Overgeared Chapter 233:

Chapter 233

It was well into dawn .

The Mysterious Forest, which looked like the landscape of an Oriental painting, had long been devastated .


Dark blue paint smeared the sky .  A man was standing with flames behind him .  He had black hair that was thicker than silk and his white skin was dusty and scarred .

Suuk .

Dozens of of enemies were reflected in the lonely eyes .  The humans fell down, got up, and fell down again .  It wanted to kill them so they couldnt fight again, but it wasnt easy .

They were getting stronger over time, and there was an excellent human who protected them .  He probably showed half the strength of my original master .  I couldnt do anything because he easily overwhelmed me .

How long could I hold on?

In the past, a human army came .  One day there were countless monsters .  I had defended this forest from all types of beings for a long time, but this was my first moment of great crisis .  But I soon calmed my mind .


I had to defend it .  She was on the hill beyond this forest .  She was the only one who didnt hate me, when I could do nothing but imitate the image of others .  I didnt remember the last time I saw her, but her warmth was still vivid .  I wouldnt let these intruders make it through this forest to ruin her happiness .

Pagmas Swordsmanship .

One of the humans spoke a familiar technique .  It was the same technique used by my original master .  It wasnt hard to cope with .  I also used the same technique .  I was much faster at using the technique than the human, so it was a simple matter .

However .


The humans movements changed in the middle .  The footwork suddenly changed from Kill to Link .

Kill .


The man dodged Kill and fired dozens of energy blades .

Pit! Pipipipipit!

I couldnt deal with the dozens of energy blades alone .  In other words, blood spurted from the body of Pagmas doppelganger .  One fifth of my health gauge was lost at once .  The human was excited after succeeding in the attack .

How is it? You were tricked? Isnt it amazing? Eh?

Grid .  It was his 83rd showdown with the doppelganger .  He changed sword techniques in the middle, and had now become a clever warrior .  A brave warrior .

Wonderful .  Piaro praised him .  Piaro truly felt admiration .

The journey from Patrian to Reidan…

Piaro had seen that Grids talent was already facing limitations .  Grid was so clueless that he was deemed virtually impossible to teach .  But now there was a good teaching material .  Thats right, it was Pagmas doppelganger .  Pagmas abilities might not be completely copied, but the doppelganger was far superior to Grid .

Piaro gave directions to Grid .  As the battle with the doppelganger continued, Grid gained enlightenment and grew .

The mentor gives their student a glimpse of the bowl, a good opponent strips off the limits, and an ideal opponent makes them forget about the limits .

Those were his masters words .  An ideal opponent .  Piaro also wanted to find it .  Just like the current Grid .


Pagmas doppelganger made a sound .  He emitted an immensely strong killing intent .  He showed extreme survival instincts now that his life was in danger .

From now on, it is the real battle . Duke Grid, I wish you the best .

Yes .

After receiving Piaros encouragement, Grid stepped forward with confidence .  The doppelganger aimed an entirely new technique at him .

“Pinnacle .

Pagmas Swordsmanship, it was made up of skills that dealt additional damage in proportion to physical damage .  In addition, most of them were non-targeted skills and often missed .  But Pinnacle was different .  It was a targeted skill and had an additional option of ignoring the enemys defense .  The range of movement was proportional to the length of the weapon .


It was the culmination .  It was an attack that was impossible for Grid to respond to .


Holy Light Armor .  It was the ultimate armor made by the legendary blacksmith Pagma out of the **** mineral, adamantium .  But it couldnt boast a complete defense in front of Pinnacle .  Grid fell down while Piaro was amazed by the manifestation of an amazing sword technique .

Pagma! The more I see your swordsmanship, the more I want to meet you, not the fake ones…!

A blacksmith, but also a master of the sword .  The sword technique that could separate the sky and the mountains .  Indeed, the best swordsman after Sword Saint Muller…

They are stronger than my current self!

