Overgeared Chapter 219:

Chapter 219


Three hours before Piaro was misunderstood as a legendary farmer and feng shui expert .

Grid came to the smithy where Khan was working alone .

Ohh! You came!

I missed you!

I havent been able to eat, because I wanted to see you!”

“Eh? Should I have missed meals as well?


Grid and Khan hugged as they reunited after a long time . It was a friendship that transcended identity and age, so they welcomed each other enthusiastically .

I was worried that you wouldnt be able to adapt to the warm weather of the west, but you seem fine . Rather, you look healthier . ”

Khan was in the latter half of his 60s . He had passed the average life expectancy of the people of the Eternal Kingdom, so it was safe to say that he was at the end of his life .  But after returning to being a blacksmith thanks to Grid, Khan worked all day and looked like he was in his 40s or 50s .

“You dont have to worry . I have been working with fire all my life, so how can I be threatened by this heat?

“Youre a great inspiration .

Grid smiled .  However, he knew that the lifespan of an NPC was finite so he couldnt suppress the uneasiness in his life .

Please live for a long time .

The first friend in his life, Khan .  Grid wouldnt be able to bear the sadness that would come when he needed to say farewell to the person who opened up his heart .  Khan noticed the sad emotions in Grids smile and became slightly teary .

He reminds me of my son .

His late son . If he hadnt become sick and died early, he wouldve been Duke Grids age right now .

Originally, my son should be the one worrying about me…

He wanted to see his son . But he could appease that longing with Duke Grid beside him . Khan was thankful for Duke Grid filling his vacancy .  Khan swallowed back his tears and bowed his head .

Thank you .

Huh? What?”

Grid didnt understand the intentions behind Khans sudden action . Khan smiled at his puzzled expression .

“Didnt you come here to help me? So I wanted to thank you! Hahaha!

What…? This is originally my work .  Grid brought Khan to Reidan so that Khan wouldnt be lonely, not for the manpower .  But the situation of the city is a little inconvenient right now, so I am grateful for your help . Lets work together to solve the problem .

Grid took off the Holy Light set and changed into old clothing .  The dirty novice clothing was what Grid wore when he worked as a blacksmith . The efficiency increased because it was easy to move in the clothing .  The only downside was that Grid looked like a complete beggar when he wore it .

Ohh! You cant hide your dignity with these shabby clothes!

Grids current dignity and charm stats were comparable to the king of a kingdom, so he was always brimming with elegance .

Grid swept away his hair and revealed his great forehead . He tied a cloth around his head so that his hair wouldnt flow down, and looked around the smithy .

It is unbelievably large .

A general smithy only had one or two small or medium sized furnaces installed . Usually only three to five people could work at the same time in a smithy .

However, the Overgeared members looked at the future and invested in Reidans smithy, giving it a total of eight large furnaces . The sight of eight large furnaces lined up in a row was impressive .

Isnt this at the level of a factory? Dozens of blacksmiths can work at the same time and produce a large quantity of items .

But that was a story for later, when they had many blacksmiths .  Currently, there was only Grid and Khan, so the big size of the smithy couldnt be taken advantage of .

I should look into inviting blacksmith users .

Grid looked at the smithy before deciding to start working .  However, he didnt have the method to make a rake .

I dont know how to make any farming equipment .

It was because he never needed to make farming equipment before .  But that wasnt a problem .  Grid had the Legendary Blacksmiths Appraisal skill .  Grid held one of the rakes made by Khan and used appraisal .

[Sturdy Rake]

Rating: Normal

Durability: 20/20   Attack Power: 3~7

A farming equipment suitable for digging at the ground .

It is made by Blacksmith Khan who can represent a region, so it is a rake with excellent durability .

Weight: 60

[A hidden function doesnt exist . ]

[You have grasped the materials that make up Sturdy Rake, the production method, and the intentions of its creator . ]

[Your understanding of the Sturdy Rake is now at 100% . You will be able to use the Sturdy Rake perfectly . ]

[You have learned how to make a rake . ]

The rake production method was added .  Grid was satisfied and started work .

