Overgeared Chapter 684:

Chapter 684

“The gloves are really great . . . ”

After the battle was over .

Grid recreated the battle before checking the items that Kruger had dropped . If there was a part to praise about himself, there was also a part to criticize . This would be used as a stepping stone to mature one step further . In the process, the most noteworthy part for Grid was his items . He noticed the Holy Light Gloves and Alex's Quick Gloves more than the Enlightenment Lightning Sword and Mjolnir .

'There is the lottery option of the Holy Light Gloves that I’ve always relied on . ’

Now he realized that Alex's Quick Gloves were amazing .

The speed of his basic attacks had doubled so his continuous damage rose sharply . The attack power of each basic attack increased and combined with the power of the Enlightenment Blade, his basic attacks had been maximized beyond expectations . The damage was even better than the Holy Light Gloves .

‘It will be more effective as my agility increases . ’

Every 1,000 agility increase general attack speed by 0 . 1 .  Grid’s current agility was 2,876 .  He could achieve a base attack speed of 0 . 8 and if he wore Alex’s Quick Gloves, it would be 0 . 4 . It was possible to do two basic attacks per second and five per two seconds .

‘If my basic speed is at 0 . 7 . . . ’

The Quick Gloves will make it 0 . 35 attack speed and almost three attacks per second .  Grid’s original goal was to obtain a ratio of 1:1 for strength and agility . Grid decided he didn’t need to hesitate and opened his status window .

“Status Window!”


Name: Grid

Level: 349

Class: Pagma's Descendant (Conditional Great Magician)

Title: One who Became a Legend and 22 others . (If you want to view the list, please click for a detailed view . )

Health: 88,175    Mana: 13,602

Strength: 3,140 (+360)

Stamina: 1,967 (+580)

Agility: 2,546 (+330)

Intelligence: 1,727 (+540)

Dexterity: 3,507 (+880)

Persistence: 1,452 (+330)

Composure: 1,058 (+330)

Indomitable: 1,313 (+440)

Dignity: 1,966 (+330)

Insight: 1,806 (+330)

Courage: 1,002 (+330)

Demonic Power: 13,402

Good Luck: 241

Deity: 3

Remaining Stat Points: 300


Grid acquired 12 stat points per level since becoming one with Braham’s soul . Then the title of First King gave him 14 stat points per level . Since recently, he had accumulated two and then four points more than others . However, half of the points were forcibly invested in intelligence . Therefore, even if Grid had been accumulating his points since level 301, he only had 300 stat points .

‘Nevertheless, I don’t see it as a loss . Intelligence is a stat that I need after all . . . That’s right . . . It isn’t a loss . . . ’

Grid tried to comfort himself .

Shake shake .

In the end, he failed and started distributing the stat points .

‘Points in agility . ’


[124 points will be invested in agility . Have you decided?]


“Yes . ”


[It has been applied . ]

[Your agility has increased by 124 . ]

[Your agility stat is now at 2,546 points . ]

[Through the combined effects of various titles, 3,000 agility has been achieved . ]

[Your base attack speed has increased by 0 . 1 . ]

[Movement speed has increased by 30 . ]


“Good . ”

He finally achieved 3,000 agility . Grid tested it immediately .



Six attacks in two seconds! Some people might have questions .  In reality, a high quality professional boxer could attack four times per second .  Was attacking three times per second in the game really that great? Of course it was . Grid wasn’t using bare hands but wielding a long sword . It was difficult to wield a sword that was one meter in length three times per second .

‘Very good . ’

Grid was satisfied as he looked at the energy blades that looked like waves under the moonlight . He now had 176 stat points left .

“Hrmm . ”

Grid thought for a while before decided to keep the remaining points .

‘Even if I invest all my points in agility right now, the proportion still won’t match with strength . . . ’

In fact, he was impatient to invest points in intelligence .  It was because he could learn Fireball once his intelligence reached 2,500 . If he invested the remaining points in intelligence, he would be able to level Fireball in a relatively short period of time if he kept tailoring and leveling up . But Grid suppressed his impatient heart .

‘Intelligence will naturally increase whenever I level up . There is no need to invest points . ’

The part that Grid felt lacking in right now was stamina . Grid had a high survival rate due to his items and various title effects, but it was more stable to increase his total health . Thus, there was value in investing points in stamina .

‘But I will watch more . ’

Grid decided it would be better to save his points . He thought it was right to use the points after clearly figuring out what he was lacking when dealing with the formidable enemies he would face .

“Legendary Blacksmith’s Appraisal . ”

Grid closed his status window and finally started to appraise Kruger’s items .  First of all, he started with Kruger’s tailoring tools . It was a set of scissors, a knife, a tape measure, and a needle .


[Kruger’s Scissors and Knife]

Rating: Legendary

Durability: 171/220    Attack Power: 311

* Increases the cutting speed of cloth and leather by 10% .

* Can cut all types of cloth and leather .

One handed scissors and a knife used by the legendary tailor Kruger during his life . They are sharp and durable and can even cut through the scales and skin of a dragon .

Weight: 10


[Kruger’s Measuring Tape]

Rating: Legendary

Durability: 26/50

* Increases the speed of cloth and leather tailoring by 15% .

A measuring tape used by the legendary tailor Kruger during his life . It has a total length of 50 meters and boasts perfect accuracy .

Weight: 5


[Kruger’s Needle]

Rating: Legendary

Durability: None    Defense: 30

*  Increases the speed of cloth and leather tailoring by 20% .

* Can pierce all types of cloth and leather .

A very thin needle used by the legendary tailor Kruger during his life . A needle made from the molar of an accidentally discovered silver dragon’s remains, it can easily pierce all types of cloth and leather .

