Life Mission Chapter 86:

Life Mission
Volume 3 Chapter 86

Lim Si Hyun did not believe the existence of the advanced cyborg so easily . It took a few hours just to convince him . Even after that, he is still in a dubious state .

-[I will speak with the government and vice masters, and contact you again . ]


This is the answer that Lim Si Hyun gave Cha Jun Sung . If it really is an advanced cyborg, they have no reason not to give him an advance for the parts .

It is a power that can fight with level 4 . Parasitism is also impossible for it because it is a machine . To parasites, it is a bothersome creature that is not nutritious .

Lim Si Hyun said that he would handle Seven Stars, and left the government to Han Chang Jin . The groups are different, so his say does not matter to them .

The cadres of the 2 groups said that they could not believe it, and asked to see Hercules’ power . They say that they will give an advance for the items after that .

That is not hard to do . Cha Jun Sung showed Seven Stars and the government how Hercules can complete a 5000 point mission by himself .

They had only heard of it and were very surprised because it was the first time they were seeing it for themselves .

The advance was confirmed . Cha Jun Sung asked for 7 D class energy cores . He told them to figure out who would give him 3 and who would give him 4 amongst themselves .

It was decided that Seven Stars would provide 3 energy cores, the flame thrower, and necessities, while the government would provide the other 4 . He received the energy cores within a few days .

Cha Jun Sung ran to the briefing room, held his trembling heart, and created the C class energy core . It took 7 D class energy cores and 20,000 points .

He will have 4 leftover if he succeeds with 3, but it is worth crying over if this fails .

Odin gave fear of failing, but the production was fortunately a success . Hercules’ specifications had finally become worth its 5 million points .

He started working to come up with the points for body modifications himself .

After about 2 weeks, Lim Si Hyun proposed a 13,000 point mission to try seeing how they work together . He seems light, but he is a thorough person in various aspects .

Cha Jun Sung convened the party members . It is not a bad idea to do a warm-up exercise . They should use this chance to introduce themselves properly and to gain trust .




Hercules is fighting with a mutant twice its size .

It brandishes the vibrating weapon and blasts the buster . The radius around the monsters fighting became a mess . They have never seen such chaos .

There are dozens of Lifers standing far from the battle zone .

They are Cha Jun Sung’s party, Seven Stars, and government officials . They watched the battle and engraved the cyborg’s power in their minds .

“To battle with a Giant Hammer! And it isn’t pushed back!”

They look to be level on the outside, but Hercules is actually at an advantage .

The energy core had been limited to 70% . It is fighting the Giant Hammer without 30% of its power . If it deploys the remainder, it could even take on 2 of them .

Cha Jun Sung is holding back on the power because of the charging points . If he uses 100% of it, there is a huge difference in the amount of points that are used up . There is no point in wasting .

The Giant Hammer slams down its hammer hand weighing hundreds of kilograms . Hercules extended its left hand toward the hammer .


The buster’s shockwave flings the hammer out . As the Giant Hammer’s arm is twisted, it loses balance toward one side .

In that state, Hercules fired the buster again at its face . The shock makes the giant scream and fall over .

Its brain was shaken and it cannot get back up . Hercules went on the Giant Hammer’s chest and aimed the buster precisely at its face .

There is a continuous firing function in the buster too . It might fall behind in power, but the continuity is like that of a machine gun . The power is enough to rip a human to shreds as well .

It cannot stay sane when such a weapon is being fired in series .

Hercules did not stop its attack on the Giant Hammer until it stopped writhing in pain .

It wrapped it up with the vibrating weapon . It killed the Giant Hammer by cutting its neck .

-[You have earned 14,000 points . ]

It is middle class . It is stronger than a Black Ghost and weaker than a Destroyer . If it had been the Destroyer, there would have been a lot of repairs to make even if they won .

“Kill completed!”

“You worked hard . ”

Cha Jun Sung praised Hercules’ efforts . The Lifers are envious . If they have just 2 of those, they could sweep any level D mission .

They had completed a 13,000 point mission with just 1 . They want to know how to get such a cyborg, but they cannot ask more when he says that it was by chance .

“Is that a pass?”

“Of course . Well, this advance mission might turn out to be easier than we thought . ”

Pass? He does not need to ask . The Lifers were speechless in front of the cyborg’s power, since they had only seen it in the virtual version .

It catches everything by itself . Even if they think about helping it, there is nothing to help with . If it fights with mutants in the center of the party, they will feel as if they had a thousand person military .

“Have you stuck to this method of hunting since you got the cyborg?”

“I can’t say that I haven’t . As you can see, it is safe and comfortable… . . I need to quickly gather points to fix this guy up . ”

He had poured everything into this investment . If he had relied on himself as a Lifer instead of on Hercules, he would not have been able to do this with such speed .

His body modification will also be finished a day or two before going into the mission . Just as he had done with Field of Meat, he had gone through all of the processes that he could go through in level D as well .

He had not been able to touch the level C store yet . There are a lot of items that he needs or wants to purchase, but he is not advancing from his drought with points .

“We have something to tell the two of you separately . ”

“Do you mean just us?”

“Yes, that’s right . ”

Lim Si Hyun and Han Chang Jin understood and sent his cadres back .

The only people left in the mission now were Cha Jun Sung, his party, and the two leaders of their respective groups . They had discussed plenty, but what more is there to be said?

“It is about Koharu, who we introduced earlier . ”

“Ms . Koharu?”

Lim Si Hyun knows Mizuki Koharu well . There is also a light acquaintance . They are of different nationalities, but they cannot help but know each other because he is an actor and she is a famous model .

“She is Amhu . ”


“It’s nice to see you again . We hid it earlier when everyone else was around because it could become messy . ”

She had met Lim Si Hyun and Han Chang Jin in missions before . In a world where everyone is linked, they had even been in parties together before . The reason why they had not recognized her? She had changed the character’s appearance .

There are few Lifers who go around with their true faces . Cha Jun Sung had also changed the features of his character to be sharp like the swords he is specialized in .

“There are 4 rankers here . I realize how Cha Jun Sung adheres to the minority . The occupation balance is excellent . ”

Cha Jun Sung and Koharu are close-range, Park Jin Hyuk is the cover, and Kyoko is the support .

When looking at current abilities, Park Jin Hyuk should be the best of the Lifers all over the world . Someone who has not yet opened level C cannot even be an opponent .

Lim Si Hyun’s group does not know what Park Jin Hyuk is like yet . They just think that he is a pretty good sniper . They do not step up and let them know .

“Is there anything else you hid?”

“No, there isn’t anything else . ”

“We would like to keep maintaining a good relationship . ”

The potential of the 36 rankers is their know-how . They have faced level 8 mutants and countless experiences that average Lifers could not have .

There must be Lifers who are excellent even if they are not rankers . But unlike these people who are uncertain, rankers have capabilities .

In that sense, Cha Jun Sung’s party can be highly anticipated in the future . As long as they do not become enemies, they will advance quickly if they help each other .

“It is in 8 days . We will prepare the gear, so just match the time . ”

They do not need to go out of their way to go to Seven Stars . If they go to an assigned room, they can all gather and enter the mission together no matter where they are in the world .

“Don’t worry about it . ”

“Then . ”

Lim Si Hyun and Han Chang Jin returned . It is in 8 days . Cha Jun Sung must finish his body modifications .

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