Overgeared Chapter 231:

Chapter 231

The moment he locked eyes with Pagma .


Grid stiffened and his heart beat faster .  His eyes shook as sweat started running down his body .  It was a phenomenon of fear that transcended tension and agitation .  Was he overwhelmed by the killing intent that Pagma was emitting?

No .

This was sheer instinct .  The source of all his abilities was Pagma, so he couldnt help feeling awe and a sense of smallness when facing Pagma .

Wake up .  Grid sobered up .  This guy is just a doppelganger of Pagma . Don’t be misled by appearances .

The name that floated above his head wasnt Pagma, but Doppelganger of the Mysterious Forest .   Grid confirmed this again and barely controlled his mind .  After a moment, his composure was restored .

It will be hard .  Who wouldve expected that the target of the raid would be Pagmas doppelganger?  I never even imagined it .

Looking back at it now, the features described by the Overgeared members resembled Pagma .  But hadnt Pagma died more than 100 years ago? It was virtually impossible to imagine that the present doppelganger could copy a person from so long ago .


The staring battle between Grid and the doppelganger continued .  There were all types of complex emotions and doubts in Grids eyes, while the doppelganger only contained hostility towards the enemy .

It was clear that this situation couldnt be contained .  The doppelganger attacked Grid first .  He lightly swung a jade green greatsword in his hand .



Grid blocked the descending greatsword with Failure .  The destructive power behind the blow was beyond imagination .  The attack power was comparable to Hell Gao who was in a perfect condition .

Lauel! A doppelganger copies the appearance of the target . But can it completely copy their abilities as well? He hurriedly asked .

Lauel shook his head .  “There are limits to a doppelgangers ability to copy . It cant fully copy the ability of a person stronger than itself .

It meant that the doppelganger wasnt as strong as Pagma, who was the greatest swordsman after Muller .  In other words, the doppelganger in front of Grid was an unfinished product that couldnt completely copy Pagmas power .

However .


Crazy . . !

Bottom, side, top .  The doppelganger showed off a dazzling skill with the greatsword, with barely a time difference in each strike . This drove Grid back .

[The durability of the +9 Failure has decreased by 3 . ]

[The durability of the +9 Failure has decreased by 8 . ]

What is this?

Even the performance of the weapon was great .   It was the first time he saw a weapon that could damage the durability of Failure so quickly .  If the durability of Failure was compromised, it meant that the doppelgangers weapon dealt twice the damage .

Lauel! What about the doppelgangers ability to copy items?

The material that made up a doppelganger was so flexible that it reproduced human hair and skin, even tears and blood .

Depending on its strength, it can exert a strength comparable to orichalcum . Due to this, most items reproduced by doppelgangers are known to perform better than the original .

It was impossible to completely copy the works of the legendary blacksmith, Pagma .  The greatsword used by the doppelganger was obviously below the level of the original .

‘Nevertheless, it can deal such damage to Failure?

Grids pride was crushed .  He had been trying so hard for the two years since becoming Pagmas Descendant, but he couldnt even be compared to Pagmas copy?

Chaaeng! Chaeng!

Grids sword became increasingly dull due to his agitation .  On the other hand, the sword of the doppelganger was as sharp as ever, since his emotions never changed .

Chukak .


Grid finally started to become injured .  Red blood stained his clothing .  The flow of battle was heading towards Grids defeat .

Quickly help Grid…!

The Overgeared members were nervous .  They wanted to go out and help Grid right away .  But it was difficult to take a step because they were still caught by the feeling of helplessness .  This helpless feeling was so strong that they wouldnt be able to move their fingertips unless their survival instincts were invoked .

We have to hope that Grid will survive until the doppelganger attacks us…

But look at this . Isnt the doppelgangers swordsmanship extremely similar to Grids swordsmanship?

“That’s right . I wasnt sure before, but now that they are side by side, the two sword styles look exactly the same .

It cant be…

The Overgeared members figured out the doppelgangers identity . To be precise, it was the identity of the person that the doppelganger copied .  However, the weight of that name wasnt light, so they couldnt express it with their mouths .

On the other hand, Lauel had no such obstacles .  It seems to be Pagma, as everyone is thinking .


Pagma .  One of the nine legends and the source of Grids strength .  But now .  As a result of the golem invasion, Grid encountered Pagmas doppelganger in the west .

What did this suggest?

“Through this raid, Grid will go through a big change . He will acquire new skills, quests or items and he will develop dramatically . The reason why the king appointed Grid as lord of Reiden is due to Satisfys arrangements for Pagmas Descendant .

