Rebuking Winds and Clouds Chapter 337: Undead Empress

This chapter is uploaded by netizens and published free of charge for learning research r/>

""This seventh..., Aknash nodded slowly: ""You should not have dealt with her"

Otherwise you should have died. Online novel It is called Undead Empress coat of arms! Did you hear me? It’s a coat of arms.” It’s not an ordinary magic array! It’s an energetic body like being hit by hundreds of thousands of lightnings at the same time! It’s a coat of arms! A rune can evolve hundreds or even thousands of magic array. So Want to learn that a rune may consume the life of a Rune Master.

A coat of arms is a new thing created by several runes through different arrangements.

If you say that magic array is a warrior "the rune is the demon or even Executing Demon warrior" and the status of the coat of arms is equivalent to the Enter Saint Grade type of the warrior.

""Really...there is Undead... staring at Aknash in amazement. If someone says Undead, you can also refute. But this one is Aknash! "The strongest Rune Master in the whole village! That kind of calm **** with a firm tone" is by no means a joke.

""Undead..."" Motivated Te Xu came to the bottom: ". Runes will also be used...? I remember you said" any rune is just a complicated lock. You can unlock the lock as long as you find the key, right?.

"Undead will naturally also use runes.

, Aknash climbed up on a bench taller than herself and sat down." The two legs rocked gently in the air: "If you know how Undead came from. Naturally, I don't think it would be strange.

How did Undead come from? I have heard a lot of stories about Yin Bard "that is, Lifeform died after death "because of his disobedience and resentment" was born with the strong will Undead.

These were only based on consciousness, "non-human monsters" had no consciousness, "acted only according to the will of their lifetime", but as the power continued to increase and coincided with special reasons, Undead with so-called wisdom appeared. .

Of course" all of this has only appeared in the mouth of Yin You Bard. "Zhenk Sovereign Dynasty and even Mozu and Barbarian Race, no one has ever seen "Live Undead!"

I don’t know if I should say that I’m lucky or I’m lucky. According to Aknash, “I have seen Undead at least twice, and one of them is!


Hardly shake your head and want to get Hai Qing'er's appearance in Ancient Wasteland Desert Sea out of her mind. "She is just a female Undead that looks very similar to Hai Qing'er and is not a real Hai Qing'er!"

".Undead...actually..." Aknash's face and smile filled with bitterness: ""It can be said. Baidu Search: The latest and fastest TXT novel with the title of the book (Baidu Chiba Thin Cat Update)

It’s human. ".

People? The head shaking vigorously stopped. Looking blankly at Aknas.

"Or. They used to be humans." "Aknash looked at the motivation: ". Have you ever learned Mystery Potion" Do you know what the highest purpose of Mystery Potion is?

Creating God! Create an invincible Mystery Potion. "Energeticly replied if Olara and countless Mystery Potionist mentioned the slogan: ""Don't say it is a person" Even if a pig drinks it, it can become God's Mystery Potion! "Enter into Stars" to see the gods who always exist only in the rumors!.

Aknas nodded slowly, and his face was lightly questioned again: "Then you know. What was the original purpose of the rune creation? ""

He shook his head stunnedly. "Any kind of profession creation has a special goal. Blacksmith is for forging to produce the great divine artifact." Even ordinary people get divine artifact in their hands and begin to release their power. A few acres can be cultivated for two days.

Go down with a hoe. You can hit a well on the ground! When faced with flood disasters. Ordinary people can also use the divine artifact to fight against the natural disaster divine artifact!

weapon? armor? However, it is a better channel to reach divine artifact. "After reaching this channel," we will make the life divine artifact that people really need by making weapon experience for divine artifact.

The ultimate goal of Potionist is to create a potion that will not be ill until it is old, or whatever the serious illness, as long as it is taken once, it will be a good universal potion.

Mystery Potionist is for people to eat, "immediately become a god!

The warriors and Mage “hope that by ingesting the power of nature” they can achieve the level of God by tempering their bodies, serving their loved ones and giving them a long life”, taking care that they will not be attacked by natural disasters.

Energetic to find that he has been learning Rune for a while but still does not know what the goal of Rune was created? (Baidu Chiba Thin Cat Update)

"Borrowing the power of nature through "foreign objects"... Aknash's face suddenly became solemn"

The food slowly points to the sky: "Make God!"

Creating God? Energetic. Isn't this the same idea as Mystery Potion? Only"

The goal of Mystery Potionist is to drink the potion to create a **** and the rune is to pass different magic materials" and magic array to make people a god!

"Yes. God." "Aknash looked up at the ceiling of the room." The eyes seemed to see through the ceiling to the endless sky: "humanity" Where do you not want to be a god? Although everyone wants to be a **** for different reasons, but No one will refuse if they can become God's existence...""

