Overgeared Chapter 219:

Chapter 219


Three hours before Piaro was misunderstood as a legendary farmer and feng shui expert .

Grid came to the smithy where Khan was working alone .

“Ohh! You came!”

“I missed you!”

“I haven’t been able to eat, because I wanted to see you!”

“Eh? Should I have missed meals as well?”


Grid and Khan hugged as they reunited after a long time . It was a friendship that transcended identity and age, so they welcomed each other enthusiastically .

“I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to adapt to the warm weather of the west, but you seem fine . Rather, you look healthier . ”

Khan was in the latter half of his 60’s . He had passed the average life expectancy of the people of the Eternal Kingdom, so it was safe to say that he was at the end of his life . But after returning to being a blacksmith thanks to Grid, Khan worked all day and looked like he was in his 40’s or 50’s .

“You don’t have to worry . I have been working with fire all my life, so how can I be threatened by this heat?”

“You’re a great inspiration . ”

Grid smiled . However, he knew that the lifespan of an NPC was finite so he couldn’t suppress the uneasiness in his life .

‘Please live for a long time . ’

The first friend in his life, Khan . Grid wouldn’t be able to bear the sadness that would come when he needed to say farewell to the person who opened up his heart . Khan noticed the sad emotions in Grid’s smile and became slightly teary .

‘He reminds me of my son . ’

His late son . If he hadn’t become sick and died early, he would’ve been Duke Grid’s age right now .

‘Originally, my son should be the one worrying about me…’

He wanted to see his son . But he could appease that longing with Duke Grid beside him . Khan was thankful for Duke Grid filling his vacancy . Khan swallowed back his tears and bowed his head .

“Thank you . ”

“Huh? What?”

Grid didn’t understand the intentions behind Khan’s sudden action . Khan smiled at his puzzled expression .

“Didn’t you come here to help me? So I wanted to thank you! Hahaha!”

“What…? This is originally my work . ” Grid brought Khan to Reidan so that Khan wouldn’t be lonely, not for the manpower . “But the situation of the city is a little inconvenient right now, so I am grateful for your help . Let’s work together to solve the problem . ”

Grid took off the Holy Light set and changed into old clothing . The dirty novice clothing was what Grid wore when he worked as a blacksmith . The efficiency increased because it was easy to move in the clothing . The only downside was that Grid looked like a complete beggar when he wore it .

“Ohh! You can’t hide your dignity with these shabby clothes!”

Grid’s current dignity and charm stats were comparable to the king of a kingdom, so he was always brimming with elegance .

Grid swept away his hair and revealed his great forehead . He tied a cloth around his head so that his hair wouldn’t flow down, and looked around the smithy .

‘It is unbelievably large . ’

A general smithy only had one or two small or medium sized furnaces installed . Usually only three to five people could work at the same time in a smithy .

However, the Overgeared members looked at the future and invested in Reidan’s smithy, giving it a total of eight large furnaces . The sight of eight large furnaces lined up in a row was impressive .

‘Isn’t this at the level of a factory? Dozens of blacksmiths can work at the same time and produce a large quantity of items . ’

But that was a story for later, when they had many blacksmiths . Currently, there was only Grid and Khan, so the big size of the smithy couldn’t be taken advantage of .

‘I should look into inviting blacksmith users . ’

Grid looked at the smithy before deciding to start working . However, he didn’t have the method to make a rake .

‘I don’t know how to make any farming equipment . ’

It was because he never needed to make farming equipment before . But that wasn’t a problem . Grid had the Legendary Blacksmith’s Appraisal skill . Grid held one of the rakes made by Khan and used appraisal .

[Sturdy Rake]

Rating: Normal

Durability: 20/20 Attack Power: 3~7

A farming equipment suitable for digging at the ground .

It is made by Blacksmith Khan who can represent a region, so it is a rake with excellent durability .

Weight: 60

[A hidden function doesn’t exist . ]

[You have grasped the materials that make up Sturdy Rake, the production method, and the intentions of its creator . ]

[Your understanding of the Sturdy Rake is now at 100% . You will be able to use the Sturdy Rake perfectly . ]

[You have learned how to make a rake . ]

The rake production method was added . Grid was satisfied and started work .

Ttang! Ttang!

He bent the structure at the end to resemble a trident . It was a simple structure, so Khan was able to produce one rake in just 20 minutes . Yet Grid was different . Just like when raiding boss monsters, Grid was extremely focused as he devoted himself to making one rake .

He carefully shaped the ends like he was making a sword, then he combined it with the handle part . Grid had over 2,000 dexterity, so his hands delicately handled the rake like he was touching Irene’s pale body .

Two hours later .

“Ah, I should take a rest . ”

Age didn’t lie . The weary Khan stopped working . On the other hand, Grid had superhuman stamina and wasn’t exhausted . Khan looked closely at his work and was shocked .

“No, what are you doing right now?”

“Huh? What’s the problem?”

Grid looked like he didn’t understand, so Khan asked .

“Why are you spending two hours making a rake? I’ve already finished six rakes in two hours… Isn’t this a waste of time?”

