Overgeared Chapter 427:
Chapter 427
『 Huhu, Grid pulled out the A lot . 』
『 The first match of the siege . . . Its also against the United States . 』
『 Look at Grids expression . He has never sweated like this before . 』
『 Its a rare appearance . This means he doesnt have much confidence . 』
The ratings of the siege relay started to rise rapidly . It showed that most people were having great fun with this situation .
-Didnt Yura and Jishuka sleep in Grids room last night?
-I want to deny it, but its true . . . The paparazzi took photos of them leaving Grids room this morning . . .
-Kuoh . . . He deserves punishment for being alone with the best beauties in the world .
-The United States will trample on him!
-Grids misfortune is my happiness!
Hundreds of millions of men were blinded by jealousy . They wanted to see Grid collapse quickly . The Korean people were resigned .
-Well . . . It would be hard to win a medal in the siege war, even if we didnt meet the United States right away .
-In retrospect, its better to be eliminated early . Our players will be able to take a day off and fight hard tomorrow .
-In particular, Grid mustve spent a lot of energy last night .
-Grid was the one who drew the United States . He thought of the big picture .
-Truly God Grid .
The early elimination was confirmed . The Korean citizens tried to think as positively as possible . It was the same with Grid .
Ill finish it quickly and go to the capsule room .
What if he concentrated on hunting while the other rankers were busy with the National Competition?
I can get a little bit ahead .
Grid only thought about the game and had no intention of exploring Paris . Lauel came near him .
Think of this as war exercises .
War exercises?
Lauel grinned brightly at Grid .
Isnt your ultimate goal to be rich, to be the best, and to be recognized by people? To achieve that goal, you must become a king .
The first condition for becoming a king was lineage, but users had no concept of lineage . What Grid needed was justification and a vast territory . It was his destiny to constantly take part in wars to expand his territory .
Originally, a war simulation requires huge manpower and money . Its difficult to do with Overgeareds current capacity . But today, we have an opportunity to try a free simulation .
. . .
Try your best . I will teach you strategies and tactics . Well, if youre afraid, you can give up early . This is your limit .
Lauel was the only one in Overgeared who criticized Grid . Lauel always pointed out Grids faults, sometimes making him feel ashamed . The reason? He was hoping for Grids development . Yes, it was the same right now . Lauel spoke in a high and mighty tone, clearly provoking Grid .
He knew . The current Grid had lost motivation . Thus, Lauel couldnt stay still .
. . .
The Grid of the past wouldve felt resentful without grasping Lauels intentions . But now it was different . He saw why Lauel was provoking him and replied .
Okay, bring it on .
He was idle for a moment . Giving up? It was clear that he forgot himself these days .
Wake up .
Clap .
Grid slapped his cheeks with both hands . His black eyes once again gained their like .
I will try my best to win .
As always .
Youre taking care of Grid .
Do you think I will lose on purpose?
The American representatives heard the conversation between Lauel and Grid . Lauel shrugged at them .
You dont need to worry . I will fight my best for Grids development .
Above all, he had to win until they met Russia . Lauel had no intention of being defeated by South Korea .
The variables that Korea has are the Rulers Cloak and the Hooded Zip Up .
Lauel was aware of most of Grid and the Overgeared members items . First, the Rulers Cloak . It was a legendary rated item that Grid acquired the day that Reidans Overgeared knights were created . Charge Command, Military Command, and Rulers Voice were all skills attached to the Rulers Cloak, allowing for a simple and efficient commands delivery system . If Grid took advantage of it, he would be able to efficiently command 50 NPCs and act as a moderate threat .
Next was the Hooded Zip Up . The invisibility cloaks made by Grid out of the sylphid scales were luxury Overgeared items . Grid, Yura, and Peak Sword all possessed one, so it was necessary to guard against stealth .
Other than that .
He needed to pay attention to Grids basic attack power . Yura hadnt grown enough to be comparable to the US representatives outside of hell, while Peak Sword could only tie up one US representative . The other Korean representatives werent worth discussing .
Lets go .
South Korea and the United States were the opening match of the siege event . Hundreds of thousands of people cheered for them as they entered the capsule .
[You have entered Anterava Forest . ]
[You have 20 minutes before the siege starts . Please prepare during these 20 minutes . ]
South Korea . . . They are only good for warming up the body .
Can they even warm up the body?
In fact, the atmosphere in the United States team was the worst when Zibal picked the A lot . The siege where they only knew the map and simple rules . There was a lot of pressure because they didnt have information about 50 NPCs and were expected to open the event in the first match . They were also worried about meeting Japan in the beginning .
But Grid pulled out the A lot after Zibal . He was truly a nice guy . The US representatives could relax because they werent worried about South Korea . Their footsteps were light as they entered the castle, which had walls of a low height of one metre .