Lauel looked at it from a very positive perspective . It was the same for the other Overgeared members .


Meanwhile, Grid defended against the onslaught of the doppelganger and he couldnt retreat as the bamboo forest blocked the exit .  There was no place to back off anymore, so he could only counterattack .

Damn! Lets try it once!

How long was he going to be pushed by Pagmas clone, who wasnt even Pagma? The moment when Grid was about to use Pagmas Swordsmanship .

“Stop!” The silent Piaro suddenly shouted .  Grid was surprised and stopped .


The doppelgangers sword had slashed through the spot where Grid was about to move to .  If Grid had used Pagmas Swordsmanship, his heart wouldve been pierced by that greatsword .

Gulp .

Grid swallowed his dry saliva as Piaro scolded him .

“Why arent you calm? Watch the opponent . The difference between him and you isnt great . There is no reason for it to be so one-sided .

The difference wasnt great? Wasnt his attack speed and attack power twice as high as Grids? Piaro gave the confused Grid a hint .  “Just as he knows your swordsmanship, dont you also know his swordsmanship? If so, cant you cope?


If it was four months ago, Grid wouldve found it hard to understand Piaros advice .  But now it was different .  Grid had steadily developed thinking skills in his everyday life . As a result, he was able to use Piaros advice as perfect nourishment .

Thats right . That guys swordsmanship is based on Pagma .  A stabbing attack contained the simplified footwork of Kill while a slash had the simplified footwork of Link .  If I watch his foot movements, I can predict his next attack .

Again, lets do it properly .  Grid took a deep breath .  In this gap, the doppelganger had taken two steps forward .  It was the footwork of Link .  A slashing attack .  But would it be horizontal or vertical? If it was horizontal, would it come from the right or left side?

Read the enemys gaze and shoulder motions . ’

He recalled Piaros teachings .  Then .

The right!

The movement was seen .  Grid succeeded in detecting and avoiding the doppelgangers sword, despite it moving twice as fast as him .  It was a very good move, impressing everyone watching .

He listened to the advice of the farmer and…

‘He grew in real time?

What is going on?

The eyes of the Overgeared members widened .  Their gazes turned towards Piaro .  Piaro was standing with folded arms .  It was the opposite of the members who were filled with the helpless feeling .

It cant be…?

He wasnt just a farmer? It was when the Overgeared members were starting to realize Piaros identity .

Pagmas Swordsmanship, Link!

Pipit! Pipipipipit!

Dozens of blue-white energy blades were created .  Did it shatter the body of the doppelganger? It failed .  The doppelganger completely blocked Grids attack using the same technique .



The blue-white blades and the jade blades collided together, causing the bamboo to shake from the force .  The Overgeared members watched with amazement and awe .


Grid used another skill to not lose his momentum .  However, once again, the doppelganger reacted with the same technique to neutralize Grids attack .


The collision between Kill and Kill caused a powerful explosion .  The center of the forest was destroyed because it couldnt cope with the explosion .  The rock where the doppelganger first sat was shattered and the fragments scattered everywhere, injuring the Overgeared members .

“How about this?

Grid used a fusion skill .  This skill was based on his own experience, so he thought the doppelganger wouldnt have this skill .

Transcended Link!

A total of 20 strikes that dealt 180% physical damage was shot out with no time difference .  It was a merciless bombardment that even turned an ancient weapon to rags, so Grid didnt doubt its power .  However, the doppelganger coped by using a skill that Grid didnt know yet .

Revolve .


Grid and the Overgeared members eyes widened .  The doppelganger moved the jade sword in a half moon and absorbed all the energy of Transcended Link, while a vortex appeared around the doppelganger? This wasnt the end .

Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa!

The energy of Transcended Link that was sucked into the vortex reappeared . At the same time, it reversed course and aimed for Grid .  It was a perfect counterattack .


“My Lord!

The 20 energy blades moved through the bamboo forest in a zigzag, heading towards Grid .  The Overgeared members were certain that Grid would die .  But Piaro didnt allow it .  He suddenly appeared in front of Grid and pulled out his sword .  Then he struck the blue-white energy blades one by one .


Two .


Three .

Kwa kwang!

Four .

Kwa kwa kwang!

In turn, he blocked all 20 blows .


The Overgeared members and Grid couldnt believe the sight that was in front of them .

Blowing away my Transcended Link like hitting a baseball…? Was Piaro this strong?

