Overgeared Chapter 745:
Chapter 745
28 minutes until Battlefield ended .
The Battlefield map had undergone a lot of destruction and the only area left was ‘Trion . ’
Trion was a small town with five six-story buildings and around 40 one-story houses . The boxes and drums left in the alleys, the large fountain in the central square, and the side roads created a number of variables by serving as cover . The six-story buildings were connected with clotheslines that were exceptionally thick and sturdy .
Like the other survivors, Grid was forced to move into a tree .
‘The odds are low . ’
Why? Grid had only teamed up with Jishuka, while the other survivors had at least three team members . There was even a team with five people .
‘Most of the people here are rankers . ’
Considering that Kraugel, Chris, and Pon would be present, Grid wasn’t convinced of his superiority . In such a situation, the numerical disadvantage was a huge burden . Above all, the biggest problem was the narrow map .
‘It’s hard to find a sniping point . ’
Grid was a cleric . The warrior Jishuka had to perform the role of damage dealer . She currently had a total of 136 arrows . Theoretically, it could exert sufficient attack power . However, the bow was a weapon that showed its true power when a certain distance was secured .
‘For Jishuka to be active here . . . We must enter a high building . . . ’
It would be easy to enter a building . However, as soon as Jishuka settled on a high floor and started shooting, it was obvious that the competitors’ aggro would be concentrated on her .
‘I have to guard the stairs to give Jishuka time to deal with them . ’
However, clotheslines connected buildings . People could use the clotheslines to come from the building next door . It was impossible to contain all of them at the same time .
‘In the first place, I don’t know if I can protect the stairs . ’
They had a numerical disadvantage and it was an environment where Jishuka couldn’t fully demonstrate her archery . In the end, he came to the conclusion that he must play passively .
‘I should look at the flow . . . ’
Even that seemed difficult . The other competitors were already paying attention to Grid and Jishuka . It was because they were alone . They were branded as relatively easy prey . As soon as the lull was over, Grid and JIshuka were destined to be chased .
‘Shit, these rotten **** . Why are they pushing me to this point?’
Now Grid was familiar with the camera . He had awareness as an influential person in society . He was inwardly complaining but had a poker face on the surface . Jishuka’s murmur was heard in his ears .
“Indeed . . . Everyone who has survived to the end is skilled enough to team up . It won’t be easy . ”
Was forming a team also a merit?
“How can it . . . Ah?”
Then Grid realized something .
'That’s right, it is a skill . ’
In Battlefield, a solo exhibition wasn’t a ‘rule . ’ There was no provision that they couldn’t form a team . That’s why Grid teamed up with Jishuka .
‘It isn’t easy to form a team . ’
How easy was it to turn competitors into teammates? It was virtually impossible to build a team here in Battlefield unless they had extraordinary competence or had a special charm . A person who didn’t have skills couldn’t get a team . Grid shook the moment he realized this .
‘The means of proving my skills to people is far more diverse than I thought . I don’t have to be obsessed with just showing off combat skills . ’
Proof . That’s right . Grid recognized Battlefield as a place to prove himself . It was a game where everyone else was in the same situation . Grid wanted to prove himself to people by surviving to the end . The rankers had pure talent who didn’t rely only on his items or class . Grid hoped that he would be perceived as equal to those people . Foolishly, he confined his talents to combat ability . He was compelled to show he had better control skills . But not now . A ranker’s skills weren’t just about combat ability . It was much more diverse .
‘I’ll show them . ’
Grid had skills . He would show everyone in the world why he could rise to this place . A smile crossed Grid’s face . He found the answer and shouted without hesitation .
“Everybody listen! Surrender! From now on, I will make an item for anyone who surrenders!”
“ . . . ?”
There was awkward silence as the players in the trees tensed up . The survivors looked at each other with bewildered expressions .
‘What nonsense is this?’
‘Is he crazy?’
“I am the Overgeared King!”
In the confusion, Grid revealed his identity . He announced himself as the legendary blacksmith . He would take advantage of this ability to win . This was Grid’s ‘pure talent’ that he advertised to the world and it was the proof of his ‘competence . ’
“This is a rare opportunity . Why are you hesitating to surrender?”
Grid was confident . There were few people who could resist his temptations . It was actually the case . The survivors started buzzing .
'That bastard, pulling out something like this to win . ’
‘But think about it . Isn’t it much better to surrender and earn items than to lose everything after failing to win an uncertain victory?’
‘It’s true . How easy is it to gain items that Grid produces? Doesn’t it go up to a legendary rating?’
‘He can even make growth rated items . ’
The survivors started to realize what a wise choice it was . They bit the bait .
『 . . . 』
The commentators were silent . The atmosphere of the survivors as they looked at each other showed they were willing to surrender . Looking at it objectively, there were few reasons not to surrender .
『 Why is this result . . . ? 』
One commentator broke the silence . He wanted to relay a fierce and cool final match so he didn’t welcome Grid’s position . But he couldn’t condemn it . The way that Grid caused the survivors to feel conflicted wasn’t lousy . It was a strategy that caused admiration .
