Overgeared Chapter 1287:
Susan was full of talent and enthusiasm . She just had bad luck . If only she was born in the main family . If she had competed on the same footing as Mercedes, then she would’ve been ahead of Mercedes .
Susan had been bothered for years . Mercedes and the traitor Piaro who were sent away by the former emperor . It was ridiculous that the two of them, who had as many shortcomings as their skills, were pretending to be great powers in a small kingdom .
The flames from the woman’s sword, who claimed to be the queen of the Overgeared Kingdom, swept through the long corridor of the palace . The king and the guard captain were startled and curled up while Susan and the Neo Red Knights stood firmly and faced the flames .
The carpet that was burned black filled the air with a pungent smell . The luminous ores that lit up the corridor were broken and lost their light .
“Cough, cough!”
Ironically, the intruders became a barrier . Thanks to the Neo Red Knights standing in the middle of the corridor, the king and the guard captain escaped from the flames . They opened their eyes and let out sighs of relief . The back of the intruders, alive and well, came into view .
Susan was safe without any wounds despite being engulfed in flames from the front . All of them had ice-like transparent blue runes around their bodies .
“Hey, this mentally disabled queen . Attacks that contain attributes are useless against us . If you plan to believe in that unusual sword, then I recommend that you quit immediately . ”
In fact, Susan had felt a crisis . She would’ve turned to charcoal if the runes had activated only 0 . 2 seconds later . Even so, she pretended to be unconcerned . She was proud in her ability to quickly activate the runes so there was no shame .
The Fire Dragon Sword trembled .
-Master, is that human blind . She looked at me and called me an unusual sword?
‘She isn’t blind, she is just a madman . By the way, that is a higher level elemental shield . . . it is surprising .
Grid remembered Susan . She was a traitor, yet she denounced Piaro for being a traitor . She was crazy, but her stats were great . The proof was that she survived despite being hit in the forehead by Piaro .
“Hrmm . ”
Grid’s blue eyes looked around at the people present . The Neo Red Knights—an organization obtained by the grandmaster after Juander’s end .
‘The fact that those who only follow the grandmaster are here . . . ’
It meant the grandmaster was also likely to be nearby .
‘As expected, his purpose is to meet the Five Seniors?’
The grandmaster had been looking for the expelled gods, also known as the Five Seniors . He wanted to join forces with them to punish the gods of the west and cleanse the stigma of the seven malignant saints . At the time, Grid didn’t know the reality of the Five Seniors, thus he wasn’t aware of the seriousness of the situation .
‘I have to stop it . ’
But now he knew—the meeting between the grandmaster and the Five Seniors must absolutely never happen . He didn’t know what the greedy yangbans would do the moment the Five Seniors came to the West Continent . In the first place, the war between gods shouldn’t occur . The moment the plague that fell from the sky struck the land, the Overgeared Kingdom and the West Continent couldn’t be safe .
‘The grandmaster is misunderstanding . ’
The Five Seniors were by no means good . They were far from the ideal gods that the grandmaster wanted . The gods of the west, who were only selfish or followed their instincts, might be better . Grid looked at the Xing King . He felt sorry when he saw the haggard appearance . The reason why he was on the defensive . . .
Perhaps it was because he rejected the grandmaster’s request to arrange a meeting with the Five Seniors .
Grid asked, “Did they violently attack you without even attempting to talk?”
“No . . . it isn’t like that . They gave me a month’s grace . ”
‘As I expected, he hesitated . ’
The foundation of the grandmaster was ‘goodness . ’ Therefore, Grid had hope .
‘If I tell him the reality of the Five Seniors and persuade him well, I can change his mind . ’
Grid grasped the situation and asked Susan this time, “Where is the grandmaster?”
“What?” Susan frowned . “Why do you want to know where he is? Are you going to meet him? Hahat . You must be dreaming . ”
“ . . . It seems you have to be beaten up a bit . ”
She was saying ‘you?’ Daring to talk impolitely to his lovely Irene? Grid was furious at Susan’s rudeness, despite introducing himself casually as the Overgeared Queen . Then he equipped Talsha and the Overgeared King’s Crown in turn . Of course, only the crown was visible to people .
