Overgeared Chapter 229:

Chapter 229

In the National Competition and golem invasion event, Grid proved to be the strongest . But now two months of real time had passed after the golem invasion, so was he still the strongest?

『 I don’t think so . 』

『 What’s the basis for your claim? 』

『 The performance of a third advancement class is far superior to the second advancement class . It’s on a completely different dimension . Most of the top 50 rankers have reached their third advancement class, so Duke Grid, who is immature in control, is no longer unique . 』

『 I agree . Duke Grid overpowered the rankers in the National Competition with his items and class, but now he’s lost the advantage of his class . 』

『 What if Grid overcomes his insufficient control skills? 』

『 Haha! The possibility doesn’t exist . Looking at it from a professional point of view, Duke Grid has no talent for control . The only advantage he has is his items . 』

『 The advantage will be offset by the fantastic control of the other ranked players . 』

As the information of the third advancement classes started to be revealed one by one, the experts started to criticize Grid . In the first place, Pagma’s Descendant wasn’t a class specialized in combat . The experts were convinced that the third advancement rankers would be able to show skills well beyond Grid .

At the Second National Competition in Paris nine months later, Grid wouldn’t be able to win .

『 Ah, fans of Duke Grid, please don’t misunderstand . I’m not disrespecting Grid himself . He is a good leader who has absorbed the Tzedakah Guild, and also have talented people like Huroi, Lauel, Euphemina and Ruby . 』

『 I also know that Duke Grid’s blacksmith skills are great . However, we are currently analyzing Duke Grid’s combat ability, so we have to criticize it . 』

In fact, Satisfy experts had a grudge against Grid . It was because their analysis of Grid during the National Competition was wrong and they were embarrassed in front of the public .

‘It would be nice if Grid’s era ends quickly . ’

‘I don’t want to discuss Grid anymore . It’s embarrassing every time my analysis is wrong . ’

Would these wishes come true?


“Sura Charge!”


After converting to an Asura, Regas’ combat power was twice as high as a martial artist . The enemy was confused by the punching and kicking changing trajectories, then he would dominate the battlefield by linking lightning and dark skills . The sight of him facing four giant worms simultaneously was excellent .

‘He’s stronger than when I won the duel . Has he completely adapted to his new class?’

“Nobody can call Regas a Taekwon Master now . Sooner or later, he will be called a war **** . ”

“Yes . ”

As Grid and Lauel admired him, the spear knight aboard a camel started moving .

Puk! Puk puk!



A spear knight’s attack power increased when riding on a ‘mount’ such as a horse or pet, so it was a spectacular sight . Even the monsters in the west were unable to cope with his blows . But it was impossible to kill the western monsters in one blow unless they were Grid .

Pon soon faced five giant worms . Was this a crisis? No .

“Gatling Spear . ”

Pepeng! Pepepepeng!

The sonic spear moved several times in a fan-like range . Then the five giant worms became rags and transformed into light .

‘Great . ’

Gatling Spear exerted a power comparable to Pagma’s Swordsmanship, Kill . Unlike the single-target Kill, it was a wide range attack . Grid was filled with admiration .

‘I have higher stats than Pon and the performance of Failure is much better than Pon’s weapon…’

Nevertheless, the difference in passive skills was too great . Combat classes all had the passive skill of Weapons Mastery, which had the effect of adding attack power . Meanwhile, Grid had a clear limit since he relied exclusively on Pagma’s Swordsmanship .

[Pagma’s Swordsmanship Lv . 2 (89 . 9%)]

-When the skill is deactivated-

You can become one with the sword at any time . Increases physical attack by 30%, critical hit rate by 20% and critical damage by 10% .

* This effect is only applied when a sword type weapon is equipped .

* The skill consumes no mana .

-When the skill is activated-

Become one with the sword . Wave, Restraint, Link, Kill, Transcend, Transcended Link and Linked Kill You can unleash a total of seven sword techniques .

* The effect of the deactivated skill will be lost .

* 20 mana is required to activate the skill .

* Once deactivated, it will take 10 seconds until the skill can be activated again . Nothing will be consumed when deactivated .

Pagma’s Swordsmanship had a fatal weakness . The effect of the passive skill disappeared when he used an active skill . The effect of a 30% increase in attack power, 20% increase in critical hit rate and 10% increase in critical damage wouldn’t be applied to skills like Kill and Link .

‘The passive skill only applied to the base damage… This is the limit of the class called Pagma’s Descendant . ’

But Grid wasn’t worried . Rather, he was overflowing with confidence .

‘Right now, Regas and Pon’s strength might seem comparable to me, but that’s only for the moment . That gap will increase again the moment I reach level 300 . ’

There was an old saying in games that ‘levels were bullies . ’ That saying was also established in Satisfy .

10 stat points were gained every time the level increased, and users would become stronger as their stats increased . It wasn’t just because of simple reasons like wearing better items or getting stronger skills, but also due to the unique function of stats .