Piaro resented that he was born in this age .  Why couldnt he be born in the same time as Muller and Pagma? If he had lived under the same sky as them, he wouldve been able to stand shoulder to shoulder with them eventually .

However, there were no such people in the present age .  He was alone and stagnant .  The moment that Piaro was lamenting this,

…Kuk, okay .  A pale green light flashed around Grids **** body .  It was good that I managed to wear Dorans Ring in advance .

Grid said as he got up .  His appearance was normal .  The huge wound on Grids chest disappeared without a trace, and there were no other signs of injuries .  The power of items .  The healing of Dorans Ring was amplified by the Holy Light Armor, completely restoring Grids health .


Piaro was shaken .  Even a legendary Saintess couldnt completely heal a dying person all at once, let alone Grid, who wasnt a Saintess .

Ttuduk! Ttududuk!

Grid stretched his body .  He prepared for a new strike .

“I can learn it as well .

Pagmas Swordsmanship usually consisted of three to seven steps of footwork .  It was extremely simple, but it was possible to unfold the ultimate swordsmanship with this simplicity .  It was difficult to imitate Pagmas Swordsmanship, and it was impossible to activate even if it was imitated .

But it was possible for Grid .  He could make Pagmas Swordsmanship his own, just by looking .  How was it possible when he had no talent?

The reason was simple .  He was Pagma’s Descendant .  For that reason alone, Grid had managed to learn Pagmas Swordsmanship after looking at the murals .  But now there was a person to teach him the forms of Pagmas Swordsmanship directly .  It was optimal .

Pagmas Swordsmanship!


The heavy weight of Grids boots shook the ground .  Grid expressed the essence of a warrior **** with this sword technique .

“Pinnacle .

[You have learned a new skill . ]

[Pinnacle Lv . 1]

A sword that expresses the essence of a warrior **** .

Deals 700% of your attack power to a single target . This skill will ignore 60% of the targets armor .

Skill Usage Conditions: Have a sword type weapon equipped .

Skill Mana Cost: 750

Skill Cooldown Time: 3 minutes .

It was an intermediate skill between Kill and Link . It also consumed much less mana and had a shorter cooldown than Kill .  The important thing was that it was a targeted skill, unlike Link or Kill .  If this skill had been recorded in the murals at Loran Falls, the past Grid wouldve found it much easier to raise his level .


Failure moved in a half moon shape .  The slash covered Pagmas doppelganger .  But the doppelganger was already prepared .

Revolve .

A counterattack used at the perfect timing .  Pinnacle was caught by the vortex and returned to Grid .  The energy blade faced Grid .  Could he afford to endure this attack now that Dorans Ring was on cooldown?

No .

Revolve .

[Revolve Lv . 1]

Like the eye of a storm, it is calm and powerful .

It will return all attacks that hit it within 0 . 5 seconds of casting with 100% of the power .

Skill Usage Conditions: Have a sword type weapon equipped .

Skill Mana Cost: 2,000

Skill Cooldown Time: 2 minutes .


The Overgeared members were exhausted after fighting the doppelganger while Grid was resting .  Their eyes watching the battlefield became wide with shock .  Piaro was the same .

This is impossible!

Everyone was shocked .  Yesterday and today, Grids control abilities had made a breakthrough, but they didnt think it was at the level of counterattacking at the perfect timing .

Counterattacking was a difficult technique to do .  It was necessary to use the technique in the right place and at the right time to neutralize the enemys attack . It was a technique that wasnt easy to use without making a lot of effort .

But Grid had succeeded .  He reacted to a counterattack with a counterattack .  This meant he had predicted the behavior of the enemy .  Grids growth level exceeded everyones predicted range .


[The +9 Failures option effect is activated, causing the skill Bisect to be generated . ]

[The +9 Failures option effect is activated, causing the skill 5 Joint Attacks to be generated . ]

[The Holy Light Glovess option effect is activated, causing the skill 5 Joint Attacks to be generated . ]


[You have dealt 1,375,900 damage to the target . ]

The doppelgangers right arm was cut off .  The jade sword was separated from its master and fell to the ground .  Grids eyes became sharper than ever .