Ttang! Ttang!

He bent the structure at the end to resemble a trident .  It was a simple structure, so Khan was able to produce one rake in just 20 minutes .  Yet Grid was different .  Just like when raiding boss monsters, Grid was extremely focused as he devoted himself to making one rake .

He carefully shaped the ends like he was making a sword, then he combined it with the handle part .  Grid had over 2,000 dexterity, so his hands delicately handled the rake like he was touching Irenes pale body .

Two hours later .

Ah, I should take a rest .

Age didnt lie .  The weary Khan stopped working . On the other hand, Grid had superhuman stamina and wasnt exhausted .  Khan looked closely at his work and was shocked .

No, what are you doing right now?

Huh? What’s the problem?

Grid looked like he didnt understand, so Khan asked .

“Why are you spending two hours making a rake? Ive already finished six rakes in two hours… Isnt this a waste of time?

Hrmm .  Grid identified the six rakes made by Khan . Of course, they were all normal rated . The degree of completion wasnt satisfactory, considering Khans skill .  Khan .

Grid stared straight at Khan .  Khan flinched at the sight .  Grids eyes were as deep as the ocean, like a wise man .  It was quite different from the usual Grid .

‘Grid can also look like this…!

Then Grid asked the astounded Khan .  Shouldnt you always do your best when making equipment? So why are you roughly making the farming equipment?

That… Produce as much as possible . Lauel said to mass produce as much farming equipment as possible so that he could put more manpower into the rehabilitation project . ”

Mass production? Even lowly blacksmiths can do something like that . ”

Grid emanated a huge pressure .  Right now, he wasnt a greedy young man or Khans valued friend .  There was no doubt that he was a legendary blacksmith, Pagmas Descendant .

“Your role isnt to produce average farming equipment for ordinary farmers .  

“Then what is my role?

Grid replied firmly to Khans question .  Its to make the best farming equipment that will help ordinary farmers become the best .  That is your mission as an advanced blacksmith . Please dont forget your pride as an advanced blacksmith, no matter the situation .


Khan had worked with Grid for a long time and accumulated experience . Thanks to the skill Blacksmiths Affection, his blacksmithing skill reached advanced level 7 .  He was one of the best blacksmiths that currently existed, and he realized the truth of Grids words .

“Youre absolutely right!

Khan was highly motivated .  Grid handed the rake that hed just completed to Khan .

“Look at what I created .

Truly brilliant…!

[Ideal Rake]

Rating: Epic

Durability: 50/50   Attack Power: 25~31

* Stamina +7 .

* Dexterity +12 .

* It will slightly improve the quality of the soil .

A farming equipment suitable for digging at the ground .

An item made by the blacksmith G who has a reputation close to a legend .  Despite the use of bad quality iron and wood as the material, its function is outstanding .  

The three delicate prongs will make the soil finer, improving soil quality .  

Weight: 51

The one rake that Grid made in two hours is much more valuable than the six rakes that I made!

He also wanted to make a good rake .  Khan pledged before standing in front of the furnace again .

Ttang! Ttang!

“Dont overdo it .

Grid was concerned about Khans health, but the highly concentrated Khan could no longer hear his voice .  

Yes, this is like him .

Grid smiled warmly before starting to make his second rake .

Two hours later .

Grid and Khan both completed a rare rated rake .  But once again, two hours later…

Yes! It cant be compared to your work, but I have also produced a satisfactory rake!

Khan succeeded in making an epic rated rake .  The performance was less than Grids, but it was clearly an excellent rake .  Indeed, this was the dignity of an Advanced Blacksmith level 7 .  Then what about Grid?


It was a normal rating .  Grid was embarrassed .  He didnt know that a normal rating would emerge when he was making such a simple item .

Are you trying to deceive me with a rake?

