Overgeared Chapter 750:

Chapter 750

"A glass of beer . "

Red Deer, Canada . It was a small town in southern Alberta .  In this small city with 80,000 residents, the black-haired foreigner was conspicuous .  But today was an exception . Due to the live broadcast of Battlefield, the streets were quiet and most people were focused on the TV .

Thanks to this, the black-haired man was able to sit in the seat without receiving any attention .  His white skin, small lips, less developed brow bone, and ebony hair showed that he was a man with Asian blood in him . The eyes behind dark sunglasses were also black .

His name was Ray and he had a Korean father and a Canadian mother . His ID in Satisfy was Faker . Of course, people didn’t know his identity .

"You never take off your sunglasses . It has been a while since you’ve come . Jennifer often asks about you . ”

A middle-aged man running the shabby pub alone handed him a beer . Was it because he didn’t want to indulge in useless chatter or because of his original reticent nature?

“ . . . ”

Faker nodded silently and drank a mouthful of beer . Like the other guests, his gaze was on the TV .

"Oh, Grid’s movements are fantastic .

“But Chris is a level above him . ”

“Hahaha! Chris is Canada’s pride for a reason . ”

“Have strength Chris! Forget that Grid is your king for the moment!"

The customers were enthusiastic .  They praised Grid’s skills in protecting the stairs alone and were excited by Chris’ skills, which overwhelmed him . On TV, Grid was continuing to read the scriptures . However, he was being overwhelmed . There was too big a difference with Chris’ skills .

‘But Grid is doing well enough . If he puts in a bit more effort to protect his health, he will be able to hold on . ’

This was Faker’s impression .

‘If it was last year’s Grid, he wouldn’t have been able to face Chris in Battlefield . ’

It was a bright growth rate . And the root of this growth wasn’t talent, but effort .

‘Excellent . ’

Faker wasn’t aware of it himself but he had a habit of smiling every time he observed Grid .  If Grid found out Faker had such a good impression of him, he would be moved to tears .  A normal class user who was strong enough to beat sun-grade powerhouses . Faker was above a sun and Grid was one of his targets .


“What’s Chris doing all of a sudden?”

At this point, Faker’s glass of beer was half empty . The development of Battlefield changed rapidly .  Grid, who was being one-sidedly pushed by Chris, starting pushing back as if he had awakened .  As Chris was on the defensive, Grid caught the other rankers in the confusion . The enemies turned to grey one by one .

Faker’s gaze was fixed on a woman . Her name was Yura, one of the rankers allied with Chris . A South Korean representative .

‘Her movements are limiting Chris’ actions . ’

Faker’s saw her actions accurately .  In fact, Yura was interfering with Chris . She blocked his path every time Chris tried to respond to Grid’s attack . Of course, it wasn’t blatant . The movements were very fine .  There were few people in the world who would see that she was bothering Chris . Even the people in Battlefield couldn’t read her intentions . Only Chris probably noticed her interference .

"Young Master is in a crisis . . . Yura’s heart is for Grid . ”

Faker heard an old man’s voice as he was concentrating on the TV .  Faker turned his head and was surprised .  The old gentleman had neatly brushed white hair .  Zirkan . He was once the first ranked swordsman . But at some point, he devoted all his energy into raising Chris . He was Chris’ mentor, a captain in the Giant Guild, and now a solid power in the Overgeared Kingdom .

“You . . . Why didn’t you go to Japan with Chris?”

Faker wasn’t surprised to see that Zirkan had found out his position . He knew what a big influence Chris’ family had in Canada . It was easy for Zirkan to find out when he was a steward of Chris’ family .

“It isn’t easy to travel long distances at this age . Isn’t it better for me to rest at home than to be a burden?” Zirkan laughed and sat across from Faker . The old man laid down his cane and tapped his knees . But Faker could see the solid muscular body beneath the coat .  “Grid is blessed . He has the love of so many beauties . I would be jealous if I was 10 years younger . ”

Zirkan didn’t have any hard feelings about Yura interfering with Chris .  Yura was also a valuable colleague in the Overgeared Guild and above all, he liked her feelings towards Grid . It was from his years of experience .

"Love is good . Really good . ” Zirkan neatly folded his coat and gave an order to the owner . "A glass of Coke over here please . ”

"Yes, I understand . "

The owner was very kind to Zirkan . It wasn’t just because he was an elderly person . It was a pleasure to know that this young man had a friend .

“He’s a good person . ”

‘That’s why I have been going to this store for a few years . ’ Faker swallowed back the words he wanted to say to Zirkan . It was better not to advertise this place .

"Please understand why I am only drinking Coke . My body is getting old and can’t handle the alcohol properly . That’s why I’m trying to stay away from alcohol . ”

Zirkan spoke shamelessly . Faker bluntly asked him, "Then why did you come here from Toronto?”

"I thought you would be lonely . ”

“ . . . ?”

The words were unexpected .  What was this old man saying? Zirkan smiled benignly at the rarely embarrassed Faker .

"You have more talent than anyone else and are more passionate than anyone else . Like Chris and Grid, you can also play in the sun . You would surely win medals . ”

“ . . . ”

“But you’re forced to stay in the shade because of your position . That’s why you can’t participate in the National Competition this year . ”

“ . . . ”

“Your blood will be boiling . ”

That’s right . Zirkan saw through it exactly .  Faker felt a desire to act in the National Competition .  He wanted to compete with Grid and the other talented people in front of the public . He wanted to publicize his existence to the world . However, Faker was a person who could control himself .

