Overgeared Chapter 951:

The National Competition’s server was handled separately from the game server . The items and character information that were changed in the National Competition server didn’t affect the main server . This was one of the newly applied rules for the 4th National Competition .

Most players welcomed this rule with open arms . They witnessed the pain and anger of players who lost their items in the last National Competition and were severely hurt . It was natural to welcome the new rule since it was a safeguard to prevent more victims .

Then the Demon King’s subjugation started . The players realized why the new rule was applied .

[The Durnehild Shield has lost all durability and has been destroyed!]

[Destroyed items will automatically be restored once the gate is breached . ]

“Kuek . . . !”

20 minutes after the start of the Demon King subjugation event, this sound resonated from the north, south, east . and west gates . The rankers . who were armed with unique or legendary items just 20 minutes ago, now looked like they were wearing rags .

That’s right . This was why the S . A Group separated the National Competition server from the game server . It was purely to protect the rights of the players . This was to show consideration for the players who would lose everything to the mighty four heavenly kings . It was an internal arrangement after deciding that Grid would play the Demon King .

“Cough, cough! No way . . . !”

At the west gate, the German representative—Weldon—was pale as he coughed up blood . He was a veteran who participated in numerous raids, but he hardly ever experienced his shield being destroyed . The only occasions where his shield had been destroyed was when the raid had lasted for more than eight hours . Yet the knight called Benz broke Weldon’s shield in just 20 minutes . Additionally, Weldon wasn’t the only tanker present . Weldon was one of 20 tankers, and Benz’ attacks had only hit him 15 times . This meant the Lv . 8 High-grade Shield skill and his unique shield had lost all their durability in only 15 hits .

Weldon chose to be a defensive player instead of an evasive player . This fact meant that Benz’ attack power was reminiscent of Overgeared King Grid of last year . No, it was obviously above Grid’s .

“There are the four heavenly kings and then the Demon King . . . How do we clear this?” Weldon lost his fighting spirit and expressed his despair . They were words that could reduce the entire team’s morale, but no one blamed Weldon . It was because most of Group B understood Weldon’s feelings or felt the same way .

However, the other half was still calm . They weren’t weak-minded enough to be swayed by Weldon’s hasty remark or stupid enough to make this 20-minute battle meaningless . After analyzing Benz throughout the battle, they had a good understanding of her attack patterns and characteristics .

‘It isn’t a style that spams many skills . First, she only uses a skill after creating a gap with a basic attack . ’

‘The wide-area attacks aren’t a big threat . It can unleash enough firepower to kill people, but it is strictly limited to a single group . ’

‘Her defense is high, but she has no healing ability . The biggest problem . . . ’

‘ . . . The lower her health, the higher the attack power . ’

‘She is a berserker . ’

The west gate’s guardian Benz…

Her real name was Mercedes . As Grid’s knight and a legendary knight, she was armed with the Hero King’s Armor—a myth-rated armor made by Grid . The greatest strength of the Hero King’s Armor was the option of increasing attack power every time she was hit .

However, the players didn’t know Benz’ identity or her armor’s options . The players analyzed that Benz got stronger as her health declined due to her berserker class .

“Berserkers have a fatal weakness . In exchange for increasing attack power, their defense is lowered . If we aim for the right timing, it can be a fatal wound . ”

“Everyone, save your ultimate skills . Once the target’s health falls below a certain level, we will unleash a full offensive . ”

Group B had 59 survivors . 41 players had died in just 20 minutes . They were the strongest people representing their countries, and they didn’t die easily . Every time they hit Benz, the damage accumulated, and her health was now far below 70% .

‘Just a little bit more . ’

‘Once her health is at 30% . . . No, it will be decided the moment it reaches 40% . ’

Group B blocked Benz while gathering near Eat Spicy Jokbal . It was because Eat Spicy Jokbal could make an instant dungeon and change the structure to be advantageous to his allies . As they got closer to Eat Spicy Jokbal, the terrain became more favorable and they would receive a small number of buffs .

Coke stood between the towering barriers and pulled out a shield and chains . He discarded attack power and focused on defense and CC . “I will play the role of the tanker until the dungeon is completed . ”

“Can you handle it?”

“Everyone here is excellent . . . There is also Teacher Peak Sword . I can hold on . ”

“Okay, I will focus on completing the dungeon . ”

Eat Spicy Jokbal trusted Coke . Who could he trust if he didn’t trust the talented person recognized by Grid and the 10 meritorious retainers? Eat Spicy Jokbal believed that Coke would endure well . It was as he expected . Coke used the chains and shield to neutralize Benz’ attacks . He blocked Benz’ sword and gave his teammates a chance to hit her .

Five minutes passed by . For a whole five minutes, Coke endured Benz’ aggro alone . Of course, it was due to the help of his teammates . The heals of the priests and the buffs of the paladins were concentrated on Coke, while the magicians bombarded Benz with spells . It seemed like two people fighting one-on-one in a narrow passage, but this was definitely a 59-against-1 fight .

However, Coke quickly became nervous . Engaging with a higher level opponent brought about a sudden drop in stamina . It would be dangerous if he didn’t manage it properly . Additionally, the shock that was transmitted every time Benz hit his shield was too great . As Benz’ health decreased and attack power increased, the priests healing Coke couldn’t keep up .


