The Lazy Swordmaster Chapter 144:

“It looks like you are wondering how I knew . I am sorry, but I cannot tell you . It’s a family secret . ”

It seemed she read Nainiae’s mind again . With a smile, Reutrina brought her index finger to her lips . She leisurely walked to the front of Reutrina .

“What I said earlier, please think of it as a joke . ”

Reutrina put up a fox-like expression on her face and said,

“I’m also interested in Young Master Riley . ”


In less respectful tone, Nainiae called her and stared at her . Reutrina mumbled as if it was an excuse .

“As a woman, I threw a hissy fit because I was interested in Young Master… Please think of it like that . ”

To not show the look on her face, Reutrina walked past Nainiae . She dusted off the snow that accumulated on Nainiae’s shoulder and walked toward inside of the mansion .


Reutrina breathed out frosted mist as she walked back . Nainiae just stood there and watched Reutrina . Heliona, who was hiding behind Nainiae, showed her self and yelled, 

<Uuuuuaaaa! That wretched bitch!>

It was ringing in Nainiae’s ear . Nainiae looked like she was hurting from hearing the shouting right at her ear . Nainiae started to pad Heliona’s wings to calm her down .

“You held back well . ”

<Why did you just stand there? If you just burned her face with flame, she would have said, ‘Oh my, your appearance is quite fair! I am sorry I got on your nerve!’ and rolled her tail up! Why?! Why?!>

“I am not supposed to do that . ”

<Why not!!>

With her arms crossed, Heliona was breathing hard . She changed her target of anger and started to glare at Nainiae .

<Nainiae . You are lacking in self-awareness of who you really are!>


<That’s right! You are lacking in awareness of the fact that you are my master’s pupil! You are the pupil of Andal the red dragon . If you are one, then instead of ‘Ah, yes! Of course! Of course!’ you should have said ‘What? You got something to say? You got a problem? Wanna go at it?’ That’s the kind of response you should have shown!>

“Ah, ah haha…”

Heliona was lecturing Nainiae as she ground her teeth . Feeling awkward, Nainiae avoided the gaze and fiddled with her finger .

“By the way, the conversation earlier, didn’t it seem like there was more to it than the surface?”

<What about it?>

Although Nainiae brushed Heliona’s wings, Heliona was still perked up in anger . Heliona tilted her head .

“Usually, when people tells a joke, they just say ‘it was a joke . ’ On the other hand, the Princess said to think of it as a joke . ”

Nainiae thought that this could be interpreted as not a joke but take it as one . She asked for Heliona’s opinion .

“Am I reading too much into it?”

<No, it really could be…>

Heliona, who hated Reutrina, placed her fist at her chin and started to think hard about this .

<There’s no harm in being suspicious . I’m telling you this because I lived several hundred years longer than you . We occasionally saw that humans were far more conniving than we expected . > 

It seemed Heliona came to a conclusion in the end . She lifted her head from the fist . She turned to look at Nainiae and asked,

<I don’t think we should let it be like this . >


<Let’s crush that high and mighty pride of that wretched bitch!>

* * *

“Between w… white snow… and then what did you say?”

<The place where the black wings fly between white snow . The place where bright song surge without sound . >

“… Um…”

Sera carefully thought about what Heliona said . Not able to figure out what it was about, Sera scratched the back .

“Summon spirit’s language is difficult . ”

In response to Sera’s reaction, Nainiae also looked at Heliona on her shoulder with confused look .

“What’s the black wings flying between white snow? I presume the white snow would mean winter . As for the black wings… a crow?”

“What’s the bright song without sound about? It’s strangely worded, don’t you think? A song needs to have sound . ”

The two deduced through the words like detectives . Heliona looked at the two back and forth and described the place .

<About that place where the summon spirit is… I have never met the spirit myself either, so it would be hard for me to explain exactly about the place . One thing for certain is that… it is not far from here, although it is hard for me to pinpoint exactly where . >

Heliona was saying that the spirit that could make Nainiae reborn as an artificial summon spirit was nearby . Nainiae asked,

“Not too far from here?”