Sit down and nod your head in approval, in the Yinyou Bard, the **** who is so powerful "do whatever you want, who doesn’t want to do it?

How can ""then" Rune Master start research" become a god. "Aknash sighed: ""But" people's life span is too short, even if you are a saint, it's only a hurry Thousand Years. So "Rune Master thought that if you want to create a rune that becomes a god", it will take a long time. So in order to increase the survival time, "research has a special way of existence" that is...""

"Undead...", the energetic subconscious answer "Rumor Undead is not not going to die", but it is much longer than the average person's lifespan". In many people's eyes, it seems that it will not die.

"Yes! Undead. All of its Yanshen" are also collectively known as the eternal badge." Aknash nodded and admitted: "But. This Yonghui chapter is not without side effects"

It will change the user's complete disregard for life." It is 10 million times more disrespectful than Mystery Potionist. Mystery Potionist is compared with Undead. It is like a **** guarding life."

Energetic and silent longevity Aknas. Mystery Potionist Mystery Potion for configure to become a god" (Baidu Chiba thin cat update)

You can even poison to kill all those who can breathe in the city of Tongcheng.

In the mouth of this rune Teacher, "Mystery Potionist, who is still dead in the city of poisonous death" and still clamoring for the truth, has become a **** guarding life. Then Undead will ignore life to what extent?

Don't be merciless when you can kill Undead in the future. . "Aknash jumped out of his chair: "If you can't beat it," run away! Don’t expect them to be kind to you. ""

""Teacher..."" looked at Aknash vigorously: ""Is there any way" to unlock the Undead Empress coat of arms?", Aknash looked at the motility with strange expressions: ". No! Absolutely not !""

Firmly staring at Aknash's expression gently closed his eyes. This rune Teacher heard the question of unraveling the Undead Empress coat of arms. "Why is the expression so strange for a moment? Is there really? He doesn't want to say?

""Okay," you go out." "Aknash climbed up the stairs to the second floor." He lay directly on the bed and turned to sleep: ""I talked a lot today" was exhausted."

That's it again! These Teacher are the same. After saying what I want to say, "I don't care if I still have questions." As long as I don't want to say, "I can't ask anything." There must be a way to solve it! There must be! Try to pull an Aknash from the shelf. If you read the notes carefully, "just learn all the notes here", maybe there is a way to open the mysterious Undead Empress coat of arms! No matter whether the person is Hai Qing'er or not, you should drag people out of the world of Undead.

The time is spent one minute and one second, "the time for the game to quit is unconsciously after reading the book"

Forcibly kicked out of the game.

Open your eyes and want to enter Endless World again. Suddenly thought that even if I found a way now" and learned it, I can't really cultivate the coat of arms of the woman's forehead. "She beside has that Gold Roc Thunder Vulture." She has no chance of winning. Why talk about live catching?

Strength! Motivated again hungry for increasing his strength "Battle Heart Awareness pushed away the surrounding sand" and dug out a new bunker" and jumped out of Nine Yang True Flame Iron from Battle Dimension with his Horse-chopping Blade"

Throw it directly into the bottom of the bunker. (Baidu Chiba Thin Cat Update)

It's so hot. "" Energetic looking at the red battle weapon folding knife that shook his head repeatedly. Just touching the Nine Yang True Flame Iron for a moment will make this Tenth Grade battle weapon burnt red "If you touch it for a while", I am afraid that this hack will kill many Horse-chopping Blade. It will turn into a pile of hot metal.

""Huh? "" Energetic lightly measured Horse-chopping in my hand. I always felt something was wrong. "I couldn't concentrate for a while" and couldn't really find out what was wrong.

""I'm afraid the temperature of this thing is really going to become a higher level of metal, right? "I looked at Jiuyang Zhentie slowly buried in the sand suspiciously: ""But" how is this thing forging? What kind of flame can be used to melt it? What kind of hammer should be used in the end" to forging it? ""

""I am burnt to death! ,"

The Fantu Kunge growled out of the sand and groaned at high speed. "He jumped on the ground with his hands covering his buttocks, and searched the surrounding sand with his eyes: ""What happened? Is anyone just releasing the flame magic ban?"

Energetic watching Fantu Kunge jumping tens of meters away, feeling the fiery temperature under my feet and shaking his head! Sure enough, this thing has become so hot! If I get into the sand, "I am afraid...the motivation seems to be smelling When it comes to its own meat flavor, it seems that the bunker is not deep enough. However, the range that Battle Heart Awareness can control is only as large as it is currently. "If you want to expand the control range, you must add more battle qi.

Zero off! Fifteen words! There is wood!

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