“What? Wearing a crown all of a sudden? Kukuku! What? You? Are you protesting that I’m rude? Are you reminding me that you’re a queen?” Susan’s eyes flashed as she moved her two swords together like she was using a whetstone .
“Don’t care about how you are treated . Aren’t you just the queen of a small kingdom?”
The speed of the swords hitting against each other became faster . Grid was a blacksmith and was worried about the opponent’s swords . The two blades collided and every time they slid off each other, the acceleration accumulated . Sparks scattered in all directions and disrupted their vision . Did she intend to use the acceleration to make a surprise attack? A normal person would’ve thought this way and become wary . . .
‘Doing this will hurt the blades . ’
It happened while Grid was uncomfortably watching the blades that started to break because they were grinding at each other .
Susan didn’t miss the moment when the other person was distracted . She took advantage of the acceleration of the sliding blades and shot forward . It was close to the speed of sound . It was a scene that seemed almost exaggerated . Susan’s surprise attack was that fast . It exceeded Grid’s transcendent senses which were still growing . Grid’s shoulder was pierced .
Susan thought she had won and swung her other sword . The cloth was torn . Grid barely stepped back and dodged the attack, inadvertently exposing his flesh . The Xing King’s eyes shook .
‘It is an untrained body . ’
Was she around her mid-30s? The body of the queen was younger than expected and was as beautiful as her face . The white skin had no scars and the skin without muscles looked smooth . This meant she wasn’t compatible with the battlefield . It seemed overwhelming even holding a sword . Then what on earth was this strength?
Susan groaned . It was the aftermath of the queens transparent sword hitting the sword in her left hand that had just been cutting through the air .
‘What is this strength?’
The sword couldn’t handle the power in the Overgeared Queen’s sword and lowered . Susan’s left shoulder naturally lowered and she got a chill down her spine . She lost her balance and the Overgeared Queen’s knee struck her face . There was the sound of a watermelon popping .
Susan wasn’t critically injured from one kick, but she was quite shaken . It was because she vaguely measured the power of the Overgeared Queen . In terms of strength, the Overgeared Queen was higher than herself .
‘It is nonsense . ’
Susan had been training all her life . Her armor-covered body had strong muscles . She had been training her whole life, but she lost in strength to a woman with such a soft body . . . She couldn’t understand it . Fire filled Susan’s eyes as she gritted her teeth . She stretched her slightly bent knees and swung her twin swords .
The two swords that moved in different trajectories were gorgeous and irregular . It was the essence of the Vaintz-style swordsmanship . It was a skill that the Neo Red Knights couldn’t easily handle, let alone a beginner . Yet at this moment, the Overgeared Queen easily blocked it .
“ . . . . . . !”
Susan was ruled by chaos . It wasn’t just because her sword was blocked . This person had counterattacked and wounded her, so it was a big shock . In front of Revolve, everyone was equal . Grid connected Link and spoke to Susan, who was coughing up blood, “By this point, you understand who I am, right? Stop and take me to the grandmaster . ”
“This bitch!”
She needed to be convinced to accept any outcome . In that sense, it was difficult for Susan to admit defeat . She was a natural genius who worked hard all her life . Why should she be defeated by another woman when she received ancient runes from the grandmaster? It shouldn’t happen unless the world was crazy .
The ancient runes floated in the air and permeated Susan’s body . Her colleagues watching the situation were surprised .
‘She finally crossed the line . ’
Runes were a tool that created certain phenomena . It was up to the user how to use it . One method was to absorb it in the body . The runes that permeated the body dramatically strengthened the user’s bones, muscles, or mana core . This helped them exert transcendent strength or magic .
The problem was when it strengthened the mana core . The forcibly strengthened mana core expanded and overloaded the body . Therefore, it was necessary to adjust the intensity so it only strengthened some of the body . Yet at this moment, Susan strengthened the mana core .
A time limit was formed . The moment the enhancement was over, Susan wouldn’t be able to handle the storm that would come and would likely be ruined . It wasn’t a bad result for her colleagues, who always regarded Susan as offensive to the eye .