It was a breathtaking moment . Coke heard his name being called from behind and reflexively bent over . A red line was drawn above him . It was Iyarugt, which had been charged to 70% magic power in Iyarugt’s Sheath and entered the Excited State . Benz’ chest was stabbed, and she collapsed for the first time since the battle began . Her health gauge fell to 40% as she staggered . At this moment . . .

“ . . . Sweet . ”

Due to his excited state, Iyarugt appeared in reality . The elderly horned demonkin enjoyed the air in his lungs as he looked at Mercedes . He was the strongest swordsman of **** who fought with great demons . Despite his weakened state, his senses were still sharp and he judged that Benz was strong . Thus, he didn’t have time to savor the sweet air and swung his sword .

“Great Mountain Lineage . ” Mercedes used White Tiger’s Attitude under a different name . This was a skill attached to the World Crushing Sword of the Noble White Tiger . Benz unleashed all types of attacks .

Coke swapped to his sword instead of the chains, and he used his ultimate skill along with the rest of Group B . They were aiming for the fact that a berserker’s defense was reduced every time their health fell . This decision was a mistake . After all, Benz wasn’t a berserker . It was due to an item that she increased her attack power every time she lost health, and she didn’t receive the penalty of lower defense because she wasn’t a berserker . No, she was now in a state with higher defense . White Tiger’s Attitude was a skill that increased defense by 198% in exchange for an 80% drop in attack power .

“What . . . ?”

“T-This is ridiculous!”

The result was far below Group B’s expectations . Benz used Noble Valor and Knight’s Resolution to raise her defense to the extreme and still had 20% health left, despite being hit by the ranker’s ultimate skills . Benz’ armor was surrounded by a purple and red aura . Everyone was overwhelmed by the energy that reminded them of Grid’s fighting energy .

The bandage covering Benz’ eyes crumbled and was completely peeled off . The deep eyes that seemed to contain the universe looked at the source of Group B’s power, including Iyarugt .

[The West Gate Guardian Benz’ deep eyes are looking at you . ]

[Some of your stats and skills are forcibly revealed to the West Gate Guardian Benz . ]

[You can’t resist . ]

[The West Gate Guardian Benz’ sharp sword energy threatens you . The strong pressure is causing your body and mind to shrink back . All speeds are reduced by 30%, and skill casting speed is reduced by 20% . ]

[You can’t resist . ]

The restriction that fell on them was too powerful . The players were unable to lift the restrictions that appeared at the critical moment . Then a pair of wings emerged from Mercedes’ back . The incomplete fighting energy accumulated in Benz’ armor, and she was able to demonstrate an ultimate attack power as she cut down Iyarugt first .

‘This . . . !’

‘Grid’s . . . . !’

Only two people . . . The Overgeared members—Coke and Peak Sword—were familiar with Grid, and they realized Benz’ identity . She was the legendary knight, Mercedes . Peak Sword and Coke realized the weight of this name and sensed something . It would be impossible to get through the four heavenly kings and the Demon King .

Everyone started to turn to gray before Benz’ bombardment as she emitted a black (the original was silver) magic power . Two kills with one blow . 10 kills per seconds . . .

This was a state when all the players’ ultimate techniques were on cooldown . They had just exhausted their strength and couldn’t handle this . Even the dungeon that Eat Spicy Jokbal took time in creating couldn’t survive for long and collapsed .


[Group B, that was in charge of attacking the west gate, has been wiped out . ]

[The West Gate Guardian has received a great deal of damage . It is recommended to attack her before she completely recovers . ]

The same notification windows appeared in front of the players of Group A, C, and D .

“ . . . ” Everyone’s expressions distorted . Those players of Group B . . . They were wiped out after 30 minutes of fighting? There was no one who criticized or blamed them . The still surviving members of Groups A, C, and D were all shocked by the strength of the four heavenly kings . They were forced to think that Group B was wiped out because the opponent was too strong, not because the players were weak or made a mistake at a critical moment .

However, the spectators and viewers saw it differently .

“Group B is too weak . ”

“It is the only group without an American ranker . There aren’t many Overgeared members or Damian present . ”

“I feel sorry for the Koreans . This was a good chance to take away medals from other countries . ”

“You feel sorry for them? How many more articles should there be about a small country?”

“Mei Xiao, have strength! If you win a gold medal, you will become a hero of the people . . . Huh?”

The Chinese spectators who were shouting excitedly all fell silent . Mei Xiao belonged to Group C . Group C was believed to have incomparable firepower because it contained Zibal who won PvP and Soul Predator Seuron .

[Group C, that was in charge of attacking the south gate, has been wiped out . ]

[The South Gate Guardian has received a great deal of damage . It is recommended to attack him before he completely recovers . ]

They were wiped out like Group B . It was the same for Damian, Katz, and Jishuka in Group D .

[Group D, that was in charge of attacking the north gate, has been wiped out . ]

[The North Gate Guardian has received a great deal of damage . It is recommended to attack him before he completely recovers . ]

“No, what is this . . . !”

The shocked spectators and viewers turned their attention to the last remaining group . Kraugel was being beaten by a rain of seafood . Small shells exploded simultaneously and fired sharp shell pieces, sealing Kraugel’s movements . Then crab claws pinched Kraugel’s Achilles’ heels . The 1st ranked Chris was struggling while trapped in fishnets, and Regas and Pon were rolling around on the mudflat like it was a Mud Festival .

“ . . . ”

Would they not be able to even see the Demon King? Everyone in the world was overwhelmed with anxiety . The only exception was Grid . He was merely hammering silently .

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