Overgeared Chapter 818:

Chapter 818

The branches, which were longer than humans, were as threatening as sharp blades, while the lush and overgrown foliage interfered with one’s vision . The giant trees eagerly reached for the sky .  Was there anyone who wouldn’t feel reverence when standing before this scene? They would feel so overwhelmed that they couldn’t breathe .

However, Piaro was a legend .  Nature was familiar to him as he immersed himself in the fields .  The clean air and nature stirred up his mind and body .

“I’ll clean you up!!” Piaro yelled as he moved like a flying squirrel between the trees .  Every time Belial’s sickle moved through the air, the branches of the giant trees fell to the ground .  It took less than 10 minutes for a giant tree to be trimmed neatly .

Grid’s expectations were met .  The legendary farmer had a high understanding of plants as a whole, giving him spectacular pruning skills . His hands gave life to the trees .


[Your subordinate, Piaro, has completed the pruning . (1/2,000)]


“Well done!”

Ttang! Ttang! Grid started hammering a metal plate on top of the hole in the portable furnace . It was a move that was more reminiscent of a drunk soldier dancing .


In the case of quests that required hunting a certain number of monsters, those killed by his party members who accepted the quest and his pets would also count .  So, Grid had thought about it . Why did he need to do the pruning himself? Couldn’t he get his pets or subordinates to clear the quest for him?

His idea was reasonable and actually came true . Thanks to the legendary farmer, Grid was able to proceed with the pruning quest much faster than if he did it on his own .

“Cool . . . ”

“I didn’t realize there could be a human who is so close to nature and understands nature better than us . ”

“Look at how he has become one with nature . He is a few times better than our elves . If I was going to have a baby, I would like to have that man’s children . ”

It seemed there had come a day when the noble elves would fall in love with a mere human .  The female elves now realized why the species called half-elves existed . Their eyes were wet as they watched Piaro prune a tree .  Mercedes felt a strange pride . ‘This is the attraction of a true hero that transcends even species . Piaro is truly amazing . ’

He was indeed the person she admired .  Mercedes dipped a finger into the honey and licked it . She seemed to be the most leisurely one out of Grid’s group .  During a time when she should be protecting her king, she was actually eating honey? Anyone who didn’t know the situation would misunderstand Mercedes if they saw this scene .  However, Mercedes had her own troubles .

‘I have to eat sparingly . ’

The Media Mountain honey—this expensive honey that Grid was reluctant to eat was extremely fragrant and sweet compared to the premium honey Mercedes had tasted previously . It was so fresh that she could keep eating without getting tired of it .  This honey was so delicious that the legendary knight Mercedes felt a desire to eat it indefinitely . Yes, it was hard to resist the honey which had a demon-like temptation .

Lick . . .

She wanted to eat it all at once! Mercedes looked more beautiful than usual as she barely suppressed this intense desire, taking a little bit of honey with her fingertips and bringing it to her tongue .  Grid stared at her blankly while hammering and realized, ‘Why haven’t I seen a bear-wolf yet?’

It had been 20 minutes since Mercedes first started eating the honey .  100ml of honey cost a huge 50 gold .  It meant that 60,000 won was wasted on the uselessly expensive honey .

‘Am I going to waste money in vain?’

Ttang! Ttang! Grid kept hammering as his nervousness reached the peak .

Lick .  

“Hah . . . Hah . . .  Y-Your Majesty . It is difficult to endure any longer . ” The look in Mercedes’ eyes changed .  She started breathing hard, and more and more honey began to cover her fingers .


[Mercedes has entered the ‘intoxicated’ state . ]



It couldn’t be resisted even with a legend’s passive resistance . This was the terrifying power of expensive honey!

“N-No . . . ! My money . . . !” Grid screamed as 60,000 won worth of honey was about to enter Mercedes’ stomach at once .

Did his desperate cry reach the heavens? 


Finally, a bear-wolf that Grid had been waiting for so long showed up .  


[The bear-wolf is enticed by the sweet scent!]

[The atrocious cry incites fear in all those who hear it!]

[You have resisted . ]

[The cry of an atrocious beast has filled the ears of those scattered throughout the forest . If you can’t hunt the bear-wolf within five minutes, a new bear-wolf will pop up! Be careful! The bear-wolves have excellent collective hunting ability and will become stronger as their numbers increase!]


“Hah!” A smile appeared on Grid’s face as he sighed with relief .  As soon as an enemy appeared, Mercedes recovered from the intoxicated state . She licked the honey on her hand without swallowing all of it and pulled out a shield with her other hand .  The bear-wolf leaped with a wolf’s nimble body and struck Mercedes with a big paw that was reminiscent of a bear . Mercedes blocked it with a shield and took two steps back .

Grid, Mercedes, and Piaro, who was pruning the trees, were all surprised .

‘Isn’t this strength equivalent to an ogre’s?’