“Hrmm . ” Grid identified the six rakes made by Khan . Of course, they were all normal rated . The degree of completion wasn’t satisfactory, considering Khan’s skill . “Khan . ”

Grid stared straight at Khan . Khan flinched at the sight . Grid’s eyes were as deep as the ocean, like a wise man . It was quite different from the usual Grid .

‘Grid can also look like this…!’

Then Grid asked the astounded Khan . “Shouldn’t you always do your best when making equipment? So why are you roughly making the farming equipment?”

“That… Produce as much as possible . Lauel said to mass produce as much farming equipment as possible so that he could put more manpower into the rehabilitation project . ”

“Mass production? Even lowly blacksmiths can do something like that . ”

Grid emanated a huge pressure . Right now, he wasn’t a greedy young man or Khan’s valued friend . There was no doubt that he was a legendary blacksmith, Pagma’s Descendant .

“Your role isn’t to produce average farming equipment for ordinary farmers . ”

“Then what is my role?”

Grid replied firmly to Khan’s question . “It’s to make the best farming equipment that will help ordinary farmers become the best . That is your mission as an advanced blacksmith . Please don’t forget your pride as an advanced blacksmith, no matter the situation . ”


Khan had worked with Grid for a long time and accumulated experience . Thanks to the skill Blacksmith’s Affection, his blacksmithing skill reached advanced level 7 . He was one of the best blacksmiths that currently existed, and he realized the truth of Grid’s words .

“You’re absolutely right!”

Khan was highly motivated . Grid handed the rake that he’d just completed to Khan .

“Look at what I created . ”

“Truly brilliant…!”

[Ideal Rake]

Rating: Epic

Durability: 50/50 Attack Power: 25~31

* Stamina +7 .

* Dexterity +12 .

* It will slightly improve the quality of the soil .

A farming equipment suitable for digging at the ground .

An item made by the blacksmith ‘G’ who has a reputation close to a legend . Despite the use of bad quality iron and wood as the material, its function is outstanding .

The three delicate prongs will make the soil finer, improving soil quality .

Weight: 51

‘The one rake that Grid made in two hours is much more valuable than the six rakes that I made!’

He also wanted to make a good rake . Khan pledged before standing in front of the furnace again .

Ttang! Ttang!

“Don’t overdo it . ”

Grid was concerned about Khan’s health, but the highly concentrated Khan could no longer hear his voice .

‘Yes, this is like him . ’

Grid smiled warmly before starting to make his second rake .

Two hours later .

Grid and Khan both completed a rare rated rake . But once again, two hours later…

“Yes! It can’t be compared to your work, but I have also produced a satisfactory rake!”

Khan succeeded in making an epic rated rake . The performance was less than Grid’s, but it was clearly an excellent rake . Indeed, this was the dignity of an Advanced Blacksmith level 7 . Then what about Grid?


It was a normal rating . Grid was embarrassed . He didn’t know that a normal rating would emerge when he was making such a simple item .

“Are you trying to deceive me with a rake?”

Grid’s pride as a legendary blacksmith was once again wounded . Once again, two hours later . Grid and Khan both completed a rare rated rake .

“Not bad . ”

Khan was happy . But Grid was boiling with anger .

“Ugh, dammit…!”

A legendary blacksmith was having such a hard time making farming equipment? This wasn’t normal .

“Are you tricking me again? These **** scum!”

Grid yelled at the operators who were watching from somewhere . Then Khan sent him a pitiful look .

“It has been a long time since I’ve seen this…”

It was a frequent phenomenon when they worked together . Khan left Grid shouting alone and started making a new rake .


Now it was time for dinner . Lauel finished today’s work and ran to the smithy .

“Let’s go eat . Then we need to consult with the guild about the estate management plans… Eh?”

Lauel’s expressions twisted . He wondered how much Grid and Khan would’ve made in half a day, but there was less than 20 tools .

“Surely you weren’t playing around?”

Lauel expected a legendary blacksmith to work like a machine . He was feeling disappointed when Grid threw him a rake .

“I wasn’t playing around . Look at this . ”


Why did he need to look at the details of a rake? Lauel felt doubts and examined the rake .

“Heok . ”

Lauel was beyond shocked .

[Perfect Rake]

Rating: Unique

Durability: 71/71 Attack Power: 49~61

* Stamina +15

* Dexterity +28

* Greatly improves the soil quality .

A farming equipment suitable for digging at the ground .

An item made by the blacksmith ‘G’ who has a reputation close to a legend . Despite the use of bad quality iron and wood as the material, its function is outstanding .

The three delicate prongs will make the soil finer, improving soil quality . The three prongs are bent at the ideal angle to work the soil . Even a child can use this rake to turn a wasteland into an excellent garden .

Weight: 45

The rake was a tool that helped adult males clear a 1,000 pyeong size land in one day . However, the people of Reidan were starving for a long time and their physical condition wasn’t good, so each person could only clear 100 pyeong a day .

‘The people of Reidan will be able to do more than that if they have this rake . The soil improvement means that the land will give a good harvest . ’

This game was truly about items . Grid was the truth . Lauel once again thought that it was a good idea to follow Grid . He didn’t doubt that one day, the people of Reidan would be armed with the power of items .

Then he suddenly got an ominous feeling .

‘Don’t tell me that when he becomes a king…’

Surely he wouldn’t name it Overgeared Kingdom? Lauel made a tearful face .

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