Overgeared Chapter 703:

Chapter 703

[King’s Quest]

It was a large-scale quest created after Grid became king . As the name suggested, Grid had already completed the first king’s quest, the King’s Role (1) . The reward he got at that time was the method to make the King’s Sword .

‘The reward isn’t worth the limited quest . ’

Grid hadn’t yet been able to proceed with the quest King’s Role (2) . The quest’s level limit was 350 .  However, he reached level 357 after returning from the Behen Archipelago . It was now possible to proceed with the King’s Role (2) .


[The King’s Role (2)]

You have experienced the lives of the people and learned their suffering .

Please resolve the troubles of the people .

Quest Clear Conditions: Give the necessary help to 5,000 people .

Quest Clear Rewards: Political Power stat will open . The next linked King’s Quest .

* It counts if other members of the royal family help the people .  


“Crazy . ”

It wasn’t 100 or 1,000, but helping 5,000 people? How long would it take? Fortunately, Grid had experienced the lives of the people as he proceeded through the King’s Role (1) quest .  Grid remembered how the people of each class had suffered and knew how to help them .  But it was too much to help 5,000 people . It was obvious that it would take a great deal of time .

“Ah . . . I can’t say anything bad . ”

Yes, curses didn’t emerge .  He was aware of the intentions of the quest .  The King’s Role (2) was to supplement what was lacking in the kingdom . In other words, it was a guide to reconstruction the nation .  If he steadily carried out the quest, the Overgeared Kingdom would grow . The problem was time .

‘It is a very long-term quest . . . ’

If he helped 10 people a day, the quest would take 500 days . It would take even more time if Grid had to leave the kingdom .

“Hah . . . The quest will be completed in a few years . . . ”

The moment Grid was giving a deep sigh .


[The royal princess Ruby has already helped more than 5,000 people . The condition for the King’s Role (2) quest has been fulfilled . ]

[The King’s Role (2) quest has been completed . ]

[As a quest reward, the political power stat will open . ]

[You will be able to proceed with the next King’s Quest ‘Choice’ at level 370 . ] 


“ . . . ”

Grid couldn’t understand the situation . Question marks appeared over his head .


What was the relationship between this quest and Ruby? The puzzled Grid then confirmed the phrase, ‘It counts if other members of the royal family help the people . ’ 

“Unbelievable . . . The good deeds Ruby as accumulated as  Saintess counts?”

Of course, not all good works were counted .  It only counted the good deeds after Grid set up the Overgeared Kingdom and Ruby became royalty . Yet she already helped 5,000 people . . .

Grid recalled that Ruby was the person with the biggest achievement when recovering from the damage after the war .

"My sister is really diligent and nice . I will kiss her when I log out later . . . No, I will be hit if I do that . ”

His sister was very good . Grid smiled .

At the same time, Valhalla .

"This is finally the 399th . . . !”

His level was higher than Grid so Ares quickly started the King’s Role (2) quest . He was once again wandering the capital and doing ‘good deeds . ’

"Puah! It is really hard!”

He wanted to hit someone a few times in the middle .  He was busy and often felt discomfort doing this .  But Ares decided to think positively . It was a pleasure to see the people’s happiness when he helped them but he was comforted to think that Grid, who just broke through level 350, would be suffering the same thing .

'Grid, would you have served 30 people by now? Puhaha, how pitiful . ’ 

A laugh emerged .

"Have strength Grid! Let’s share our hardships! Kuhahahat!” 




[Political Power]

Improves efficiency of various domestic activities .

* The higher the number, the higher the effect .


“Um . ”

Political power was a stat held by politicians, some hidden classes, royalty, and merchants .  Rabbit had a high political power stat .  It would apply to various domestic affairs . For example, if he was appointed as head of market development, the rate of market development would greatly increase . Political power and intelligence were totally separate . The political power stat was a necessary virtue for politicians .

‘I got it . ’

Lauel, who had been in charge of the Overgeared Guild and kingdom’s internal affairs for several years had only opened up political power after achieving the title of ‘prime minister . ’ It was a stat that was difficult to obtain . Grid had believed that the political power stat would never open for him .

‘Good . ’

The effect of the stat was absolute .  In the future, Grid would be able to carry out the role of domestic affairs without any knowledge .  He was moved by the fact that he finally became a king and moved . His destination was the smithy .  It was to design Lantier’s mass produced cloak and to make a crown for himself .  This was Grid’s next task .




“This is enough . ”

Designing Lantier’s mass produced cloak wasn’t difficult . He solved it by using the original design of Lantier’s Cloak and replacing the materials with those that were cheaper and easier to obtain .

"Khan, please hand out this design to the blacksmiths . The advanced blacksmiths should be able to easily understand the design, right?”

“Um, I think so . ”

Khan verified the contents of the drawing that Grid handed him and nodded .  Grid’s expression was very dark . It was because the wrinkles on Khan’s face had deepened after a few months . He felt that time was running out whenever he looked at Khan .

‘Is there no such thing as medicine for eternal life?'

Human life span wasn’t infinite and the lifespan of an NPC was even shorter .  Grid was afraid of parting with Khan . He wanted Khan to live forever . Khan saw Grid’s expression and struck his own chest .