If you catch a chance at victory, link the attack!

Piaros cry that he heard yesterday rang loudly in his ears .


As the doppelganger was struggling with losing one arm and his sword, Grid used a skill .  It was a skill that surpassed Transcended Link .  Linked Kill .


A shark, the predator that ruled the worlds oceans for 415 million years! Failure tore at the body of the doppelganger in succession .  One time! Two times! Three times! Four times! Five times! Six times! Seven times!





[All of your stamina has been depleted due to the maximum number of Linked Kill blows being triggered . ]

[Your stamina will fall to 0 and you cant move . ]


Grids vision blurred .  He tried to hold on but eventually collapsed like a puppet whose strings were cut .  Then notification windows appeared in his vision .

[You have defeated the Doppelganger of the Mysterious Forest that has existed for 153 years . ]

[8,450,109 experience has been acquired . ]

[The party leader Grid has acquired 6,300 gold . ]

[The party leader Grid has acquired the Guardians Necklace . ]

[The party leader Grid has acquired the Guardians Bracelet . ]

[The party leader Grid has acquired the Doppelgangers Greatsword . ]

[The party leader Grid has acquired 13 weapon enhancement stones . . ]

[The party leader Grid has acquired 15 armor enhancement stones . . ]

[The party leader Grid has acquired 4 blessed weapon enhancement stones . . ]

[The party leader Grid has acquired 6 blessed armor enhancement stones . . ]

[Your level has risen . ]

Hah… Haha…

When he checked the time, he had been fighting for 23 hours and 21 minutes .  In the meantime, Grid had been defeated 82 times and the Overgeared members had tasted at least 10 defeats .  But in the end, the battle was their victory .

Grid laughed .  He couldnt lift a finger, so he just lay on the cold dirt floor and laughed .  He had gone beyond his limits, so an unexplained pleasure gripped him .  The Overgeared members ran to him .

“My Lord! Great!

Grid! You were really cool!

Grid! You are such a great guy! Hahat! Puhahahat!

Laughter echoed in the Mysterious Forest, which had been filled with screams for a long time .  Pagmas doppelganger couldnt help smiling as he heard it .

Memories of the past came to mind .  The pure laughter in her childhood .  The sharp laughter when she was a girl .  The tender laughter when she was a young lady…


His vision darkened . He couldnt think anymore .  Then the voices of the humans were heard .

Eh? He isnt dead? Hes squirming?

Hes lost the cloned appearance, but the nucleus of the body is still alive . However, it might as well be dead because there is a huge degeneration in both abilities and intelligence .

Should we kill him?

Considering the tendencies of a doppelganger, I think its worth exploring him . Let him recover .

The doppelganger became like a melted tire and didnt move .

On the other hand, Piaro had the shivers .  He once again realized after witnessing Grids power .  He might not be born under the same sky as Muller or Pagma, but he was under the same sky as Pagmas power .

It is you .

The person who would lead him to the realm of a sword saint .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

Chapter 234

After restoring the proper amount of stamina .  Grid barely managed to sit up on a flat piece of rock .  He noticed the eyes of the Overgeared members looking at him .

The atmosphere has changed .

Was it because he overcame this big trial by surpassing his limit several times over? Grid felt like he had achieved excellent personal growth .  Grid shared the item information with the Overgeared members .

[Guardians Necklace]

Rating: Unique (Set)

Durability: 23/23     Defense: 35

* Indomitable +30

* When the set is worn: Defense +100

* When the set is worn: Indomitable +50

A necklace manifested by the Doppelganger of the Mysterious Forest .

It gives the wearer a strong willpower and defense .

User Restriction: Level 300 or higher .

