Overgeared Chapter 944:

Chapter 944

It was natural to defeat the Hero .  One year in real time . In Satisfy time, the Hero had stagnated for three years while the contestants made steady progress .  Indeed, last year’s Hero was defeated by many challengers .  His fall reminded the world of how great the power of time was .

On the other hand, this year’s Hero was different .  He blocked the challenges of the famous powerhouses and cruelly slaughtered those who didn’t understand who they were up against .  This was the Hero’s true nature .  How powerful was the Overgeared King Grid, who made even time meaningless? People deeply questioned this and shook .  The huge presence of the monster called Grid was eroding the entire planet .

However, Kraugel remained calm as he competed against the Hero .  His time, efforts and development were denied but he didn’t show despair .  It seemed like he had been prepared a long time ago .

It was two years after becoming a Sword Saint .  Kraugel, who had lost a lot and got back up, was much stronger than he was last year .  He had a vast amount of knowledge and information accumulated during the process of becoming the peak of two billion users .  The transformed Kraugel was like a fictional character who returned to the past and was living a second life .  He started again from the beginning and was the only hope against the monster called Grid .

Kraugel neutralized the Hero’s blow with Shedding and inserted his sheath into the ground .

“ . . . ?”

At the same time, the Hero’s sword dance stopped . The skill was cancelled because the path of the footwork was blocked by Kraugel’s sheath .  What happened next? The Hero naturally reacted .  He started a new sword dance .  Kraugel’s sheath blocked the path again .  The same thing was repeated many times .

Kraugel was familiar with all of Grid’s sword dances since last year .  Nevertheless, the Hero didn’t panic . Once all his footwork started being read, he responded by mixing them with false information . He corrected the path of the footwork in real time, using footwork that wasn’t related to the sword dances in order to confuse Kraugel .

The Enlightenment Sword and White Tiger Sword collided without stopping .  There were occasions where black flames hit Kraugel and stone thorns created wounds on the Hero .  In the midst of this continued fighting, Kraugel drew out an additional sword .  He summoned two new swords from his inventory while placing sheaths in the ground to seal off the Hero’s footwork .  Kraugel’s swords and sheaths kept hitting the Hero .

“Kuek . . . ”

Anger flared in the eyes of the Hero .  He was agitated enough to express his emotions, making an opportunity for Kraugel .  The insight-induced predictions became dull the moment the Hero lost his composure and the experienced Kraugel didn’t miss it .

“Splitting the Sky . ”

It was the technique he learnt from Great Swordsman Piaro .  The sword technique that dealt a deep wound to Great Demon Belial was released from Kraugel’s sword after he avoided the Hero’s attack .


The Hero coughed up blood .  Three bars disappeared from the health gauge, which was divided into 10 bars .  The Hero had allowed a lot of hits throughout the battle . Thus, this sword technique was a considerable burden despite the Hero’s high defense .

" . . . Am I seeing correctly right now?”

"What is this . . . Cutting off the sword dances with a sheath? How did he come up with that idea?”

"It isn’t just the idea . The body will follow . ”

The majority of people didn’t understand the battle but there were some who felt admiration .  In particular, the impact on Chris was great since he was pursuing the ultimate swordsmanship .

‘The range of his thinking is different . ’

At this point, he doubted the heavens .  What was the reason for a monster called Grid after there was a genius called Kraugel? Then Lauel’s voice was heard .  “If the two of them were born in different eras, they wouldn’t be able to grow this far . ”

Going beyond the limits .  Grid and Kraugel recognized each other as rivals and were able to drive themselves to the limit because they were conscious of each other . They reached their present state by overcoming their limitations several times .

“Isn’t it the wish of heaven that a transcendent beyond a human is born? It is advising us to prepare for the attack of some huge enemy .  Kuk, kukukuk . . .  Sooner or later, the door of a second dimension might open on Earth . ”

“Ah . . . ? I see…”

Why did Lauel come to the waiting room of another country and talk nonsense? Chris got goosebumps .

『 Blackening . . . ! The true power of the Hero is being shown! 』

On the monitor, the Hero facing Kraugel turned black . His black hair rose as demonic energy appeared around him .  It was the precursor to Transcend .  The Hero moved away from Kraugel and started releasing sword energy .  He subdued the enemy from the distance while opening up Cray’s Power, which had a 100% blood-sucking effect . The blood from the wounds formed red tails that threatened Kraugel . It was a huge momentum that seemed like it would kill anyone who came near .  The God Hands were trying to get rid of the swords in the air . Kraugel was busy trying to control the swords while avoiding the bombardment .  