Grids pride as a legendary blacksmith was once again wounded .  Once again, two hours later .  Grid and Khan both completed a rare rated rake .

“Not bad . ”

Khan was happy .  But Grid was boiling with anger .

Ugh, dammit…!

A legendary blacksmith was having such a hard time making farming equipment?  This wasnt normal .

Are you tricking me again? These **** scum!

Grid yelled at the operators who were watching from somewhere . Then Khan sent him a pitiful look .

It has been a long time since Ive seen this…

It was a frequent phenomenon when they worked together .  Khan left Grid shouting alone and started making a new rake .


Now it was time for dinner .  Lauel finished todays work and ran to the smithy .

Lets go eat . Then we need to consult with the guild about the estate management plans… Eh?

Lauels expressions twisted .  He wondered how much Grid and Khan wouldve made in half a day, but there was less than 20 tools .

“Surely you werent playing around?

Lauel expected a legendary blacksmith to work like a machine .  He was feeling disappointed when Grid threw him a rake .

I wasnt playing around . Look at this .


Why did he need to look at the details of a rake? Lauel felt doubts and examined the rake .

Heok .

Lauel was beyond shocked .

[Perfect Rake]

Rating: Unique

Durability: 71/71   Attack Power: 49~61

* Stamina +15

* Dexterity +28

* Greatly improves the soil quality .

A farming equipment suitable for digging at the ground .

An item made by the blacksmith G who has a reputation close to a legend .  Despite the use of bad quality iron and wood as the material, its function is outstanding .  

The three delicate prongs will make the soil finer, improving soil quality .   The three prongs are bent at the ideal angle to work the soil .  Even a child can use this rake to turn a wasteland into an excellent garden .

Weight: 45

The rake was a tool that helped adult males clear a 1,000 pyeong size land in one day .  However, the people of Reidan were starving for a long time and their physical condition wasnt good, so each person could only clear 100 pyeong a day .

The people of Reidan will be able to do more than that if they have this rake . The soil improvement means that the land will give a good harvest .

This game was truly about items .  Grid was the truth .  Lauel once again thought that it was a good idea to follow Grid .  He didnt doubt that one day, the people of Reidan would be armed with the power of items .

Then he suddenly got an ominous feeling .

Dont tell me that when he becomes a king…

Surely he wouldnt name it Overgeared Kingdom? Lauel made a tearful face .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

Chapter 220

The central spire of Reidan Castle was a huge 11 stories . It was nearly twice as high as the spire of the lords castle in common cities .

Is the height of the central spire important?

“In a sense, it symbolizes the power of the lord . The greater the prestige and power of the lord, the higher the height of the spires .

“In other words, the former lord of Reidan enjoyed the same authority as the king .

“That is the correct interpretation . ”

In fact, the size of Reidan Castle was comparable to the kings palace .

The castle has a total of 127 rooms . In addition, there are six other outbuildings . There are five gardens, three parade grounds, and a barracks that can accommodate 8,000 troops .

There were no small decorations or basic furniture left . It was left untouched for a long time, so there were many rusty places and it was desolate .  But the form itself was completely preserved, so Grid was amazed .  

Its surprising . I thought the castle would be completely ruined like the city .

The people of Reidan sacrificed themselves to protect it .

The days when the empire defended the Hebend River .  The people of Reidan had to give a certain amount as tribute to the empire, and it came to the point where they had to dismantle the citys buildings .  However, they couldnt touch the castle, which was the symbol of Reiden, and their last remaining pride . As a result, the entire scenery around Reidan Castle was a ruin .

Grid was deeply impressed by Lauels explanation .

The people of Reidan might be dying of starvation, but they protected their pride…

Grid was a selfish person, but at least he had patriotism . It was the result of the forceful education during military service .  Thanks to that, he was able to understand the hearts of the Reidan people without laughing at them .

The people really love the place where they grew up .  Grid had a positive observation .  

It will be a big help to me to save the people of Reidan . Then the people of Reidan will be loyal and follow any orders . Isnt that right? Lauel .

