Overgeared Chapter 464:
“What did you want to talk to me about?”
After the closing ceremony .
The Overgeared members gathered at a restaurant near the Eiffel Tower . As a multinational guild, everyone’s skin and eye colors were different, but there was no sense of incongruity when they were together . They looked at each other with trust and affection, seeming like a family .
"Baldy . ”
"Shut up! I’m not bald, I shaved!”
Of course, there were exceptions such as Pon and Vantner .
"I have brought Kraugel into Overgeared . ”
Lauel spoke amazed words in the midst of the turmoil . Some of the members were agitated .
"The sky above the sky will join Overgeared?”
Pon and Regas asked . Unlike the other Overgeared members, they didn’t know about the plan to recruit Kraugel . Of course, Grid was the same . Lauel started to explain the story to those who don’t know .
“ . . . That is what happened . Thus, we have the right to recruit Kraugel . ”
" . . . ”
Lauel told the whole story without any exaggeration . His expression was dignified . Lauel believed that Grid and the Overgeared members would be delighted by the Kraugel recruitment project . However, Grid’s expression wasn’t good . Grid thought for a moment as he emptied his glass of beer before giving a shocking reaction .
“Don’t recruit Kraugel . ”
“ . . . Huh?”
It was unexpected . Why not recruit the best power? Lauel and most of the Overgeared members were puzzled .
"We must recruit Kraugel! Kraugel’s blood will flow through the arteries of Overgeared! The Overgeared Guild will be stronger than ever . . . !”
Lauel started to talk about Kraugel’s value, but Grid interrupted .
"Can you force someone to become our colleague?”
Pon added .
“Kraugel is the type of person who has always played the game by himself . Doesn’t everyone know that he hates belonging to a group? Can we obtain his true heart if we recruit him like this? There might be a crack in the relationship, which could be dangerous one day . ”
Lauel countered .
"People change . Look at us now . The reason we became colleagues wasn’t pure . We joined because there was something we wanted . In the course of fulfilling it, our hearts opened and we became true co-workers . The same is true for Kraugel . He might rebel right now, but someday . . . ”
"No, it’s okay . ” Grid was adamant . “Not only is he an existence that shouldn’t be caged, we aren’t weak enough that we should be obsessed with him . ”
Since he started Satisfy, Kraugel had been a solo player and this allowed him to reach the peak . His way of playing was appropriate for him . If he was locked into the framework of a group and changed the way he played, he would no longer be Kraugel . Weren’t there many cases of that in CD games? The enemy would become weak after joining their party!
“Those are just assumptions!”
It was Lauel who reacted to the end . Most of the members of Overgeared understood his feelings . This was the opportunity to recruit the strongest power, but it might be missed due to internal opposition . How annoyed would Lauel be? Grid saw Lauel’s heart and spoke openly without hiding anything .
“Lauel, I lost to Kraugel . ”
Kraugel was Grid’s goal . He was the sky that Grid wanted to reach . In the end, he failed to reach it .
“Some people might laugh, but I think of myself as Kraugel’s rival . I want to continue competing until I someday surpass him . ”
“ . . . Ah . ”
Lauel realized .
‘I . . . I can never fathom Grid’s mind!’
It was very uncomfortable and damaging to the pride to have someone he couldn’t defeat under him . Lauel understood Grid’s position and nodded .
"I understand . . . I won’t make the deal with Kraugel . ”
Grid asked like he didn’t understand .
"Why not?”
" . . . Didn’t you say not to recruit him?”
Grid smiled wickedly at Lauel .
“Not recruiting him doesn’t mean we can’t make a deal . ”
After the closing ceremony, people’s interest in the National Competition started to disperse as other topics became popular in the various media . Kraugel’s name disappearing from the list of rankers’ shocked the world . Therefore, Kraugel was forced to take refuge in the Russian players’ jet after being chased by reporters .
‘Lauel said he would contact me in 30 minutes . ’
He would connect to Satisfy for a while . Kraugel connected to Satisfy using the capsule installed in the plane . Then he opened his status window .
Name: Kraugel
Level: 1
Class: Sword Saint
* Sword type weapons can be used without restrictions .
* You will bring out the hidden functions of sword type weapons when they are equipped .
* You can create new sword techniques . The number of times it can be created will increase every time the level of ‘Complete Sword Mastery’ increases .
Title: One who Became a Legend
Title: East Continent’s Pioneer
Title: Troll King’s . . .
Title: . . .
. . .
. . .