At this point, it was difficult to classify the bear-wolf as a normal monster .  If Grid couldn’t hunt the bear-wolf within five minutes, a new bear-wolf would pop up . Grid had been glad about being able to save the honey by hunting the bear-wolves slowly, but now it wasn’t a positive message .

“The bear-wolves are also a threat to the elves!” Beniyaru’s shout rang out . She felt a great affinity toward Piaro and was concerned about Grid’s party .

It was an urgent atmosphere .  Grid was a bit embarrassed as he shouted the name of the skill, “C-Can you Become the King of the Dead?”

Clack! Clack clack!

Two skeletons rose from the ground .  They were Overgeared Skeletons One and Two .


The bear-wolf didn’t respond to the skeletons, but the elves were different .  The elves, who adored nature, disliked the undead that went against the providence of nature .  As such, they aimed their bows at the Overgeared Skeletons reflexively .

“These children aren’t bad undead, they are good undead,” Piaro explained as he jumped down from a tree .  There was no basis for his argument .  Undead were undead . What was a good undead and bad undead? It wasn’t logical at all .  Yet the elves were persuaded to believe it .  Words from those they respected were the most powerful thing in the world .

What would happen if an ugly man talked to a beautiful school junior? He could be called a molester . Then what if a handsome man was nice to the junior? They were likely to directly become a couple . It was similar to this .  

“I see . They are good undead!”

“I looked again, and their appearance is really good!”

Haha, hoho! Piaro and the elves formed a cheerful atmosphere . Piaro was surrounded by a flower field, and this was a pleasant feeling for any man . Moreover, the elves had a much milder attitude than usual .

‘Is he going to marry an elf?’

There had already been the precedent with Povia .  Marriage between humans and elves wasn’t impossible . It was good to see the affinity the elves had toward Piaro due to their common love of nature . Grid began to imagine it . If Piaro married the elves, an alliance between the elves and the Overgeared Kingdom would be born . . .

“No, now isn’t the time to be thinking about this . ”

Mercedes’ small shield cracked as she defended against the bear-wolf’s paws .  After leaving the empire, the equipment Mercedes used was terrible as they were what she had used during the days when Piaro was a captain .  The level of the sword, shield, armor, boots, and gloves she used were all in the 200s . It was a level that would cause any poor man in the army to tremble .

“Kyaaak!” Randy was summoned after the Overgeared Skeletons . He fought the bear-wolf and was blown back . The good news was that the Overgeared Skeletons were still safe . The bear-wolves ignored them because their low-level attacks couldn’t penetrate the bear-wolf’s leather at all . It didn’t care even when it was attacked by the skeletons .

In fact, the damage that the Overgeared Skeletons dealt to the bear-wolf was fixed at 1 damage . Not only did the bear-wolf’s defense power exceed the attack power of the Overgeared Skeletons, the gap between their levels was overwhelmingly great .

As such, Mercedes’ role became even more important . It would take at least 20 minutes to accumulate damage on the bear-wolf to the extent that the Overgeared Skeletons gained experience points . In the meantime, Mercedes had to steadily endure the bear-wolf’s attacks as well as avoid the attacks of the new bear-wolves that appeared .

However, was that even possible? Mercedes’ shield was about to break . It would be too risky for her to fight with just her swords if her shield broke . Grid couldn’t let that happen and opened his inventory .  The item he took out was the World Crushing Sword of the Noble White Tiger that he had designed with Sword Saint Kraugel .


The usage condition of the White Tiger Sword was that the user had to be one of the top three rankers in each class capable of using a sword-type weapon .  Could Mercedes meet this condition? Of course, Grid thought she could meet it . She was a legendary knight and would naturally be judged as the top ranker of her class .

It was as he expected . Mercedes caught the sword Grid threw over to her . She blocked the bear-wolf’s paw with her shield without looking, while she examined the White Tiger Sword .  Then Mercedes got goosebumps . It was the aftermath of examining the White Tiger Sword with her insightful eyes .  The small shield could no longer endure the impact of the bear-wolf’s paw and cracked, splitting apart completely .

Kwaaaaah! The bear-wolf roared as it swung its sharp claws .  However, its claws couldn’t reach Mercedes’ face .  Instead, the White Tiger Sword struck the bear-wolf’s abdomen .  Simultaneously, a stone pillar rose and hit the bear-wolf’s big body . The pillar was several hundred kilograms heavy and caused the bear-wolf’s body to fly up five meters .

“Unbelievable . . . !” Mercedes was amazed by the power of the divine sword which couldn’t be seen even in legends . Grid’s voice entered her ears, “I congratulate you on becoming a legendary overgeared knight, Mercedes . ”

A product of the worst naming sense, which would’ve caused someone else to cry, made a stir in Mercedes’ heart .

‘Legendary overgeared knight . . . ’

She was an overgeared knight of the Overgeared King . Mercedes felt a strong sense of belonging, and her loyalty to Grid increased even further . She was now a real member of the Overgeared Kingdom .

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