Return of The 8th Class Mage Chapter 39:

Fashionable Society (1)

“We reduced its size to half, will it be okay?”


One day in a peaceful capital .

In front of the mansion of Ian Page .

A boy was confronting Ian .

A boy who looked 3 to 4 years older than Ian .

It was a ‘Vans,’ the novice of Thram’s workshop .


“It won’t be easy to make it smaller, right?”

“I’m sorry but yes . Smaller than that would be out of our technology… . . ”


Ian couldn’t think of any portable design of the communication orb for his mother .

So, he placed his order to the workshop again .

And this was the result .


“It will be enough, though . You must have gone through many efforts . ”

“Our best workers spent days to do it . A, and me as well . ”

“Is it that hard of a task?”

“Yes sir . Firstly, it is an expensive product, so we had to be careful . We dismantled every part of it, and we started from the fundamental mana circuit… . . ”


Vans started to recite the complicated hextech vocabulary .

Ian couldn’t understand a single word of it .

Ian decided to change the topic .


“Here is my payment . ”

“N, no thank you . Chief told me not to receive any extra payment… . ”

“But you did your job . ”

“Ah, he is strict man, thank you for your kindness, though . ”


Ian wanted to hand over money bag, but Vans refused it .

He couldn’t refuse his master’s order . Ian may give it forcefully since he had enough power to overwritten his order, but it would only make Vans get into the trouble .


“Then . ”


Ian pick portion of money from a bag, and handed to Vans .


“Take it as reward for your delivery . ”

“B, but I can’t… . . ”


Ian remained silence .

It was a silent gesture .

Vans understood it, and he received the money, embarrassed .


“T, thank you so much! Thank you for caring me . ”


It was a kindness from an Archmage, which was honor to him .

Suddenly, as he recalled something, Vans started to be looked nervous .


“S, sir Ian?”

“Yes, please speak . ”

“Before a few weeks ago, when you visited our workshop for the first time, I was in a hurry and… . . I was being rude to you… . . ”


Suddenly, Vans started his confession .


“I, I can’t remember it clearly, but whether I really did it or not, I kept it in mind and have felt sorry for you since then……”


It seemed he was worrying about it from since . It was a natural reaction though .

Ian wasn’t just normal noble, but an Archmage . And Vans was being rude to such a high person . If Ian wanted, he could order it to kick him out from the workshop .


“Ah, now I remember . ”

“Y, yes?”

“You told me to get off, didn’t you?”



Vans was regretting his decision now .

He shouldn’t have said it .


“Please be careful next time . ”

“Y, yes sir! I won’t! I appreciate your forgiveness!”


He just wanted to advise Vans to be aware about other nobles and mages, but it seemed Vans understood it in different way .


‘Well, I won’t need to correct it though . ’


In anyway, Vans would act more carefully now .

After Vans left, Ian returned to the mansion .




Douglas, who was listening their conversation sneakily, asked to Ian .


“Is he your new direct subordinate?”


“The boy you just met . If he is a new recruit, he is under my rank . ”

“Ha, you go too far . ”


Today was Douglas’ first day of school .

To ‘The Royal Alchemy Academy . ’

He wore nice and neat clothes .

Like Ledio .


“I will be back after bringing him to the academy, sir . ”

“See you later, Boss!”


After Ledio and his son left, the mansion was full of silence .

Ian’s mother didn’t leave her kitchen often these days .

She was inventing a ‘new red bean pie . ’

She was shocked after the received feedback of her pie from the Crown Prince as ‘mud . ’


Thanks to him, Ian ate a bunch of pies recently .

Now, he started to feel sick of it .


‘It’s good to have peaceful moments, but . ”


Ian had not that much to do nowadays .

He just needed to do simple studies at the Ivory Tower .

He was also receiving the academy curriculum individually .


‘It’s too peaceful . ”


Since he rewound time, he didn’t have a single moment to rest .

From the mana test to the duel with Helene .

Physical hardness could be restored by mana breath .

However, mental hardness couldn’t be restored easily .

He wanted to take a rest, and he was finally granted it .

But, now he forgot how to enjoy this resting moment .


‘Am I allowed to rest like this while doing nothing?’


Such pressure didn’t release Ian easily .

He was afraid .

He had to regain his power, and had to protect his mother .

In addition, he had to make a new trending power at the ivory tower .

For last, his revenge on Ragnar .

He still had a long way to go .


“Phew . ”


Ian laid down on the big chair .

Ian had no one, who might gladly chat with him and chill .

A true ‘friend’, who could be friendly and trusted without afraid of Ian’s Archmage title .


‘I have none . ’


Mother was just mother .

Ledio was too thoughtful .

Douglas was too young .

The other honorable mention would be… .


‘The Crown Prince?’


Ian suddenly remembered the Crown Prince, Hayden .

Soon, he shook his head .


‘What the heck am I thinking… . . ”


Out of all people but why the Crown Prince?

Ian blamed himself .


“Sir Ian . ”


At that moment, a maid came to Ian .

It was a maid called, ‘Hara . ’


“An invitation from the royal palace has been sent to you . ”

“An invitation?”


Invitation? For what?

There were no parties to be invited as far as Ian knew .

Ian quickly started to read the letter .

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