Weight: 15

[Guardians Bracelet]

Rating: Unique (Set)

Durability: 21/21     Defense: 37

* Indomitable +30

* When the set is worn: Defense +100

* When the set is worn: Indomitable +50

A bracelet manifested by the Doppelganger of the Mysterious Forest .

It gives the wearer a strong willpower and defense .

User Restriction: Level 300 or higher .

Weight: 11

“Oh, it a magic accessory?

Yes . Defense is attached to an accessory?

Most accessories didnt have much defense .  For example, while Dorans Ring could exert tremendous healing ability equivalent to a legendary rating, it didnt give even one point of defense .  On the other hand, the Guardians Necklace and Bracelet both had extremely high defense .

With the set effect, they increase defense by 172 points…

It was comparable to a level 300 heavy gauntlets or heavy boots of the normal rating .  It was amazing that these two accessories gave such high defense .  However, the members werent happy .

Just high defense? They dont have any options .

Yes . An accessory should at least have some attribute resistance .

I need accessories that decrease cooldown time .

“It raises the indomitable stat, but the stat itself isnt all that great .


Has a certain probability of invalidating a portion of the incoming damage . The lower the health, the higher the probability .

* The higher the number, the higher the effect .

* Stat points cant be distributed to this stat .  

According to the stated description, Indomitable was a very useful special stat . In particular, it was an essential stat for tankers .  However, because the probability of the stats effect being activated was extremely low, people treated indomitable as a trash stat .

Grid was more familiar with this than anyone else .

The indomitable stat really is trash .

Grid currently had close to 900 points in Indomitable .  Despite this fact, he never experienced the indomitable effect .  These were the only accessories that a strong boss monster dropped? The Overgeared members were disappointed .

But Grid was different .

“If you guys dont mind, I would like to use these accessories .

After he became Pagma’s Descendant .   Grid had been self-sufficient regarding items through production and raids .  However, accessories werent an area that blacksmiths could produce and because boss monsters didnt often drop them, Grid didnt have any .

I couldnt find someone who could handle the purple orichalcum…

From Grids perspective, he was grateful even for the Guardian accessory set .  The Overgeared members unconditionally agreed to Grids request .

Grid, you should do what you want .

You are the first place in this raid . It is natural for you to have what you want .

Thank you .

Grid expressed his gratitude and shared the information of the greatsword .  

[Doppelgangers Greatsword]

Rating: Legendary

Durability: 731/731  Attack Power: 780~1,516

Attack Speed: -6% 

* Ignores 20% of the enemys defense .

* Increases the power of attack skills by 20% .

A greatsword that the Doppelganger of the Mysterious Forest copied .

It imitated the work of the legendary blacksmith Pagma, but the resemblance is only in the appearance . The power isnt comparable to Pagmas works .

User Restriction: Level 320 or higher . More than 2,010 strength . Advanced Sword Mastery level 2 or higher .  

Weight: 3,955


It is terrific!

It was overwhelming performance .  The Overgeared members let out sounds of admiration .  Grid was also impressed .

It is at this level, despite not being comparable to Pagmas work?

The damage was slightly less than the unique rated Failure, but the options of the greatsword showed other advantages .  In particular, the 20% increase in attack skills damage captivated Grids heart .

If I use this greatsword, Pagmas Swordsmanship will be greatly strengthened…

Of course, it wasnt a weapon good enough to replace Failure .  It meant it wasnt suitable for Grid to use .  The Overgeared members were also similar .

“It is a pity that its a greatsword .

It wouldve been nice if it was a one-handed weapon…

No one used the greatsword as a weapon among the Overgeared members .  Beast Master Toon could handle a greatsword, but his primary weapon was a wrist blade .  Both Grid and the Overgeared members felt regret .

Why dont you try challenging the two sword style? Lauel suggested .

Two sword style? Dual swordsmanship?

Yes .