Health: 1,485/1,485
Mana: 100/100
Strength: 50 (+120) Stamina:15 (+50)
Agility: 30 (+60) Intelligence: 10 (+10)
Composure: 10 Indomitable: 10
Dignity: 10 Insight: 10 (+40)
Regeneration: 30
Super Sensitivity: 0 . 1
‘It’s beyond imagination . . . ’
Kraugel was shocked by the Sword Saint class . His level had fallen to 1 and the skills and stats he worked hard to train had been reset to the beginning . Fortunately, his titles remained and the basic skills and abilities of the Sword Saint were amazing . Russia received a 30% experience buff thanks to being 1st in the overall rankings, so it wouldn’t be difficult to recover his level . In particular, Kraugel’s passive skill Keen Senses disappeared and the originally active Super Sensitivity was changed to a stat .
‘The Super Sensitivity passive . . . ’
It could be considered a passive that could be trained without any limits . In the short term, the performance was weaker compared to the old Super Sensitivity . However, that would change later . If he developed the stat properly, Kraugel would become an absolute person who was always in the Super Sensitivity state . Of course, it was likely that the performance would fall compared to the initial Super Sensitivity when it was an active skill .
-Kraugel! Can you come out for a while?
A voice came from outside the capsule when Kraugel was connected to the game . Alexander . The skinhead Alexander . As an extreme nationalist, he originally disregarded Kraugel and showed resentment . Now he was acting as Kraugel’s loyal dog . It was because he had infinite respect for Kraugel, who made Russia the first ranked country .
Alexander explained to Kraugel .
-That monkey . . . No, a Korean person said he wanted to meet you .
-G-Grid . Why did he come after losing to you in PvP? What should I do? Should I send him back?
-No, wait .
Kraugel immediately logged out . He knew why Grid had come to see him .
‘Lauel told him the story . ’
Now Grid had learned the truth . He came to receive the vow of allegiance . Originally, a group always had a hierarchy . Kraugel smiled bitterly as he emerged from the capsule . Then he witnessed an amazing sight .
"Ugh . . . !"
At the airplane’s entrance . The Russia players with big physiques were falling helplessly . The reason wasn’t clear . He didn’t know why, but this phenomenon was caused every time Grid’s fingers touched their bodies .
Another Russia player let out a strange moan when touched by Grid . At the same time, he blushed and looked down slowly . . .
Omitted .
"W-What the **** is he doing?”
Alexander was terrified and hid his big body behind Kraugel . He was afraid of Grid, who offered ecstasy to his colleagues with just one finger .
Grid discovered Kraugel and greeted him . Kraugel took off the translator and responded in Korean .
“It’s good to see you . It’s only been two hours . ”
"Isn’t your Korean quite good?”
"I can’t be poor at my native language . ”
"Hrmm . . . "
Grid took off the useless translator and glanced doubtfully at Kraugel . The outline of the body was correct, but Kraugel looked too much like a woman . It was also a pretty woman . Grid looked at the long eyelashes and came to a conclusion .
"Friends . ”
“ . . . What?”
Kraugel expected Grid to ask him to join Overgeared, so he was baffled by the words . Grid approached him and reached out a hand .
"Let’s help each other when it’s difficult . In the future, you don’t have to fight alone like this . ”
Grid knew . There were limitations to being alone . Grid anticipated that one day, Kraugel would need his power .
"I’m not inviting you to join the guild . We’ll just help each other when it’s needed . ”
“ . . . Why?” Kraugel couldn’t believe it . “Why are you treating me so good?”
Why didn’t Grid forcefully make him join the guild? It was possible in his position . Why do such a big favor?
Grid replied simply to Kraugel .
"I need a competitor in the future . I want your development . If I fight against you as you become stronger, I will also develop . In the first place, I’m already satisfied with having Piaro in the guild . ”
" . . . ”
The present Grid was completely different than the one Kraugel met in Reidan . There were no shadows on his face and his eyes were dignified . He had a dependable atmosphere around him . Kraugel felt thrilled and grabbed Grid’s big and rough hand .
“I’m glad . ”
‘I will run whenever you call me . And thank you . ’
Kraugel swallowed down those words . He thought that Grid would know even if he didn’t say it . And Grid also knew .
“Thanking me? Promise me one thing . Every time I call, run over . You are able to treat your mother’s illness thanks to Lauel . Shouldn’t you return the favor?”
“ . . . I understand . ”
What was the concept of friends that Grid was talking about? Kraugel felt seriously concerned as Grid patted his shoulders .
"Once your mother recovers, come to South Korea to play . I’ll show you around . "
“ . . . Yes . ”
Thank you . Kraugel gave a rare smile, looking more beautiful than ever . Kraugel longed for the health and well-being of all mothers in the world .
On this day . The players who participated in the National Competition left for their home countries . A new adventure was waiting for them .