<Yes . Not too far from here . Why?>

It seemed Nainiae thought of something . Nainiae rolled her brain diligently . She then turned her head and looked at Riley who was sleeping .

“Ms . Heliona, you said you have met that spirit before, right?”

[TL: Earlier, Heliona said she had never met the spirit in person before . This statement is contradictory, but the author never corrected it . Conversations from here on assumes Heliona had met this spirit before . ]

<Yes? What about it?>

“Ms . Sera, while I am not here… can you please look after Young Master Riley?”

“Nainiae, by any chance, you…”

Sera was blurring the end of the sentence . Nainiae nodded and said,

“I think I should go meet that spirit myself . ”

Nainiae asked Heliona what would be the problems that she would face when she meets the spirit .

“The problem is that, after I meet the spirit, if our Young Master is in this state, would it be hard to proceed?”

Nainiae looked determined . She was asking with serious look on her face . Heliona seemed satisfied to see the determination in Nainiae . Heliona crossed her arms and shook her head . She said,

<No . It’s all right . For acknowledging the artificial summon spirit, the master and the one who will become the artificial summon spirit simply touching hands will be enough . If we are dealing with beings who do not have hands, then we will need to use a different method, but you are a human and have hands attached too . >

Heliona answered what Nainiae was curious about . Now, Heliona asked what she was curious about .

<By the way, you said you will go meet the spirit yourself? Have you figured out where?>

Heliona was asking if Nainiae figured out where ‘the place where the black wings fly between white snow . The place where bright song surge without sound’ was .

“… No . ”

Nainiae shook her head .

<Then what is it?>

“I’m going to use the eye . ”

Nainiae lightly brushed away the long hair to her right . She showed her right eye and asked again .

“Ms . Heliona . You said you have met that spirit before, right?”

<Huh? Ah, yes…>

Heliona was facing Nainiae’s white eye . Heliona had vacant look on her face and nodded .

“Please think about the spirit . Please think about the spirit in as much detail as possible . ”

Nainiae strained her right eye as she spoke . Heliona had awkward look on her face, and Nainiae started to glare at her with piercing gaze .

<Ah… okay!>

It seemed Heliona was feeling uncomfortable with facing Nainiae’s gaze . Heliona avoided her gaze and started to think about the summon spirit that she was supposed to introduce to Nainiae .


Strange atmosphere was flowing between Nainiae and Heliona . Sera looked back and forth between the two . It seemed Sera realized she should not step in . She took a step back and checked up on them .

‘This is the first time for me to use the eye on a summon spirit, and I had never tried to locate a summon spirit with this either, but…’

It seemed Nainiae was nervous . She firmly closed her lips and looked at Heliona . Gradually, the outlines of the scenery started to form in Nainiae’s head .

‘I’ll definitely…’

Rumors about her spread recently inside the mansion . The Nobilities were talking about her as if it was a snack for their drinks . Nainiae was doing this so they won’t be saying this like ‘it is too bad, but that Lazy-Sword will have to part ways with that maid . ’

‘I’ll definitely!’

It was also because she won’t remain silent about the things Reutrina said and added that they were jokes . Nainiae gathered power in her eye as much as she could .

‘… I can see it!’

The outline of the scenery became clear . What appeared to be fireflies could be seen in her right eye .


It seemed the visual was too bright . Nainiae cringed, and Sera asked out of concern .


<Are you all right?>

Concerned, Sera and Heliona asked . As if there was nothing to worry, Nainiae put forth her right arm and said,

“It’s all right . Jut for a moment… I felt throbbing pain for a bit, that’s all . ”

She felt pain inside her eye, so she cringed for a moment . However, Nainiae have not blinked once . It was still steadily gazing upon Heliona .

“I found it . Almost… Just a little further . ”

Heliona looked at Nainiae’s eye . Nainiae’s right eye was shaking, unable to focus . Heliona raised her hand, trying to say that Nainiae was going to overexert herself at this rate .

