have much ambition, are scared of the danger, or have families to take care of . They are the typical bus Lifers .

Bus Lifers are separated into 2 categories . Those trying to make money, and those trying to advance quickly . There is nothing to be done about the first, but the latter is a misjudgment .

There is a clear difference between advancing with external forces and advancing through effort . Even if the outside is gold, it is all worth nothing if the inside is hollow . It is as bad as not doing anything at all .

-[You have earned 20 points and 2 achievement points . ]

The points are coming in . Hercules had started to catch the mutants .

They need to wait a day . The mutants could approach them, so they need to set up booby traps . A few claymores will block all of the passageways .

“Would you like to hear a sermon?”


“Shall I say it’s a sermon regarding staying alive in the mission? It should work until you get to level D . ”

Hercules will catch the mutants . It is a waste to throw away the remaining time .

These are people who gave him strength for a long time while he was running the blog . They will go in starting with 300 points . He hopes it becomes a well-slicked foundation for them .

When there is free time, he teaches the Lifers how to survive in the reality version . Official figures say that there have been over 10 million deaths and people are still dying .

Once level C opens up, more people will die . They are on the ride now to make money, but they need to have some basic skills just in case they ever come across a solo mission .

“If you keep this in mind, you’ll reduce the threat of danger and you’ll be able to complete solo missions of low points . Then you won’t need to find a bus . ”

“Aren’t you losing customers?”

“That’s right!”


Losing customers? He does not care . He will not be operating the bus forever . Once he gathers the basic amount he needs, he will be doing this less and will attack a level C mission .

The Lifers listened up . It is what their idol, Overload, is saying . If they listen, it will all become flesh and blood .

It was only in the virtual but of these people, there is even a Lifer who reached a decent level .

“To survive in a mission… . . ”

The lecture proceeds .




Cha Jun Sung is pressing buttons on the calculator . He is calculating the points he earned with his bus . He had been expecting it, but the additional income is pretty good .

With the 3000 reward, 30,000 with taking all of the mutants and the 5400 points worth of parts and necessities from the Lifers, he had made close to 40,000 .

It is not the exact 600 that he needs for Hercules . There are 540 and 550 as well . He used this for bullets .

If he gathers small parts to manufacture, they become a big part that is necessary to Hercules . He only purchases what cannot be produced .

“At this rate, I’ll fill the 3 million within 3 months . I’m sure it’ll be faster once we cross into level D . If I estimate with more time, I can even get the battle shoot . ”

Accepting bribes in level E is 160,000 in 1 month . That’s 500,000 in 3 months . Personal reasons why he cannot go into missions can arise, but the estimate is that much .

It is an amount that cannot be underestimated . He could understand why large guilds go through so much trouble to take points . It does not mean that they are better off than Cha Jun Sung though .

Cha Jun Sung takes everything by himself, but large guilds need to take care of the master, vice master, cadres, and guild members . They leak through as much as they earn .

-[If everything goes favorably, you will be able to finish within the time you allotted . ]


-[The thing that holds you back are achievement points . Even though you are the owner of the cyborg, the amount of achievement points you earn are low because you don’t lift a finger . ]

Odin is not wrong . The achievement points needed to purchase items it 20% of the price . If he catches mutants now, he only gets 10% .

If he leaves it the way it is, he could run into trouble at the very end .

“I know . ”

-[Do you have a way to resolve it?]

“If I think too much into it, there’s no end . I’m going to use Hercules as a defense for a few months to get gear and go through the 4th stage of body modifications . Then, I’m going to start getting involved too . ”

When he dismantled the vibrating function from the Wolf Kill, he had lost the will to fight .

Honestly, he is also tired from working so hard . Since his body will not be deteriorating from taking a break, he is going to rest and start the engine up again later .

-[Do as you please . ]

Odin responded bluntly . Cha Jun Sung just went past it . That is his helper . Even if it talks like that, it is because it is worried about him .

“I should go in with my colleagues as a party too sometimes since they’re meaningful people to me . ”

The reality version will become a level too high to complete as solo missions as time goes by . Points are important, but there is no point if he does not have a party .




Today is Friday . As 9 days passed, he ran his bus 10 times . Including the mission he went in with his colleagues, he made about 400,000 points .

It is enough to get him through the 3rd stage of body modifications, but he is falling short in achievement points .

He invested greatly in Hercules . Thanks to this, defects in small aspects of it disappeared . Of course there are still a lot of places to work on in the bigger parts .

Cha Jun Sung will be taking a break from the bus for 1 day tomorrow . He has an important appointment .

It is the day he was supposed to meet with Lim Si Hyun and Han Chang Jin . He is iffy about revealing his face, but they already knew enough about him and he felt like he would need to meet with them at least once .

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