Weight: 0


“Wow . ”

In fact, Grid didn’t have much expectations for the tailoring tools .  At best, he expected it to be items that raised the probability of the item rating .  However, Grid’s expectations were completely wrong .  Kruger’s tailoring tools didn’t have an option to raise the item rankings .  Instead, it sped up the speed of tailoring and allowed him to work with all types of cloth and leather . It was a necessary item for Grid .

‘It’s unfortunate that there is no item rating increase option . ’

It increased tailoring speed by a total of 45% .  It meant that Grid could make two underwear in the time it took to make one . Furthermore!

‘A knife and scissors that can cut all types of cloth and leather and a needle that can pierce . . . ’

The reason why Grid couldn’t cut several types of fabrics at the same time was because the strength was different for each fabric . It was impossible for Grid to cut cloth of different strengths simultaneously with ordinary scissors and needles .  But now things had changed . With this, scissors and knife, Grid could cut many types of cloth and leather at the same time like Kruger .

‘If I raise my tailoring skill, I will be able to make not only underwear, but usable cloth armor . ’

He was happy .  He felt joy and sadness in equal proportions . An increase in tailoring speed meant his workload increased . Of course, there was no need to increase the workload . But it was impossible for Grid’s nature to not do so . The fear of being left behind didn’t allow him to slack off .

“Hah . . . Legendary Blacksmith’s Appraisal . ”

Then Grid appraised the cloth .  It was a cloth made of silk .


[Mysterious Cloth]

Rating: Legendary

Durability: None

A four dimensional cloth that neutralizes damage of the ‘explosion’ type .

Once the cloth is opened at the explosion point, all the explosive energy is absorbed into the cloth .

Cooldown Time: 10 minutes .

Weight: 1


“ . . . ?”

It was difficult for Grid to understand the item description . Absorb explosion type damage?

‘What . . . Ah, perhaps?”

A chill went down Grid’s spine .  He had a hypothesis and ordered the God Hands to keep the cloth open . Then he swung the Enlightenment Blade at the cloth . The result was amazing .


[The option effect ‘Black Flames’ has activated from the Lightning Sword Born from Enlightenment and Strong Desires!]



An explosion that caused splash damage over a radius of 10 meters . The flames that burst out!


It was sucked into the cloth that the God Hands spread out . It didn’t do a single bit of damage to the area!

“ . . . Crazy . ”

Grid gulped . He was covered in sweat . Kruger was already equipped against fire and darkness .

‘ . . . He was going to absorb the black flames with this cloth?’

What if Grid hadn’t neutralized Kruger with the electric shock and infinite stiffness . . .

‘Most of my damage would be blocked . . . ’

In particular, the cooldown time of 10 minutes was likely to shorter when Kruger used it directly . NPCs and boss monsters often got a correction effect .

‘We would’ve fought for a few minutes before Kruger opened the barrier again to create a new item . ’

If it reached that stage, Grid’s chances would fall exponentially .  Grid shivered at the thought . He gathered the cloth together as Sticks entered the 63rd island and approached him .

“Now there are three islands left . ”

“Um . ”

Legendary miner Gis, legendary archer Povia, and Undefeated King Madra .  According to Sticks’ guess, there were three bosses remaining .  Grid predicted that they would be relatively easy to overcome except for Madra . An archer with a weak body was nothing after breaking through the arrows, and a tanker’s weakness was that they lacked attack power .

'Of course, I won’t be careless . ’

Grid breathed in deeply and stepped on the bridge to the 64th island .

"Go straight away . "

Grid achieved his goal of winning without losing his immortality .  There was no need to delay the time, so Grid immediately entered the 64th island . Then he met miner Gis .


Clack clack clack!

The 64th island was a cave .  It was a huge square where minerals grew everywhere .  There was a death knight in the center of the cave, lit up by blue ores on the ceiling .  Gis was a very large skeleton . It was comparable to Agnus’ orc warrior that was turned into a death knight . Due to that, the pickaxe in his hand looked small .

"A tanker must be really durable . ”


Attacks with overwhelming damage! Grid didn’t delay . Immediately after using Quick Movements and Blacksmith's Rage, he rushed to Gis . At that moment .


Death Knight Gis started mining . Despite the enemy rushing towards him, Gis started swinging his pickaxe!


Grid thought it was ridiculous . It was difficult to understand why Gis was ignoring the enemy .

‘Is his artificial intelligence broken?’

Maybe he could break through the 64th island quicker and easier than he expected . Grid smiled at the thought .


The Enlightenment Sword struck Gis’ skull .


[Gis is mining . Gis is invincible when mining . You can’t cause any damage . ]


“ . . . . ????”

Grid’s eyes widened .

Ttang! Ttang!

Gis didn’t even look at Grid as he quietly focused on mining . Slowly, very slowly .  For reference, the cave was over 200 square meters in size and all walls had minerals growing on them .  Even Peak Sword, who specialized in mining, would take at least a fortnight to gain all the minerals from this cave . Grid thought of the worst scenario .

‘The 64th island consumes time . . . ?’

He couldn’t break through until Gis finished mining . Didn’t that mean his feet would be **** by this trial for days?


Grid couldn’t help cursing and turned his attention to the gate he had used just now . Of course, the gate was gone . Just like the other islands, he couldn’t escape from the 64th island until he failed the challenge or cleared it .


Gis was still mining slowly like a turtle .

“ . . . Ah . ”

Grid was frustrated when he remembered that he only had enough food for four days . It was the first time he had been so frustrated since becoming Pagma's Descendant .

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