Reincarnator Chapter 191:

Reincarnator – Chapter 191 : Birdcage (3)

3rd Generation Rebeloong, Makeronia, frowned as he grasped the metal debris in his hands while watching the human who fell down from above .
‘What the **** . Fuck . ’
The debris created from the Birdcage falling apart was dyed in blood .
Of course not his but blood of others .
Crunch Crunch
Makeronia chomped a leg of a human in order to relieve a bit of stress as he started to stomp his way towards the humans in the center of the lake .
“Hehe . Why? Do we look that easy since we don’t have mana anymore?”
Makeronia laughed as he looked at the human screaming out in pain .
It was truth that the Rebeloongs were much more inferior to the Akalachias and Rebeloongs physically .
But that only applied to 1st and 2nd generation members, the 3rd generation members like him weren’t that much weaker than the Arukons due to their larger number .
But killing a few bugs wasn’t enough to relieve his stress entirely .
‘Damn . I can’t contact the Satellite Fortress because there’s no mana… So this is the Destruction jade I’ve been hearing about huh . ’
Being affected by it felt horrible .
The barrier of the Satellite Fortress that protected him had disappeared and the Destruction Beam that could set the grounds aflame did not come out either .
For him, somebody who received great treatment even out of the Rebeloongs, to become like this .
‘I need to figure out the situation first . ’
Makeronia finished his thoughts and then started to walk towards the humans who fell into the lake in the distance .

…………………………………………… .

Karhal got up from the waters and then asked a question while looking at the rat face approaching him from the distance .
He was curious the whole time he fell down .
“What are you going to do now? We have no way of finding that small item called the Destruction Jade?”
Karhal asked with a confused expression .
If the Destruction Jade was that small then the other side could hide it anywhere in this place .
Karhal thought that there wasn’t anyone below here because Hansoo had came in with such confidence .
Or that they were all trapped or immobile .
But Karhal could not understand how Hansoo was going to find a tiny object within a space where tens of thousands of people are running around in chaos .
‘And it’s not like we have a lot of time either . ’
The inside was a chaos and there was a limit to how long Junghwan could hold on outside .
But Hansoo shook his head .
“It’ll be hard with just the Destruction Jade alone anyway”
Even Eres couldn’t cover the entire zone with the Destruction Jade in the past .
Like how the Sealing Jade needed a enhancement, the Destruction Jade needed one as well .
Hansoo mumbled while looking at the already chaotic Birdcage .
The Destruction Jade was powerful but it was not enough .
It might’ve been different if the Destruction Jade was powerful enough to stop the entire zone but it was not .
Since even Eres had run away after using the Destruction Jade in the past .
‘I need to find a complementary object for this . ’
Below here .
There was something below this location, which was originally designed as a research facility, that would complement the Destruction Jade .
Something created as a pair to the Destruction Jade .
‘Since the two resonate…I’ll be able to find the Destruction Jade if I find that . ’

Hansoo finished his thoughts and started to walk away .
“We’ll now go underground from here . ”
“What? Where?”
Hansoo pointed towards the giant rat that was holding onto seven different humans as it walked over to them from the question .
“We’ll find out if we ask . ”
Wouldn’t the original visitors of the Birdcage know that the best?
Crunch Crunch .
‘What kind of rat…’
Karhal frowned .
A 4m large rat .
A mouse was a cute animal within Karhal’s memories since he used to raise a pet hamster but when it grew to 4m in size, it was a completely different story .
And even more so if it held humans with broken necks in its hands .
It didn’t just look like a rat standing up but rather much similar to a human due to the abnormally developed upper body muscles .
Actually, if Hansoo’s body was stretched to twice his size and put on a giant rat mask then he would look just like that .
‘It’s a **** crazy Mickey Mouse . It is doing an amazing job destroying my childhood . ’
Hansoo spoke towards Karhal .
“Support . I taught you the sign language right?”
Karhal nodded .
He was quite tense but he had no confidence to do anything alone in this place .
What the **** would he do in a place like this by himself .
‘Follow him for now . ’

Then .
“What the…”
Makeronia made a dumbfounded expression at the human who had started charging towards him .
It wasn’t abnormal to see a human charging at him .
Since the fearless ones trapped in the Birdcage charged at him the moment mana sustaining the barriers disappeared .
But nobody had charged at him by themselves like this before .
They charged in numbers of hundreds at the least .
The moment Makeronia threw away the humans in his hand and was about to smash Hansoo with his lifted right hand .
Hansoo, who was inspecting the Rebeloong closely while charging, sent a signal with his empty left hand which did not hold the spear .
Karhal gulped at the strange movements of the hand as he sent an attack with the <Snake’s Path> .
The bowstring rang as the arrow flew across and charged towards the giant mouse violently .
To be exact it was heading towards the right side of the heart Hansoo had signed him to shoot towards .
Makeronia scoffed as he looked at the arrow flying towards him .
Not bad .
A bug who had this much strength was within the strongest of the bugs .
But their races were still different .
He didn’t have the sixth sense or the tenacity of the Arukons but he still had muscles, senses and a body that was dimensions apart in quality .
The target of the arrow could clearly be seen by him .
And he could easily dodge it .
‘I guess I’ll have to try a bit . ’

