The Book Eating Magician Chapter 293:

Chapter 293 – Reproduction of Myths (1)

Once Nuada answered Theodore’s call, a divine light flowed out and filled the area .

This was the body that was the symbol of victory .  Nuada’s divine power covered the greatly wounded masters and revived their vitality, to the point where fighting again was possible .  Most legends admired him as a war god, but there were a few where he was a healing **** .

The king of the gods wasn’t almighty, but he was close to all-powerful .  He protected the fishermen in the sea, healed all diseases on the ground, and was the sun **** who ruled from the sky .  There was no **** as powerful as Nuada, and he also had an army of followers . In the second battle of Mag Tuired, the guardian who risked his life to overthrow Crom Cruach was Nuada Airgetlám .

He spoke to Invidia in a voice filled with dignity, [You look different from that time, Invader . ]

As Theodore had guessed, the two beings knew each other .

Nuada looked coldly at Invidia, who was in the shape of an old man .  [No, I don’t think the shell means much to you . The shallow need to take away the power of others to fulfill that desire remains the same . ]

“…Nuada Airgetlám . A ghost is insulting me?” Nuada’s words seemed to have struck a nerve as Invidia stiffened from the insult .

Even though Nuada had died, he was the king of the **** clan and couldn’t be compared to simple ghosts .

However, instead of falling for the provocation, Nuada laughed like Invidia had made a funny joke . [Huhaha! If I am a ghost, what are you? You might split into 10,000 pieces, but you can’t become one by collecting 10,000 pieces . It has been thousands of years, and you are still walking in the wrong place . ]

“Don’t talk as if you know everything!”

It was a conversation that couldn’t be understood . Theodore could sense profound principles in their words, but he lacked the ability to understand the conversation between the god-king and the Seven Sins grimoire .

However, there was one thing Theodore was able to know for sure .  It was Nuada who took the lead in this struggle, while Invidia was falling prey to his provocations .

Nuada shrugged at the hedgehog-like response . [Well, okay . You haven’t changed your method even after falling down a few times . I will praise you for not knowing how to give up . ]

As he looked down at his prey, Nuada sneered, [This seventh or eighth attempt, I will score it with my sword . ]

It literally occurred in an instant .





At the next moment, Invidia stepped back with a sword mark on his face .  Theodore couldn’t see the attack or how it was avoided .

This was the power of Claimhb Solais . According to legends, it was said to produce black flames and emit light . However, this was an absurd remark made by people who had never seen Nuada fight in person .

[Hoh, you only got a light wound? I’ll give you 60 points . ]

The essence of Nuada’s sword was that it couldn’t be recognized .

“Light Speed Sword, is it?” Invidia muttered as he barely dodged a serious blow .  However, Nuada denied it, [That answer receives 0 points . If you can only think about that, you should give up on your unskilled attempts . ]

“What would you know…?!” Invidia roared, drawing his sword .  He used four types of Aura Abilities when dealing with Veronica, but now it exceeded 10 abilities .

Acceleration, Enhancement, Special Talent, Operating System, Discharge…

All types of Aura Abilities came together, distorting the space around the blade . If it were just the output, this would already be more than that of a grandmaster .  1+1=2, but Aura Ability wasn’t constant .  If the abilities were well-balanced, it was possible to cause a synergy of four times, maybe even 10 times .

In a few cases, the synergy of the Aura Abilities was multiplied by 16 .

The ability of the 6th stage, to combine all abilities to the maximum, was now being freed . It was a dimensional interference that could only be seen with ancient dragons . This power was undoubtedly the domain of the transcendents .

“Insignificant personification, go back to where you came from!”

Simultaneously, Invidia’s sword crushed the construct of time and space .

16 Compound Hidden Technique .

Six Paths to Kill a God .

World Breaking Emperor Strike .

The essence of swordsmanship was extracted from dozens of sword masters, and the 16 synergistic abilities combined .  Theoretically, it could separate the walls of the dimension…

[A swordsmanship that is just a shell, with no depth of power…] Nuada looked at the fearsome swirl of power, evaluating it in a mocking tone, [It really is useless . ]

Then the **** sword flashed once again .

“…Kuheook?” Blood flowed from the arms, legs, and many parts of Invidia’s body as he rolled on the ground in an unsightly manner .  World Breaking Emperor Strike… A technique with such a powerful name crumbled from one flash of light .

It was useless compared to the total amount of power contained within it .

There was a huge difference, like comparing a mountain to a grain of sand, or a lake to the sea . Of course, it was Invidia who had the dominant power in his attack, and Nuada was the inferior one .

In that case, what was this ridiculous result?

[Hmm, I tried to kill you, but you survived . Is it due to the extra power you put in your defensive abilities?]

According to Nuada, Invidia had just barely survived a fatal blow .

“You… you, you, youuuuuu―!!”