For example, the strength stat . A level 200 user’s strength stat had 0 . 3 attack power, 7 health points and a weight limit increase of 40 with every point . A level 300 user’s strength stat had 0 . 4 attack power, 9 health points and a weight limit increased of 50 with every point .

In this way, the effect of the stats increased every 100 levels . This was called the stats awakening . The sum of the level 275 Grid’s stats were currently higher than the stats of the level 300 Overgeared members . Looking at the total number of stats, Grid’s level was nearly 380 .

He went through a process called minus level, obtained special titles, and produced countless items . What if Grid reached level 300 and received the third stats awakening?

‘The difference between our passive skills only applies for now . ’

The source of Grid’s power was his overwhelming stats . Grid was more familiar with this than anyone else, so he didn’t have to be nervous about the growth of others .

‘If I complete the Grid set then…’

He was the strongest .


‘Why all of a sudden?’

Grid smiled and Lauel felt a shiver . It was like encountering a monster on the level of a demonkin . Then Huroi shouted .

“My Lord! Seven basilisks are present 800 meters to the south!”

The Overgeared members were nervous .

“Seven basilisks?”

“We should bypass them . ”

The respawn rate of the western monsters was unusually fast . If a battle lasted for an extended period of time in one place, they would end up surrounded by monsters . The basilisk was one of the strongest monsters in the west, so it was obvious they would face a crisis if they had to fight seven of them .

“There is a small mountain to the west . It might delay our journey, but we can bypass the monsters . ”

“I don’t want to . ” Grid ignored Lauel’s advice and grabbed Failure . “I haven’t hunted in 131 days . I will use this opportunity to increase my experience . ”

The desert was a harsh terrain . Every time they moved, their feet sank into the sand, severely limiting their movements . The Overgeared members were experts in combat and already adapted to the desert terrain, but what about Grid?

The Overgeared members were worried . Grid’s dull movements and lack of combat sense meant it was impossible for him to exert his full power in the desert . So they were going to move first to clear any monsters they encountered on the journey to their destination .

But what was the truth?

Jebeok jebeok .

Grid was armed with heavy boots and walked in the desert like it was a plains area . He even sped up and ran . This was due to the thorough education from Piaro .


“What has gotten into Grid…?”

The Overgeared members doubted their eyes .


A basilisk noticed a human running over and opened its mouth . Then the light of petrification that also caused great damage flashed . It was a skill that was hard to respond to because the range of the light was wide and fast .

The Overgeared members were sure that Grid would suffer great damage . Grid lacked control skills, so he was always hit by monsters . They thought it would be the same again this time . However .

“Have I only fought you once or twice?”

Grid had moved to Reidan from Patrian . Grid had been taught by Piaro and killed numerous basilisks, so he already predicted this . He was able to accurately estimate the timing of the flash and fired Pagma’s Swordsmanship, Wave to offset it . Then he approached the basilisk that was slowed, used Blacksmith’s Rage and stabbed the basilisk in its weak eyes .


The basilisk struggled from the pain . Suddenly, the six other basilisks surrounded Grid and swung their tails .

“My Lord!”


The Overgeared members paled . If the six basilisks attacked at the same time, Grid would definitely die . But Grid was already in the rear . He avoided four tails flying from the front, and defended against the other tails using the pavranium .



The basilisks were confused at the appearance of the golden blades that blocked their attacks . They felt danger . It was because they saw the black eyes of the human in the gap between the golden blades, looking at them like they were prey .

One of the top predators of the desert was prey? This human was dangerous . The basilisks were instinctively engulfed in fear .

“First one . ”

Grid stepped forward towards the basilisk that he had attacked first .


The heavy weight of Grid’s boots made the desert sand run loose . Then Grid’s greatsword, which had a different power than before, struck the basilisk’s wounded eyes . This wasn’t the end . Grid evaded the basilisk’s subsequent counterattack and triggered Pagma’s Swordsmanship .

The sword followed the movements while he evaded .

“Kill . ”


The blue greatsword reminiscent of an ocean predator penetrated the skull of the basilisk .


One of the seven basilisks instantly turned into a grey light . The Overgeared members couldn’t close their mouths as they watched .

“Is that Grid?”

The control skills that Grid used at this moment weren’t particularly outstanding . Anyone who played the game could show such movements . But who was Grid? He was mocked by everyone for having poor control skills . This person who wasn’t talented was taught the skills .

He overcame the weakness in himself .

‘Has Grid always been working where we couldn’t see him?’

‘How much effort did he put in?’

‘This is truly my lord! I am proud!’

“No, aren’t you going to help me? Aaaaack!”


While the Overgeared members were feeling thrilled, Grid was becoming **** due to the other six basilisks . The party window showed that his health gauge was exponentially dropping . The Overgeared members freaked out as they saw it and hurriedly moved to save him .

On the other hand, Piaro observed Grid’s battle from beginning to end and clicked his tongue .

“Really, there are no signs of improvement . ”

Vantner heard Piaro’s voice and shook his head .

‘This farmer isn’t sane either . ’

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