Overgeared Chapter 1012:
“What is this?” Grid was startled when he arrived at Reidan . He was heading to the place where the guild members were gathered, only to see a huge hole in one wall . Several houses 500 meters away from the wall were also damaged . This wasn’t a great sight considering how much of the kingdom’s finances had been used to strengthen the wall . There was a neat hole in the 30-meter-thick wall . This was a result that the Overgeared Cannon couldn’t make .
Grid was nervous and asked Chris, “Isn’t Reidan at max level? Did the empire develop a new cannon?”
“It is a remnant of the magic power fired by Drunk Duke Diworth . ”
“A duke! He is already marching this way?!”
“No, not yet . The imperial camp is roughly 11 kilometers away . Diworth fired his magic power from there . ”
“ . . . Eh?”
Chris asserted that Diworth’s magic power made the concept of distance meaningless . Grid found it strange, but he knew there was no exaggeration in Chris’ words . It was because the sweat on Chris’ face reminded Grid of the power of the Seven Dukes which he had experienced personally .
‘I couldn’t defeat the weakest Rigal by myself . ’
The skills of the other Seven Dukes must be powerful beyond imagination . Grid frowned and was about to speak, but . . .
“I-I’ll fix it quickly . ” Three middle-aged men then rushed to the damaged wall, grabbing heavy tools . The other people didn’t care much about them . They were technical colleagues who belonged to Overgeared Two .
“Wait a minute,” Grid called out to them . “15th ranked builder Delleon, 29th ranked Shell, and 42nd ranked Delont . ”
“ . . . ?”
“You are older than me and don’t need to use honorifics . Aren’t we colleagues? Please feel comfortable . I will treat you comfortably like you’re my uncle . Ah, I heard that Delont’s granddaughter entered elementary school recently? Congratulations . ”
“ . . . ” The hundreds of Overgeared members watching were surprised . Were the guild members surprised at Grid’s personality? No . There were many guild masters who yearned for talent . It was also easy to find masters who treated the guild members like family .
However, it was uncommon for a guild master to remember more than one hundred people . Not only did Grid know details such as the face, occupation, and name, he also remembered details such as age and family information . The surroundings became quiet, and Grid scratched his cheeks . “I shouldn’t have mentioned private matters . . . ”
It seemed that he had studied too much . No, the study itself wasn’t a problem . The problem was that he spoke about personal information in front of others . It happened because he didn’t pay attention . Grid was greedy and wanted to show off his studies . These were the woes of someone who lacked social interaction . Grid was smiling bitterly when Delont grabbed his hand .
“T-Thank you! My granddaughter will jump with joy when I tell her about today . She is a fan of King Grid!” Delont’s eyes shone brightly like lanterns as he watched Grid . It was an unbelievably pure and passionate gaze for a 60-year-old man . The strained atmosphere in Reidan, which was caused by Duke Diworth’s skill, was instantly ventilated .
“Hey, Grid is really great . The busiest person in the world has always been paying attention to the guild members . ”
“Truly God Grid! He is the man that I acknowledge! Hahahat! Come join the Korean Patriotic Association! I’ll give you a 50% discount!”
“ . . . ” Grid was embarrassed . Without Lauel’s advice, he still wouldn’t know much about the guild members . He would’ve kept thinking of them as people who moved according to his wishes . Yes, he only studied the guild members out of necessity . Everyone misunderstood and looked at him warmly .
‘My conscience is stabbed . . . ’
He was sorry that he hadn’t cared earlier . Lauel sent a whisper to the distressed Grid, -If your heart wasn’t true, you wouldn’t be able to remember the faces of 1,000 guild members in such a short time . Well, unless you are a genius like me . Huhut .
- . . .
-It is great . You deserve praise and respect . Be confident .
“Move quickly!”
Just then, a group of people came running from the distance . They were also Overgeared Two members, and they were carrying many stones . This group had the miner class . Before Grid arrived, Chris had given an order for them to obtain materials to repair the wall .
“Ah! G-Grid!” The man in his mid-20s, running at the forefront of the miners, was startled . He felt sorry for Chris since Grid arrived before they could repair the wall . The man imagined a subordinate being scolded by the boss and lamented that his mining speed was too slow .