Invidia’s broken ribs and torn lungs were recovering at a rapid rate . The exposed bones from his right collarbone to his left hip were being covered up . ‘Adamantine Might’, ‘Immutability’, ‘Restoration’, ‘Joining’… It was thanks to the countless Aura Abilities that protected his body .

However, Invidia’s pride had long been torn to shreds .  It had been a long time since he was knocked down by a person . If he were ‘Pride’, it wouldn’t be strange for him to be brain-dead from the shame .

Finally, a dull madness filled Invidia’s eyes .  “You died, forgotten **** who is a ghost…!”

[Ah, thank you for that fact, Invader,] the god-king said, nodding lightly . Then he declared, [If this was my divine body, you would be dead already . ]


*     *     *


The sky was torn . It wasn’t an exaggeration . The sky was torn apart by the swords, revealing the black universe . It was evidence that 1,000 kilometers of the atmosphere had been destroyed .  It hadn’t been the aim, but it was the aftermath .

A sword that could cut down a mountain? The capturing of a fortress? Such sagas weren’t even worth discussing under that eerie sky .

“Hey . I was fighting with that guy up there?” Veronica recovered some strength and looked up at the sky, where two colored beams were colliding .

Her body’s condition was a mess, and their movements were too fast for her to even catch afterimages . She had no confidence to block three of those attacks in her draconic state, and evasion was out of the question .

When she thought about it now, her actions had been truly reckless .

“…Invidia didn’t think of this as a fight from the beginning,” Theodore replied while moving his hands .  He roughly joined together Edwin’s severed left arm and bandaged the neck of the barely breathing Ellaim .

Thanks to Nuada’s power, there was no need to worry about any life and death injuries . However, half the people here had lost their combat capabilities .

Randolph had his arms cured by Theodore’s potions, but the two elves were severely wounded . Orta had lost consciousness earlier and was in the best state, but space magic couldn’t be a threat to Invidia .

‘No, everyone is helpless in this situation . ’

The masters realized it when watching the battle between Nuada and Invidia . They couldn’t get involved in this fight .  Blundell’s Time Stop had only lasted a few seconds, and Veronica’s rampage seemed like child’s play . The only role left for them was to wish for Nuada’s victory .

“White Tower Master,” Theodore said, making the best decision he could, “Take the Blue Tower Master’s body and the two elves out of here . If Nuada wins, we will follow after you . However, you must be prepared for the worst . ”

“In other words… I am running away alone?”

“Yes . ” Theodore ignored Orta’s uncomfortable expression as he looked at the people around him . “I would like the other two to go with you as well, but… they don’t look like they will go . ”

“Of course! How can I leave you alone?”

“Do I look that unsightly? Besides, that son of a **** will just chase after me to kill me . It will only be delayed a few minutes if I ran away from here . ”

They were already prepared to die . Theodore looked at the two smiling people and gave up on persuading them .

Orta remained silent for a moment before eventually nodding .  “…Be sure to come back alive . Red Tower Master and Sir Randolph as well . ”

“Ohh! Who knew you could say such sentimental things?”

“Let’s have a drink when we return . ”

After fixing his mask, Orta picked up Blundell’s body and laid it beside the elf guardians .

It didn’t move .  The body had sturdy muscles and a calm face . Orta stopped moving as he gazed at Blundell, who seemed to be asleep, before acting again . The teleport circle finished quickly, maybe because there were fewer people .


There was a bright light, and only three people remained .

“Okay, we will be watching from now on? Which one is our side?” Randolph worried as he looked up at the sky .

“The silver light is probably Nuada . ” Hearing Theodore’s words, Randolph and Veronica gazed at the silver light in the sky .

The universe visible beyond the torn apart sky, the starry sky in daylight, was spectacular . The two rays of light constantly facing each other against that backdrop were reminiscent of fireworks at festivals .

Nuada’s silver glow and Invidia’s blood red light…

Theodore, Randolph, and Veronica couldn’t fathom the fight, but most of the light filling the sky was silver .  Sometimes, a **** vortex burst out, but it always disappeared without a trace due to the silver glow . It was clear who had the initiative .

Veronica had the same thought as Theodore . “It seems like that guy called Nuada is dominating . What do you think?”

“I had a similar thought, but we still don’t know . ”

That’s right . They didn’t know yet .

‘Nuada called Invidia ‘Invader’ . ’

The Seven Sins grimoire was colliding with a **** from the Age of Mythology . Theodore couldn’t forget that Nuada had accepted the summoning due to personal emotions .  It meant that the grimoire was an enemy of the gods, similar to the demons .

However, unlike the gods and demons, who no longer remained in this era, the Seven Sins were still active . In this area of survival, they surpassed both the gods and demons .  Invidia had been active for 500 years, so it wouldn’t be strange if he had something hidden up his sleeve .

He wasn’t an opponent that Theodore could relax against until the very end .

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