Return of The 8th Class Mage Chapter 154:

Chapter 128 .  The Elite Force (1)

We will go in with a ‘small elite force’ .

Maliotus responded to that statement .

He forced himself up from exhaustion .

(I will help too!)

Wouldn’t it be so that he could save his father?

It was a desperate, yet fitting response .

But, Ian’s thought was different .

“It is better if you would just take care of yourself first, however . ”

(I can’t do that!  This is to save my father .  My younger sister Hellanelia and I will help!  I understand that we are not as great a force as you or my father, but we can still be helpful in our own ways… . . )

“I know .  You will be helpful .  Of course, we will also seek the power of your sister Hellanelia .  Never the less, I think it will be better if you would stay and recuperate . ”

There was a sense of resoluteness in Ian’s voice .

Maliotus expressed his frustration .

(Why, why do you insist?  Is it because I’m injured?  It doesn’t matter .  If it was for saving my father, I will have no regrets even if I were to die at this moment… . . !)

“That’s why you need to stay . ”

Ian explained his reasoning .

The reason why Maliotus needed to stay, that was .

The reason was more logical than thought .

It was not only self-centered, but also realistic .

“If Evantus has died, and his children Maliotus and Hellanelia were to die as well, it will bring about incredible loss upon me as well .  The way to enter  Reeses Rajendu’s repository of time will vanish . ”

In order to enter the space where the Reeses Rajendu’s spirit dwells, Reeses Rajendu’s ‘direct descendants who are half dragons’ were needed .  That is, Evantus and Maliotus, Hellanelia’s breaths were the necessary elements to enter the repository of time, in order to see Reeses Ranjendu .

“You two are his only remaining descendants, is it not?  Unless there are other hidden children of your father or grandfather, you two could not perish easily . ”

(Grand, grandfather… . . )

Maliotus spoke with some awkwardness .  Of course it wasn’t a wrong statement with respect to the bloodline reference .   Reeses Rajendu’s being was certainly like their grandfather .

“Consider it an extra recuperation time . ”

(…… . )

Maliotus closed his mouth tightly .

Ian Paige was like his hope .

The only hope which will save his father .

How could he show disrespect to him?

It is so, if he says so .

At least that was the case for now .

(… . . I will put my father and my sister in your hands . )

“That is prudent . ”

Ian was satisfied with the response .

He then spoke to the Fairy Queen again .

“My queen, I will open a portal to your home . ”

The home place, that is, the dragons’ lair .

Ian has opened the portal to take her to that place .

“Have an enjoyable journey . ”

(Gosh, you are making such a big deal over a trivial matter . )

Why has the Fairy Queen been **** for a while now?  There was no way for Ian to read her emotional ups and downs .  He could only agree to this or that, or whatever she would say .

“… . . Then I’ll go and find those individuals who could be helpful . ”

(Is there anyone else remaining other than Evantus’ daughter?  The sorcerers at the Ivory Tower don’t seem to be at par yet .  If anyone there, perhaps, it would be that swordsman only?)

There were only possibilities .  As a result, the two individuals that he could visit at this juncture were ‘Hellanelia’, the dragonian, and Captain Oliver Raywood, who were the only two that she has mentioned .

(Well, do as you please .  Just come back and see me when you are all ready . )

“I will . ”

With that, the Fairy Queen went to her home place through the portal, and Ian initiated a teleportation spell .  The destination was the Village of Bourdon, which was the village left in Hellanelia’s charge .

“Well then . ”

With bright white lights, the surrounding landscape has changed .  Although he was in the house until a moment ago, he was already in the center of a corner village within the Roe Empire .  However, something seemed to be off .

“… . . Is this not the place?”

Ian could not, but doubt his own eyes .  So much has changed and there was no wonder that he was in doubt of himself .  The panoramic view of the changed village came into his eyes .   The number of settlers in the village has drastically increased, it seemed .

Even until last year, it was just a tiny rural village at the corner of the empire .  It was like that when Ian ousted the false sect order and brought out Craven, the sculptor, and put Hellanelia in charge .  It was certainly like that that, but how could it have changed so much so fast?

“Sir dragon, dragon’s emissary!”

A middle aged woman has recognized him as she was passing by .

It was as if she was in such great shock to see him that she even dropped her bread basket .

“Oops, I’m sorry . ”

Ian conjured up magic upon seeing that .  After dusting off the dirt from the fallen bread, he then neatly placed them back into the basket .  Although it was a very simple occurrence of using magic to make life’s chores easy, for most people, it was a sight to behold with wonder .

Translations by AsianHobbyist Website .

“Please take them .  They should be clean now . ”

“Thank, thank you!  Thank you! O dragon’s emissary!”

Having received the cleaned up bread basket, the middle aged woman moved her shoulders up and down in excitement .  It seemed to have gotten worse .  That is, the blind faith towards the dragon’s existence .

‘Still, the complexion has gotten better . ’

What has changed wasn’t just the village itself .  Unlike the tough life due to hardships and starvation back in the time, it appeared that people were now living more comfortably with plenty to eat .  He could feel it just by looking on the face of the middle aged woman .

‘Did the village agree with the people more so than they thought?

No matter how hard he thought, there was only one reason that might have caused a tiny corner village to grow in such fashion in such a short time .  They like Hellanelia, and that there was a high probability that they were getting her complete support .

“I’ve come to see Hellanelia, do you know where she is?”

“She, as a dra, dragon’s descendant, must by now be… . . ”

The place that the woman pointed was outside the village .

It was a rather high hill in the distance .

“Do you mean she went to that mountain?”

“Yes, yes!  O dragon’s emissary!”

“Hmmmm .

Is going to the mountain the only way to see her?

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