<Nainiae, that’s enough… I think it is…>

To ask her to hold just a little longer, Nainiae raised her hand and cast barrier . She continued to gaze at Heliona .

‘I found it!’

She screamed in pain . Nainiae covered her right eye with both of her hands and lowered her upper body .

“… Uuuuk . ”


Nainiae was faltering . Sera came to support her and asked as she wiped off the sweats on Nainiae’s face .

“Are you all right?”

“… Yes . ”

“I have told you so many times, haven’t I? I told you not to overdo things! Young Master would not be pleased with this either!”

“I am sorry . I was being stubborn just now… I admit that . However, I found it . ”


Sill covering her right eye with her hands, Nainiae raised her upper body back up . With her left eye, Nainiae looked at Heliona and said,

“The place where the black wings fly between white snow . The place where bright song surge without sound . ”

She looked exhausted, but the look on her face seemed Nainiae was overjoyed when she mumbled the riddle . Still supported by Sera, Nainiae slowly turned her head .

“That place is…”

As she said, the place that Nainiae turned to after looking at Heliona was really not far .



Out of the blue, Nainiae was looking at Riley . Sera and Heliona both had confused look on their faces as they tilted their heads .

* * *


Although it was for a brief moment, Reutrina got to go on a night walk with Nainiae . Reutrina narrowed her eyes as soon as she returned to her room .

“She is at Seven Circles? How fierce . ”

Having realized that the maid from the Iphalleta Family was at Seven Circles, not Six, she was thinking she should alter her plans .

“If she is at the same level as Astroa, I think it will be tough . I heard she was at Six Circles during spring… It’s only been half a year, so how could she grow so fast?”

She untied the string that was tying her hair . Reutrina shook her head and flaunted her hair waiving in the air as she walked toward the terrace .

“Should I have stayed there and try to read her thoughts some more?”

The terrace was filled with snow piled up .

“No . ”

Just like what she did when she was out for a walk, she gathered and lumped up the snow . With cold look on her face, Reutrina muttered,

“Nothing good will come from doing too much . ”

It was hard to believe that Reutrina right now was the same person that spoke with Nainiae earlier . Reutrina was exuding unbelievably deadly aura .

“… Um?”

Soon, Reutrina found something that flew through the snowing night sky . She extended her right arm out .

“A carrier pigeon?”

It was a black winged eagle . It had a long, folded letter that was attached on its leg .

“There, there . ”

With its talons wide open, the eagle landed on Reutrina’s arm . As if it was trying to tell Reutrina to check the message quickly, it screamed once .

“All right, is it sent by our mad dog?”

It seemed Reutrina figured out who sent the letter . She had a shady smile on her face as she opened the letter .

“… It is . ”

She slowly read the content of the letter . She then clicked her tongue and let out frustration .

“I thought this will happen, but still, looks like they didn’t catch him . How foolish . ”

She started to flinch her shoulder .


To summarize the content of the letter, which had two main points, ‘we lost the **** we had been chasing, and two of our comrades were done in . ’

“Huh . ”

The good news she was expecting were nowhere to be seen . Instead, the letter only had bad news . Reutrina started to crumple the letter mercilessly .


Reutrina was looking down at the letter and shaking her shoulders . The following words were reflecting on her eyes .

[From the Right Leg, to the Head]

Wondering if she read the letter wrong, Reutrina slowly looked over the letter once more . It seemed she was agitated .  

“haah… haah…”

She blushed and started to moan in excitement .

“Ah… Ah ah… As I thought! I didn’t see it wrong!”

Between her lips which was moaning just now, her tongue slowly came out and started to lick around the lips .

“… I want…”

Glamorously, as if she was seducing someone, as if she was trying to hold down something boiling inside her, she bit her finger . She licked the finger and muttered,

“… I want to have…”

Like a fox full of **** during the mating season, she was blushing red and mumbling as she licked her finger . Her eyes were… burning with purple light .

“Even more, I must have…”

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