‘Shedding doesn’t work . ’

The Sword Saint’s passive skill Shedding was a technique where if he blocked the target’s attack with a sword type object, it would deflect it without him receiving any damage and had a certain probability of destroying the enemy’s stance . It was impossible for Shedding to cope with the energy blades that exploded at the moment of contact .

The duration of Transcend was approximately 30 seconds .  Kraugel knew Grid and there was no way he could miss this . He planned to avoid the Hero, who increased his attack speed and attack power with Blackening and was bombarding him with Transcend .

Kraugel used True Clouds, his sword emitting a blue fog that erased his presence .  Sparks of white magic power appeared in the sky above the blue fog .  It was the Alarm spell .  It was one of the abilities Grid could use when he had the mental power to afford it .  The Hero had set the combination of Alarm + Magic Missile every time the cooldown ended since the battle started . This was an attack optimized to aim at the defenseless Kraugel .

The light came pouring down .  Dozens of energy blades from Transcend came from the front while Magic Missiles poured from the sky .

‘Did he match the timing of the spell’s activation to Transcend?’

Kraugel was trapped between the magic and energy blades . He activated Super Sensitivity and retreated .  He moved faster than the energy blades of Transcend .  His appearance as he flew through the fog while blocking the Magic Missiles with Sword Curtain was fast and complex .  The viewers found it hard to follow him .

However, the Hero utilized insight and the Slaughterer’s Eye Patch to the limit and never lost sight of the target .  The fog created by True Clouds, which disturbed his view and blocked detection, didn’t show much effect .  The continuous movements directly related to the consumption of stamina .

After confirming that no more Magic Missiles poured from the sky, Kraugel stopped and adjusted his sword . It was due to the ‘Reveal Sharp Teeth’ effect attached to the +8 White Tiger Sword that had grown to the unique rating .  The Hero didn’t miss this opening .  He sensed that the target had stopped and pulled out the Ideal Dagger . His right hand held the Enlightenment Sword and the left hand held the Ideal Dagger .  

“Quick Movements . ”

The Hero’s agility was maximized .  Now that it was useless, the Ideal Dagger was thrown through the air like a dart as the Hero fired six continuous energy blades at the frozen Kraugel .  Kraugel twisted his back .

‘Just a bit more . ’

The attack speed was very fast . The energy blades poured down with almost no break .  Kraugel waited until a breathtaking moment .  He waited until more than 12 energy blades reached him .  The number of energy blades that reached his nose was exactly 12 . Kraugel swung his sword along with six additional swords .

Even so, the timing was a bit off .  It was because one of the swords dealing with the God Hands was hit by the Ideal Dagger and flew away . The God Hand was temporarily freed and struck Kraugel’s collarbone with Failure .  

“Kuek . . . ! Tearing the Sky!”

The storm of sword energy tore into the sky like a beast’s claws .  Four of the 18 energy blades pouring toward Kraugel hit him and the remaining 14 returned to the Hero .  The Hero didn’t intercept or avoid them .  The direction of the counterattack Tearing the Sky was limited to above .  The 14 deflected energy blades passed over the Hero’s head and exploded .

『 Ah! He failed with his aim? 』

『 I think he lost his balance after allowing the God Hand’s attack . The damage done by the energy blades seems quite big . . . 』

The commentators watching the situation felt pity as Kraugel walked through the fog . Unlike what the commentators thought, Kraugel accomplished his intentions .  The series of explosions over the head caused a massive shock wave in the vicinity and caused the Hero’s body to shake .

Kraugel stood in place and swung his sword .  The distance between Kraugel and the Hero was approximately 15 meters .  It was a distance that the sword couldn’t cross .  Still, not one person thought that Kraugel was hitting the air .  They knew about the sword that split apart the world . The neat cutting sound produced by Kraugel spread out into the distance .

The clouds in the sky . . .

The land between Kraugel and the Hero . .

The things that made up the landscape were split in half, as if they were like that from the beginning . It was the effect of Space Sword, one of Kraugel’s ultimate techniques .

“ . . . !?”

The eyes of the Hero widened . This guy was learning .

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