‘I wanted to get slightly better stones and ruined things because of my greed . . . I should’ve finished the wall repair before Grid arrived!’
The man shrank back as Grid approached . He observed the stones that the man was carrying and said, “They are the best stones . You must’ve had a hard time obtaining it, Lion . ”
“Of course, it is something I had to do!”
The young miner’s name was Dolce . He was called ‘Lion’ because of his ridiculous hair that resembled a lion’s mane . The only people who knew Dolce’s nickname were naturally Dolce’s acquaintances . The nickname ‘Lion’ wasn’t known because the miner class didn’t receive the light . Yet Grid knew Dolce’s nickname . Dolce was thrilled . It meant that Grid had been watching him .
“I-I will work harder in the future!”
The people who joined the Overgeared Guild were divided into two major types . First, there were those who wanted to piggyback on the massive guild or wanted the items that Grid made . The second type were those who aspired to be like Grid . Dolce was the latter . He was touched that the object of his admiration paid attention to him . The fact that he could stand next to Grid was like a dream, and he was happy .
“Grid, do you perhaps know me? I am a mere baker . . . ”
“Naturally, I know you . The bread you make gives a small buff . Should I not know you?”
“No . I think that Grid knows all of us . You have always been paying attention to us . ”
“Even though you are busy fighting or making items every day . . . ”
The atmosphere was warm . Lauel smiled at the satisfactory result and gazed at Grid in a warm manner . Grid looked at all his colleagues standing here, including Lauel . It was a blessing that they believed in him . Grid promised that he would do better for them in the future .
“Let’s stop talking and quickly repair the wall . We also need time to prepare for the welcome of the fourth guild . ” Toban clapped his hands and blew away the excited atmosphere . He had a cool side, unlike the overall emotional Overgeared members . It was due to his presence that the projects of the Overgeared members could progress rapidly . Simultaneously, he was one of the best tankers, so Grid liked him . He had long forgotten the mistake Toban had made against him . After all, Grid had gotten payback for it at the time .
‘Huroi was disgusted after learning that Toban pointed his sword at me . . . ’
It was the same with Euphemina . Originally, Huroi liked Euphemina . Then as they spent more time together, he became aware of the mistakes she had committed against Grid and started to distance himself from her . Recently, he was told she had interacted with Agnus and went on to express his hostility . It was due to his excessive loyalty toward Grid .
‘I’ll have to talk to him . ’
Grid was both happy yet troubled by Huroi’s heart . It was necessary to maintain the balance . The moment Grid thought this, there were shouts .
“Aura Master!”
“The rumor that Hurent joined our guild is true!”
The cries burst out from everywhere . Gazes were directed at a man holding a hand plow . The appearance of his rolled up trousers and dirt on his boots made him look like a field worker .
“I’m here because you called . . . ” Hurent faced Grid and made an uncomfortable expression . Having retired from public view for three years, Hurent had gotten used to the quiet life and felt awkward in front of the people’s interest . However, the other person was Grid . He was the one who willingly accepted Hurent despite the fact that he had invaded the Overgeared city with the Eternal Kingdom . (Although, Grid didn’t know . ) Grid even had Hurent’s lifelong benefactor, Piaro by his side . (Grid still didn’t know this . )
Hurent respected and acknowledged Grid as the leader, so he couldn’t deny his request . The moment he heard Grid’s request to attend the new guild creation ceremony in Reidan, he ran to this place .
“ . . . ”
He felt the attention of the Overgeared members who were famous for being strong—Jishuka, Pon, Regas, and so on—focused on himself, but he didn’t feel particularly conscious . After all, Hurent wasn’t weak-minded . There was no need to be conscious when he didn’t have the right to respond to their good wishes .
“Thank you for enhancing the national prestige . ” Grid held out his hand for a handshake .
