Return of The 8th Class Mage Chapter 190:

You, who are the descendant of the mad human Fran Paige, the root cause of the ill-fated relationship over the several thousand years .   After destroying your crude spiritual being, I’ll immediately set out to the world and will also find your real body . )

“Well, that may be a bit difficult?”

As his counterpart has changed, Ian’s tone also changed to being dismissive .  Even being a young dragon, it probably lived longer than Ian .  In fact, the length of that gap between the two would be very great .  However, Ian did not back down .  That was because he did not want to speak with decorum to that group of ‘lizard bastards’ .

(You, arrogant human, your pride sees no bounds only having a single successful surprise attack!)

‘Herpai Dotos’, the red dragon, which had been instantly defeated by Ian when they met, shouted in a little excited tone .  Was that all?  He intensely stared at Ian as if he was about to chew up Ian .

“The pride of the one who was defeated, reaching high is funny as well . ”

(… . . )

“You drummed up and brought a bunch of your friends after getting a little beat down?”

(Is there fairness in hunting?)

“Was there ever any pride in lizards?”

(You bastard… . !)


It was a conversation that went nowhere .

There was no more reason to talk anymore .

It would just dry up their mouths .

Kwang!  Kwang!  Kwang!

Rather than engaging in a useless talk, the six young dragons, with Herpai Dotos as their leader, began to thump their paws on to the ground .  The sound that was created was like that of a thunder .  That was definitely an expression of anger and animosity such that the ambience that has been created was as if to cause an immediate bloodbath .

“Are you showing off for being large?”

The sound that they were making was overwhelming such that an ordinary entity and even an unordinary entity would fear .  However, it did not work at all on Ian .   All that just felt like large bodies making booming noise to Ian .

“Not very impressed . ”

Showing a slight smile, Ian raised high his right foot .

Furthermore, he smashed the purple sandy ground with a booming sound .

It was the same way of thumping the ground as that of the six dragons .

However, the outcome was on a different scale .

Koookooookoookooo… . !

The ground on that which was smashed began to show cracks .  Like a fan, tens of lines of cracks stretched out with enormous velocity .  It was ‘Ian’s way of responding’ to the young dragon’s thumping .

“Come on . ”

Ian even flicked his finger .  His confidence filled appearance was enough to incite the wraths of the young dragons .  How could a mere human being be that audacious?  Nothing was more insulting that this .  They wanted to finish Ian off as soon as possible .  That was, including the real body that was hiding somewhere in the outside world as well as that altered spiritual being .



However, the wraths of the six young dragons .

Kwang!  Kwang!

Also, the ‘advice’ that they had given to Reeses Rajendu so that they could eliminate Ian has just been completely came to a halt in the end .  The reason was simple .  No matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t even defeat Ian’s spiritual being…

“It wasn’t even a surprise attack this time . ”

Kwaang!  Kwaang!  Kwaang!

The beating was strictly ‘one way’ .

That was, on the group of dragons before Ian’s power .

In fact, it seemed to be more one way than when Ian had launched a surprise attack .


Having thrown the six young dragons to the ground, Ian spoke to ‘Herpai Dotos’, the sentry, by tapping him with the tip of his foot .  It was the most humiliating moment of the strongest of all creations, yet he could not respond in any way .  It wasn’t just Herpai Dotos .  It was same for all the other dragons .  Every one of them was buried in the purple sand, and could only wriggle about .

“If you have any other issues, speak now .  I’ll resolve them for you . ”

(Krrrr… . . !  You bastarrrd…!  How dare…!)

That feeling of humiliation did not rise from the tapping of Ian’s foot .  The reason for the overwhelming sense of humiliation came from the fact that all six of them were defeated by that human, Ian Paige, let alone by his spiritual being .  They were shaking at the unimaginable outcome .

(Surely, are you his descendant?)

(Can’t believe it is the power of a human being . )

(Has he, the man of nightmare, returned… . !)

The other dragons that were watching from a distance couldn’t help, but be astonished as well .   The incredible power, they felt from Fran Paige in the ancient days, which was too strong to be belonging to a human being, was clearly felt from this little young human, Ian Paige .

It was the feeling of reliving the past nightmares of losing half of their race .  Was it because of that, the murderous spirit against Ian permeated even stronger .

“Is it sufficient now?”

Of course, whether the little dragons were gnashing their teeth or not .

Whether other dragons were channeling murderous spirits or not .

Ian nonchalantly asked Reeses Rajendu .

(It was a good lesson . )

Reeses Rajendu swayed his long neck back and forth in response to that question .

(Those children, too, should have learned something . )

“I still think that they would just make some excuses . ”

(They are smart .  Soon, they would learn much more . )

The young dragons kept still upon hearing Reeses Rajendu’s words .  Then supporting each other, they removed themselves to a distant spot .  That was because they could no longer speak to Ian in disrespectful tones as the leader of their race was speaking in respectful way .  Furthermore, a defeat was a defeat .

“May I return now?”

(Certainly .  Do return . )

“I’ll try to pay you another visit shortly . ”

(As an adversary, or as a friend?)

“It could be something other than those two . ”

(True .  I shall wait for good news . )

“I’d like that as well . ”

Ian said a short farewell .

His body became blurred .

It was the unique condition of the spiritual being, losing its form .

“Then . ”

That was how Ian’s body disappeared .

Once again, only the dragon race and the purple sphere remained inside the purple space .

* * *

(Atar Haka . )

Inside the dimensionless purple space from which Ian has disappeared, Reeses Rajendu, who has just been speaking to Ian, said as he was staring into the empty space .  Then another dragon came forth, flying from that direction .  It was the ‘black fire’ Atar Haka, a dragon with black hide and scale, and the second highest in the ranks of the dragon race .

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