Overgeared Chapter 164:

Chapter 164

Hell Gao, who didnt move when the top three damage dealers of the guild attacked simultaneously…

Pushing him back with one shot?

What is that attack power?

What is that tail that defended against Hell Gaos attack?

Why is he still holding the pickaxe…?

It was an unbelievable and monstrous sight .  The Silver Knights Guild, included Peak Sword, were confused at the sight of Grid .

I thought he was a tanker because of his high defense, but his attack power is actually higher?

There were several classes with excellent balance . But balance-type classes had a chronic problem . It was that they didnt excel in anything .  However, both Grids attack power and defense were unreasonable .

He must have a hidden class . In addition…

Grids words revolved around Peak Swords head .  Item effect . Item effect . Item effect… Item…

…It really is the power of his items .

In Satisfy, items could be enhanced up to +10 .  

However, the price of the enhancement stones was expensive, and the higher the enhancement value, the lower the probability of the enhancement succeeding .

In addition, if the enhancement was successful, the enhancement value would be +1 . But if it failed, it would be -3, so the chances of ordinary users owning high enhanced equipment was like picking stars from the sky .  Most rankers were using +7 items, while the +8 or higher items were for the rich or fortunate .

However, Peak Sword belatedly realized that Grids sword was surrounded by a deep orange light that was like the sunset .  It was a +8 enhanced item .

So he is a high level hidden class, rich, and lucky?

Grid frowned at Peak Swords expression .

“…What is your expression?

It wasnt a coincidence that a big shot came here .  Peak Sword was alarmed and started to feel doubts .

You look like a Chinese or Japanese person . Did the Sakura Guild send you?

Grid had the typical appearance of a Northeast Asian .  Korea and Mongolia were countries weak in Satisfy, he judged that a bigshot couldnt be hiding among the Koreans or Mongols . Therefore, this person must be Chinese or Japanese .  But the answer that came back was amazing .

“Sakura Guild? I didnt even know there was such a guild . Above all, I am South Korean .

“South Korean?

The guild members started murmuring .

“There is such an amazing person among the Koreans…

Apart from Yura and Peak Sword hyung-nim… South Korea has another prominent figure . ”

“Kya~~! As expected from South Korea!

Most of the members of the Silver Knights Guild were patriotic .  They were the type of people who always asked Do you know Kimchi? when they met foreigners .  So they were glad to hear that Grid was Korean .

We are Koreans like you!

I realized it while watching you! The Koreans game DNA is still great!

I am proud that a great person like you is a Korean citizen like us!

“Quiet! Peak Sword calmed down his excited guild members and glared at Grid .  “If you arent commissioned by the Sakura Guild, why did you come to disturb us?


Chaaeng! Chaeng!

Grid was shaken as he drew Hell Gaos aggro .

Disturb? Is what I did a disturbance? Rather, I helped you .

What help? You barged in on another persons raid!


Grid felt angry at Peak Swords words . Then he threw down his pickaxe and grabbed Dainsleif with both hands .

Ridiculous humans! I will burn you to the soul!

Hell Gao waved his staff while shouting and a heat storm struck .  Grid started dancing .

Pagmas Swordsmanship…

Become ashes!


The materials in the area were melted and a hot wind blew over Grid .  Then Grids dance finished .

Kill .

Kwa kwa kwa kwang!

It was truly an overwhelming sight .  The big sword was surrounded by red and black and pierced Hell Gaos heart with a huge momentum .


There wasnt one person who failed to notice that Hell Gaos face shrouded in flames was disturbed for a moment .

Hell Gao fell down and scattered blood like lava, while Grid spoke to the astonished Peak Sword .  “Im sorry that I barged in on your raid but honestly, if it wasnt for me, wouldnt you guys be dead to that monster by now? The only reason I got involved was because that annoying **** attacked me first . I didnt actually do anything?

His words werent wrong .  But that didnt mean Grids behavior could be rationalized .

“I acknowledge that part . But the fact that you intruded doesnt change . How can we proceed with the raid while you are watching? Would you be able to if you were us? What if you hit our backs while we are in the middle of the fight?

Grid snorted .  “If I wanted to hit your backs, I wouldve done it earlier . Isn’t that right?”