『 It’s a shame to those watching but . . . I have to acknowledge it . Grid is a wise person . He’s resourceful . 』
『 I agree . I never imagined he would use his ability to make items in order to manipulate the survivors . It’s a strategy I couldn’t imagine . 』
Currently, the survivors were playing the game called Battlefield . Wasn’t it cheating for Satisfy to intervene here? There were few people who thought this . In the end, the survivors were Satisfy players and Satisfy was the reason why they joined Battlefield . It was natural for Grid to use his influence in Satisfy to survive .
Just .
-Nobody did this except for Grid . . .
-They didn’t use it because they couldn’t . If it wasn’t Grid, who else can make the survivors surrender?
-You’re right .
-Really amazing . He will win without fighting .
-I felt it from the beginning, but Grid’s wit is really great . He doesn’t have enough strength? It isn’t that either . He even beat Hao . He’s a perfect combination of intelligence and strength . He’s exceptional among the high rankers .
-He also has the quality of an alpha, allowing him to be the first king . There seems to be a huge difference between the Grid we know and the actual Grid .
-That's right . We only got a few glimpses of him from videos and the National Competition . If we watch by his side . . .
- . . . There will be a huge liking towards him . Look at the members of Overgeared . I know why the Overgeared members are so loyal to Grid now .
-Isn’t this why Pope Damian likes Grid?
The praise continued . They accurately saw Grid . He proved his abilities and his value to people .
Now .
-I don’t think there will be any more fools ignoring Grid .
Grid was reborn as a complete existence . Just like Kraugel who Grid so envied .
"Now, what is everyone’s choice?”
Grid didn’t know the outside situation and was only focused on right now . He was expecting a few of the 30 survivors, apart from Jishuka, to surrender to him .
‘Maybe not everyone will surrender?’
Grid was well aware of the value of his production items . Thus, he used his items as a means of transaction and diplomacy . He believed it would work again this time . He knew most of the survivors coveted his items and would surrender . But there was a problem .
Putting aside Grid and Jishuka, 14 of the 30 survivors were Overgeared members . The Overgeared members were able to get Grid’s items even if they didn’t surrender here . This was the part that Grid overlooked . It was evidence of his still lacking intelligence .
An achievement was an achievement . Just as Grid aspired to win, the Overgeared members also wanted to win .
“That Grid is fake!” Lauel shouted . “There is no way to prove that he is Grid! Don’t be confused!”
He loved Grid . He wanted to be companions for all his life . This was Lauel’s true heart . Lauel really liked Grid . That’s why he had been by Grid’s side for so many years and wanted to be with him in the future . But he clearly distinguished between priorities . Lauel never thought about giving up victory just because he liked Grid . He also wanted to win . He would do his best to win . It was for himself and the people of his country .
It wasn’t just Lauel . It was the same for the other Overgeared members .
"That's right! Grid isn’t that kind!”
“Grid isn’t that kind!”
“What . . . ?”
All of a sudden, a wave spread! Grid was confused by the unexpected development while the survivors, who were misled by Grid’s proposal’ felt overwhelmed .
"That's right . Maybe it is someone pretending to be Grid . I almost made a mistake . ”
“In the first place, will Grid really make us a ‘free’ item if we win?”
“No, I didn’t mean I would make it for free . . . ”
“That person isn’t Grid!”
Grid had no chance to talk . The Overgeared members kept interrupted when Grid tried to talk .
Jishuka laughed . "Indeed, our kids aren’t that easy . ”
"What? They are Overgeared members?”
"Yes, just look . ”
“You stupid bastards!”
Grid was irritated but he was smiling proudly . He liked that his colleagues were doing their best in their respective positions .
‘Yes, if you want, then let’s fight to the end . ’
He would fight fairly like they wanted . The moment Grid became prepared .
"I won’t surrender . . . I want to join your team . Will you make me an item in return?”
“ . . . ?”
In the middle of the bustling atmosphere, a man opened his mouth . He was alone . Unlike the other survivors, he didn’t have a team . Everyone’s gaze focused on the man . As if he was accustomed to attracting attention, the man approached Grid .
"You have two people, so it won’t be a problem if I join?”
The man moved right in front of Grid .
Grid asked him, "Is it okay? I just pulled a lot of aggro because of this turmoil . Won’t it be dangerous to team up with us?”
The man snorted .
"Who would be afraid with you and I together?”
“ . . . ?”
Who was this guy? The moment Grid cocked his head with confusion .
-Cra . . . Crazy . . . . I can only say that it is crazy . . .
-Really ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It is an unthinkable development .
-Isn’t this the dream team?
The audience became excited . The community sites around the world were alarmed, as if they heard about Earth’s destruction . A commentator shouted .
『 K-Kraugel . . . ! Sword Saint Kraugel has announced his intentions to join Overgeared King Grid! 』
That’s right . The only person who didn’t pass up Grid’s production item was the sky above the sky . The strongest person beyond the standards of a human .
“Why are you here . . . ?”
As Grid looked stunned, the world sensed it .
Battlefield . It would end soon . The last three had already been set .