Some swordsmen classes acquired a passive skill called the Two Sword Style, where they used two swords instead of a shield and boasted powerful attacks and dazzling attack orbits .

He doesnt have the skill called Two Sword Style… But it shouldnt be a problem?

As Pagmas Descendant, Grid could handle all weapons regardless of whether he had the required weapon mastery skill .  The Overgeared members knew this fact .  However, Grid thought negatively .

“How can I do dual swordsmanship with a greatsword…

The weight wasnt a problem .  Grids strength stat was unrivaled . Failure was light by default, but he could swing the relatively heavy Doppelgangers Greatword with one hand .  But there was a problem .  Both Failure and the Doppelgangers Greatsword had a length of 2m .  It wouldnt be easy to wield two weapons longer than his height at the same time .

Lauel persuaded Grid .

Your control skills have increased by leaps and bounds during this raid . It is more than you can imagine yourself . I am confident that if you try hard and dont give up, I am convinced that you can do it . Besides, dont you have a great mentor?

Lauel pointed towards Piaro and said,

“Toon uses two wrist blades and Piaro is the strongest swordsman . If you study with them, wont you be able to master the Two Sword Style someday?


Certainly, it was a tempting suggestion .  The Doppelgangers Greatsword increased basic damage and skills damage .  By taking advantage of the two weapons and using Pagmas Swordsmanship, he would be able to achieve a much higher attack power .

I want to challenge it .

His blood was boiling .  But there was a problem .  The Doppelgangers Greatsword was an item obtained in a raid group with the Overgeared members . He couldnt take all the items alone .

Grid hesitated .

Do as Lauel says .

“That’s right . It is a good idea . Grid, cant you use any weapon without limit? You should take advantage of this advantage .

“You will raise your defense with the accessories, so its ideal if you can increase your attack power .


They were generously giving it to me .  Were they doing him a favor? The Grid in the past wouldve giggled and accepted it without any conflicts . But now he was different . He had something called a conscience .

The Overgeared members encouraged him when he hesitated .

“In the first place, you are the only one who can use a greatsword . Should we sell it to others for money? Absolutely not . I dont want a ranker getting their hands on a powerful weapon .

“That’s right, should we raise a rival with our own hands?

In addition, we owe a lot to Grid .

After he became the master of the Overgeared Guild .  Grid produced the guild members items for free .  He thought it was something he should do as the guild master .  He was always thankful to the Overgeared members .

Now that favor was returning to him .

Thank you…!

The Doppelgangers Greatsword was worth at least three million gold .  Grid was thrilled by the Overgeared members actions .


It is extremely difficult to adapt to using two swords in a short period of time . In particular, it is theoretically impossible to master dual wielding with greatswords .

Do you mean I should give up?

No, that isnt it . It is possible to overcome it with Pagmas power . But it will take time . First of all, dont fret . I will try to train you so that you can use dual swords with Pagmas Swordsmanship .

Grid and the Overgeared members passed through the Mysterious Forest and climbed the mountain .  It was to search for the presence of a mine .  While they were moving, Grid discussed how to dual wield with Piaro .

Huroi was walking ahead and he shouted .

There is a small cabin on the slopes of the mountain .

A cabin?

A person lived in a dangerous area where no one could enter because of the doppelganger? Grid and the Overgeared members were curious but didnt forget their boundaries . They knocked on the door of the cabin .

Is anyone here?


There was no answer . There were also no sounds .

Should we enter?

Vantner wasnt sure if there was a landlord present, but he opened the old door .  Then the smell of mold tormented the group .

“This house has been neglected for at least a decade .

Grids group started to search the house . However, there was nothing in the house except for a small bed and desk .

Huh? What is this?

Vantner discovered an old storage box .  It was made of birch and locked like a treasure chest .  What was inside? Vantner was curious and tried to break the box .  But the system rejected it .

[Nothing happened . ]

This… It looks like we need a key to open the box?

“Leave it to me . ”

Grid came forward .  He pulled out his Master Key .