"Do you see this steel body? This old geezer is still fine . Your Majesty doesn’t need to worry . ”

“ . . . ”

His health gauge decreased from his own attack . Grid’s sadness grew so large that it couldn’t be controlled . But he tried not to express it on the outside . He was afraid that he would bother Khan .

"I'm not worried about your health . Why would I worry when I know how strong you are? I only feel bad because the smell of a widower is getting worse . ”

"Hoh, smell of a widower?”

Grid sniffed his body and struggled to look bright .

"Don’t you want to remarry? Won’t a family appease your loneliness?”

Khan had been alone for a long time since his wife and son died .  Grid was worried that Khan would live alone and closed his eyes .  There were many cases where elderly people living alone were only discovered after a long time . Did he know Grid’s heart or not?

"How can I be lonely? I have a family . ”

“ . . . ”

Khan’s cheery smile struck Grid’s heart .




‘How do I intentionally attach stats to items?’

Among the effects of the First King title, there was an item slot increase .  Grid could wear a helmet and crown at the same time . He stood in front of an anvil before making a new crown and longed for the stamina stat .

‘Stamina not only increases defense and health, but also the rate of health recovery . It seems to be directly linked to health . ’

That’s right .  Now Grid had a desire to present Khan with a stamina item . He had the vague belief that Khan would live longer if his stamina could be increased .  In addition, Grid needed the stamina stat .  His defense was already so high that it was hard to increase . However, the defense value wasn’t fully applied to those with higher levels and many people had a defense bypass skill . Grid felt the need to increase his total health .

In the end .


Grid left the smithy and ran to the Overgeared Academy . As always, he was dependent on the sage’s knowledge .

“What is a way to make a battle gear that raises stamina?”

"You must use alchemy . ”

"Alchemy . . . ”

Grid frowned .  He still felt negative about alchemy that attached the coolness option to Iyarugt .

"I’m aware that you don’t believe in alchemy . But alchemy is a field that has a high probability of failure, but a great effect when succeeding . Rather than unconditionally distrust it, you should depend on it . Of course, you need to invest a lot of  money . ” 

Typically, high risk gave high returns .  This was alchemy .  Grid was bound to have the worst luck .

‘But . ’

It couldn’t be avoided indefinitely . In the first place, didn’t he invest a lot of money in the alchemy facility with the goal of making Reidan the second Talima?

‘I can’t avoid it forever . I have to use it . ’

The determined Grid left the academy and he sent a whisper to Lauel .

-What’s the level of the alchemy facility in Reidan?

-Intermediate level 8 .

-Still? Wasn’t it intermediate level 8 a few months ago?

At present, Reidan’s alchemy facility had been steadily producing small quantities of the super restorative potions .  Grid thought that the level of the alchemy facility would’ve gone up considerably . Now he felt confused and disappointed .

Lauel explained .

-In order to effectively raise the level of the alchemy facility, we must focus on development rather than production .  But a lot of money is required for development .  Recently, we haven’t been able to fund the alchemy facility because we’ve been offering a tribute to the empire .

-The **** empire . . .  

According to Sticks, the alchemy facility needed to be at least intermediate level 9 to have a high probability of attaching stats .  The empire was always grabbing onto his ankle .  Grid’s grudge against the empire gradually deepened .

-Is there a way to screw with the empire?

-There is one way .

As expected from Lauel . He immediately responded to Grid’s emotional question .  

-What is that method?

-Go to Valhalla .  The emperor can’t forgive Ares, who dared to take in the descendant of the Undefeated King .  He will certainly dispatch troops to Valhalla .

-Go and help? But then won’t the problem become serious?

-The situation is different from when you joined the Belto Kingdom war .

-If we fight with Valhalla this time, we will become the enemy of the empire .  I don’t know what to expect after that .

-Go by yourself .  Hide your identity .

- . . . ?

-As Your Majesty said, the problem will become more serious if the Overgeared Kingdom officially helps Valhalla .  The next target after Valhalla will be Overgeared .  Thus, help Valhalla secretly .  While you are gone, I will plan a strategy to attack the vampire cities .

-Kukuk . . .  This should be interesting .

Grid’s shoulders started shaking . He was glad that he had a chance to strike the empire in the back .

‘I will do it properly . ’

The excited Grid! Lauel warned him .

-You do know that if you don’t want to be found by the empire, you can’t just cover your face, but Pagma’s Swordsmanship as well .

- . . . ? O-Of course .  In the first place, can’t I use a basic attack?

- . . . You didn’t know .  Act with moderation .  Based on what’s going on in the empire, Valhalla won’t fall .

At the same time, Titan .


[Secret Mission]

Difficulty: SSS

You have received a secret mission from Sword Duke Limit .

In order to prevent Kyle from building up achievements, support Valhalla and fight Kyle .

The imperial household has yet to identity the members of the Rose Knights, so you don’t need to worry about your identity being discovered .

However, please avoid killing as many Red Knights as possible .

Quest Clear Conditions: Kyle’s death or making him flee .

Quest Clear Reward: Death Ruler’s Staff . Affinity with Sword Duke Limit will increase by 50 .


"Kikikik, what type of quest is this? I have to help Ares fight the five pillars?”

"You should refuse . Kyle might be the weakest of the five pillars, but . . . ”

“What if I don’t want to~? Why would I refuse this interesting quest? Kikikik! Kuhahahahat!”

“ . . . ”

An unidentified person also headed to Valhalla .

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