The moment Makeronia scoffed and was about to focus onto the arrow flying towards him .
Hansoo’s eyes shone .
At the same time .
Hansoo’s speed rose by multiple times in an instant .
The Dragon Essence Blade lined up within his body as it enhanced his body and the liquid metal of the Body Enhancement Surgery further enhanced the previous result .
Hansoo’s body, which was still at a human’s level, evolved even beyond the Rebeloong .
The body that could fight against Dakidus when his runes were crawling upon the very bottom had now received the blessings of 100% maximized runes as his body’s strength easily rose over the limit of destroying a Rebeloong .
Makeronia, who was focused entirely on the arrow, turned around at the sudden change in noise and then freaked out at the human who was charging towards him with a speed that was unbelievably faster than what it had been before .
“You . . You **** rat!”
“Funny . ”
A painful mistake .
The human had gotten up to his face in an instant and was slashing its spear at his head .
Makeronia fell in despair as he stared at the golden spear that was flying in to penetrate his head and tried to call for his comrades .
He was acting solo because of the pride as a 3rd Generation member but as he fell into a dangerous situation, the swarm instincts within his blood had boiled up .
He was different than the Akalachias or the Arukons who lived in small communities .
They were a race who used their massive numbers of their swarm to suppress the enemy .
The instincts that were sleeping within his blood since it wasn’t needed due to him not having met any powerful opponents suddenly exploded out .

But it was too late .
The spear that was heading for his head made a strange twist as it penetrated his vocal chord near his neck .
And as the vocal chords got cut and the spear blocked his throat, the scream that was coming up got stopped .
Makeronia freaked out as he tried to retaliate .
Since he could continue to move as long as his head remained intact .
But sadly the spear that cut through his vocal chords did not stop there as it continued to penetrate its way through .
Kwaduduk .
The spear that cut through his vocal chords dug in even deeper, smashed through his skull and stopped right in front of the brain and numerous other nerves .
“… . gurgle . ”
The entire body of Makeronia that was about to retaliate stopped moving .
The muscles loosened up as the lower body that was supporting him started to give away .
Then .
Makeronia couldn’t stand up any longer after the nerves that reached down to his body got severed as he slowly fell down backwards .
Everyone freaked out as they saw Hansoo who had turned a Higher Race half dead in an instant .
For somebody to turn that monstrous being into a **** in an instant .
And the amazement was the same to Karhal as well .
“Woah…Can’t you just handle all of this once your mana comes back?”
Karhal joked around as he spoke .
For him to smash apart something that even hundreds of people had a hard time killing in an instant .
The sensation that he hadn’t been in this world that long when he fought Dakidus could clearly be felt now .

Hansoo shook his head at Karhal’s joke of a question .
“It’s like this because there’s no mana . ”
He didn’t have a lot of skills and their mastery weren’t high anyway .
Since every skill were high quality they had a much stronger might than other people but that wasn’t his strong point .
The human’s strongest point was the firepower coming from numerous chain activations of skills .
If a manaless Hansoo was like having his hands and legs tied, a normal adventurer without mana was like an armless and legless person .
‘Well . It wouldn’t be as much as these guys though . ’
Hansoo mumbled as he looked at the Rebeloong twitching on the ground with its head almost cut off .
These guys were probably beyond being armless and legless and instead probably felt like a fish out of water .
‘It’s nice I got him before he screamed . ’
This guy was the weakest of the three race in terms of one on one battle but their numbers were the problem .
He had profited since he had ambushed while it had been distracted but if his comrades came running after it screamed out then things would’ve turned much more tiresome .

Gurgle .
Hansoo approached the Rebeloong who was watching him in fear on the ground and then sat upon its chest .
He then asked with his fingers raised .
“What generation?”
“If you answer well then I’ll end you quick and painlessly . If not then I’ll just leave . ”
At those words the fear in Makeronia’s eyes deepened .
It was better to die cleanly here .
Since the ones who he had thrown away were glaring at him in rage and hate after realizing the situation .
‘Even…Even the **** I have done to these guys alone in this place is enough…’
The moment Hansoo’s fingers, which were rotating around 1, 2 and 3, landed on 3 .
Makeronia used his eyelids which were still moving and hurriedly blinked numerous times .
“A third generation…”
“Wait! Don’t kill him!”
The moment the rage filled voices were heard by Hansoo .
Crunch .
Hansoo smashed apart the head of the Rebeloong and stood up as if he was done here .
Karhal made a confused expression from those actions .
“Didn’t you need these guys?”
Hansoo shook his head at those words .
“I don’t need these things . I need the ones who lived here originally . ”
“The ones who lived here?”
Hansoo nodded .

1st Generation .
He needed the ancient beasts that used to live here hundreds of years ago and still continued to live here .
This place .
The beginnings of the Higher Race who had gained their strength from the Sage’s research lab, the
‘Parrot, rat, dog and monkey…Quite a lot huh . ’
Ones who had become a new race after being enhanced so they can create the , which was the base of the Sage’s power, within their own body .
‘If I can attain that then…The humans would also be able to attain a sea of mana that they can use . ’
Hansoo thought of his final goal .

Translator’s Note : Oh **** . Dat foreshadow
Red Zone : Breeding Grounds .
Orange Zone : Steroids Factory .
Yellow Zone : Hogwarts?
We shall see .

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