Clink .

The rusty lock was opened with no resistance .


There was a small book in the storage box .  Grid opened it .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

Chapter 235

There was a small book kept in a firmly locked box .  It was someones diary .  The first few chapters were filled with crooked letters like a child had written it .

Summer, Year 259 of the Kingdom .

I met a child who looked exactly like me in the forest on the way out of the village .

The person said hello! I also smiled and greeted the child .

“Year 259…

“146 years ago . ”

It was a diary from a long time ago . It was remarkably well preserved without anything being erased .  Grid turned to the next chapter .

Winter, Year 259 of the Kingdom .

I went to the forest for the first time in a while .

The child who looked exactly like me was wearing summer clothes . I took off my hat and scarf and gave it to the child, who laughed .

Winter, Year 259 of the Kingdom .

I told my dad about the child in the forest .

My dad became angry . He said the child was a dangerous monster . He told me not to meet the child again .

The child in this diary is the doppelganger?

“Indeed . ”

Not all monsters were aggressive .  There were monsters that attacked humans first, and those that didnt .  The Doppelganger of the Mysterious Forest seemed to be a gentle monster in the past .

If this guy was like this, why did he attack us first?

Grid and the Overgeared members had questions .

Spring, Year 260 of the Kingdom .

Dad said that child in the forest was dangerous, but he didnt know .

I went to see her again .  

The child treasured the hat and scarf that I gave her .

Hello! I greeted her . She replied with those words .

We promised to be friends .

Spring, Year 260 of the Kingdom .

I named my friend Randy . My name is Wendy and together, well look like sisters .

Autumn, Year 260 of the Kingdom .

Randy now speaks very well . She can follow everything that I say .

My good friend is smart .

Winter, Year 260 of the Kingdom .

I played with Randy every day and was caught by my dad . Dad took out his bow, stating that he was going to kick Randy out .  

I was scared and followed .

My dad saw Randys greeting and couldnt shoot the bow . Thank **** .

Summer, Year 261 of the Kingdom .

My dad taught Randy how to use the bow . Now Randy is better at hunting than Dad .

Thanks to Randy, my family never goes hungry .

Thank you Randy .  

But I like rabbit meat more than boar meat .

The days in the diary flowed quickly .  The young girl called Wendy spent her days pleasantly . Her father and her friend Randy gave her new experiences every day .  The feelings conveyed from the diary were happy, so the hearts of Grid and the Overgeared members became warm .

Unfortunately, the contents of the diary started to enter a new phase .  It was when Wendys handwriting started to mature .

Spring, Year 270 of the Kingdom .

There seems to be an amazing mine behind our house . The villagers gathered together to check it, before saying that they should report it to the lord of Reidan .

Spring, Year 270 of the Kingdom .

The lord visited with dozens of knights . He told my dad to guide him to the mine .

The sight of the lord watching me was somewhat unpleasant .

Summer, Year 270 of the Kingdom .

Oh my god!

A gentleman more beautiful than me came to the mine . His dignified manner and fine skin was like a prince from a fairy tale .

The prince was concerned .

The minds of humans are still too immature to bear this mineral .

Is she talking about Pagma?

I was thinking the same thing .

Grid was sure of it after reading the contents of the diary .  As Rabbit guessed, there was a mine in this mountain, and the mineral there was so huge that Pagma had to pay attention to it .

Yellow mithril .

Grid kept reading the diary .

Autumn, Year 270 of the Kingdom .

The lord declared that he would develop the mine . Then he ordered me to pour him a drink .

As I was serving him, the lord kept touching my hips .

I was uncomfortable, but refrained because he was the lord .

Autumn, Year 270 of the Kingdom .

The lord said he would make me his concubine .  

What is a concubine?

When I asked my father what that meant, he just shed tears .

Autumn, Year 270 of the Kingdom .

The villagers told me . There were one or two women who went to become the lords concubines, but they were all treated as playthings .