Lauel was impressed .  “I can’t believe you thought that deeply .

Anyone could think about it .  But he thought that Grid couldnt .

Grid spoke to the astonished Lauel .  Dont exploit the people or give unreasonable commands .


Lauel was shocked .   He was more surprised than when he observed the unique rated rake several hours ago .

Whats wrong?

Wasnt Grid the type of person to use others for his own sake? It was unbelievable to Lauel that he would make such a statement about the people .  He was at a loss when Grid whispered to him .

“I am the lord of the people, so I cant act childish . Just do it properly .  

The people were the cash flow . Grid still thought so .  He wanted to do the minimum amount to protect them . This was the least he could do for the people who sacrificed themselves to protect the symbol of the lord .

In the first place, people must live here . Isn’t that right?”

Grid was the lord of Reidan and leader of the Overgeared Guild, so he decided to act in a manner that wouldnt shame them .  Now he was trying to act according to that determination .  Lauel smiled with satisfaction at Grids growth .

I will keep it in mind .

“I know .

Grid went ahead . After a few hours, he grasped the structure of the castle .  

Its really big . This great castle is mine?

“It isnt just this castle . Youre the master of everything in Reidan . In addition, youre eligible to get your hands on something greater . The spires of Reidan will become higher than the royal palace .  Huroi remarked as he appeared .

Grid smiled .  Welcome Huroi . Your words always make me feel better . Thank you .

Thank you? Huroi was baffled .  The original Grid wasnt someone who would express appreciation for anything .

Reciprocating the goodwill of others…

The selfish Grid was starting to fill up his lacking spots .  It was gratifying . He noticed things that werent pointed out .

He grows every time I see him .

Huroi and Lauel were impressed .

Thump thump .

Grid moved to the great hall that could accommodate around 500 people .  Apart from the old throne, it was just a room full of dust .  However, Grid didnt doubt that this would soon shine a brilliant gold .  He sat on the throne and quietly closed his eyes .

Now it feels real .

He was a duke of the Eternal Kingdom .  Next to the king, he had the highest status and held the greatest power in his hand .  He represented Huroi, Lauel, Jishuka and the other Overgeared members .

But .

Am I qualified?

Many memories went through Grids mind .  At a young age, he learned to be anxious around others .  As an adolescent, he had many limitations .  In his 20s, he experienced a lot of frustration .  Hardships came to mind .

His memories before Satisfy were the worst .  But everything changed after he started Satisfy and became Pagmas Descendant .  He used the abilities he obtained to overcome his limitations, as well as the trials that he received .

Is this purely the result of good luck?

Grid wondered .  After a long moment of thinking, he came up with an answer .

No .

There was a lot of luck, but in the end, it was his own strength and efforts that led to this result .  It was unclear if the Northern End Cave even existed, but he had found it after several months of exploration .

I am qualified . I was able to climb up to this point because Im qualified .

Sururuk .

Grid was filled with joyful emotions and slowly opened his eyes .  Was this the influence of his higher charm stat? Or was it the effect of the true pride that he realized at this moment? Grids eyes were deeper than ever, like the sea .

Huroi, Lauel .

Yes .

Grid called out and Huroi bowed with a sincere heart . Lauel followed as well . The two of them prostrated before him .  It was a common action .  Grid didnt feel awkward because of their exaggerated behavior .

“Both of you said that Im destined to be the best . Was that false or exaggerated?

Huroi and Lauel responded in unshakable voices .

“My Lord is already the best .

You are the only person I acknowledge . So you are a qualified person . ”

They were sincere .  Grids power, stats and abilities were among the top out of the two billion users in Satisfy . The only flaw was that he was lacing financial power, but he could overcome it if Reidan developed .

Defects in personality and intelligence? Grid was developing, so that wasnt a problem .

“…Yes, I will believe you and take pride in myself .

At this moment, Grid developed some self-pride .  This was pure pride, not arrogance or egotism .