Then Hurent muttered, “What enhancing? I am lucky that I didn’t harm it . ”
In the meantime, Grid hadn’t intervened in Hurent’s matters at all . Hurent merely devoted himself to farming and training as ordered by Administration Rabbit and Piaro . Then he got an order to gather in Reidan today . It was ostensibly a celebration of the creation of Overgeared Four, but . . . the real reason was something else . There was no reason to celebrate a new guild in Reidan, a city caught in a war .
‘Grid is planning a massive war . Eventually, I will fight . ’
Hurent was worried . As he pointed out to Grid, he hadn’t been active for several years . He wondered if a weak person like him would be of help in the war, particularly when the opponent was the empire—the strongest country in the West Continent . Hurent might be able to kill a few soldiers, but wouldn’t he die if he met a knight?
‘I will be disgraced again . . . ’ Hurent sighed .
The 100 players gathered in the corner were staring at him with a little envy .
‘Oh, my **** . The Aura Master is an Overgeared member!’
‘Hurent was easily beaten by Grid, but before that, he was one of the strongest . ’
‘The Americans are still waiting for Hurent . ’
‘He has been training for several years and must surely be more powerful than before . ’
The 100 players were the protagonists of today’s celebration . The artillerymen rankers, who had been personally invited by Lauel, were relatively ordinary people that couldn’t be compared to the splendid Overgeared members . Finally, Grid’s eyes turned to them .
The 100 artillerymen didn’t think Grid would greet them . He must’ve created an artillerymen unit for a reason, but they didn’t have high expectations . The artillerymen class was so garbage that they hadn’t even reached level 200 . It was funny that he would greet them .
. . . That’s what they thought until now . Grid came to the artillerymen and greeted them with a smile, “It is nice to meet you . ”
The surprised artillerymen responded in various ways . Some people froze completely while others didn’t know where to look . Someone moved their feet, and someone else looked up with surprise . None of them were confident . Grid was sad as he was reminded of his past .
He extended a handshake to a beautiful woman standing by idly . She was Lost Justice .
“It is a pleasure . I am honored to have the 1st ranked artilleryman join the Overgeared Guild . ”
“N-No, what honor? I am the honored and grateful one!” Lost Justice grabbed Grid’s hand with both hands .
In fact, Grid didn’t like her very much . Lost Justice—the ID showed she was pessimistic about the world . Grid thought that she might have a past like himself and would be dark and sly . He would have to pay attention to her, but of course, he didn’t express this outwardly . Instead, he would watch from behind and manage her . He hoped she would be a good colleague .
“You will realize that there are many good people in the world and that justice is still alive . I hope youll find happiness with us in the future . ”
“ . . . ?”
Grid laughed at his own words, and the Overgeared members were puzzled . It was an expression that showed they didn’t understand . Only the Korean members like Peak Sword seemed to know . The reason was simple .
For Koreans, the ID of Lost Justice was marked as ‘Lost Justice (Hangul)’, but for players of other nationalities, it was labeled as ‘Genuine Boutique’ . (TL Note: Basically, the ID is 정의상실 in Korean . However, the author wrote it 정 의상실 for other nationalities, which has a space between the first and second characters and 의상실 means boutique . )
Boutique . That’s right . Lost Justice’s ID wasn’t Lost Justice but Genuine Boutique .
“ . . . ”
Grid saw the atmosphere becoming cold and coughed belatedly . “It is a joke, a joke . ”
“Ah, yes . . . ” Lost Justice, who had been stiff the whole time, burst out laughing . She was Korean and knew that Grid had really misunderstood .
“You are cute,” Lost Justice involuntarily expressed her appreciation .
“ . . . Heok?”
It was because Yura, Jishuka and Ruby directed killing intent at her . Sexy Schoolgirl Yerim, who was a high school student and now a university student, clicked her tongue . “A popular man is more attractive . ”
Yerim had been aiming for Grid for several years already . She was like a beast waiting for her prey .
Simultaneously, a disturbing air appeared on the battlefield where the Rebecca Church, Yatan Church, and Valhalla’s army were fighting . Everyone who died during this war was being ‘sacrificed . ’
“This time, I must do it at all costs . ”
Gamigin would descend . Looking up at the blackened sky, 3rd Imperial Prince Benoit prayed earnestly .