Overgeared Chapter 58:

Chapter 58

A rare item didnt seem that great, but I just nodded because I didnt want to nitpick .  Steng laughed, put his sword away, and sighed .

“Hah~ when will us users be able to submit our own items to the ladys auction?

I felt it from the beginning, but there was something strange about the conversation .  I had to ask Steng in order to correct the misguided conversation .

“So…the reason youre here right now isnt to put an item you created up for auction? Youre doing a quest to place your masters item up for auction?

Steng smiled and replied .  “Of course . Even the number one blacksmith, Panmir, cant create items that can be shown at auction, so how could I?

…Can you share the quest information?

Huh? Why?”

“No, I just wanted to check .

Sure . It isnt a secret, so Ill show you .

[The player Steng wants to share the quest information . Would you like to accept?]

I accepted and the quest information appeared .

[Teachers Errand]

Difficulty: C .

This is the first auction that will be held after the appointment of the new lady of Winston .

Blacksmith Razvan will use this auction as an opportunity to show his skills to the lady of Winston and to get a foothold in Winston .

So he gave you, his disciple, an errand .

Quest Clear Conditions: Submit Razvans work to the lady of Winstons auction .

Quest Clear Reward: 20 gold .

* If Razvans work is successfully bid on at the auction, he will give you a new production method… 

I forgot, but general blacksmith users often had NPC blacksmiths as a teacher .  By steadily carrying out the quests given to them by their teacher, they could raise the level of their blacksmith skills and gain new production methods .

I was fortunate that Khan gave me production methods without any conditions .  

‘Im certain of it after seeing this quest information .

The users didnt come here to submit their works to the auction . They were running errands for their teachers, just like Steng .  As Steng said, it was impossible for the present production class users to produce outstanding items that would satisfy the lady and knights of Winston .

I could see it clearly . The difference between me and a general user was huge .  I didnt feel much inspiration when I made an epic rated item, but ordinary users were just happy at making rare grade items .  I was desperately happy as I realized the greatness of a legendary profession .

“If you dont mind, can I look at your teachers item? Steng asked me with a passionate gaze .

I refused him . It felt like something troublesome would happen .  “I dont want to do that .

Steng felt regret .  “I see . Then it cant be helped . By the way, its amazing . Your teacher didnt set a bid price…

Yes . Do you happen to know the average price for armor and gauntlets with a level limit of 120?

“Even if the items are the same level, the options are different . Well, normal armor is 300 gold and gauntlets are 100 gold .

Epic rating?

Wow! Did you master make epic items? Making epic items is really uncommon! Steng admired it before kindly giving me an answer .  “The price of epic items vary depending on the options, but shouldnt the armor be a minimum of 1,800 gold and the gauntlets 600 gold?


100 gold was 120,000 won .  In other words, if the Very Delicate Plate Armor and Seemingly Plain Gauntlets were sold at 1,800 gold and 600 gold respectively, I would earn 2 . 88 million won .  Only seven days after starting work in the capsule room, a huge amount of money was entering my hands .

No, no . If I deduct the materials cost and capsule room fee, the net profit is around 2 million won .

Anyway, I was satisfied .  Yes, lets not cling to unique or legendary items .  If I make two epic items a week, I could earn 8 million won in a month!

I can pay off the debt soon!

I had a total debt of 10 million won .  After obtaining a legendary class in Satisfy, it seemed like this debt of 10 million won wasnt very big, but it was a huge burden to me a few months ago .  I also had to pay the interest on the loan, so I hadnt made a dent in repaying it .  I was able to somehow manage with the labor jobs, but now…

Anyway! I would finally be able to live a debt-free life .  My fear towards the employees from Mother’s Heart is Happy would disappear .


A debt-free life! I imagined a dignified life and couldnt suppress the laughter .  Then I suddenly met Stengs eyes .  Stengs complexion turned blue after he witnessed me laughing .

…I had felt it in the past, but my smile was really the worst .

Children cried when I smiled . People started swearing instantly when I smiled . People took money out of my pocket when I smiled . People bought me cigarettes when I smiled . Women were unhappy when I smiled .

After I pay off my debt, I should get plastic surgery…

I was seriously distressed about this as I set the minimum bid based on the price Steng told me .

[You have set the minimum bid price for the Very Delicate Plate Armor at 1,800 gold . Is this correct?]

Yes .