He let out a deep exhale .  The victim mentality and inferiority complex was deeply rooted because of his experiences in the past . He hadnt fully shed it yet, but this was the moment his heart cleared .  His jealousy towards others disappeared .   His heart was light .  His head became clear and his vision widened .

This feels much better .

Grid said with a bright smile .

Now he was reaching the end of his steady internal growth process .


Reidan was a very large city that could accommodate 430,000 people, but it was currently impossible to increase the population .  It was because Reidan didnt have any charms to attract people from other parts of the world to it .

Lauel believed that they should make good use of the 20,551 people currently living in Reidan .

We have addressed the food shortage . The pace of the farmland clearing has increased exponentially thanks to the discovery of water by Piaro, the legendary farmer and feng shui expert . Its easy to spread drinking water .

Legendary farmer? Feng shui expert?

Grid and the Overgeared members were in the meeting room .  How did Piaro become a legendary farmer and feng shui expert? Grid questioned this while Lauel laid out policies for the future .  

Developing agriculture would encourage the birth of the people, promote consumption and attract external resources .  In addition, there was a plan to grow the smithy on a large scale, centering on Grid and Khan . This would build up a foothold to become a commercial city .

At this time, the role of the Overgeared members is to subjugate the monsters . We need to reduce the power of the monsters occupying the west . In particular, the ultimate goal is to destroy all the giant worms .

As with most online games, Satisfys monsters respawned after a certain period of time from their deaths .  But monsters that caused certain episodes, such as the giant worms, were in the special category .

“There is probably the home of the giant worms somewhere underground . If we find and destroy it, Im sure that the giant worms will no longer respawn .

The giant worms had to be destroyed .  Then the west could develop and the episode would move to the next stage .  Lauels words stirred the enthusiasm of the Overgeared members .

Levels are guaranteed .

Yes . The monsters in the west give a lot of experience .

“In return, they are too strong .

We have the power of our items . Have you forgotten? We fortunately have Grid .

“Lauel, are there no longer any villages or cities in the west where people live? If its possible to find a place where people are still living, cant we bring them to Reidan to increase the population?

This was the opinion of Toban, the former chief of staff of the Tzedakah Guild .  The Overgeared members responded positively to his words, but Lauel expressed concern .

“For the time being, I dont plan to search for other villages or cities . We should ignore the cities and villages found in the middle of the desert . There is likely to be a vampire lair .

Vampires had a minimum level of 250 . However, this was the case of the young vampires . Vampires who lived for over 300 years were likely to have levels over 400 .  The possibility of being wiped out was high if they stepped into a vampire lair, so Lauel wanted to avoid such a situation .

Grid rose from his seat .

Ill go now . Theres a mountain of work piled up in the smithy .

Grids word was far from being a lord . In fact, Lauel was taking the role of the lord while Grid acted like a blacksmith .  At first glance, the situations should be reversed, but this was actually right .

Grid wasnt smart enough to lead a big city . It was Grid himself who appointed Lauel to this role .

After that .

The Overgeared members were able to level up and secure resources by hunting the monsters . The desertification of Reidan meant that timber was lacking, so securing timber was the first priority .

Piaro and Bland immersed themselves in farming with the people, while Jude was tasked with training the strong people who Grid discovered through the Great Lord’s Sword .

Jump . Roll . Gear up . Spear…? Stab and swing your spear .

Judes reckless training caused many soldiers to leave . However, a handful endured and were gradually reborn into elite soldiers .  Unfortunately, their Weapons Mastery skill didnt grow, but the speed of their strength and stamina rise was abnormally fast .

Anyway, my soldiers dont need a high Weapons Mastery skill .

Grid made weapons with low usage conditions and high attack power and spread them to the soldiers .  Even the farm equipment was powerful, so the soldiers armed with his items were different from other soldiers in the region .  

Ttang! Ttang!

Grid worked in the smithy around the clock .  He was now working on construction tools instead of farming tools .  Agriculture was stable now, so they were focusing on constructing facilities with the resources secured by the Overgeared members .