No… What the **** is this farmer?

As an awkward silence flowed, Piaro stepped back and urged Grid .  “Fight again from the beginning . Absorb the techniques in Pagmas Swordsmanship that you dont know and make them your own . Then you will become stronger . ”

Piaro had figured out the identity of the doppelganger with the second blow that Grid and the doppelganger exchanged .   However, he didnt step forward because he judged there was no value in it .

This is a great stepping stone for Duke Grid .

The private lessons of the continents greatest swordsman, the second stage began .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

Chapter 232

The doppelganger couldnt completely reproduce Pagmas power in its entirety . Nevertheless, its stats were equivalent to Hell Gao .  Since Grid had a tendency to rely entirely on skills, it was natural that he was completely defeated in the first battle after Pagmas Swordsmanship was blocked .

This horrific monster…

Fight again?

Grid was unwilling .  Wouldnt the result be the same even if they fought a few times? He would be much more comfortable if Piaro went out and took care of it .  But he quickly fixed that idea .

Piaro said to absorb Pagmas Swordsmanship . Yes, this is a chance to become stronger .

More and more strength .  He needed enough strength to do the things he had to do .


Grid hesitated before taking a deep breath .


The doppelganger stabbed forward .  The attack was deafening, and despite being 5m away, seemed like it would reach his stomach .

Piaro exclaimed from behind him .  There are obviously limits to a greatsword . Its big, dull and hard to move on the fly . The stabbing of a greatsword is extremely simple, and can easily be seen . Dont worry about hidden weapons and block .

It was convincing advice .  Grids confidence was elevated and he moved calmly .  Utilizing the footwork of Link to move left and right, he avoided the doppelgangers stab .


The jade greatsword passed by the side of the Holy Light Armor .  Sparks scattered like firecrackers and the doppelganger could be seen beyond them .

Once the stab misses, a gap will be exposed . This is an opportunity to hit back .

A greatsword was big and heavy .  What if the greatsword was stabbed but didnt hit the target? The person holding the greatsword would lose their balance and their posture would collapse .


Grid smiled with satisfaction as he counterattacked .  His greatsword curved from the bottom up and aimed for the doppelgangers heart .


It was avoided .  The doppelganger demonstrated his agility by twisting his upper body to avoid being hit .  However, the front of his clothing was loosened, clearing revealing the doppelgangers upper body .


Laella, a member of the party, let out a sound of appreciation .  The doppelganger copied Pagmas appearance and was so beautiful that he caught her heart instantly .  It wasnt an exaggeration to say that the sleek muscular body was the creation of a **** .   But the body wasnt an important factor in battle .  Only the strong would win .


Failure passed over the doppelgangers head and once again descended .


Heavy .  Grid took full advantage of Grids boots, so the weight at the end of his sword was incomparable to before . He could even easily disintegrate a rock .  Could the doppelganger withstand it?

Of course, it was possible .  This doppelganger had been a named boss of the Mysterious Forest for at least 100 years . Apart from its stats, its health would be in the millions .


[You have dealt 17,790 damage to the target . ]

Indeed, there isnt a single scratch on him .

Grid was dismayed when he saw that the doppelgangers health gauge didnt seem to decrease at all .  Then the jade greatsword aimed at Grids side .


A chill went down Grids spine .


The seven golden blades moved to protect Grid .  They combined into one to form a barrier that defended against the greatsword .  But they couldnt fully absorb the shock and became stuck in place .

Piaro spoke again .  The biggest disadvantage of a greatsword is that it will take a long time to recover the weapon after an attack . You forgot this point and allowed a counterattack .

Then what should he do?

Jjejeong! Jjang!

As Grid was confused, the momentum of the doppelganger rose again . He started an endless onslaught and didnt allow time for Grid to take any countermeasures .  The pavranium moved to protect Grid, but there was a limit since it stiffened every time .

The opponents behavior is correct . You should do it as well . If you take advantage of the recoil that occurs when you attack, you can link more strikes .


Grid felt the need to stop the doppelgangers attacks . If so, he should evade rather than defend .  In fact, Piaro had advised dont play around when you have a sword in your hand .  However, the enemys attack speed was much faster than Grids attack speed, so it wasnt easy to react .

Then what should he do? Grid finally allowed an attack and the next blow aimed for his neck .  Then .


Piaro stepped forward again .  He blocked the doppelgangers sword and saved Grids life once again .

Why do you only use the golden blades as a defense tool? Optimize your control and use them as weapons if possible . Now fight again .