“I will kill you . ”
There was no change in Susan’s appearance . However, she gave off an air that was threatening enough to generate intense air waves .
‘It is like Blackening . ’
Grid wore armor for the first time in this battle . Armor made from Khan’s last work and the breath of the sacred gods quickly covered his entire body . Then the importance of appearance was revealed . The black and red armor on Grid made him look like a villain . Meanwhile, Irene wore it and looked like a divine paladin despite the colors . It was the moment when Grid, who was bothered by the hair flowing down during the battle, tried to tie up his hair again .
Susan rushed to Grid like lightning . She arrived in front of Grid’s nose and swung her swords four times .
“This . . . !”
The Xing King rose from where he was sitting . He predicted that the queen would suffer at least serious injuries and he flew forward without thinking . The wife of his benefactor—it wasn’t right to turn away from her when she was in danger .
“Where are you going?”
The Xing King only managed to take a few steps . He couldn’t even handle one Susan, let alone 15 Neo Red Knights .
“I know! I know! I’ll tell you where the Hwan Kingdom is, so don’t hurt the innocent!”
The Xing King struggled as he was caught by the Red Knights, but it was useless .
Yes, you should tell us the location of the Hwan Kingdom . I’m just going to kill this **** first . It doesn’t make sense to call her innocent when she pointed the sword at us first . ” Susan scoffed as she grabbed the hair of the fallen Overgeared Queen, only to be stunned .
The Overgeared Queen, who should be bleeding to death from seven holes, was staring at her with a clean face .
Susan’s trembling gaze hurriedly examined the queen’s chest . Then she saw it . Rather than being torn to shreds, the armor and shoulder guards were intact .
‘Overgeared . . . !’
There was no one in the world who didn’t know the meaning of ‘overgeared . ’ There were just some people who hadn’t experienced the power of items yet . Susan belonged to the latter . Susan quickly retreated in preparation for the impending counterattack when a small whisper entered her ears .
“I won’t allow your comfort . ”
“ . . . . . . !”
The runes imprinted on her body were peeled off . Her strengthened bones and muscles weakened sharply and the balance of her body was off . The mana core, which had expanded to the fullest, contracted . This was accompanied by a pain beyond imagination .
“Kuack . . . Kuaaack!”
Susan shed blood and stumbled like she was going to fall . She was going to lose her mind . It was too painful . However, she endured this pain with her tenacity and desire to kill . She barely held the two swords in her trembling hands . She discovered that the Overgeared Queen was walking toward her with a disinterested face, as if dismissing her as a mere chore .
Her determination didn’t last . The two swords fell from her hands . No one would believe it, but it was real . The swords fell from her hands like they had their own will .
“ . . . ster . ”
Puk puk puk!
It was the linkage of two fused sword dances . Susan’s body was shattered and turned to gray ash . Grid couldn’t spare her when she had killing intent directed at Irene . It didn’t matter if she was the grandmaster’s subordinate . He had to wipe out any future trouble in advance . Grid wiped the blood that splattered on his white cheeks and asked the Neo Red Knights, who were as stiff as statues, “Do you want to fight more?”
“ . . . No . ”
The Neo Red Knights, who had left the empire after the rebellion of the 4th Prince, Edan, observed the continent from the perspective of a third person . They questioned the rapid growth of the Overgeared Kingdom and were particularly curious when they saw that the new empress, Basara, was giving conveniences to the Overgeared Kingdom .
Overgeared King Grid, Piaro, and Mercedes—the reputation of the three giants was great, but did it make sense for the great empire to help a small kingdom just because of fear toward these three people? The Neo Red Knights even joked that Basara was in love with the Overgeared King .
Now they realized it . It wasn’t like that at all . There were monsters lurking in the Overgeared Kingdom . Overgeared Queen Irene—she was stronger than the famous king . No, she was someone even more powerful than Piaro and Mercedes . This was the real power of the Overgeared Kingdom .
“Let’s step back first . ”
The Neo Red Knights made a decision and hurriedly left . Grid didn’t bother chasing after them . The situation had turned out like this so there was no reason to go to the grandmaster in person .
‘He will come to find me himself . ’
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