Everyone is worried about me .


Winter, Year 270 of the Kingdom .

I explained the matter to Randy, stating that I would need to leave home soon to become the lords concubine .

I dont want to leave my father and Randy .  

I cried loudly and Randy patted my back .

Randy is always nice . Winter with Randy wasnt too cold .

Winter, Year 270 of the Kingdom .

Its serious .

The lord tried to visit the mine, but was attacked by a monster in the Mysterious Forest .

The identity of a monster is a doppelganger .


Spring, Year 271 of the Kingdom .

I heard that the angry lord organized an army to kill Randy .

Im worried about Randy and cant sleep .

Spring, Year 271 of the Kingdom .

As soon as dawn came, I went to Randy .  

Randys appearance was different .

She looked exactly the same as one of the lords knights .

I dont like it . I will protect Wendy .

Randy shouted at me to run away .

No matter how I tried to persuade her, Randy wouldnt step back .

What if Randy was hurt?

I was afraid and sad .

“Since then…

In order to defend the girl called Wendy, the gentle doppelganger started attacking anyone who invaded the forest .  He had been fighting for 100 years .

“The Guardian accessories were made by the doppelganger for this .

What happened to Wendy in the end? Then how did the doppelganger take on Pagmas appearance? Grid and the Overgeared members became immersed in the diary .

Spring, Year 271 of the Kingdom .

Its said that Randy defeated the army sent by the lord by herself .

Its scary that many people died . But Randy was unharmed, so I was happy .

I went to Randy .

Dont worry . Ill protect Wendy . Dont worry, Wendy, dont worry . ”

Randy repeatedly said the same thing while bleeding .

She was seriously injured and couldnt get up properly .

I had been saving up herbs to treat Randy .

But Randy was impervious to the effects of the herbs .

I will be with Randy tonight to look after her .

Spring, Year 271 of the Kingdom .

A few days later, Randys wounds havent healed .

According to rumors, the lord is preparing a new army .

Please… Somebody please help Randy .

Summer, Year 271 of the Kingdom .

I was leaning on Randys shoulders .

“Your killing originates from a noble heart .

The prince I saw last year appeared .

Despite Randy swinging the sword, the prince hammered at her .


I yelled, but the prince didnt stop . Randys body kept being hit .

Then something strange happened .

Randys wounds became better .

“Is this the concept of repair? The material that makes up the body of a doppelganger can be called a metal .  Lauel asked .

Grid nodded .

It seems so .

It seemed like he could do it as well .  Grid thought before turning to the next chapter .

Summer, Year 271 of the Kingdom .

“This world is full of danger . Humans are threatened by monsters and are busy fighting among themselves, while the demons underground are helped by the Yatan Church .

The prince who called himself Pagma said difficult words .

He smiled at me while patting Randys head .

“There is a balance to be kept . If the present day Eternal Kingdom has the power to threaten the empire, it would cause great confusion . I will give you the right to use some of my strength, so you must defend this forest thoroughly . The consequence of that will result in Wendys safety .


Randy was smarter than me .  Unlike me, Randy understood the words and nodded .

Then on this day .  Randys appearance changed into that of the beautiful prince .

Summer, Year 271 of the Kingdom .

Randy defeated the lords army .

This time, Randy wasnt seriously injured .

Thank **** . But I was worried .

Randys atmosphere changed .

The warmth of his eyes felt a bit cold .

Winter, Year 271 of the Kingdom .

Randy continued to fight for the last few months .  The lord hired mercenaries after the army couldnt defeat Randy .

Randy warned me when I visited him .

“Don’t come here anymore . Wendy should stay with your dad .


Arent we friends? Why are you rejecting me?

I asked him and Randy explained .

Im able to easily kill humans . And Wendy is a human . I… Im scared .

Randy looked lonely .  My heart hurts .

Spring, Year 272 of the Kingdom .

I visited Randy today .