"This boiling blood is easily settled . I know that much . Even if I don’t participate, the public is already aware of me . This is sufficient . ”

“ . . . Excellent . ” Zirkan was happy .  "You’re much better than the me last year . Was I like this at your age?”

The reason why Zirkan was focused on Chris’ education was because Zirkan was old .  Once he determined that international activities were difficult, he decided to concentrate on his role as Chris’ steward and teacher . But he soon regretted it .

Zirkan liked the game more than he expected . He enjoyed standing in front of the public . He regretted it and realized that his retirement was too soon . When he failed to compete in the National Competition last year because of his rusty skills, his stress was very great . That’s why he came to Faker . Zirkan wanted to heal Faker, who would feel a similar grievance to him . However, he was mistaken . Faker was already well-centred .

‘At a young age, your heart is mature without being overburdened by your talent . . . Is it the blood of your grandfather?”

Decades ago, when South Korea was still called a powerhouse in e-sports, there were many legendary gamers in South Korea and as a young man, Zirkan was fascinated with them . One of them was Faker’s grandfather . The information wasn’t officially disclosed, but Zirkan could see it when he first met Faker . Faker was the spitting image of his grandfather .

" . . . This talent might’ve been inherited from your grandfather . ”

Faker’s gaze returned to the TV as he answered . Grid was rampaging .

“I have learned about hard work from Grid . ”

It wasn’t a lie .  Faker was originally a diligent person full of tenacity, but he was reasonable . No matter what, he didn’t do anything that violated common sense . There was a limit . But Faker changed as he met Grid and watched Grid’s changes . Now there was no limit to his efforts . That’s why he could grow enough to defeat a sun-grade powerhouse .

“There’s no greed to be in the sun as long as there is Grid . I will let Grid be the king in the sun while I will be king of the shadows . ”

" . . . Even your spirits are similar . ” Zirkan’s eyes were blurred with memories as he called out to the pub owner . "A glass of beer over here please . I will have a drink . It’s rare to get a chance to drink with a legendary bloodline . ”




"Kyaaaaak! Grid-sama!”

“God Grid! God Grid!”

“Yura! Yura! Yura!”

“ . . . ”

The airport staff rushed to the Korean representatives after the immigration process . They requested for the representatives to wait while they extended the security .

‘I knew there would be a lot of fans waiting . ’

Peak Sword saw the crowd and clicked his tongue .

‘It’s beyond imagination . ’

It wasn’t thousands, but tens of thousands .  Over 10,000 people gathered here to meet Grid and Yura . They were even Japanese . Peak Sword felt very proud .

‘Koreans are truly great! We have a small population, but we’re steadily becoming a global giant!’

He didn’t intend to denounce foreigners . He just ‘objectively’ saw Koreans as superior to foreigners .

"Um . . . ”

Peak Sword felt proud as a member of the Korean Patriotic Association . He nodded with satisfaction .

"Player Grid, there are evaluations that you control skills have improved dramatically in one year . Can I ask about the secret to your improvement?”

"I did well from the beginning . It was just buried by my items . ”

"The Overgeared Kingdom is the first of the West Continent countries to establish an alliance with the empire . As a result, it’s speculated that the composition of the continent will greatly change . Now that you have the strong backing of the empire, what will happen to the Overgeared Kingdom?”

“It isn’t an alliance with the empire . We just signed a temporary truce agreement . It isn’t right to describe the empire as being behind me . ”

"Is there anything you like about Japanese culture? For example, manga . ”

“Hey . . . Hum hum, hum! I like baseball videos . ”

“Baseball videos? Do you mean recorded videos of the Japanese Baseball League?”

"Ah, yes . That's correct . Baseball is a representative sport of Japan . . . No, it’s significant in developed countries . I have great interest in it . ”

“As a Japanese person, I am happy and proud that you like Japanese baseball . If you don’t mind, can I ask what team your cheer for?”

"Es O di?”

“Huh? There isn’t a team like that?”

"Too bad . . . No, I was confused for a moment because of all the questions at once . I like and cheer on every team . ”

"You encourage everyone while cheering on a particular team? You are very considerate . As expected from the leader of a kingdom . ”

"Excuse me . I have a question . What is your favorite food?”

“I like wraps . ”

"You mean the popular style of wrapping beef or pork in lettuce?”

"Isn’t it eaten with canned tuna?”

“ . . . ?”

“I don’t eat meat with vegetables . . . The taste of the most expensive meat with the taste of vegetables is a bit . . . ”

They were specific questions for Grid . In the past, he would’ve refused most interviews because he was uncomfortable or annoyed . But now he was well aware of his position . He never forgot that he represented a kingdom and answered all questions faithfully .

The result .

【 Lettuce, canned tuna, and hot pepper paste are temporarily out of stock . Sorry . We hope to secure more quantities quickly . Thank you . 】

Such signs were attached to various marts and convenience stores in Japan . It was the moment when a new Korean dish (?) was spread to Japan . This was the ripple effect of a huge star .

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