[You have set a minimum bid price for the Seemingly Plain Gauntlets at 600 gold . Is this correct?]

Yes .

[The items have successfully been registered at the auction . ]

Everyone finished registering their items .  The auctioneer confirmed it and showed us to the waiting room .  There was a large tiger leather rug on the floor and ornaments made of gold and silver on the shelves . The chandelier sparkled .  It was an incredibly luxurious place for common people like me .

‘How extravagant would the ladys room be?

As I was stunned by the wealth that nobility possessed, Steng came up to me and spoke .

“You cant pick up the ornaments over there . Ive been involved in a lot of auctions while running errands for my teacher, and there are always people who try to steal things from the castle . They were discovered and punished… Grid should be careful .

“Yes, I understand…I wont . Hey, wait! Do you think I am a thief? Anyone would feel bad when hearing it .

S-Sorry .  Steng quickly apologized and stepped away from me . However, he continued glancing at me .  He seemed to suspect that I would steal something . I showed him a laugh and was branded as a criminal .

Sigh, that **** . He has a discerning eye .

I had to give up on stealing . I only wanted to take one candlestick, but it couldnt be helped while he was watching .  I sat on the couch in anticipation of the results that would appear in three hours and decided to take a nap .


Irene was Winstons new lady and the only daughter of Earl Steim . She currently only had the title of an Earl, but she would become an Earl later on .  In other words, she was the next successor to Earl Steim and the one who would be a peak figure in the north .

Therefore, her knights had a sense of burden and responsibility that other people couldnt imagine .

‘We have to be the best knights for Lady Irene .

Irenes knights didnt neglect training their minds and bodies . But there was a limit to the body and talents . Therefore, they coveted powerful equipment that would make up for any lacking parts .

The auction held today in Winston was very disappointing .

There is nothing good .

Winston had become a big city due to breakthroughs in the north . However, it was still lacking compared to Frontier .  It was the same for the abilities of the technicians .  The accessories, clothes and armor shown at the auction were all inferior .  Some technicians submitted good items, but it wasnt enough for the knights .

Two hours had passed since the auction started, but there hadnt been a single bidder on any of the items so far .  In this disappointed atmosphere, the auctioneer smiled widely .

“You should pay attention to these items .


As the armor and gauntlets were revealed, the sleepy-looking knights burst out with excitement .

How great!

It is difficult to find such armor in Frontier .

The knights examined the armor and gauntlets closely before asking the auctioneer .

Who was the blacksmith that made this? Is it the rumoured Khan?

Khan was a blacksmith who was somewhat renowned in Frontier . The knights guessed that Khan was the one who made the armor and gauntlets .  But the auctioneer gave an interesting answer .

Not exactly . They were made by Khans successor . He is revered by the residents of Winston and is one of the three heroes .

Hoh… The rumoured righteous blacksmith?

Yes .

The knights smiled warmly .

There is such a great person here in Winston . A person with an exemplary personality and excellent skills… He will be one of the talented people working for Irene one day .

“Its value is much higher . I will bid 2,000 gold .

“You are only giving 2,000 gold? Your eyes are terrible! I will bid 2,500 gold!


“Why are you trying to take something that I saw first? I will bid 3,000 gold, so everyone give up!

Earl Steim was considered one of the wealthiest nobles in the Eternal Kingdom . Therefore, the knights of the family were paid a huge salary .  The knights were overflowing with money, so the bid prices of the armor and gauntlets made by Grid skyrocketed .


Mister Grid . Mister Grid .

Uhh… what? Was it time to go to the labor office? I slept without knowing anything about the world and woke up due to someone shaking me .

Mister Grid, the auction has ended .


Thats right . This place wasnt my house .

This is… It has already been a week since I quit the labor jobs, but Im still worried about needing to go…

I wanted to quickly escape from the trauma of the labor jobs, so I quickly left the waiting room with Steng . Then I headed to the lobby where the auctioneer was waiting .  The auction manager confirmed the number of people and said .

There was a total of six items auctioned off at this auction .

The crowd was shaken .

Only six? I put up seven items alone…

“Werent there over 100 entries? Yet only six succeeded?

This was ominous .

What if my items werent won? Did I set the minimum bid too high? If I knew this, I wouldve set it at a cheaper price .

As I was feeling troubled, the auctioneer called out the list of items that had been sold .


Current schedule: 20 chapters a week .

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