Randy acted as usual .

He told me to Go back and then fell silent .  He didnt respond to any of my stories .

Im sorry and scared .  More than anything, I am sorry .

Summer, Year 272 of the Kingdom .

Randy has killed many people .

Are you okay?

There was no answer from Randy . Now he didnt even look at me . He just looked into the distance .  Hes changing more and more .

Because of me…

Winter, Year 272 of the Kingdom .

My dad went to the village to sell leather and hasnt returned for several days . I tried to visit the village, but Randy blocked my way .

He still didnt speak .

Winter, Year 272 of the Kingdom .

I have to go to the village today!

I yelled at Randy .

I spoke harshly when I said it wasnt necessary for him to protect me .

Then Randy opened the way .

In retrospect, Randy looked very sad .

Winter, Year 272 of the Kingdom .

I arrived in the village and heard shocking news .

My dad was arrested by the lord .

His crime was conspiring with the doppelganger .

The lord found out that my dad and I were close to Randy .

Its all my fault .

The sweet and pure Randy became covered in blood and my dad was suffering…

All my fault .

Winter, Year 272 of the Kingdom .

The lord promised to release my father . Instead, I would become his concubine .

I have no other options .

Spring, Year 273 of the Kingdom .

I met Randy last night .

I couldnt bear to tell him, who was trying to protect me, that I was leaving .

Thank you, Im sorry . And I can only say that I love you .

Now I am leaving this house .  I will never be able to come back . However, I lied and told Randy I would be back after a while .

Today will be my last diary entry .

…Poor Randy!

Vantner burst into tears .  Unlike his rough appearance, he was very sensitive . Therefore, tears and snot were running down his face .

Shit! Poor Randy! He struggled to protect Wendy, but in the end he couldnt protect her! He didnt even know that he couldnt protect Wendy .  Until now! For over 100 years, he has been waiting for Wendy to come back!


The Overgeared members were solemn .  They didnt know the circumstances of the doppelganger and just thought he was a bad guy .  Grid saw their depressed expressions and smiled .

“Even if it wasnt us, someday someone else wouldve done the same thing . Its fortunate that we know how Randy was feeling due to this book .

It was a mature comment that they couldnt believe .


My Lord…

The Overgeared members comforted by Grid were impressed .  They felt genuine respect for the ever-changing and growing Grid .  Grid turned to the real last chapter of the diary .

Summer, Year 286 of the Kingdom .

The lord abandoned me .

My soul and body that have become rags have finally found freedom .

The Mysterious Forest that I hadnt returned to in 13 years .

Randy was waiting for me, looking just like he did in the past .


There were so many words I wanted to say .  I wanted to express my pain .  But I didnt want Randys heart to hurt, so I smiled as brightly as possible .  

Im back .

In the last chapter of the diary, small traces of blood could be seen .  It seemed like Wendy became sick while living the lonely life of the lords concubine .

She died shortly after returning home . The doppelganger must not understand that humans have a different life-span and had been waiting until this day .


Grid closed the diary .

Then a notification window popped up .

[You have learned a little more about the person called Pagma . ]

[There is a bond with Pagma . The growth rate of your skills will increase . ]


The legendary skills had the disadvantage that their effect and power were excellent, but the growth speed was slow .  This would overcome that shortcoming .  Grid was delighted by the unexpected harvest when the notification windows were renewed .

[You have discovered the story of the Doppelganger of the Mysterious Forest . ]

[The Doppelganger of the Mysterious Forest that fell by your hands is now different from the past . Its intelligence, physical abilities and most of its memories have been degraded . But if you call it Randy, it will be delighted and follow you . ]

This was an opportunity to get a new pet .  Grid couldnt resist .

I will be your new friend .

Ttalkak .

Grid decided to put the diary back in its place . Then he ordered the Overgeared members .

“After confirming the mine, I will collect the doppelganger and return .

It was an expedition where he could obtain many things .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

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