After that .  

The same thing was repeated many times .  Grid listened to Piaros advice, dealt with the doppelganger and when faced with death from an error, he was saved by Piaro .

Grid felt like he was in a game room .

Just when I think the game is over, the neighborhood boy will put in another coin .

In fact, he had never met such a good person .

If you have an opponent with higher health, you must go all out on attack instead of defense . Fight again .

The technique of lifting from the bottom to the top is inevitably weaker because the force is countered by gravity . You might be using this technique to damage the enemy, but it is actually having an adverse effect . In the first place, is it possible with such a huge weapon? Fight again .

“Dont neglect the golden blades just because they cant kill the enemy . If you make them persevere to cover the enemys view, they can be a bigger help than a few colleagues . Fight again .

I explained why stabbing a greatsword is a simple technique, but I dont know why you are so obsessed with it . You should only stab in a situation where you can definitely knock your opponent away . You should know that the greatsword is designed for both stabbing and slashing . Dont forget to use the right greatsword technique when appropriate . Fight again .

Again .

Fight again!

Again! Again! Again!

…Pant pant .

How many times did he need to repeat this **** battle? It hadnt been dawn when they arrived here in the bamboo forest but now the sun was high in the sky .  Grid was mentally and physically exhausted .  

On the other hand, the Overgeared members…

“Yum yum . Grid is suffering a lot .

The strongest NPC is teaching him swordsmanship and protecting his life, so how is he suffering? I would be excited .

Its exciting, but hard .

“Is it easy to fight for over half a day?

Indeed… If I was continuously fighting against the enemy like Grid, my stamina wouldve reached its limit already .

The Overgeared members were already freed from the helpless feeling and were eating in front of a campfire .  They baked and boiled the rainbow potatoes, relaxing as they watched Grid fight .

It wasnt because they were lazy .  The Overgeared members also had a desire to join the raid .  Growing through struggles was the joy they desired .  But they couldnt move .  Piaro was training Grid against Pagmas doppelganger, so there was no room for them to intervene .

“Anyway, Grids growth rate is remarkable .  Lauel remarked .

The Overgeared members agreed .

“That’s right . Its a tremendous growth .

The doppelganger had completely overwhelmed Grid in the first battle . He was attacked without being able to hit back once, and faced the crisis of death .  In the second battle, Grid managed to strike once . The third battle, it was two attacks and the fourth battle, three attacks and so on .  And in the 51st battle, Grid was exchanging blows at a level comparable to the doppelganger . It was especially impressive the way he avoided death every time .

Grid is a blank slate . Its obvious if he grows even a little bit .

The synergy of the best teacher and best sparring partner (?) raised Grids control .  What user wouldnt want to experience something like this? The Overgeared members really envied Grid .

I wish I had a mentor like that…

How did Grid obtain such a great NPC?

Its creepy that he was doing a farmer cosplay for a while .

What was Piaros identity? And what circumstances were there that led him to teach Grid? It happened when the Overgeared members questions were deepening .


Grid eventually collapsed .  His stamina was completely depleted .  On the other hand, the doppelganger was still fine .  Grid had fought for half a day, but the doppelgangers health was still at 9/10ths .

Piaro stopped him from finishing off Grid and turned his gaze to the Overgeared members . Then he pointed to Regas .

You there .

Huh? Me?”

Regas felt irritated when he saw that Grid was getting stronger and trained alone .  He imagined Pagmas doppelganger as a virtual enemy in his mind, and started sparring against it .  Therefore, he was stunned when Piaro suddenly pointed him out .

Piaro instructed .  You will deal with this enemy while Duke Grid is resting .

Regas eyes shone like jewels .  “Are you going to train me?

Piaro didnt deny it .  “I have been watching your potential from a distance .


Regas was jubilant .  It was an opportunity to be trained by Piaro, who was stronger than anyone he knew .  Piaro started the lesson as soon as he came running .

Wow .

What is this…? That NPC will teach anyone?”

Amazing! We can receive his teachings?

The Overgeared members were excited .  They expected to become stronger after being taught by Piaro .  And that expectation became reality .

“Next . ”

Piaro switched the members in turn and allowed them to spar against Pagmas doppelganger .  He also developed the Overgeared members by pointing out the strengths and weaknesses that he had observed while staying in Reidan .  It was in the hope that they would become stronger and make him stronger .

The great swordsman Piaro would be a great fortune to Grid and the Overgeared members .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

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