I feel like Im dying, but my persistence and dexterity stats are rapidly growing .

Grid wasnt bored .  Obtaining a different outcome every time from his production work was a different type of fun from hunting and boss raids .  In any case, he was a blacksmith and needed to do it for the rest of his life .

Irene will like it .

His dexterity stat kept rising, so he would be able to make Irene even happier .  Grid laughed while thinking about it .

On the other hand, Khan was busy nurturing young blacksmiths .

Hey! That forging quality isnt great! Hey! If you put the firewood in now, your control of the fire will fall!

Khans voice seemed to become more vigorous as the days passed .  Khans passion made Grid smile .

Then after a while .

Its been a long time .

Rabbit finally arrived .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

Chapter 221

Rabbit was from a rural part of the country, but his genius and talent caused him to rise to the top of the Mero Company .  In the past, he was the first to recognize that the level 21 Grid had a huge talent and suggested a partnership .

“This commoner, Rabbit, greets the great hero, Duke Grid .

Rabbit hadnt changed since the first day they met .  He wore thin-rimmed glasses and gave off the impression of a cultured gentleman . There were no signs of greed in his eyes, but he looked more like a saint than a merchant .

But what was the truth?  Unlike his appearance, Rabbit was as greedy as Grid . Thats how he was able to succeed as a merchant .

A true charlatan gives a sense of confidence to the other person .

Grid grinned with satisfaction and greeted Rabbit .  You mustve had a hard time . Isnt it nice to see people after being stuck in prison for a long time?

Thanks to the people of Winston treating me as a hero, Marquis Steim gave me many conveniences .

Thats good . Im relieved to see that youre healthy . Its nice to meet you again .

Rabbits insight detected the changes in Grid .  His gestures, expressions, speech, etc .  From head to toe, everything about the current Grid was completely different from the Grid of the past .  It wasn’t a simple change, so Rabbit felt a thrill .

I underestimated you .

The future that Rabbit saw for Grid was the best blacksmith and the richest person .  But the current Grid was…

“You are pursuing the path of rising to the top, where everyone will look up at you .

It was heartfelt appreciation .  The Grid from a while ago wouldve overreacted .  But now Grid combined reality and humility .

“Its a challenge . Im lacking a lot, so I need your help . Will you serve me?

Rabbit bowed .  Then he answered formally, showing his loyalty with honest words .

Duke Grid, I dont doubt that you are the one who will make me the richest man on the continent . So Im willing to follow you .

Grid also responded honestly .  “Not the richest person on the continent . I will be the richest person .

“Haha, then I will just dream of being rich .

So be it .

Grid smiled as he pulled out the Great Lord’s Sword and laid it on Rabbits shoulder .  It wasnt a problem that this was a smithy instead of a palace .  Rather, it was more meaningful because a smithy was the place where Grids identity was established .

From this moment on, you will be a viscount of the Eternal Kingdom . But you need only be loyal to me .

When Marquis Steim was still an earl, he had appointed Grid as a viscount, despite Grid being a commoner .  As a duke, Grid also had the authority to arbitrarily give someone a title .  But he had no plans to abuse Rabbit, as he planned to give Rabbit a monthly salary that suited his title .

He could sell titles to users, but Lauel had dissuaded him from doing this .

“Both I and my descendants will be faithful only to My Lord .

A notification window popped up the moment Rabbit made the oath .

[You have used your authority as a duke to appoint Rabbit as a viscount . ]

[You have an obligation to give Rabbit a monthly salary of 500 gold every month . Rabbits loyalty will fall if you dont pay this salary . ]

Delight appeared on Grids face .

‘As I expected, hes a named NPC .

Name: Rabbit

Age: 37  Gender: Male

Occupation: Merchant/ Viscount of the Eternal Kingdom

Title: Wealthy Merchant

* The best merchant of this era . He has the ability to create demand even for simple stones .