Thats right .  The guild was in trouble when Hell Gao appeared . But Grid was fine . At that time, the guild wouldve met a disaster if Grid had attacked .


It was evidence that Grid wasnt an enemy .  However, he was still disturbing .  Grid had completely stabbed a wedge of doubt in Peak Sword .

“In the first place, I didnt come here for that monster . Fire stones .  Then Grid placed Dainsleif back in his inventory . Then he picked up the pickaxe and headed towards a firestone again .  I have no intention of interfering, so please ignore me and go on with the raid .


Kaaang! Kaaang!

Peak Sword no longer felt motivation as he looked at Grid .

‘…He isnt an opponent that can be overpowered, so lets ignore him .

They could deal with this when it was over .  Peak Sword ignored Grid and started concentrating on the raid . Then the guild members quickly surrounded Hell Gao, who was on the ground .  Grid glanced at them and clicked his tongue .

Do you really think you can raid that monster? Its useless .

The current Grid couldnt measure Hell Gaos combat strength .

‘That monstrous bastard, he was hit by Kill and didnt even lose one-tenth of his life .

Hell Gao was a monster that Muller couldnt seal perfectly, and he was very strong .  Grid speculated that he was a boss monster several degrees stronger than the Awakened Guardian of the Forest .

He is a monster that I cant win against, even if I take advantage of my invincible passive . Its better to avoid him .

Grids judgment was correct .

Most users didnt know the details of the demon-related episodes yet, but Hellfires Master Hell Gao was the 9th strongest among the 33 great demons of Hell and had members of the demonkin like Balak as subordinates . It wasnt good to associate with him .

Hurry .

Kaaang! Kaaang!

Grids pickaxe speed accelerated .  He planned to use the time while the Silver Knights Guild was striking Hell Gao to mine the fire stones .  That behavior was the problem .  What was the reason why the fire stones always appeared with Hell Gao?

It wasnt a coincidence .  The fire stones were the source of Hell Gaos power . Hell Gao needed the help of the fire stones to appear in the human world .  A human kept trying to mine it, so Hell Gao couldnt leave it alone .

This **** human!


Hell Gao released a black fire that burned the Silver Knights Guild and headed towards Grid .

Chaaeng! Chaeng!

The pavranium moved to protect Grid . However, it was impossible to completely block Hell Gaos attack with the present pavranium, which was attached to the armor and restricted in action .

Grid experienced a flash of heat every time the staff was wielded .

[You have suffered 2,930 damage . ]

[You have suffered 3,190 damage . ]

How rotten… Ive raised my fire resistance, but Ive still received this much damage .

Kaaang! Kaaang!

Grid took a potion to restore his health and quickened the pace of his pickaxe . He tried to ignore the attacking Hell Gao behind him .

Just a bit more…!

Five more swings would be enough to obtain one fire stone .  Grid patiently relied on only pavranium to defend and Hell Gaos anger reached the peak .

“Stop right now!


Hell Gaos body was covered with blame flames, increasing the heat .


Hell Gaos attack power became stronger . The pavranium was hit by it and temporarily stiffened .

This is bad…!

Hell Gaos staff aimed at Grids side just as there were three swings left to obtain the fire stone .  Grid tried to defend with a shield but it was already too late .  At that moment, Peak Sword came forward .

“Draw Sword, string .

Peak Sword stood 2m behind Hell Gao .  He pulled out the sword at his waist so quickly that it was difficult to follow with the eyes . Then there was a sharp flash and blood spurted from Hell Gaos neck .


Hell Gaos gaze angrily returned to Peak Sword .


Hell Gao approached Peak Sword and waved his staff .  Then Peak Sword placed his sword back in its sheath .

Sheath Sword, breadth .


Just before Hell Gaos staff fell towards Peak Sword .  A powerful wave of sword energy exploded around Peak Sword, causing Hell Gao to retreat .  Peak Sword spoke to Grid with a grim expression .

You are Korean and helped us once . With this, the debt is paid .

Subsequently, the Silver Knights Guild started their onslaught .

“Die, you monster!

“This time well kill you!

The Silver Knights were a highly trained guild .  The force masters suppressed Hell Gaos heat, while the damage dealers attacked Hell Gao without getting injured .  It was a pincer attack they could unfold due to the experience challenging Hell Gao, but the problem was that Hell Gao was too strong .