Hoh, they are the rumored NPCs .
Lets take a closer look .
The castles garden .
50 NPcs were present . 15 of them were tankers who were heavy armor and were armed with large shields, while 20 were close combat soldiers wearing light armor and holding sharp weapons . On top of that, there were 10 archers and 5 magicians .
Panmir, check the status of their items . Then we will measure their stats with a simple spar .
Zibal was surprised to see the NPCs faces when he issued the orders .
Isnt it rude to want to look at our equipment and skills just like that?
A rude group of people arrived as reinforcements . . .
Do you have any skills? I dont trust you .
The NPCs remarked . Zibal and the US representatives were baffled at their attitude .
These NPCs arent our subordinates . . .
They are equal to our position?
We are playing the role of NPC reinforcements?
Then a notification window appeared in front of the US team .
[A joint quest has occurred . ]
[Siege War]
Level of Difficulty: Not measurable .
Two countries are in a war for ownership of Anterava Forest .
You are a member of Kingdom A .
Cooperate closely with the knights of Kingdom A to occupy the castle of Kingdom B and take over Anterava Forest .
* This quest is specifically developed for the National Competition and isnt related to Satisfys story . However, the NPCs understand Satisfys worldview .
Victory Condition: Take over Castle B or wipe out the troops of Kingdom B .
* The time limit is 2 hours . If there is no victor within the time limit, the country with the highest number of survivors wins .
* If you dont attack and only defend, your affinity with the NPCs will drop exponentially and this will lead to defeat .
This . . .
They thought that the NPCs had the concept of soldiers . But they were allies? It was quite different from what they expected . It would be difficult to form an absolute command system .
Lets go the enemy castle . Let those seven people follow our plan .
The NPCs started to act arbitrarily . If the US team couldnt give orders to them, any plans developed would become useless . What should they do? The US representatives were in turmoil for a while before coming up with a good idea .
{Lauel, explain your strategy to the NPCs . }
{Yes, if they listen to a good plan, they will understand and pass the command rights over to you . }
It was true . However, it was doubtful if explaining the plan would change the attitude of the NPCs . They couldnt rule out the possibility that there might be stupid NPCs . Lauel asked his team members .
{Who has the dignity, leadership, or charm stats?}
The US team members noticed Lauels intentions . Among them, Zibal, Skill, and Zephyr went forward . They were top rankers and held various titles, including a nobility title . They had at least 300 points in dignity . In particular, Zibal and Skull had opened up the leadership and charm stat .
Lauel took the lead and declared to the NPCs .
I am Lord Lauel . As an earl and hero of the Eternal Kingdom, we wont fail . If you trust in my honor and status and follow my commands in this war, I will guarantee victory .
Lauel was followed up by Zibal, Skull, and Zephyr . Then more than half of the NPCs exchanged looks and nodded .
I will trust you for the moment .
But if youre judged incompetent, we will no longer follow your orders . At that time, you will have to follow our orders instead .
. . . Okay .
Lauel and Zibal nodded without hesitation . Exactly 31 NPCs bowed to them, while the remaining 19 NPCs watched silently . Still, it was a level where the chain of command could be completed . On this positive note, Lauel started to explain the plan to the NPCs . The NPCs became impressed by Lauel and gradually started to trust him .
The viewers of the world watched this process and were impressed .
-Wow, I thought it would be bad at first when I saw the status of the NPCs .
-The dignity stat of the US representatives is enormous . Now the NPCs are following them willingly .
-Lauel is first class .
-Doesnt Lauel seem to have over 500 dignity?
-The dignity stat is the dignity stat, but the NPCs were quickly inspired by the plan . It seems like Lauel has prepared a great operation .
Then what about South Korea? As the US representatives checked the equipment and skills of the NPCs, the screen switched to the Korean castle .
『 Grid is the first user to become a duke, so its estimated that his dignity and charm stats are higher than Lauels . . . 』
『 Its unknown if the other Korean representatives have opened up special stats like dignity . 』
『 In addition, South Korea doesnt have a strategist like Lauel . We have to worry if it is possible for Grid to persuade the NPCs . . . Heok? 』
『 W-What is this? 』
The commentators were amazed and their mouths dropped open . It was the same with the viewers . Why? Grid wore a small crown and as he walked forward . . .
I will swear allegiance to you!!
Just say the word! I will follow you!
The 50 proud NPCs knelt before him! The world fell into a great shock as Grid smiled .
Lauel, it doesnt matter if you are good at strategies .
Grid would show his unique value by breaking all this down with items . Grid grabbed the Great Lords Sword and gave an absurd command to the kneeling NPCs .
Take off your equipment .