Level: 307

Strength: 49    Stamina: 380

Agility: 150    Intelligence: 2,241

Political Power: 1,505   Insight: 1,533

Leadership: 512   Charm: 210

Skills: Composure (A+), Detection (A+), Administration (S), Business Acumen (S+), Wisdom of a Great Merchant (SS) .

Born in Winston, in the northern part of the kingdom .  He was born a commoner, but he devoted himself to his studies .  After proving that he had talent, he received a sponsorship to the Central Academy and graduated as the best student .

He served as a royal administrator, but received unfair treatment due to his commoner status . Therefore, he became a merchant and made the best achievements .

Due to his poor childhood, he has a tendency to cling to money .

[Composure (A+)]

No matter what situation he faces, he wont lose his composure . Its rare for him to make mistakes because his brain is active at all times .

[Detection (A+)]

Can see the essence of humans and objects . He can easily communicate with anyone and always gets the best results .

[Administration (S)]

If he belongs to a certain power, the ability to manage the affairs is excellent . It is at a level that can develop a small village into a city .

[Business Acumen (S+)]

The trading ability has reached the highest level . Even a piece of garbage can be made into a product .

[Wisdom of a Great Merchant (SS)]

The experience and know how of someone who made a large company .

‘S-grade Administration…

The speed of development of a city was proportional to the grade of the administrator .  The role of an administrator was very important, but it wasnt an easy task to find one with a high rating .  Winston was the second largest city in the north, and even Administrator Valdi only had a B-grade .  Then how fast would a place grow with a S-grade administrator? He didnt dare imagine it .  

His ability as a merchant is S+ and SS…’

Rabbit even had the ability to make goods out of **** .  Based on the description, it was a complete scam .  Grid was confused .

How should I handle him?

Should Rabbit serve as an administrator, or work as a merchant? Rabbit spoke while he couldnt make a decision .

“Before I came to see you, I looked over Reidan . Its good that you are clearing the fields and connecting waterways, but I feel like its too much .

Too much?

“Doesnt Reidan only have a population of 20,000? If the number of fields are reduced by a third, it will be enough to feed the people . ”

Grid explained the situation .  “Once the clearing of the fields is done, we plan to expand farming and build this up as an agricultural city . This will be the basis to become a commercial city .

Its the wrong choice . Due to the hot climate of Reidan, only a limited number of crops can be grown . Reidan isnt suitable as an agricultural city .

“There are no problems with the species restrictions . In the first place, we were planning to concentrate and export the crops that can be harvested quickly .

Lauel entered the smithy at this time and rebutted .  He had an upset expression on his face and Rabbit responded appropriately .

“Crops that can be harvested quickly arent competitive . They are easy to get anywhere .

Lauel glared at him .

We can overcome it by selling a lot at a cheap price . Currently, the only advantage of Reidan is the spacious land . Using the land is the only way to build up funds, so the reality is that Reidan can only be an agricultural city . No, first, who are you?

Grid introduced him .  This is Rabbit . He was once the number two of the Mero Company, the largest in the north .

Lauel was angry .  He was only the number two of a northern company, yet he dared try to decide the citys policies .

Grid handed him the Great Lord’s Sword .

“What is this?

Grid explained to the bewildered Lauel .  Wear it and examine Rabbit yourself .

“What are you trying…

Lauel was annoyed that Grid would listen to the opinion of a merchant over him .  He grumbled as he wore the Great Lord’s Sword and observed Rabbit .

Heok .

These days, Lauel was often surprised .

Grid persuaded Lauel as he checked Rabbits stats and skills .  “Im not discrediting your abilities, but why dont you try and listen to Rabbits thoughts? Who knows? It might help you as well .



“I will entrust the overall management of the territory to Rabbit . I will work in the fields .

Lauel decided .  He recognized that Rabbits administrative ability was superior to his .

Grid questioned him .  Cant you also show great abilities as an administrator? Isnt it better to have Rabbit create a business company, since it will make more use of his talents?