This doesnt even itch!

Hell Gao ridiculed before launching flames in every direction .  It was the inevitable fire AOE magic .  In order to suppress the force of this, the force masters controlled the mana in the air while the magicians built water barriers .  The momentum of the flames wasnt suppressed at all and directly evaporated all the water at the water barriers .

Kwa kwa kwa kwang!

This caused hot steam to occur .  Peak Sword and the knights defended with their weapons or shields, while the force masters and magicians used magic .  However, everyone except for Peak Sword turned into grey light .


Sword Peak realized it the moment he received more than 100 messages about his guild members deaths .

This is impossible .

The Hell Gao raid? It was a pipe dream .  He had been confident about the guilds power over the last month, but they were just pests in front of Hell Gao .

It was my mistake for not accurately measuring Hell Gaos strength…

He felt sorry for the guild members wiped out because of their foolish master .  It was the moment that Peak Sword lost hope in his dream of fostering enough Korean rankers to play a role in next years National Competition .

He flopped down .

Kukukuk .

Hell Gao emitted a hot breath as he laughed and approached . He aimed his staff at Peak Sword who lost all his men and all hope .  At that moment .


[A fire stone has been acquired . ]

Grid finally obtained a fire stone .  At the same time, the black flames around Hell Gaos body noticeably weakened .

And .


[You have suffered 4,200 damage . ]


Peak Sword survived despite being hit by the staff .  Both Peak Sword and Hell Gao were shocked .


It wasnt an illusion .  Hell Gao had rapidly weakened .  An awkward atmosphere flowed .

Transcended Link .

Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa!

20 blue and white energy blades flew and hit Hell Gao .


Blood spurted in every direction like boiling lava .  Hell Gao let out a terrible scream of pain .  Then he belated discovered the fire stone held in Grids hand .

“You dare…! I will kill you!

Pisik .

Can you do it?”

Grid laughed before squeezing the blue sword that was reminiscent of a predator of the sea .

Peak Sword was surprised twice .

The first reason was that he figured out Grid was Pagmas Descendant who appeared in the battle of Bairan several months ago . The second reason for his surprise was the white light around the blue greatsword .

A +9 item?

Take this pickaxe .  Grid threw his pickaxe towards Peak Sword, whose mouth was gaping open . Then he explained to the puzzled Peak Sword .  Hell Gaos weakness is the fire stone . The more fire stones that are collected, the weaker he will be . So collect the fire stones while I block him .

This was it .  Peak Swords expression darkened, “I understand what you’re saying . But I didnt acquire the mining skill . It will be hard for me…

Dont worry . Anyone can mine with that pickaxe .


Grid spoke confidently .  Peak Sword was curious and checked the details of the pickaxe .

[Fantastic Pickaxe]

Rating: Legendary

Durability: 155/219   Attack Power: 107

* The chances of acquiring advanced minerals will increase by 10% .

* The chances of acquiring the highest grade minerals will increase by 5% .

* The skill Intermediate Mining Technique Lv . 3 will be generated .

A pickaxe made by the legendary blacksmith G .

With this pickaxe, even a five year old child can collect high quality iron ore .

User Restriction: Level 200 or higher .

Weight: 45


“Why are you just watching?

Hell Gao wasnt a fool . He couldnt let the humans touch the fire stones anymore, so he tried to get rid of the injured Peak Sword first .  However, Grid wouldnt quietly let him do that .  He detached the pavranium from his armor and aimed at Hell Gaos head with his fingers .

“Go . ”


The combined pavranium separated into seven blade-like shapes . Then they spread out and attacked Hell Gao from different angles .


Hell Gao missed Peak Sword . He lifted his staff and resisted the seven blades, but they couldnt be destroyed no matter what .

No, what is this…

Peak Sword thought it was absurd .  It felt like a feast of items kept appearing .

Item effect .

The words Grid said when he first appeared popped into Peak Swords head .  Then Grid prompted him, What are you doing? Go and mine the fire stones .

Ah, y-yes… That… Yes…

The 16th ranked Peak Sword, it was the first time he challenged mining since starting Satisfy .  And it was the day that Hell Gao, the master of hellfire, met the strongest enemy after the great sword saint Muller .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

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