“Even though I have business ability, I dont have the Administration skill .

In the end, Satisfy was a game .  The importance of skills was higher than practical abilities .  Administrators greatly increased the pace of domestic development because they had the Administration skill .

In addition, diplomacy is included in the work of an administrator . Rabbits talent as a merchant will manifest itself in the form of diplomacy .

Lauels guess was correct .

After being appointed as the administrator, Rabbit reduced the scale of agriculture and invested in alchemy as well as facilities to amplify the value of blacksmiths, including Grid and Khan . At the same time, he exerted his talent as a merchant by talking diplomatically with Baron Butin of the Saharan Empire .


The alchemists say that the sand of the desert has no value in alchemy .

Currently, Reidans only available resource was sand .  Sand was the basic material required for construction, but that was the role of sea sand . Unlike the sand at the sea, the desert sand was so fine that there was no place to use it .

Modern society could utilize the desert sand due to advanced technology, but Satisfys background was a medieval fantasy, so its technology was inferior to modern times .  Rabbit tried to use the sand in magic and alchemy, but he couldnt achieve satisfactory results .

Then one day .

“Lets export the sand to Baron Butin .

Rabbit came to Lauel and spoke nonsense .  Lauel was perplexed .  “Why should we export desert sand to Baron Butin?

The desert was all over the west . There was an excess of sand so there was no point in exporting it .  It was realistically impossible .  Rabbit smiled at Lauels disapproval and explained .

I will make it so that the baron has to import it .  Rabbit noted that Baron Butin owned one of the empires resorts where many wealthy people and nobles visited .  The people of Reidan have lived in this hot and desolate place for 10 years . I will advertise it like this . The sand of Reidan remedy of longevity that will improve human health .


Lauel was stunned by the absurd words .

Rabbit continued .  “Its a luxury product made with magic, and those who dont have it will covet it . I will set the price higher so that the image of a luxury product will be firmly established . The longevity remedy wont be credible if its cheap .

“No, what type of sophistry…?

Lauel wondered if Rabbit was sane .  But Rabbit didnt care and kept talking .

“I will use Khan as my advertising model . Hes older than 60, so if we put him front and center, the trust of the customers will increase and the reputation of the longevity remedy will rise .  

Rabbit referred to the sands of Reidan as a longevity remedy .  Lauel was convinced that Rabbit was crazy .  Rabbit had high stats and great skills as a named NPC, but he had a clear flaw in his personality .

But what was the truth?

“Its selling well .

The sands of Reidan were called the Longevity Remedy and started to be imported at the mad price of 3 gold per 10 grams .

Once the nobles and wealthy people who visited the Butin Barony heard about the reason why the sand of Reidan was called the Longevity Remedy, they couldnt resist buying out of curiosity .

“This might cause a serious problem in the future…

Lauel was concerned, but Rabbit reassured him .

“3 gold is huge for a commoner, but this is trivial for the rich .

Even if they knew it was a scam, they could just laugh it off .  They didnt have to get angry over that level of money .  In the first place, there was no reason to call it a scam .  How could people know their exact lifespan?  There was no way to prove that the lifespan of a person was increased or not increased by the Longevity Remedy, so there was no reason to call it a scam .

The one thing I regret is that there arent more people visiting the Butin Barony . For the moment, the profit from selling this will stay at around 800 gold per month . But if the rumors of the goods become widespread in the future, things will change again . ”

…This is a good idea .

800 gold a month .  It was a ridiculously small sum for a big city .  But the product being sold was mere sand .  They just needed to put the sand that could be found anywhere in pretty glass bottles and sell them for 3 gold each .  The net profit was 99 . 9% .  If the sales amount rose like Rabbit predicted, it would be a powerful revenue source for Reidan .

He truly is a wealthy merchant…

This is a complete scam .

Lauel and the Overgeared members were alerted to the true nature behind Rabbits face .

Grid just laughed .

All types of talented people were gathering around him .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

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